"You did this to me!" Clementine screamed through her gritted teeth, squeezing Violet's hand as hard as possible, "I hate you!"

Violet winced in pain, holding her breath until Clementine's grip loosened. "To be fair," Violet said shaking her hand out and wiping Clementine's head with a wet cloth, "A doctor did this to you."

Clementine sent Violet her most piercing glare, usually reserved for her greatest of enemies, like Minerva for example.

"You are so right Clem," Violet shuddered under her gaze, she leaned down and kissed her sweaty forehead, "This is all my fault. I did this to you. I am so sorry."

Clementine allowed herself to relax into her pillow, closing her eyes, a small smile of victory on her face. Violet climbed onto the small hospital bed next to her wife as she snuggled into Violet's side, enjoying the moment of peace while it lasted.

Soon Clementine was emitting small snores and Violet knew she had finally succumbed to sleep. Violet grinned as she stroked her fingers through the brunette's curly locks, it had been a long night.

1AM, approximately 12 hours earlier

Clementine was rolling from one side to the other, trying desperately to find a comfortable position.

"Is everything alright?" Violet asked groggily, rolling over to face Clementine.

"You try strapping a giant beach ball that weighs 30lbs to your stomach and tell me how you sleep..." Clementine pouted, rolling again to face away from the blonde.

Violet scooted close and wrapped an arm around Clementine, sliding a hand under her shirt to rub her belly. "He's always so active at night." Violet grinned as she nuzzled her head into Clementine's hair, feeling the baby wiggle around. "I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable. Thank you for doing this for us. You are amazing." Violet started placing soft kisses along Clementine's neck.

"Vi... I'm over 40 weeks pregnant. I'm huge and uncomfortable and I just want to sleep laying on my stomach again." Clementine whined.

"Who said anything about sleep?" Violet continued placing kisses up her jawline, stopping to suck lightly.

"How can you find me attractive right now?" Clementine asked, arching her neck to allow Violet clearer access.

"Because you are Clementine." Violet said as her hand traveled southward. "Um... Clem... not to make you feel bad or anything but... uh, did the baby kick you in the bladder like really hard... because..."

Clementine sat up with great effort, looking over at the blonde, "Violet, I think my water broke."

"Your water broke?" Violet froze.

"My water broke." Clementine nodded in confirmation.

Violet stood up and paced around the bedroom. "Okay... right... we have to get to the hospital... the bags... where did we put the hospital bags?" Clementine held one hand on her stomach, using the other hand to help push herself off of the bed, Violet rushed to her side, putting an arm around her waist and helping her walk. "How do you feel? Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm okay for now," Clementine waved Violet away, "The hospital bags are in the coat closet, I'm going to change out of these wet clothes, will you change the bed sheets before we leave?"

"Change the sheets? Clem, you're going into labor, I can change the sheets later! We're going to the hospital now." Violet insisted as she hopped around trying to remove her pajama pants and put her jeans on at the same time.

"Please?" Clementine frowned as she put on a fresh pair of sweat pants and t-shirt, leaning on the counter for support, "I won't stop thinking about it if we don't get it done. Then it'll just be another thing we'll have to do when we bring the baby home and I just want to be able to focus on our little family..."

"Okay okay!" Violet ripped the sheets off the bed, sending pillows flying. She crammed them into the washing machine, starting it up before running to the linen closet and pulling out fresh sheets. She put them on in record time, joining Clementine at her side again, wrapping her arm around her. "Let's get you to the car and then I'll come back and grab the bag."

Clementine slowed as a mild contraction started, clutching her belly. "You got this Clem, you got this." Violet whispered kissing her cheek as she helped her sit down in the passenger seat, fastening the seat belt for her.

Violet smiled as she continued to stroke Clementine's hair, contractions were getting closer and closer, she didn't imagine Clementine had more than another couple minutes to sleep before another wave of pain hit. Violet couldn't believe that they would soon be a family of three. It was starting to feel like the baby would never be born and that Clementine would just be pregnant forever.

Clementine's eyes shot open as Violet noticed the monitor by the bedside spike, another contraction, and it seemed like a bad one. Clementine groaned in pain, Violet hated seeing her like this, she grabbed the cloth and wiped at her face only to be batted away.

"Just. stop." Clementine said in frustration, trying to ride the wave of pain. Violet grabbed her hand and started to massage it, waiting to be shooed away again but she wasn't. When the contraction ended Clementine slumped back into the bed exhausted. "I can't do this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. Why can't I have drugs again?"

Violet frowned as she continued to rub her hand, "The doctor said your platelet count was too low. It's too dangerous to give you an epidural, but you're Clementine, you can do anything."

"I need to get up and walk." Clementine said resolutely, grabbing onto Violet to help her stand. "Where is Lee and Carley, and your mom? Are they almost here?"

Violet helped her to stand. "Yes, they should be here any minute. Do you want them in the room? I'll make them stay out if you want."

"Carley and your mom can stay. I want to say hi to Lee, but I don't want him in here when body parts start getting exposed." Violet chuckled and nodded, arm around Clementine, helping her walk around the room.

Clementine grabbed onto Violet's shoulders as another contraction started. "Wow, that was fast." Violet said, looking at her watch. She pressed her forehead into Clementine's, rubbing her hands up and down her sides.

"Why? Why didn't we just adopt?" Clementine growled. Violet tried to hold back a smile but stayed silent as she continued to rub Clementine.

Approximately one year ago

Violet pushed AJ on the swing, he was capable of pushing himself but had said it was more fun when Violet did it. Clementine stood at the edge of the playground watching the two with a smile on her face.

As Clementine watched, Violet started swinging next to AJ, seeing who could go the highest. Violet shrieked when she went so high that the chains went lax, causing her to drop momentarily before jerking back into swing position. Clementine couldn't help but giggle at them as they jumped out of the swing, seeing who could go farthest. AJ won, but she could tell that Violet had held back.

AJ ran up to Clementine, wrapping her in a big hug. "Can we go get ice cream now?" he asked.

"What kind of sister would I be if I said no?" Clementine smiled, taking his hand. Violet jogged to the other side of Clementine grabbing her other hand and connecting their fingers.

After ice cream the girls dropped AJ back home at Lee and Carley's house. As Clementine drove towards their own home, she spoke up, unable to hold her thoughts back any longer.

"You're so good with AJ, I know you'd make a great mom." Clementine reached for Violet's hand and squeezed it, "I know we've discussed this before, and we wanted to wait a while... and we did... I think I'm done waiting now... I want us to have a baby." Clementine's voice shook as she spoke, scared of what Violet might say.

"You know what... y-yeah, um, yes, let's do that. I'm ready too."

Clementine nearly crashed the car she was so excited. She lunged over with one arm, trying to hug Violet. Violet merely reached for the steering wheel, hurriedly setting the car straight.

"Can we not have serious, life altering conversations in the car anymore please?" Violet said nervously.

"Don't be so dramatic!" Clementine laughed as she placed both hands back on the steering wheel, but decided to wait patiently until they got home to finish the conversation.

As soon as they walked into their one story three bedroom home Clementine threw her arms around Violet. "How are we going to do this? How many kids do you want to have? I know what I want to do but I want to hear what you want first."

"How about giving a girl a chance to take her shoes off before attacking her?" Violet said with a smile. Clementine dragged her to the couch, pushing her down and pulling her shoes off for her.

"Sooo?" Clementine sat beside her, looking at her eagerly.

"I haven't really thought about it... It'd be nice to have two kids, so they can play with each other. I always wanted a sibling when I was little." Violet started thinking out loud, wrapping her arm around Clementine's shoulder, pulling her into her side.

"Yeah, me too." Clementine agreed, "Lee adopting AJ was one of the best days of my life. Unfortunately I was almost done with high school when he did, so I wasn't able to really appreciate having a little brother for long."

"You're still a great sister, even if you don't live with AJ anymore." Violet placed a kiss on the top of Clementine's head. "We could adopt I guess?"

Clementine frowned, "I've always loved the idea of having a little Violet running around... A little girl with blonde hair bouncing as she runs around the house..." Clementine's face got dreamy as she imagined it.

"I don't know how I feel about being pregnant..." Violet sighed. "Besides, don't you think the world would be better off with more Clementines? Who needs more socially awkward, ill-tempered, dorks in the world?"

"I do!" Clementine wrapped her arms around Violet's waist, "And I'll carry the baby, I've always kind of wanted to see what it was like to be pregnant."

"Let me get this straight-" Violet started only to be interrupted.

"Waaay too late for that Vi." Clementine laughed. Violet glared and continued on with her sentence.

"you want to take my egg, have it fertilized and then put it in you?" Violet asked, Clementine nodded, "That sounds expensive..."

"We can afford it, we both have good jobs, we've been saving for a while and if we need to take out loans then so be it. I want to carry your child Violet Everett." Clementine cried dramatically.

"Let's do it. Let's have a baby." Violet said seriously. Clementine tackled her onto the couch, planting kisses all over her face.

"Alright, these contractions are getting really close together, we need to get a doctor in here." Violet said as she helped Clementine settle back into her bed after a particularly long contraction. Violet hit the red call button on the side of the bed.

The door opened immediately, but it wasn't the nurse or doctor that Violet hoped it was. "Mom! Lee, Carley!" Violet yelled as they entered, rushing over to give them a quick hug. "Clem's getting close, the baby could be born any minute. Mom could you grab a nurse from the hallway?" She nodded before hurrying out of the room.

Lee and Carley moved to the side of Clementine's bed, squeezing her hand and kissing her head. "How's my sweet pea doin'?" Lee asked, taking her hand in both of his.

"She has been a rock star." Violet said as she sat on the side of Clementine's bed, rubbing her shoulder.

Clementine rolled her eyes at Violet before smiling warmly up at Lee and Carley. "I'm ready for this to be over, but I'm okay. Just want to meet my baby boy... speaking of boys, is AJ here?"

"AJ's waiting in the lobby with all your friends." Carley said as she patted Clementine's knee.

Clementine leaned back, panting in pain as another contraction came just as Violet's mom entered with a nurse trailing behind.

"How close are the contractions?" she asked, looking at Violet.

"About a minute a part." Violet answered, looking at her watch for confirmation.

The nurse pulled on a plastic glove. "I'll need to see how dilated you are."

"That's my cue to leave." Lee said, kissing Clementine's head as she clenched her teeth in pain. "Love you Clem." Lee hurried out of the room.

"I feel like I need to push." Clementine told the nurse.

"10 centimeters dilated. I'll call for the doctor." The nurse pulled off her gloves and picked up the phone on the wall. "Do not push until we can get a doctor in here."

"Hold on just another minute babe, soon. We'll be meeting our baby boy soon." Violet crouched next the bed. She grabbed Clementine's hand, massaging it.

"Sing to me? Please?" Clementine implored, looking into Violet's eyes.

Carley and Violet's mom stood on the other side of the bed, watching quietly, but Violet and Clementine were only focused on one another. "Never mind the darkness," Violet started singing as the doctor walked in pulling on his gloves. "Never mind the storm,"

"On the next contraction I want you to push." the doctor said, pulling up a stool and taking his place at the end of the bed, nurses flanking him and helping Clementine put her feet in the stirrups. "Never mind the blood red moon, the night will be over soon, the night will be over soon."

Clementine cried out in pain, pushing as the doctor instructed, but focusing on Violet's voice. "Brush away the sorrow, brush away the tears," Clementine kept her eyes focused on Violet, her ears trained on the words, "Brush away your heavy heart." The contraction ended and Clementine rested as Carley wiped her face with a cool rag.

"I can't do this anymore... I've got nothing left..." Clementine cried into Violet's shoulder, Violet hugged her and kept singing, "the night will be over soon, the night will be over soon."

Another contraction, Clementine pushed again, screaming with pain and effort, "For every night goes quiet," Violet smiled, "and every moon goes blue," This time Clementine had only seconds to rest before another contraction started, she pushed with all her might. "beyond the dark, comes something new" The sound of a baby screaming rang through the room. "The sun will be rising soon."

Violet grinned as she looked at the blonde haired baby crying as nurses bustled to wash him and weigh him. She looked back at Clementine, "You did it Clem, you did so good." She placed a kiss on her lips, noticing how pale she looked suddenly.

Clementine struggled to look in the direction of the crying, trying to catch a glimpse, "Is he okay? Is my baby okay?"

"He's absolutely perfect." Violet smiled, looking over as they wrapped the blonde boy up in a blanket. She looked back at Clementine just in time to see her eyes roll back in her head. "Clem? Clementine?!" Violet grabbed her face, "Is this normal, is she okay?" Violet looked frantically at the doctor, still at the foot of the bed, his arms were soaked in blood, Clementine's blood. "What's going on?" the bedside monitors started screaming and nurses filed into the room.

"You need to leave," one nurse said, ushering Carley and Violet's mom out. "You too," the nurse turned towards Violet.

"This is my wife, I'm not leaving her!" Violet yelled, shaking off the hands that attempted to pull her away from Clementine, "Tell me what's going on!" Carley came and wrapped her arm around Violet, she didn't fight her as she stared at Clementine's limp body.

Violet couldn't stop the tears coming down her face. "We need to get out of their way so that they can help her. I know you want to stay." Carley was fighting back tears of her own, "I want to stay too but if we want them to help her we need to go." Violet allowed herself to be guided out of the room.

As they stepped out they were greeted by all their friends, holding balloons and baby gifts, Louis had his arms full of stuffed animals, gift bags, and flowers, when he saw Violet he yelled "Congratulations Mommy!" before noticing the tears running down her face. He hurriedly dropped all his things into a chair and wrapped his arms around her in a tight embrace. He looked at Carley questioningly.

"Is... is something wrong with the baby Sug?" Ruby asked hesitantly.

"Baby's fine," Violet choked out between sobs, unable to say anything more.

Lee put his arm around his now crying wife, AJ at his side, "What's going on hun?"

"Clem was losing a lot of blood, they made us leave." Carley explained as nurses rushed into the room behind them.

Brody, Marlon, Aasim and Sophie stood and wrapped Violet in a giant group hug. A nurse opened the door and Violet pushed her way out of the group. "What's going on, is she okay?"

"No updates yet," the nurse frowned, wheeling the bassinet cart out of the room, "If you want to follow me to the nursery you can hold your sweet baby boy now, he weighs 9lbs even, a big boy! He is healthy and doing great."

Violet shook her head, "I can't. I can't leave Clem. Besides she should get to hold him first, she carried him for 9 months, she deserves it." Violet's chest tightened at the sound of urgent talking and hurried footsteps from inside the room.

Carley took Violet's face in her hands, wiping at her tears with her thumbs. "Violet, Clem would want you to go with the baby. She would want you to hold him. Lee and I will stay here, one of us will come get you immediately the second we hear anything, promise."

Violet nodded numbly and followed the bassinet as it was wheeled down the hallway. Her mom stood frozen in place, not sure what to do. Though she had mended her relationship with Violet over the last few years after her divorce, she still wasn't the best at knowing how to comfort her daughter. Louis stepped in, put an arm around her and followed her down the hall. Lee and Carley remained in an embrace outside of the door while everyone else sank back into their seats.

A/N: I'm imagining Clementine is 25ish, Violet's 27 and AJ is only like 10. I know that doesn't add up, but ya know, fanfiction. Part 2 is in the works.