A/N: Hello! I'm back once again to give you Chapter 2. Sorry it took me so long to post this chapter. I was having a bit of writer's block trying to figure out what to write for this next chapter. I wasn't sure if I should make it Killua's POV first or Akane's. I eventually went with Akane's POV only because I want to show her amnesia before Killua actually finds her.

I feel like I should explain Killua's nickname for Akane. Her nickname is "Aka-chi", which translated means "Little Red." I wanted to have that as her nickname because of, you know, "Little Red Riding Hood." I wasn't sure what else to translate "Little Red" to so I went with "Aka-chi."

Without further ado, let's hop right into it. I hope you enjoy it! ^^

(Akane's POV)

The tunnel was packed with people and I mean packed. There were so many new applicants for the Hunter Exam. I smiled to myself. I wondered how many people would drop out before the Exam was over.

Tonpa was here, as per usual. The idiot took the exam 35 times in a row. He does it mainly to crush the dreams of wannabe hunters. Although, I can't talk. I too take this exam multiple times. I like the practice it gives me. It's different every year so it's fun. Also, I can do it.

One boy stood out to me above all the rest. A boy with spiky white hair. He was wearing a white shirt over a blue turtleneck and light gray shorts. He carried a skateboard under one arm. I felt a pang in my heart and I'm not sure why. I felt like I knew the boy but I couldn't put a name to his face.

I stood there pondering the boy as he spoke with another boy who looked about his age with spiky green hair and green clothes. He carried a fishing pole in a backpack slung over his shoulders. Hmm.

I whistled and a small black fluffy thing came barreling toward me midair. My Hikō, which means "flying" in Japanese, helps me keep suspended in midair. I climbed on it and sped toward the boys. I couldn't control it however, and crashed right into Killua!

We crashed to the floor in a heap. I sat up rubbing my nose. Killua was staring up at me his eyes wide. "Aka-"

"Ow that hurt!" I yelled at my Hikō. "What the hell was that for you stupid...uh...thing?!"

Hikō just turned around and sped away. "Hey get back here you!" Then I remembered I crashed into someone and turned to apologize. "Sorry about that, he he…" I grinned sheepishly. "Hikō doesn't take other people in consideration."

Killua had gotten up and he was shaking. "Akane?" He whispered.

I stared at him. "H-how do you know my name?" I stammered.

Killua shook his head, looking like a dog shaking water off his fur. "Never mind." He said. "You don't remember." Almost as an afterthought he added, "You wouldn't remember…"

"That's so cool, you guys know each other already!" The second boy, the green one, waved his hands in our faces. "I'm Gon, nice to meet you!" His smile was huge and despite the fact that a random boy knew my name, I smiled back.

But...was he really that random? Did I meet him before?

(Killua's POV)

How the hell was she here? After all this time of looking for her, and then giving up, I finally find her?! And why is she here of all places?!

Multiple thoughts ran through my mind as Gon rattled away to Akane about the Exam and how he wished the proctor would hurry up and come. His other two companions, Leorio and Kurapika, had now introduced themselves to her and were chatting away. Her smile was the same and my heart ached. I finally found her.

I didn't have long to explain to her, it seemed she had regained her amnesia perhaps on her mission, because the proctor finally entered.

Akane got on her Hikō and I got on my skateboard. Eventually, everything disappeared from my mind as the second phase of the test finally began.

Eventually, Akane caught up to me while we were running up the stairs.

"So," She said by way of greeting, but that was her, always jumping straight in, no regrets. "Do we...uhm...know each other?" She fidgeted uncomfortably on the Hikō.

"We do." I tried my best to keep myself calm and composed. "We knew each other when we were kids." I kept my gaze ahead of me as Akane continued looking at me in a strange way.

"Well, I thought we must have known each other, I mean, I kept getting this feeling that we knew each other." She flipped onto her back and her long, bright red hair fell over the side of the Hikō.

"R-right." Damn she was distracting. "I'm going to go on ahead." I told her and before I lost my cool completely, I ran to catch up with Gon, leaving her looking disappointed in my wake.

A/N: Alright! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. I am sorry it is short, but I promise, there will be longer chapters in the future. I'm trying to get the feel for this story and hopefully get more ideas. I apologize that this chapter is very late as well. Getting writer's block is not fun.

Anyways as usual, please Review this story and favorite and follow! Have a good day, may have another chapter by tonight, no promises.

Stay fired up! ^^