Introduction/Disclaimer: I love Yami. There. I said it. I've shown the entire world that I love him, and nobody else can have him! Of course, I'm not stupid enough to tell the world I love a cartoon character and my real name. . .well. . .I don't know. If I get enough good reviews, maybe I'll tell you who I am by the end of the story. In the meantime, just call me Aislin.

Tea stinks. I hate her. She's annoying, stupid, boring.what else is she? Oh, well, I hope she falls off a cliff or something. (Though come to think of it, that would just make me happy. She's Yami's friend, and the last thing I want is to make my dear Yami sad. Not when I'm so happy to be with him.) Anyway, I felt like I had to say that to the whole world too, although every intelligent person should have already known that she's the most hated person in the universe.

The main character in this story (other than Yami ;-), Aislin, is me, but it isn't my real name, for the reasons already mentioned to you. Anything else important? Hmm.oh, yeah, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! Shoot. If I did, I'd put myself in an episode and Yami and I would go on a date. Ooohh. But that's just me. Anyway, here's my story.

I believe in the heart of the cards!

Yami's Girl, Aislin of the Shadows
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"Prince Yami, you've turned down nearly every possible maiden for your bride. You must choose someone."

Yami sighed and stuck his dueling deck of thin squares of stone, which he had been flipping through during the last girl's interview, into the pocket of his black robe. "I can't help it, Saku. None of these girls really care about me, they just want to be queen of Egypt. I want to find my own bride. You know I hate arranged marriages." He didn't even see why he had to choose his bride now, at the age of fourteen. His father wasn't old, and he wasn't about to give up the Egyptian throne anytime soon. Yami's turn as pharaoh had yet to come.

Saku, Prince Yami's servant, sighed. "Your father is giving you a great privilege. You have the chance of selecting one of the finest ladies in all Egypt, instead of accepting a maiden of your father's choice."

"Why can't I choose on my own, from all the ladies in Egypt?" said Yami stubbornly.

Saku threw up his hands in despair. How exasperating the young prince was! He knew it wasn't his place to reprimand the boy though, so he simply shook his head.

"There's only one girl left. It shall be a miracle indeed if she manages to please you, for her rank is the lowest of all the maidens you've seen today." He motioned to the guards at the door, who signaled to the last young girl in the room.

"May I present," began Saku, with much less enthusiasm than he had the other ladies' names, almost lazily, "Lady Aislin. And your last hope for a bride," he muttered to himself, leaving Aislin and Yami alone together.

Aislin walked to the center of the room hesitantly, and stood before Yami's chair, anxiously wringing her hands. She bowed low, and Yami couldn't help but notice how the golden streaks in her long brown hair glittered as it slid over her shoulder, framing her pale face.

Something about the girl intrigued him. Aislin was thirteen, and just slightly shorter than Yami. She wore the same outfit all the other maidens had had to wear - a long, white dress with a plain golden cape draped around her shoulder, along with golden sandals and a plain golden circlet upon her hair. She was strangely thin, not scrawny, just attractively thin. She had light brown eyes flecked with gold to match her hair, and she had a slide in her step that made it seem like she was gliding, not walking.

Meanwhile, Aislin was taking in Yami. Since she had a low rank, she'd never even seen the prince before, although her father did, often, so she hadn't expected him to be so. handsome. He wore a long black robe with a sweeping purple cape. A golden circlet, that easily surpassed her own thin chain, with the royal symbol, a golden eye, was visible under his spiked red and black hair and golden bangs. His intelligent violet eyes examined Aislin from head to toe, making her fidget where she stood.

She certainly is pretty, said Yami to himself. Nevertheless, he still found it difficult to talk to a strange girl, especially one this shy.

"So. . ." he began. "Aislin." He couldn't think of a single remark to fit this situation, so he said the one thing that had been continuously running through his own mind today. "Um.what do you think of arranged marriages?"

Aislin pondered this question. "Well, Prince Yami, although I would consider it a great honor to be selected as your bride, I really do think we should be allowed to choose who we marry on our own, when we feel that the time is right. Not to say I have anyone else to choose. My family doesn't have much, so my father wants me to marry as soon as possible, because it is difficult for him to support the both of us." Aislin's eyes grew wide, and she clapped her hands to her mouth. "Oh, forgive me! I wasn't supposed to say that!" Her pale cheeks flushed red.

Yami smiled. "Why not?"

Aislin sighed. "My father has too much to take care of, and he is aging, so he thinks that if he marries me off quickly, he won't have to worry about me anymore. Father is my only family, so I'd have nowhere else to go. Aislin slipped her hand into her pocket, fingering something inside. "I hadn't wanted to mention it, because I was afraid you would think I was just being pushed off onto a husband, and, if I may say so, what better husband that Yami, Prince of Egypt?" She faltered a little. "Are you angered?"

Yami laughed, and Aislin seemed startled.

"On the contrary," he said, "I am flattered, and most amused." He liked this girl. Unlike the others, she had problems, she had feelings, and best of all, she opened right up and showed them, instead of concealing them from him, not like those porcelain dolls brought up to serve, not to love. She was human.

Yami stood and walked toward her, and Aislin promptly fell to her knees, bowing her head and clasping her hands. Yami laughed again, and sat down on the floor beside her, his circlet askew. He put a finger under her chin and lifted her head, gazing into her eyes, not lovingly, but playfully. "I'm human too, Aislin, and I can assure you, even if we don't marry, we'll surely be very good friends.

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Well there you have it. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Only the first couple of chapters take place in ancient Egypt, then it shifts to the present. Can you feel the mushy love story feeling? Good, because that's what it is. :-) Sorry all you comedy seekers, but that isn't my thing. I have no sense of humor. I'm working on it though. Gomen, I'm babbling . Read and review! Onegai? (I just love my Japanese vocabulary! It's limited, but you might see more!) Ja!