So I got all your reviews. Thanks for giving constructive criticisms. I will try to make dialogue more natural and also add more description. Keep in mind that I only just recently started writing. Anyway, lets continue the story

To say Izuku was nervous is an understatement. He was pretty sure his heart either stopped or started beating so fast he couldn't register it. Either way, he was still nervous. He wasn't sure how the kids in his class were and what comments they would make about his quirk. Swallowing his nerves, he took a step onto the UA campus.

After searching the halls for a few minutes, he finally found his class. 'Holy shit, the door is huge!' He took a step inside and….

?: Get your feet off the desk, do you know that you are disrespecting your peers and this school?!

Katsuki: Shut the fuck up four-eyes, I put my feet where ever I want!

?: You know what, let's restart. My name is Tenya Iida and I'm from Soumei Mid-

Katsuki: Pffftt, Soumei! Hahahaha no wonder you've got a stick up your ass!

The boy Katsuki roast-*cough* insulted was tall, had dark blue hair in an undercut, and was wearing square modern glasses. He turned around and saw Izuku. He started walking to the greenette.

Iida: Hello, I am-

Izuku: Y-yeah I heard. I'm Izuku Midoriya.

Iida: Hey Midoriya, you must've realized the other aspect of the exam.

Izuku: What other aspe- Oh wait, the rescue points!

Iida: You are truly a better student than I am.

Izuku: N-no wait I didn't rea-

?: Hey, you're the guy that saved me from a 3-pointer~kero. The name's Tsuyu Asui, but you can call me Tsu.

Izuku: Hi umm-

?: No way, he's the guy that destroyed the 0-pointer.

When the class heard that sentence, they swarmed to Izuku.

?: What's his quirk?!

Tsu: Does it have to do with your veins?

Katsuki: I destroyed one too, you assholes!

He looked over to see Katsuki, Ochako, and Camie in the corner, saving a seat for him. He thanked them inwardly.

Izuku: Sorry guys, I gotta sit with my friends!

He pushed through the crowd and sat down on his saved seat before the door opened.

?: If you're here to make friends, then I suggest that you leave.

The voice belonged to a…. caterpillar? No, it was a man in a sleeping bag. He had long black hair, a black shirt, black pants, stubble, and a scarf. His eyes showed complete apathy while the bags under his eyes gave the notion that he had sleep deprivation.

The class quickly found seats and quieted down.

?: It took you 8 seconds to quiet down. I see that you still aren't rational.

Class 1-A: Yes sensei!

?: My name is Aizawa Shouta and I'll be your homeroom teacher.

Izuku: That name sounds familiar…..

Aizawa: Alright, get your P.E. clothes on and meet outside the gym.

Ochako: Wait, what about the opening ceremony?

Aizawa: It's a waste of time, real heroes don't do such trivial things.

Everyone went to the changing rooms. Izuku took off his shirt when the other guys started staring at him in admiration, some in jealousy, and others in competitiveness.

?: You're ripped Midoriya! Eijiro Kirishima by the way.

Izuku: T-thanks.

Iida: We shall all aspire to be as fit as Midoriya is.

Izuku: I-it's not a big deal.

Katsuki also took off his shirt.

Kirishima: Are both you and Bakugou bodybuilders?!

Izuku: Me and Kacchan basically did the same workout together, we're both trained in jeet kun do and taijutsu, so it would make sense that we are as toned as we are.

Kirishima: That's so manly.

?: You trained in taijutsu? Let's spar later, my name is Masiharo Ojiro.

Izuku: I will, but right now we gotta get going.

They made their way to the gym and saw all their classmates. Izuku made his way to Ochako and they stood near Bakugou and Camie.

Aizawa: We are gonna be having a quirk apprehension test instead of the introduction ceremony. Schools always prohibit the use of quirks during physical education courses, which is just inhibiting students from reaching their full potential. Bakugou, seeing how you had the most villain points, how far was your last ball throw?

Katsuki: Sixty-seven meters.

Aizawa: This time, throw the ball using your quirk.

Katsuki walked in to the circle on the field.

Aizawa: The only rule is that you aren't allowed to step outside the circle.

'Alright! Just explode the ball when you let go!' Katsuki reeled his arm back, ready to put his all into the throw. He swung his arm forward.


'Die?' Some of the students thought. 'Same old Baka-hatsu.' Izuku thought. The ball was launched with an explosion, and it flew out of view.

Aizawa: 705 meters.

?: What?!

?: No way!

Kirishima: So manly!

?: We get to use our quirks!

Izuku: I'll go next.

Everyone went silent.

Aizawa: Alright, you know the rules.

Izuku stepped into the bounds and got into a ready position. He cocked his arm back, letting One for All and his own neon energy to run through it. He threw it, only for it to land 143 meters.

Izuku: My quirk?

Suddenly, a scarf wrapped around him and he went face to face with Aizawa.

Aizawa: What happens now, huh? You break your arm after just the throw, leaving yourself out of commission until Recovery girl can heal you? If you can beat Bakugou's score and still move, then you won't be expelled. Hurry up and get it over with.

Izuku stepped back into the bounds. 'Dammit! What am I supposed to do?'

Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. 'If I direct One for All in only my finger, then I can minimize the damage while maximizing the throw.' He cocked his arm back, planted his foot, and swung forward. He had his arm augmented with his neon energy and charged One for All into his finger at the last minute. Red glowing veins and red energy around his arm blended beautifully in a monochromatic blast. The ball was rocketed into the air and a shockwave left everyone unsteady.

Aizawa: 'This kid….'

All Might: 'When did you get so cool, young Midoriya.

The measuring device bleeped.

Aizawa: 857.5 meters.

Katsuki: Holy shit, Deku.

Izuku looked at Aizawa. He clenched his fist, a purple and broken index finger evident.

Izuku: I can still move!

?: This is gonna be so much fun!

Suddenly, Izuku flinched and looked towards Aizawa, killing intent radiating off of the teacher.

Aizawa: Fun, you say. This is a hero course, if you expect fun all year then leave.

Aizawa's short pause only increased the tension.

Aizawa: Also, the one with the lowest scores will be expelled.

This sentence worried a particular ash blonde and his dirty blonde girlfriend. 'Shit, there's no physical aspect to Camie's quirk!' She looked at him, her eyes clearly showing her apology. 'Sorry, Katsuki. Guess I won't be here for long.' She thought.


Aizawa: Sorry about that, life just isn't fair.


He was interrupted by Camie holding his hand. She had a look of determination in her eyes. ' I'll still try, I'm totes athletic anyway.'

One by one, the tests went by. With Izuku scoring the highest on the 20 meter dash and Iida not far behind. Bakugou scoring highest on the repeated side steps. Ochako with the highest on the ball throw. Camie with no high score. Things weren't looking so good for her. She gave it her all in each test, and only came out with an average score everytime. Aizawa showed the results on screen and she was in last. Katsuki couldn't help but hold Camie as she looked down in disappointment.

Momo Yaoyorozu

Shoto Todoroki

Izuku Midoriya

Katsuki Bakugou





20. Camie Utsushimi

Katsuki: 'Fuck.'

Aizawa: Oh, by the way, the expulsion was a lie.

Camie: Oh thank goodness.

Aizawa: It was a logical ruse to bring out the best of your quirks or bodies.

?: It was obvious if you thought about it.

Aizawa: But Utsushimi, head to my office after school, I will evaluate your quirk myself.

Camie: Yes sensei!

They went back to class for the last few minutes of the day.

Ochako: I was really worried about the expulsion.

Camie: Now that I think about, the teacher was totes sympathizing with me.

Izuki: He himself has a quirk with minimal physical aspect.

Katsuki: What?

Izuku: You guys didn't notice? He was was Eraserhead, the Erasure Hero. His quirk can erase quirks through eyesight until he blinks or loses sight of his target. But it gives him no boost in power himself.

Camie: That's totes why he's giving me a chance!

Katsuki: Babe, you better fucking shatter that guy's expectations.

Ochako: By the way, just what did happened out there with your power, Deku?

Katsuki: Yeah, what the fuck was that?

Camie: And I thought you were powerful before.

'Oh shit oh shit oh shit'

Izuku: Um, my quirk recently evolved. I can turn off my limiters for more strength but it has recoil, evidently.

Class ended and they all went to their respective houses after Camie got her quirk assessed and passed. Izuku had a great day so far, and he had already made an impression with his class mates. Izuku, Katsuki, Ochako, and Camie were currently making their way to the train station. Katsuki was aggressively hugging Camie after the whole situation during the quirk assessment test.

He was still pissed at Aizawa, but that would have to wait. For now, he would enjoy the fact that he and Camie didn't get expelled.

Izuku: I can't wait for hero classes to start at school!

Ochako: You're so nerdy, Deku!

Camie: I think it will be lit, too.

Katsuki: I can't wait to blow shit up!

They all sweatdropped at this.

Ochako: That sounds….. fun.

Camie: Can you not be so obsessed with explosions, Baku-bro?

Katsuki: Explosion are a part of me, babe.

Izuku: Never change, Baka-hatsu. Never change.

Ochako: Welp, looks like this is my stop.

She gave Izuku a kiss on the cheek before walking out of the subway.

Katsuki: Man, keep it in your pants, Deku.

This caused a huge blush to form on his face. Camie and Katsuki laughed at that. Camie's stop was next.

Camie: Later Katsuki. Later Deku.

And then she gave Katsuki a rather passionate kiss. She left, leaving Katsuki with a huge blush on his face.

Katsuki: U-um.

They both got off on their stops and made their way to their respective homes. Izuku walked through his front door. He walked to his room and went to sleep, content with his life.