His plump lips receive mine shyly, he retreats once and timidly meets my lips once again. I cover his top lip, coaxing it more than the lower. He's willing to meet my lips, but I can sense his lack of affection as we kiss. It's me who's pressing our lips together after each time we break to breathe. And it's also me who deepens the kiss, as I switch angles and indulge in the bittersweet moment.

Shallow breathing and a bobbing Adam's apple; his eyes seemed glazed over, and I wonder if he realizes what it does to me. It's like he's inviting me to continue, but then I catch a glimpse of his twitching and shaking hands. Is he holding back? Does he want to shove me away? Like before? Is he doing this because he feels sorry?

In the end, he's allowing himself to be conquered without completely accepting or denying entry. It feels like I'm forcing him. I gradually come to a stop, feeling rather disappointed and hurt.

"I'm sorry." I feel obliged to apologize, I unconsciously used his guilt against him. I wait for his reply, but it seems he's still catching his breath. Which is understandable, considering I went at my own pace. However, the longer I stare a wave of pride washes over me, proud of the mess I'd made out of him.

"You don't have to apologize" he sits up, wiping a strand of saliva running along the side of his mouth, down to his jaw. It makes me feel like doing it all over again. "I just didn't expect my body to react the way it did." He tilts his head back, and I catch sight of something that immediately makes my face turn red.

"Naruto, I think I got a bit ahead of myself. I don't remember doing that…" he shifts his head back to me.

"What do you mean?"

"It left a mark, and it looks like it might be bleeding a bit." I'm attacked by wild embarrassment as I finish my sentence. "I'll be back." I run away as I feel my face beginning to heat up.

"Wait-" he grabs onto me tightly, pulling me down onto the couch.

"Ouch…" a whisper escapes my lips. He hears it though, and stares at me, his cheeks still blushing slightly, but a seriousness takes over his expression.

"Don't go to school tomorrow." I froze. Almost laughed at his demand.


"Stay here, and I'll bring you your homework for the day, I brought the homework from your other classes-" he goes off, regardless of my reaction.

"I'm not staying home. I'm going to school."

"Hinata. You can barely walk straight, and you're more vulnerable now then you were before." he holds my shoulders tightly.

"Do you even remember being assaulted? Does it have to happen more than once for you to understand?" Shut up, shut up, I repeat in my head, hoping my heart stops beating so viciously.

"I'm...going." The memories come back in a single wave, all of them.

"Hinata…" I can't hear him anymore. All that comes is laughter, and a burning sensation briskly covers my shoulders. I distance myself from the pain, thrust the hands away. I cover my ears, praying for the laughing to stop.

My chest hurts, and I can't seem to catch my breath. Slowly, everything becomes dark, I stop breathing, and the sounds fade into the background.

In my sleep, I dream of Dad. He's in his favorite chair, asking if I want the chocolate in his hands. Homemade by mom. I step closer, take the chocolate without a second thought. I unwrap the embellished sweet, ripping the golden wrapping and letting it drop to the floor. He smiles widely when I take a small bite.

"All of it," he demands. His face merging into a frown, still, a smile rests on his lips. I finish it in two more bites. My stomach rapidly begins to churn, rejecting the chocolate, I look up at Dad, his expression is emotionless, almost like a still painting. I fall to the floor, my hands encircling my stomach. I spew the chocolate out, tears in my eyes. I cry and reach for help. But dad just glares at me, disgust in his eyes.

"You're just like her." he turns off the light, and as soon as it turns off, it turns back on. This time, I see myself, my reflection. Me in the mirror laughs as she cries. I turn around, another I appears, another mirror, this time she's smiling, mocking me from inside. Anger erupts from inside me, and I thrust my fist against the mirror, shards fall as I remove my bloodied fist. The portal between us shatters, she steps out, smirks with a raised lip. We stare at each other, her eyes carve daggers into mine, we feel each other. The pain, the anger, and the repulsion of our weakness.

When I open my eyes, I think I'm still dreaming. I'm surrounded by the darkness, but the light from the full moon illuminates the room just enough. The window is open, and a cool autumn breeze caresses my skin, yet I'm not cold at all; Rather, comfortably warm. My hands embrace the heat source next to me. An unfamiliarity.

"Mmm, you're up?" a drowsy voice snaps me out of my trance.

"Naruto? You're still here?!" I sit up quickly but am immediately brought back down, his arms sturdily holding my neck hostage.

"Let go...it's hot." I struggle, tugging his sleeve and hands.

"Hinata, I'm mad. Mad." his eyes remain closed as he speaks. "You had a fever." his arms tighten around me closing the distance between us, "I got scared when you wouldn't wake up." I feel his breath on my ear. "You probably couldn't tell because of everything that happened. But this is proof that you can't handle it all on your own." I turn away. I've been fine so far. "You'll listen to me from now on right?" he drags me closer, nibbles lightly on my ear.

"Stop…" he bites harder, "Naruto..." My ear burns as his teeth scrape over roughly. I can't stop flinching, each time his tongue licks over, and his lips suck at my ear. I'm shaking uncontrollably from such a simple technique.