
~~~~~Rin's POV~~~~~

"Shiemi! Cover me!" I screamed as I leapt towards the flailing demon.

Shiemi immediately instructed nee to pull up some vines which began slashing demons all around us. I shot her a grateful smile and raced up the demon with my Kurikara, engulfing it in my blue flames. I finally reached the Titans head and with one swing of my blade, split the Monster in two.

I leapt off the Monster and watched as all the lower demons retreated without their leader. I looked around for Shiemi, something that had become a habit since we became a duo. When my eyes did land on her I was entranced by the beautiful scene before me. Shiemi had her arm wrapped around what looked like a frightened baby goblin and was gently coaxing it with a compassionate smile.

I looked at her with pride, this woman had done wonders in a short period of time. She had fought tooth and nail to protect the peaceful goblins and gods who were thought to be evil. And finally, on her 18th birthday, the Grigori finally gave in and allowed her to establish a safe house of sorts for the peaceful demons so Long as they never pose a threat to humanity.

She had boldly declared in front of the council that she would give her life if one of her demons ever shed any blood but also asked them to promise that they'd never use her demons as weapons.

I was so proud of her. And I still am. She had done all of that and managed to become a Middle 1st class tamer.

I was only a step ahead of her, an upper 2nd class Knight.

"Did you see how amazingly that buxom blonde dealt with that beast!" I heard a young Esquire say excitedly. "Omg! Yes! What I wouldn't give to be able to just touch that body of hers. Okumura-san is so lucky to be her partner." I growled at his crude words, literal smoke coming out of my ears as my fangs elongated.

I was about to launch at the fucker but stopped when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Rin? What's wrong?" Shiemi asked as she took my flame covered hands into her own and placed them near her chest. I could feel my face heat up as my flames flared out around us. I panicked for a second before pouring all my concentration into making sure the flames didn't hurt anyone.

My flames torched quite a few lower demons and healed a few people of miasma poisoning but I was still pretty shaken up. I hadn't meant to do that.

I reluctantly slipped my hand out of Shiemi's soft ones and distanced myself from her, still shaking.

Everyone was looking at me with varying degrees of concern and awe but Shiemi's hurt expression when I pushed her away was the only one engraved into my brain.

"I'm fine S-Shiemi! I Guess I'm just tired or something." I said as nonchalantly as possible before walking away.

I saw the two fuckers smirk at me before walking towards shiemi with a look of 'concern' plastered on their faces.

An uncontrollable urge to maul them began to claw its way out but I was stopped yet again, this time by Mephisto.

He sighed before dragging me out by my collar. "The time has come I see." He muttered under his breath.

~~~~~Shiemi's POV~~~~~

I sadly tugged my Long blond hair over my shoulder and began playing with it. I honestly didn't get him! Everytime I think we were making some headway with Rin, he backs away.

Just the other week we had gone on a particularly hard Mission and I was hurt pretty bad, I was unconscious for about a week but I could hear everything that happened around me.

Initially Rin had freaked out and was blubbering about not being able to protect me but after some time he calmed down when the doctor reassured him that I would be fine. He held onto my hand for almost the whole time and said the sweetest things to me, like how scared he was when I fainted or how he would always protect me. But when I woke up he went back to being friendly ol' Rin. I mean I know I said I'd be his Friend forever and all but I didn't think he'd take it this seriously.

I really wanted Rin to see me as a woman but I just didn't know how!

Just as I was pondering all of this, I noticed a couple of boys standing next to me and staring so I gave them a friendly wave before deciding to consult Shura-sensei about my predicament.