+I know, I know it has been a pretty long time between chapters. I'm sorry. I am so very thankful that all of you are enjoying my story enough to follow and favorite it. I am totally stoked with the reviews. I know that more and more people are seeing that Dumbledore was not as light as he led everyone to believe. He used child soldiers in all his wars as cannon fodder until he could take credit for the take down of the big bad. He had a very inflated ego, and everyone fed into it. I did at first too. I was upset when he died in the 6th book, was very upset with*Snape for his betrayal and didn't understand how he didn't see it. But it was I that did not see, until I reread the books and saw exactly how manipulative he was. Chess was very big in all the stories and he was the Chess Master even after his death. Now I would gladly Avada him right off the astronomy tower. *
To Serve the Noble House of Black
Chapter 6
"Within moments she had placed Mr. Potter's blood into the cauldron as well as the hand of "his" father and a slice of skin from her own hand, not her whole hand like that fool Pettigrew used. She knew the wand movements as well as the incantation and when it seemed like the world had stopped, there rose the second coming of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore in all of his blazing glory." Snarled Phineas.
The silence was deafening.
The pause in speech once Phineas completed the recounting of the rebirth of Albus Dumbledore was dramatic. The collage of the portraits looking at the broken shell of the young witch before them were poised to pick up the narrative but were unsure if she could handle it.
Hermione could see it. She could see the red headed bitches attacking Harry in the place that he felt most at home in, now that the war had come to Hogwarts. The table that he had shared many meals with them during the summers that he had spent there within view. She could see the looks of disbelief on her boys faces. Harry for being attacked and Ron for witnessing whom had done it.
She had always felt uneasy around Mrs. Molly Weasley, for all of her "Molly" Codling of everyone san Hermione over the years, there was always a glint in her eyes. A knowing that she was always right, her way was the only way and Albus Dumbledore could do no wrong. Even her husband could not stop her when she was on one of her tangents, whether it was at one of her brilliant sons or Sirius Black, the man that had loved Hermione, the man that she had loved. The man that would have saved Harry if Albus fucking Dumbledore had just done his fucking job and not held himself as Lord and Savior of the idiotic wizarding world.
Hermione had never really been a fan of Ginevra Weasley either, especially after being petrified in her second year by the stupid twit's pet Basilisk. Here, lets room Hermione and Ginny together, never mind that she sicced a sixty foot snake on her last year, along with Colin Creevey, Harry Potter's number one fan, Penelope Clearwater, her older brother's girlfriend, and Justin Finch Fletchly, the boy that was calling Harry "The Heir of Slytherin". She had never slept in that witch's presence and often, Hermione had made her way down to the library where she fell asleep listening to the stories that Remus and Sirius would tell her and Harry.
As they got older, the girl just became more and more obsessed with Harry and Hermione, hoping to divert some of that obsession, tried to get her to focus on other boys to give Harry time to figure out if he even liked girls. To this day, Hermione still wasn't sure.
Hermione knew that Ron wouldn't, no couldn't have known that the Deluminator that had been left to him by that bastard was a horcrux. He had been so appreciative that he had been left something by "The Great Albus Dumbledore". It was no wonder that Ron had been so affected on the hunt, he was carrying two evil souls every time that he put the damn locket around his neck.
She could picture the hurt in those gorgeous emerald and sky-blue colored eyes of her best friends. The women that they had loved and the headmaster that they had trusted and reviled, even after he had dragged them through hell for the six years that they had been under his tutelage had betrayed the both of them, all of them. They had just vanquished one maniac and his followers and now another maniac and two followers had sprung up in their place. It was the beginning of the end once again as they would have realized that without the repeal of the muggleborn registration that there were more followers than those standing with them in that kitchen.
Cedrella picked up the retelling of the bitter tale of betrayal. Harry had looked at his mentor and asked him why, how, why he would do this. Why he would create such a dark object, when he spouted the power of love? How Molly and Ginny could have been turned to perform such dark magic, could use him like they all had? Was it their intention all along, for Harry to defeat Tom and then Albus would in turn destroy Harry? But he put on that ring, that wasn't in the plans. It was a good thing that he had minions then, just like that coward Pettigrew.
At that Ginny took offense and started throwing curses at Harry, trying to shut him up. At the flying of the first spell, Ron turned on his sister and threw a stunner at her hoping to throw off her aim. The power behind the stunner threw her into a corner of the kitchen dresser where she hit her head and it began to bleed profusely. Molly then turned on her youngest son and started throwing vicious spells at him, telling him how worthless he was, how she had never wanted six boys, he was a failure that couldn't do what he was told. Cedrella paused then and looked over at broken witch staring sightlessly ahead, picturing with unfortunate perfect clarity what had happened. "She did the one thing that I never imagined her able to do, that no mother should ever be able to do… staring at the tear stained, unbelieving eyes of her youngest son… Molly Weasley threw the Killing Curse at her child."
"That Fucking Bitch!" shrieked Hermione curling in on herself and pulling on her hair again. Rage began to fill her, and her limp hair started sparking in the candlelight of the room. "I know that bitch is dead, but Christ I want to resurrect her myself and kill her again and again!" screamed Hermione, her eyes crazed with rage."
"Kreacher!" yelled Walburga, "Calm her down before she pulls the wards down herself." She growled as Knick knacks started flying about the room and mirrors cracked down the hall. The manor shook again and again with the spells being thrown at it, attacking the wards to get to the young witch inside. "Damn bastards are persistent." Snarled Phineas "Cedrella, finish telling her so that we can send them back!" He yelled.
Kreacher, once again stepped up to the broken witch and touched his finger to the middle of her forehead. She immediately calmed, the sparks dying down in her limp, blood encrusted hair. Slowly the flying objects fell to the ground and Kreacher snapped his fingers again tightening the wards.
"Mistress's, Master," croaked Kreacher, "Are you sure she needs to know this. She is hurt most badly."
"Kreacher, she must know whom her enemies are so that she can keep them close, so that she can prevent the atrocities that have destroyed this world." Explained Walburga.
Cedrella looked to the portrait of Walburga before continuing, "Mr. Potter yelled out for my grandson before turning on Dumbledore and asking him, "Who did you have to kill to make your Horcrux?"
"Your Mother." Smirked Albus at the thorn in his side.
With that, the bonds fell away from Mr. Potter and he started throwing wandless curses at both Albus and Molly, holding his own until my son came to the door and distracted him for a moment. It only took that split second for Albus to come up behind Mr. Potter and stab him in the back with the Athame that had returned him to life, before rasping in his ear, "And your death will make my next one."