Clementine stayed by the empty bedside for what seemed like hours. Hoping and promising to herself that everything would be alright. That now that Violet was okay, and Milli was doing strong now, that the same would go for Kaylee.

'Everetts were strong to begin with', she told herself. Watching the linings of the hospital walls as she still sat there. Relishing in some of the silence she had while they waited. Smiling to herself as she remembered the sight of Violet holding their two little girls. Wanting nothing more than to have that without worry, without the fear of the surgery one of their precious kids would have to go through. Almost unbearably so as it was all beginning to strain on the brunette.

But she'd keep her promise to stay there, just as she said. Through all of it, at least. Even if she wanted to leave right now, to start booking it out of the hospital and get a breath of fresh air rather than the containment she practically felt inside now. She couldn't, and she definitely wouldn't either.

Not for the world.

"Hey, you okay Clem?" A voice came from behind her, nearly causing her to jump she was so out of it and in her mind. Turning as she saw Violet, a faint smile etching across both their faces.

"Yeah...yeah. I'm just worried is all." She responded, trying to hold back more tears that etched their way to her eyes. She wasn't the one who had surgery just before and was crying more than her. She felt like she had to be strong...but just couldn't.

"Me too, but I saw how strong she was, even in my arms. Our little girl in there right now is gonna kick our as- our butts when she gets older."

Clementine let out a small chuckle, letting her wife sit over next to her as they looked out. Not really staring at much before one of the nurses returned with Milli. Watching as both their eyes lit up, but easily able to see the worry in them as well.

"Here you go moms, Milli here just needed an additional check up to see how she's been doing." She smiled, waiting to see who would hold her now.

Clementine watched, glad that they could have at least one of their daughters with them now, not even realizing Violet had told the nurse something as she walked closer to the brunette.

"Wha- oh, Vi you can hold her still if you want." She offered, waiting for a response as she almost felt scared to do so. Almost frowning as Violet shook her said, helping to get some of the cords still situated as Milli was gently placed in her wife's arms. Looking up at them both. Neither of them noticing the nurse was about to leave before Clem spoke up, still keeping her eyes on her little bundle of joy.

"How's um- how is Kaylee doing?" She asked pleadingly, feeling her eyes sting again as the nurse paused. Facing them both.

"I'm not too sure yet, she's still in surgery. I'll let you know whenever I can find out."

Clementine nodded, not exactly content with that answer but she didn't want to exactly start anything. Her tension calming as she held her daughter in her arms and by the hand rubbing her shoulder comfortingly. Watching their child wrapped in the small blanket as she slept.

Her heart was in such a mixture of emotions right now, she didn't even know how she could take it. Much less how Violet would.


"How are you doing?" She averted the blonde's question, looking to her as if she was begging her not to ask her anything else. Hoping that Violet wouldn't try to push past it, not now at least.

Violet relinquished. Knowing now was definitely not the time to point out Clementine's avoidance of herself and pushing past it all to help her wife. Only sighing now as she watched her turn back to Milli, tilting her head as she watched her.

"I'm fine. Still worried but I'm sure it'll be fine. It's going to be, she's barely had any time in this world and is already fighting every moment of it." She paused, looking back to Clem again as she didn't give her a glance. Almost worried she may have been crying now as they held her.

"Sounds like someone I know honestly. Someone who they kind of look like already. Someone who's beautiful and sitting right beside me with her equally beautiful baby in her arms. Always pushing past her own thoughts to take care of others." She leaned closer, watching Clementine's eyes as they partially glistened, a smile still on her face from her words and Milli peacefully asleep in her arms.

"The girl I love." Violet finished. Watching as the brunette turned to her now, wiping a stray tear with her free hand before pulling her wife in for a quick kiss. Both looking exhausted from all of the events they had today. But neither relinquishing any of it to leave their baby's sides.

"I-" Clem started, only interrupted by a nurse moving into the room. Different than the one before as she walked over to the brunette, speaking softly to them.

"The doctor wants to speak with you outside, I just gotta place your daughter back in here while you go, okay?"

Clementine looked to her, confused for a moment as Violet listened, walking out of the room while the nurse took Milli out of the brunette's arms. "Can't we hold her out there?"

"I'm afraid not. I'm sorry." She answered simply, still not meeting her eyes as she took her daughter from her. Sending Clementine away from the short peace she had with her and back into worry about what this could be about.

She quietly got up, her heart pounding as she left the small room, glancing forwards as the sound drowned out once again. Walking to the separate and private room she'd been instructed to go to, realizing Violet had left without her as she heard something.

Almost like denial, desperation. All coming from Violet as she quickened her pace, making her way into the blank and empty room as they both turned to her. Violet's eyes red and puffy -much more than they were before ad the doctor cleared his throat. Looking to one of Kaylee's surgeons next to him as he repeated what he must have told Violet.

"Clem I-" She choked back a cry, turning to her wife as she listened to every word the doctor told her. Feeling herself go deafened at the words, only hearing a practical ringing around her as this all happened. Her heart pounding even more now as her eyes watered quicker than ever, shaking her head in blind desperation.

"No! Nononono- no! This can't be happening!" She yelled out, not realizing the door behind her was closed as she back up into it, sobs coming from her mouth as the two men gave her looks of pity. Violet in complete silence as she continued listening, hearing the words 'i'm sorry' for what seemed like over and over and over. Watching Clementine slowly sink to the ground as her face was covered in tears now, in full denial of the entire situation before the ringing in her ears stopped. Catching words she never wanted to hear, not believing it at all, wishing she were actually deaf right now.

"She died during surgery."

The world felt like it was collapsing around her as she cried. Not noticing the way the doctors left them alone in the room to grieve. Not listening to Violet's attempts to talk to her as she drowned it all out. Not reacting to her wife wrapping her arms around her as they both cried. Feeling the room practically go dark even with the abundance of lights bearing onto them.

Clem couldn't even think of how her parents would think, how Violet's would. She couldn't think of anything but her daughters- daughter, still in the other room. Knowing that the reason why she was taken out of their arms was so they wouldn't hurt her in their revelation.

Still, even so, she felt like her world was crushed. It was crushed. She didn't know what to do or think, except knowing that she didn't want to move, didn't want to do anything as her cries became sobs. Muffled by her face in her arms, not even hearing footsteps practically burst in. Only hearing mumbles of what had to be her friends.

"Vi? What's wrong?"

"Clem- oh my god."


"We're so sorry. I'm so sorry oh my god."

Clementine felt herself so far away from the world right now. All of it practically destroyed by these news as she just let everything around her happen. Not even noticing they'd left the hospital, not noticing how they signed so many papers.

Just wanting it all to end. Wanting to get out of there knowing that one of her kids was dead, that she couldn't even go and see Milli right now as her remaining daughter was whisked away to have more testing done. Not seeing the looks of condolences people gave them as they overheard or saw their puffy faces. Clementine's cries throughout the halls as she was led out. None of it even recognizable through the parking lot as she still heard that same ringing. Still heard those words that Kaylee was dead. That she didn't make it.

And she still didn't believe it. Her child wasn't dead, she was a fighter just like her. She was right alongside her twin still in the room. She was- she was gone...

Clementine snapped herself back to reality as she looked down, she was in the car now. Silence among them again as she felt the pamphlet in her hand. Marking many different therapists for them to see and counseling after all they'd gone through.

As if she was going to listen of course. She couldn't take even thinking about it as she turned, hiding her crying face again as not a word came from Violet. The blonde knowing she'd practically cried out all the tears possible, looking over at everything in remorse.

All this time they tried, how they tried to be careful and fought for their kids. Losing one of them now and not able to bring the other home in their arms...

It hurt more than anything. More than anything she went through at the hospital and more than everything she could've gone through.

It was unreal, she felt empty as she turned to Clementine again. Her frown having stayed plastered across her face for what must have been hours. Wishing that at least something could have come from either of their mouths other than a cry or sob. Hoping there was some way she could try and make it better.

But she couldn't come up with anything. She was at a loss far worse than that of words.

They arrived home. Both not making a sound except listening to the doors of the car close. Carrying empty bags as the world around them seemed to go to a lull. So much crossing their minds as they opened their door, almost feeling like a curse to even do it. To even try and think of some other way out of the situation they had.

But they had nothing, no hope and smiles across their faces. Only melted down by their spirits once again as they heard Luke calling from across one of the rooms. Violet moving towards him as soon as she heard it.

"Where baby?" He cried out, reaching his arms towards both of his moms as Violet looked to Clem, who only stared off distantly. Not saying a word while her lip trembled, quickly setting the bag up on their counter as she went into the other room. Leaving Violet alone with Luke for now.

She stared, sniffling a moment before picking him up into her arms best she could, holding him close as her own way of reconciliation. Gently moving back and forth, deciding to tell him about Milli instead.

"Baby will be here soon, it's just gonna- it's just gonna be awhile." She whispered, fighting off the tears that somehow made their way back to her face, slightly glad when Luke didn't ask again. Only hearing Clementine walk back through the hallway as she tried to call out to her. Trying to say something at least.

"Clem- Clementine please say something to me. I'm begging you." Violet pleaded, hoping that she wouldn't somehow blame this on herself. There was nothing either of them could have done, but the way her wife had been acting this entire time told her otherwise.

Instead Clementine went into the twins' room. Well, what would have been the twins' room. Now it was just Milli's as she looked across the two mobiles, the two cribs. Practically two of everything in that room as her heart shattered even more. Knowing all of this was for nothing, they didn't need two of everything anymore.

She furiously wiped her tears away the best she could. failing to do so as she quietly moved down some of the decorations. Pushed the crib away and moved the mobile out of the room. Almost unbearable to even make a glance towards it as she cried. Not caring about the noise of everything crashing to the ground as she continued. Finding anything they had two of for their daughters and moving it out, not listening to Violet calling out to her.

"Clem please! Stop!" She tried yelling out above it, moving Luke to another room as he started to cry in his mother's arms, gripping her shirt tightly.

"I'm just gonna go- I'm gonna check on her, alright? I love you." She whispered, quickly whisking herself away as she heard their door slam. Wincing at it as she knew she had to try and get Clementine to talk to her. Both of their hearts absolutely broken, but she couldn't leave them both to grieve on their own. Not as she heard Clementine's sobs from the other side of the door. The way she must've slinked down it and onto the floor. Unable to hear her cries now as they became unbearable.

"Clementine open the door! Please. I-I need you." She pleaded, keeping her hands on the door handle just for the moment her wife might creak it open Hearing the slightest twist as she quickly moved herself in the room, seeing the brunette still on the floor in a mess of her own tears and the items practically thrown around the room. She knew why she did it, but her explanation herself -the first words she'd said in hours, nearly broke her down as well. Almost incomprehensible due to the hiccups she practically had through her sobs.

"W-we don't have t-twins anymore...s-so we- don't need this stuff." She made out, looking away from Violet in shame as she moved some of the stuff away. Leaning down near her as she hugged her tightly, letting herself cry now as well.

"Clem it's-"

"Kaylee's gone! She's gone and we couldn't do a-anything to h-h-help. Why c-can't anything go right for us?!"

Violet didn't respond, merely shaking her wife's shoulder as Clementine didn't listen. She didn't want to listen as the walls around her seemed to shake, seemed to close in on her as she felt she deserved it. Only making out the echoey words of Violet right beside her.


She shot up from her bed, in a heap of cold sweat and tears streaming down her face. Seeing how dark it was around her, her heart pounding as she let out a quiet sob. Putting her hand to her mouth as she felt arms wrapped around her. A warmth next to her side, pushing the hair out of her face.

"Clem" Violet whispered now, holding her trembling wife carefully. "Clementine can you hear me?"

"Y-yeah...I-I-" She managed to try and get out, only to be held tighter as Violet wiped some of the tears from her face.

"It's okay, you had a nightmare." She soothed, not noticing that Clementine's heart was racing again as the brunette quickly turned to her, surprised.

"E-everything's okay? They- our daughters are fine?" She looked to her, wide eyed as she was almost afraid of the answer. Not knowing if whatever she had experienced there was all a dream, or only some of it.

"What? Yeah they're fine. They're okay at the hospital just as we left them. They said they'd call if there were any updates, remember?"

Clementine choked back another sob, hugging Violet as tight as she could, relishing in the comfort of her as she felt her hand rubbing circles in her back. Hiding her face in her shoulder as Violet realized it.

"Milli's okay, Kaylee's alright, they said they'd update us on any conditions or when they were going to take her to surgery. We just wanted to get some rest after that long day. You're okay, Clem.

Clementine didn't say anything, unable to control her relief now as she let out a few more sobs. Not even remembering half of what Violet had said had happened after that nightmare. Only happy now that it was gone, that it didn't happen.

Even if she had to worry all over again, she'd do it just for the chance that everything would work out. That it all would be okay just as Violet promised her, just as they promised both of their daughters when her wife held them.

It all gave Clementine another instance of remembrance from that nightmare. She never actually got to hold Milli at all, nearly getting up right then and there before she was practically pulled back onto the bed.

"Whoa there, easy. It's still night and we still have a couple more hours to get some sleep. And you especially need it."

Clementine looked up at her, a faint smile crossing her face a she nodded. Whispering one more question as she cuddled back near Violet.

"When we go back there and we get the chance to, can I hold them?" She meekly asked, almost fearful and teary-eyed still as she was unable to see the smile that etched its way across Violet's face. Looking at her as she looked much more at peace than she had earlier during her nightmare that woke her up so quickly.

"Of course you can. I promise."

A/N: Guest written by: agarserv don't blame me for your tears!