Important: These stories take place three years after Guy turned into SheZow, so he is 15 now.

High school was torture to every teen, especially that one kid who had a double life as a hero. Guy never hated being SheZow, at least not too much, but with all the school and heroic work going on at the simultaneously, it was indeed tiring. Being in high school also meant that everybody was growing up and getting buff or pretty and mature. Maz, for example, got way taller than Guy for almost 7 inches, seemed mature and had a little bit of muscle, this last detail came as a result of being SheZow sidekick with no power other than his own hands and some weapon that wasn't the most resistant against villains.

In the other hand, the ring sure helped the past SheZows during their adolescence to look stunning, giving them a more curvy body, cleaner skin and no hair in their body aside from the soft one in their head. And that was indeed Guy's situation. The fifteen-years-old teen developed a mostly slim waist, he also got a cleaner skin and a beautiful looking hair that never seemed to get ruined, not even after rain; and last but not least: he did not grow too much, which was the only thing that actually bothered him. He was 'tall' but not as much as the other guys. He was the smallest in his class, and man did he got made fun of because of these details sometimes.

However, Guy learned to accept himself and his body with some work. Thought it was still annoying when he was by Maz side and people would compare the two in conversations saying things like: "He is so big compared to you!" or "I'm pretty sure he could lift you without even trying!" Both guys would laugh awkwardly at the sentence and just leave in silence. Even with these comparisons, Maz never saw himself as manlier or better or saw his friend as less than him. Indeed he admired Guy even more than he admired SheZow.

Guy had to wake up early, go to the She-Lair to exercise because 'the ring will not make you look fit, you know', walk upstairs to his room and get dressed, get to the kitchen and take his breakfast in a hurry, and leave to school with Kell. During the whole day he would try to do his best during classes, then he would get a Shemergency and get to it as fast as he could so he can get rid of it before the next class starts. Once school day is over he has to return to the She-Lair and fight crime some more, to finally end the day exhausted but still make some time to chat with Maz and be there as the amazing friend he is.

Maz couldn't admire him more. Even though Maizer (A/N: After a while of switching sidekicks, he decided to stay as 'The Great Maizer' which uniform was a mask, and some darkish colored clothes that would not take the attention of the paparazzi from SheZow.) Had almost the same schedule, it wasn't a big deal for him, at least not as it was for his best friend.

However, both were perfect matches as fighting partners and friends. Kelly was part of the whole hero thing too. She was SheZow's brain and that made her feel amazing, even when Guy would never accept that she is indeed important (at least not in front of her) for the team to work. Kelly, unlike the two guys, did not get any muscle other than some in her arms, but that wasn't a big deal, she fought with her mind, not with her body.

"Ok Mocktopus, this is the eighth time in this week that you attacked the same store, and it's Shediculous!" SheZow shouted in that girly voice (in which she got way better at) that she used when in costume.

"Well excuse me, SheCow, if I need something exclusively from here!" Shouted the monster throwing a tentacle at her.

"He's very dumb I might say." Spoke Sheila from the sheicle where Maizer was.

"Yeah, only this idiot would rob the same shop over and over." Pointed out Maz, getting out of the car and running towards his partner with some shelack.

"Alright, enough!" Shouted SheZow who got the punch from the villain, throwing her to a water fountain, ruining her hair. When Maz got to his friend, she applied the product and flew high enough to be face to face with Mocktopus. "No more mister nice girl..." She said in a not-so-girly voice.

SheZow took one of Mocktopus tentacles and started to roll him around with her super-strength to finally throw him to the police station's building where her father was just stepping off from.

"Wh- SHECOW!" He shouted at the hero flying in front of him.

"Excuse me, Mr. Policeman, but you should be thanking me to get you this bad guy right to your door. If you may, please put him in jail so he won't rob the same store again." She smiled at the cameras that were starting to gather closer to her. "See ya later, honeycombs!" She winked at the interviewers and flew off to the sheicle were Maz was waiting for her.

"Ready to go, my lady?" Joked her friend, SheZow laughed a bit and gave him a soft punch in the shoulder.

"Let's get home and finish that videogame."

The pink car started to roar and with a fast turn, it started to drive directly to Guy's house. Kelly called right after that, and her face appeared in the sheicle small screen.

"Hey, Sis! I saw you on the news. You are really getting better at the whole girly-positive personality, huh?" She smiled.

"What can I say, I'm an amazing actor." She winked at her sister and Maz giggled.

"Sure you are, well, get ready to have a calm night, it seems like there will be no sign of a villain attacking anytime soon.

"Right, it's kind of weird that the only villain that attacked the city the whole week was just... Mocktopus. And it wasn't even a real robbery, it was kind of just him trying to get my attention." Guy commented, finally giving up the SheZow voice.

"Maybe the other villains are scared of you and don't seem to have the courage to fight you." Said Maz putting a code in the sheicle to open the secret entrance to the She-Lair.

"I'm pretty sure that's not it but we will leave it there. See you guys! K out!" As soon as Kelly finished talking, the small screen on the car went black.

When the vehicle arrived at the lair, both guys jumped out and Maz noticed that the place was empty, so he started taking out his uniform and walking toward the small she-bathroom to change.

"That's weird." Commented Guy walking towards Sheila, who smiled at the sight of the hero. "Where is Kelly?"

"She is upstairs with your parents, they called for you but you weren't here so she went upstairs to distract them until you came back."

"Ah! Thanks, Sheila. When Maz comes back from the bathroom, tell him to get out through the Sheicle entrance!"

"I will, though he might not like it. See you later sweetie."

"She-yeah!" Guy changed back to normal clothes and sighed with a smile, waving at his computer assistant.

"I'm sorry I made you wait! I was showering." He lied, but because of the side effects of the ring, he always smelled like perfume and roses, so he just threw some water to his hair on his way down.

"Oh don't worry son, please, take a sit." Spoke his father calmly.

Guy gave a look at Kelly who was smiling awkwardly.

"We were going to ask the reason for your disappearances and the self-monologue in your room with a rather girly voice." Started Boxter, who got kicked in the knee by his wife after the last sentence. He smiled painfully.

"Ah, well the thing is..." Guy started, feeling like he would be sweating if it wasn't for another side effect of the ring which he felt like hiding by covering it with his left hand.

"Oh no, Honey, Kelly told us already! We are really happy for you, but we would have preferred to hear it from you." Spoke Drosha with a warm look in her eyes.

Guy's eyes fell dark. "I-I'm sorry... I know I should have..."

"Don't worry, we are happy for you. That's not something you should feel ashamed of anyways, it's a talent we are really proud you have."

The hero's face lit up, but Kelly was getting paler with every word.

"I'm happy you feel that way... It's honestly relieving." He said looking at his hands, still not ready to show his ring.

"Well, no need to hide it anymore! But we were wondering..."


"When will your next play be?"

Guy's eyes opened wider suddenly. His mind went blank and he was unable to find the words to answer.

"I-I don't…" He stuttered.

"He doesn't know yet!" Kelly said, interrupting her brother before he could screw things up.

"Oh! I see. Well, as soon as you know, please tell us!" Droosha said and gave her son a kiss in the forehead before walking towards the stove. Both teens smiled awkwardly and almost ran to the lair.

"YOU SAID I'M PART OF THE FRICKING DRAMA CLUB?!" Shouted Guy, almost shaking his twin.

"I got scared, okay! It was too much pressure and I couldn't think about anything better!"

"Well, ANYTHING is better than drama club! It's full of overdramatic hipsters, and weirdos that get too excited over fictional characters!" Guy threw himself on his chair which started roll in circles. Kelly rolled her eyes.

"Rule #679" Sheila started."SheZow will not talk about anybody on their back, especially without actually meeting them."

"What the what? That's a real rule? Because if it is, even though it's a pretty good life lesson, it makes me..."

"It makes you have to go and get to know this 'weirdos' in order to not get a She-penalty for not respecting the rules." Completed Kelly with a smug smile.

Guy growled and tousled his hair in desperation. "You do know this will take a lot of my super SheZow time right?" He stated, getting up from his chair.

"Not really," Kelly rolled her eyes at his brother's over dramatic reaction. "just stop complaining already, unless you want to..." Kelly looked at Sheila who went to a side and created an image of Guy's body which was completely red.

"Become completely unable to walk or move without feeling dizzy." The red figure made a weird face and fell dramatically.

"Oh, this is just shemazing." Sighed the hero falling onto his chair once again, giving up.