A/N: Henlo, first Fairy Tail fanfic of mine, but I really couldn't just keep this idea locked up in my head because IT JUST FITS I SWEAR.
Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail nor do I own Letters to Juliet, and if anyone has had the same idea already, I apologize but I was unaware of it.
NOTE: This an AU, so it won't be focused too much on Fairy Tail as a guild. Also, Wendy will be closer to Lucy's age. For this story, all the characters will be about 23-24, while Wendy will be around 21 or 22.
Chapter 1
Lucy Heartfilia had already been in contact with fifteen Macao Conbolts but she wasn't going to be disappointed with herself. There were still two Macao Conbolts on her list, and she was going to get the right one. She just knew it.
Don't give up, Lucy! she told herself as she dialled the number of another Macao Conbolt.
"Yes?" a deep voice answered.
"Hi. I'm Lucy Heartfilia from Sorcerer Magazine," she replied.
"A journalist? Never had one calling for me before," Macao Conbolt chuckled.
Lucy chuckled as well. "I'm more a fact checker, really. Think of it as a detective, of sorts."
"Oh, I see. What did you need from me, Miss Lucy?"
"I just wanted to ask where you were after the battle with Oracion Seis."
"I was at… hmm, I think I was near the bakery."
Lucy's eyes brightened. She actually got the Macao Conbolt she was looking for! "And you saw the kiss?"
"Between Bisca and Alzack? Sure did!"
Bisca was probably the name of the beautiful green haired woman kissing the black haired man in the picture given to Lucy by her boss. It was almost February, and he thought it would be nice to do some fact checking on something romantic. He had handed her the picture and asked her to find out some more details about it, and of course she had been hyped to get it done.
"That's amazing! About the kiss… was it planned or was it spontaneous?"
"Pretty sure it was spontaneous. Alzack was pretty relieved that we'd beaten Oracion Seis, and he kissed Bisca 'cause he really liked her. She kissed him back 'cause I'm pretty sure she liked him, too. But then, I guess it was worth it since they're married now."
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this information!" Lucy was practically jumping in excitement at the details she had managed to get.
"No problem, Miss Lucy."
After the call ended, she excitedly wrote down her notes and typed up a report for her boss.
"It was spontaneous, but that kiss ended up forming a deeper connection between them that eventually led to them getting married. It's true love," Lucy sighed happily as she finished explaining her report to her boss. Jason, her boss, wasn't normally one for romantic things, but he enjoyed having her as a fact checker.
"COOOOOLLLL!" he exclaimed, happily placing her report on the pile of papers on his desk.
"This will make an excellent story for next month's edition, Lucy! And hey, at least you can go on that honeymoon of yours. Magnolia, right?"
Lucy nodded. "Yeah, we—"
"Well, enjoy your honeymoon!" Jason cheered.
Lucy hesitated before asking, "I was also wondering if it would be nice for me to do some writing over there? I—"
"Why'd you want to be a writer, Lucy? You're an amazing fact checker already!" Jason wondered out loud before shrugging. "But anyways. Off to Magnolia, aye? COOOLL!"
She took that as a dismissal so she sighed and stepped out of his office, where Levy, her best friend and fellow co-worker, hurriedly went over to her to walk her out of the building.
"So, Lu-chan, a pre-honeymoon, huh? Who even does that before they're married? Mou, I'm a little jealous," Levy admitted with an exaggerated sigh. "Gajeel wouldn't even do that for me."
"That's because he's Gajeel, Levy-chan," Lucy giggled. "He's just not the type, is he?"
"No, I suppose not. He writes me songs, at least." Levy sighed again, noticing that they had reached the door of the building. "Well, I'll see you in a few weeks at your wedding then, Lu-chan?"
"Of course!"
Lucy was honestly excited to have a wedding, although most of the preparations were given to her younger sister, Michelle, and Natsu's father, Igneel. It was partially due to the pre-honeymoon they had scheduled for themselves, since Natsu was going to be opening up his spicy food restaurant in a few weeks' time.
She had been so distracted by her thoughts that she didn't realize that she had already arrived at what would be Natsu's restaurant. The construction workers were still finishing some parts of the building, but the interior and the most important part, the kitchen, were all set.
"Luce, there you are!" her fiancee, Natsu, cheered happily, hugging her quickly before grabbing one of the fish in the grill for her to try. "Try this, Luce! I was asking Happy for some suggestions and he said this fish was the best!"
And by Happy he meant their pet cat. Happy was rather odd in that he was colored blue and that his meows sounded more like 'aye's, but Happy was adorable and she loved him.
She eagerly opened her mouth and took a bite off of the fish, eyes widening slightly with how spicy it was before the flavors started to make sense. She grinned at Natsu. "Wow! That was totally awesome, Natsu! Happy has great taste."
"I know right? And I have some other sauces to go with that somewhere here. I've just been—"
"Natsu," she tried to cut in.
"—experimenting the whole time and this lemon flavoured one actually surprisingly tasted good—"
"Natsu," she cut in again more forcefully, earning his attention.
"We're going to Magnolia in a few hours. Remember? Have you even packed?" she sighed at him while giving him an exasperated smile. He was an idiot, but he was her idiot.
"Oops," he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "but it's not that hard to pack! And woohoo, we're going to Magnolia, Luce!"
In his excitement, he had picked her up in his arms and twirled her around, and for a moment, Lucy had hope that the pre-honeymoon was actually going to go well.
Or not.
They had arrived safely in Magnolia and had rented a room for a week from a tiny landlady. While Natsu was asleep, Lucy had ventured outside with a map of Magnolia, noting down spots like the East Forest and the Kardia Cathedral that she would really like to visit while they were here. She marked those spots down on a map before heading back up to their room, where she found Natsu on the phone with someone. She settled her things by the bed and waited until Natsu got off of his phone to tell him about the spots she found.
"Luce, you won't believe it!"
Lucy blinked in surprise. "What happened?"
"I was just talking to Uncle Metallicana! You know, Gajeel's dad?" Lucy nodded but she really didn't see where this was going, or how this was connected to their trip around Magnolia. "So anyways, he found me some suppliers around Magnolia who'd teach me their stuff for my restaurant. Isn't that amazing, Luce?"
"Oh," Lucy let out disappointedly, but she didn't want to show Natsu her disappointment. She had just thought that this was their honeymoon, so business matters really shouldn't be getting in the way. She just asked for one week after all. Was that too much? "I found some spots I wanted us to go to, but—"
"We can check those spots sometime later, Luce! We have a week, anyways. Besides, the places I'm taking you too have a vineyard and some good food! Come on, Luce, I promise you won't regret it!" Natsu pleaded with her with his puppy dog eyes that she could never say 'no' to.
"Oh, alright," she said as she let him drag her off to meet his suppliers.
Eventually, she just asked him if he'd like to split up. It wasn't a suggestion she wanted, but seeing as he was so preoccupied with his suppliers (he had taken her to taste wine, grapes, cheese, and the like, and while the food was definitely good, it just wasn't the honeymoon she had been looking forward to), she felt that it would be better for the both of them. And especially for her. Natsu had willingly agreed, calling it a win-win situation, but she didn't really feel like a winner. She was supposed to view Magnolia with Natsu.
That was the whole purpose of the honeymoon, she thought to herself as she walked around the stone paths of Magnolia. Eventually, she came upon an alley with a sign saying 'Juliet's House'. Curiously, she entered the alley and saw many girls writing things on paper and sticking it on the wall under Juliet Capulet's famous balcony. One girl had slowly walked towards her, tears trickling down her face.
"Are you alright?" Lucy asked her and the girl cried again, saying, "Juvia wants to know why Gray-sama doesn't love her back! He never looks at her the way he looks at that other girl!" before leaving. Lucy felt bad for the poor girl, watching as the girl turned a corner before Lucy focused again on the wall. The wall was made up of letters written by many girls, all about love problems. It was an occurrence that rarely happened to her back in the town where the Heartfilia Konzern was located in, so she sat down by a bench and wrote about this in her journal.
By the time she stopped writing, it was already sometime in the late afternoon, and Lucy was about to leave when she noticed a blue haired woman taking down the letters and putting them in a basket before leaving the alley. Curious, Lucy followed the woman and turned to an alley by the right. The woman had entered a restaurant and met up with three other women, who joined her as they went up a flight of stairs. Lucy followed them and noticed the label 'Secretaries of Juliet' on the door before she knocked on the door to grab their attention.
The four women, who were all seated around a table, letters messily arranged in the center, all turned to look at her.
"Yes?" the blue haired woman she had seen asked her.
"Um," Lucy began, suddenly slightly embarrassed for following the woman before replying, "Sorry, it's just… I saw you putting the letters in a basket, and I got curious."
"Are you a writer?" the woman asked.
Lucy shook her head. But I wish I was.
The woman smiled at her before explaining, "We are the secretaries of Juliet. Every day, you see a number of girls coming over to Magnolia just to write to Juliet."
Lucy hummed in response, noting the letters on the table and the women who were writing on separate sheets of paper. "'Secretaries of Juliet'… that means… you reply to those letters?"
The woman smiled again and nodded.
Lucy gasped. "That's amazing!"
"Well, someone's gotta do it," the woman agreed with her. "I'm Wendy. The redhead over there is Erza. She deals with boyfriend problems since she and her boyfriend Jellal have had so many fights already," and Erza, the pretty redhead closest to the door, blushed at this, "and that's Cana. She deals with abandonment and sickness. She's had abandonment issues and well, she's an alcoholic," to which the gorgeous brunette beside Erza scowled playfully at Wendy but didn't really deny it, "and that's Mirajane. She's a matchmaker, so she honestly just writes anything." This was directed to the beautiful white-haired woman in a sundress who just smiled cheerfully at them.
"And Wendy's the one who reads the letters smudged with tears," Mirajane said sympathetically as she glanced at a letter with said smudges.
Lucy soaked up all this information with awe at how these women actually give love advice to girls, and Lucy felt that this was something she would have loved to do had she been given the opportunity.
Wendy must have sensed something when she offered to have Lucy over at her house for dinner. Lucy had agreed, wanting to get to know these four ladies more, but was immediately distracted by the smell of food wafting through the doorway once she entered.
"Wendy, is that you?" a voice called out from one of the rooms.
Lucy was then led by Erza into a dining room, and it seemed that the three other girls were very familiar with Wendy's house.
"Yes, Mom. I brought some friends over," she replied to her mother. Out of the kitchen, which was connected to the dining room, came out a pale blonde haired woman with blue eyes who was must be Wendy's mother.
"It's nice to see you again, Erza, Mirajane, Cana," she greeted the other three before she turned to Lucy. "Oh, hello. I'm Grandeeney, Wendy's mother. Who might you be?"
"Hi, I'm Lucy," Lucy told her. "I just met Wendy today, actually."
"She was curious about our job," Wendy added as she told Lucy to take a seat beside her.
Grandeeney then served them some bread and salads and roast beef, and for a moment, Lucy felt as if she was back at the Konzern since the quality of the food was definitely the same as that of the Konzern's.
"I'm not surprised. My daughter has a unique job, but it's very helpful to the ladies who need answers," Grandeeney muttered out loud.
"That's true. Thank you for the food, Grandeeney." Lucy said politely, eating her fill and chattering with the other girls before she noticed the time. "Oh! May I be excused?"
"Leaving so soon, Lucy?" Cana asked her, and she was a little disappointed, too, because she had grown close to Cana throughout their discussions for dinner.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I have to get back," Lucy said apologetically.
"Is there someone waiting for you?" Erza asked curiously and Lucy nodded.
"Yeah, my fiancee."
Mirajane squealed at this and said, "I demand a story about this fiancee the next time you drop by the office, okay, Lucy?"
"Yes, I'll be sure to tell you all about him, Mira," Lucy chuckled before she waved at the girls.
"Wait, Lucy, take this back with you!" Grandeeney called out to her, handing her a container filled with dessert. "You can share it with your fiancee."
"Oh, thank you, Grandeeney!" Lucy smiled before hugging the woman and leaving.
"—and then these girls I met, they're the Secretaries of Juliet. They write back to girls who write letters to Juliet, replying to their problems and difficulties!" Lucy gushed to Natsu, filled to the brim with excitement from how her day went. She continued talking about them to him, until the smile on her face faltered once she noticed that Natsu wasn't completely listening to her. "Natsu?"
"Oh, sorry, Luce, it's just… I smell something good," he pointed out.
Oh. It must have been the dessert Grandeeney gave me. I'm not surprised. Natsu's always had a sharp nose.
"It's from the mother of one of the secretaries. Her name's Grandeeney. She gave this to me so that I could share it with you," Lucy informed him as she brought out the container and handed him one of the cookies that Grandeeney had placed inside. Inside were also brownies and other biscuits that Lucy had yet to try.
Natsu took it and took a bite, eyes widening, "Luce, this is amazing! Try it, try it!"
He then handed her a cookie, and she took a bite, her eyes widening as well. "This is so good!"
"I know, right?"
And they gushed about the dessert Grandeeney had given them, Lucy's story about her day forgotten.
A/N: And that's it for now. I hope you guys liked it :c It's still based off of the Letters to Juliet movie but of course, I changed some things to adapt to the context of Fairy Tail. Anyways, I'd love to hear your thoughts on how this went, so please do review!
P.S.: This fanfic will only last around seven chapters. :
P.P.S.: Cover image taken from fairytail . fandom wiki/ Lucy_Heartfilia/ Anime_Gallery