Rainbow Guardians
Here's the other story! This one is a bit different in plot and includes an OC. For those who don't like OCs, how can I practice original characters without giving it a go.
Also, I am struggling to decide who I want Ash's father to be for this one. The regions will be done a bit of different order, too. We will skip Hoenn and go straight to Sinnoh then do the Battle frontier. Then we head to Alola. I may do a sequel with the other regions not mentioned just there. Do you want the different regions in different stories to break it up?
Ash Ketchum was an excited young boy. Tomorrow he was going to start his Pokémon journey! Everything was packed and ready to go, except for a few items he couldn't pack until the morning. His alarm clock had been set by his mother, hopefully, he wouldn't break it before the morning.
Delia Ketchum, the proud mother of Ash, knew her son was liable to stay up late when he was excited, which was why she took it upon herself to make sure it was set with enough time for Ash to get to the lab by nine. Back in the day when her older sister had started her journey, it had been seven thirty: much more respectable now.
The Ketchums had just finished dinner, and now Ash was on the floor in the living room, reading his guide to becoming a trainer, while periodically playing with a toy pokéball he had. Ash could barely wait until tomorrow! He had so many plans for his journey, and the Pokémon he would catch on it: he planned for his starter to be Charmander, as it would evolve into Charizard.
Charizard was a great Pokémon on any trainer's team. Ash spent quite a lot of time helping Professor Oak when he didn't have an assistant. There he met lots of Pokémon, including a few Charizard.
Ash was not much of a reader, however, the book his mother had given him was very interesting, and his mother insisted he read it if he wanted to become a Pokémon Master and a trainer full stop. The most noteworthy thing about its cover was it was at least twenty years old, despite that it was very interesting. He had all the tips and everything any trainer needed to know. After he finally started reading it, Ash for the first time in his life, found something to read he could not put down. Ash recalled Leaf mentioning she and Gary had read the book.
"Ash, I think you should go to bed now," Delia said, looking over to the clock.
"But, mum! It is not even nine yet!" Ash whined.
"You have a big day tomorrow, though, and you don't want to be tired and sleep through your alarm and miss starting your journey. Besides, the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner you can wake up and start your journey," she pointed out.
"I suppose. Alright, night' mum," Ash nodded, closing his book and slowly standing up.
"Night sweetie," Delia said, standing up also and giving her son a kiss on the forehead.
Ash then trudged to his bedroom. He got changed before hopping into bed and attempting to go to sleep. He lay there with his eyes closed until he finally fell asleep.
ASH!*((( )))))*ASH!
"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" the alarm clock of Ash tolled. Ash groaned: what a rude noise!
As he reached over to turn the stupid thing off, a thought sprung to his mind! Today was the day he would start his journey. That made Ash spring out of bed and into action.
He quickly got up and brushed his teeth then had a shower, before changing into blue pants, black shirt with a dark blue and white vest over the top, a green backpack, and finally his official league expo hat.
He planned to get to Viridian City by evening, but just in case, it was worth having a shower now. Anyway, it was more likely he would get there tomorrow.
Ash's father had apparently taken three days to get to the city, which Ash could not quite believe. Then again, beyond that Ash knew nothing of his mysterious father, so maybe it was imaginable? He had been to Viridian City once before with Professor and Gary, and it was half a day's travel there and back with a car.
After his shower, Ash gave his hair a light comb before gathering up the remaining items he needed to pack. However, one item was his trainer guide, and he couldn't find it! Eventually, Ash found it behind a cupboard just outside his mother's room: Ash had no idea how it ended up there.
He then grabbed the berries for his Pokémon: Oran, lum, Cheri, sitrus, rawst, Pecha and aspear berries were packed, along with a couple of potions and revives his mother had brought when she'd gone to Viridian City.
Pancakes were for breakfast, but when Ash went to help his mum bake them, he accidentally spilt most the mixture, which meant they had to remake it. By the time he had eaten, Ash was walking out the door ten minutes after he was supposed to, as Delia wouldn't let her son leave without breakfast.
Ash quickly ran through the streets of Pallet Town, hoping to not arrive too late. Professor Oak would give him a starter, but by now Leaf and Gary would have already chosen theirs. Ash didn't think either of them wanted Charmander, however, he didn't want them to have too much of a head start, and you never know which they will end up picking.
As Ash ran up the stairs to the lab, he almost ran straight into Gary Oak, Professor Oak's grandson. The two boys used to be friends, then something happened which set them apart. By the time Ash next saw his friend, the boy had changed and didn't want to be even around Ash.
"Hehe, Ashy-boy has finally arrived. Bet you overslept: we have barely started and your already miles behind," Gary said. The brown-haired boy was giving Ash a smug look, and the raven-haired boy did not like it.
"Not actually: Just had a whole heap of rotten luck," Ash said, walking right past. As he continued on, he felt concerned Gary was wearing a look which told Ash, the boy knew something Ash didn't.
Ash knocked on the door to the lab; it was opened by the assistant of the Professor, whom Ash did not know or did not remember the name of. After climbing the stairs to get there, Ash was about ready to fall on the door.
"Ah, Ash: the professor is in his lab. I trust you know where," the assistant said, moving to let Ash come in.
"Thank you, sir," Ash nodded to the male assistant. Ash thought his name might have been Rodger or something similar. Ash quickly went upstairs where the lab was.
"Professor!" Ash cried as he walked into the lab. He glanced around and saw the elderly professor at his desk, typing onto a computer.
The white-haired Professor turned around in his swivel chair, looking confused until he spotted Ash. "I hear you have had a bad morning," he stated.
"Yes, Professor! How did you know?" Ash asked in disbelief.
"Your mother rang to say you were coming. Unfortunately, I don't have any starters left," the Professor said, looking embarrassed.
"What?!" Ash asked in disbelief.
"Well, a kid from another city was going to come, then he wasn't, and today he just turned up and I only found he was coming five minutes before he arrived. Since you were late, I could hardly not give him a Pokémon: I'm sorry. Gary and Leaf were already here, and you were not: I'm sorry, Ash," Professor Oak said, sounding very sorry.
"I understand, I think," Ash said sounding very disappointed. He was trying hard not to cry: Ash had been looking forward to this day for a very long time.
Professor Oak meanwhile felt very, very bad. "Well, I could give you that Pokémon… would you mind your starter being a bit different, Ash?" he asked, coming up with an idea. He had just caught Pikachu, and it was fairly weak. However, it had a bad temper, and the professor was not sure about giving it to a beginner, but maybe it would be okay.
"Yes, Professor! I wouldn't mind one bit," Ash said, instantly perking up. Professor Oak silently sighed: he couldn't think of any other Pokémon to give Ash.
"Well then—" the professor started, but then his assistant came in.
"Professor, there is someone here to see you," the assistant said.
"But I am not expecting anyone!" Professor Oak said, dumbfounded.
"She's a ten-year-old wanting to start her journey," the assistant said, stepping to the side to reveal a short, light blonde girl wearing rags for clothes. She had green-blue eyes.
"Oh no," Professor Oak sighed very quietly.
"I turned ten a couple of days ago: I live in an orphanage and when I heard about Pokémon training, I thought it sounded like fun, and it also seemed the only way to escape the life I had. Please, sir: I would really love to start a Pokémon journey: I travelled for two days to get here," the girl said, pleading.
"Alright, I will find a Pokémon for both of you!" Professor Oak nodded.
Considering this girl had travelled from a long way away, he could not give her one either. Professor Oak also decided that giving Ash a Pikachu, that was only just captured and had a questionable temperament to boot, was a bad idea. He had just the Pokémon that would suit the boy, and a Pokémon he thought the girl would like. He quickly went off to find them. He shook his head and wondered why he didn't think of Riolu earlier. Also, they reminded him of people he had met in his youth, who had had those two Pokémon.
"I'm just starting too. I'm Ash Ketchum!" Ash said brightly.
"Hi. My name's Leah," the girl, Leah nodded, albeit quite timidly.
"What Pokémon are you going to catch? Which gym will you do first? Have you decided on a path as a trainer?" Ash asked, asking a lot of questions.
Poor Leah just stared at him. "Umm, I don't know. I don't know anything about being a trainer really, or gym battles," Leah said shyly.
"I know all about it! Why don't we travel together?" Ash suggested brightly.
"But you have only just met me?" Leah said in disbelief. She couldn't this boy was happy and eager to travel with a stranger!
"I don't mind! It would be fun!" Ash said. He couldn't understand her problem: people did that all the time!
"O-okay," Leah said, looking unsure.
Meanwhile, Professor Oak who now had two pokéballs in his hand and been listening in. He smiled: Ash was such a nice child, and he would look after that girl. He was concerned though: presumably, the child came from an orphanage, judging by her clothes? He would have to find the name out and check it out, as they should be better dressed and educated then this girl, and the champion had been talking about orphanages that needed to be given a wrack over the head, over how they treat their kids.
"Right: here we go," Professor Oak said, catching the children's attention before he walked in. "Ash, I want you to have this one: I think it will suit you perfectly." The professor said.
He walked over to the two kids then handed a Pokéball out to Ash. Ash took it as he said, "Are you sure? Thanks, Professor!"
"No problem at all, my dear boy. How about you see what's inside?" Professor Oak suggested.
"Okay," Ash said, brimming with nervous excitement. He walked away from the other two a bit. "Come on out!" he cried, throwing the pokéball into the air.
It released the Pokémon inside a few feet away from him. What came out was a blue and black Pokémon, about the size of a four or five-year-old child. It's feet and hands looked like paws, and it had a blue tail. After a second, the Pokémon turned around to face Ash, saying, "Ri?"
It looked as though it had a black mask over its eyes. "Wow! A Riolu! They are supposed to be very rare!" Ash cried.
"Are you my master?" Riolu asked, approaching Ash. It raised its right paw, and Ash touched it with his left hand. A blue glow surrounded them both.
"Just as I thought," Professor Oak nodded.
"What, p, pr, professor?" Leah asked.
"Ash's mother, his mother's sister and his grandfather were all able to use aura, considering their connections with vary Lucario: so, I thought Ash would be able to, too. That we have just witnessed is a rare phenomenon called an Aura Bound. It happens when a trainer and Pokémon able to use aura meet and form a connection instantly, it means no matter the distance, Ash and Riolu will be able to communicate, and through Riolu Ash will be able to understand all Pokémon if he wishes," Professor Oak explained.
"Wow, that's cool!" Leah said.
"Yes, it is. Now, sorry: what was your name again?" Professor Oak asked, looking embarrassed.
"Leah, sir," Leah nodded.
"Ah! What a fine name," Professor Oak said. He then looked as though he was trying to remember something.
"I know, Riolu! We are going to be a great team!" Ash said brightly: the professor and Leah had missed the rest of the conversation, and the glow fades away. The two had been discussing the future.
"Well, glad to see you two getting on famously. Now, Leah, time for your starter: take this one, it is a nice friendly Pokémon, according to Professor Rowan from Sinnoh," Professor Oak said as Ash and Riolu walked over. Professor Oak was holding a Pokéball out to Leah.
"Are you sure I am fit to look after a Pokémon?" Leah asked, unsure.
"You'll be fine: I have seen much worse start their journey," Professor Oak said smiling.
"Okay," Leah said, slowly taking the pokéball. Ash wondered if like Riolu's, the pokéball Leah was holding was nice and smooth.
"Go!" Leah said, taking a few steps away from Ash and the Professor, and releasing her Pokéball, trying her best to copy Ash.
What emerged onto the ground was a medium to small-sized bird. Its body was fairly large, compared to a Pidgey. It was mainly dark grey in colour, with a white patch around its eyes and under its neck. It had a black tail, black ruff around its neck and a bit of black over the top of its head.
It took off, crying, "Starly!"
"Wow!" Ash exclaimed.
"What is it?" Leah asked, bending down to be at the bird's height when it landed again.
"A Starly. They are known for living in noisy flocks, especially when they're after bug Pokémon. They tend to stay in groups or flocks until they reach their final form, Staraptor. It knows Steel Wing: for whatever reason Professor Rowan taught it that via TM," Professor Oak supplied.
"You said it was from Sinnoh, right?" Ash asked as Leah tried to catch Starly's attention. The Professor nodded. "Okay: if I recall, they have a lot of similarities to the Pidgey line," Ash nodded.
"Hello, Starly," Leah said nervously. Starly was looking at her curiously.
"Starly?" Starly chirped.
"Wow, it was almost as if it was asking me why I was scared!" Leah exclaimed.
"Part of the amazing thing of Pokémon is the first Pokémon a trainer receives has a special bound allowing them to have a natural understanding for their starter. It does not allow for a clear translation as an Aura Bond, which means trainers every now and then misunderstand their starter. Not to mention an aura bound allows a trainer to fully understand every Pokémon while most people have to learn and guess from experience," the professor explained.
"Wow, sounds amazing. Hey, Starly, I want to try and become a trainer: would you help me? I am going to need a lot of help as I know nothing," Leah asked.
"Sta!" Starly nodded, then it flew and landed on Leah's shoulder.
"Wow! Great! Thank you!" Leah said, slowly lifting a hand to gently stroke the bird. It was actually quite a heavy creature.
"Great! Now, would either of you like to nickname your Pokémon?" Professor Oak asked.
"No way!" Riolu said to Ash. It sounded like an angry "Ril!" to Professor Oak and Leah though.
"Not for us, thanks," Ash said, chuckling slightly.
"What do you think, Starly?" Leah asked, thinking it was the polite thing to do. After all, it had a right to decide what everyone was going to call it.
"Sta! Starly!" Starly said: it liked the idea very much!
"Alright, I just have to think of one," Leah said.
"Don't Pokémon have genders? And how do you tell?" Ash asked Professor Oak.
"Well, just come over here, and I will issue a Pokédex for both of you: it will tell you. As a general rule you can't tell, however, some Pokémon look different if their male or female," Professor Oak said, walking over to his computer, with Ash, Leah, Riolu and Starly following. Then he explained what a Pokédex is to Leah.
"Sounds useful," Leah nodded.
After pulling two Pokédexes out of a shelf, the Professor put one in a machine that looked like a DVD player, then he typed a few things into the computer.
When Professor Oak had typed all he needed to, the first Pokédex popped out. "Here, Ash: open it and see what it says," the professor instructed, handing the device to Ash.
"Thanks, Professor!" Ash said, taking it gratefully. The device was in the shape of an old-fashioned flip up style mobile phone, just bigger. It was red with black parts, a screen in the middle, a big blue button and a few small buttons on the other side.
"Hello, I am the Pokédex of Ash Ketchum: if lost or stolen, please report. If found, take to the nearest Police station. I am ready to scan my first Pokémon if Ash speaks the voice activation," the Pokédex said after Ash pressed the big blue button.
"Good. Now, point it at Riolu," Professor Oak nodded.
"Right: what do you know about Riolu, Pokédex?" Ash asked, doing as the Professor said.
"Riolu, emanation Pokémon, on level five. It knows how people and Pokémon feel by looking at their auras. It doesn't approach dangerous opponents. It's tough enough to run right through the night, and its also a hard worker, but its still just a youngster. This Pokémon is average height and male."
"Wow! That's so cool!" Leah cried.
"Thanks, Professor," Ash nodded.
"Right, Leah, your turn for your Pokédex," Professor Oak said. He then went on to ask Leah information about her, name, and hometown. She made her hometown Pallet District, to mean she came from that area around Pallet.
"And, here you go," Professor Oak said, pulling out a Pokédex similar to Ash's except it was white instead of red.
Leah did exactly what Ash had done to activate the Pokédex, and it said the exact same thing as Ash's, except it belonged to Leah Lin. Having to have a surname, Leah decided on Lin: she was not even sure why.
"Right, thanks, Professor," Leah nodded. Then she said, "Let's scan Starly, then."
"Starly, the starling Pokémon, on level five. They flock in great numbers, though small, they flap their wings with great power. This Pokémon is female, and larger than average for its level, standing at 1'09 feet."
Starly let out a chirp, and flew off, doing some quite cute things. "Wow! That's so cute!" Leah said, giggling slightly.
"Umm, excuse me, Professor, how do level's work? And why's Starly so large?" Ash asked. He had scanned Starly as well, and at the moment Leah was scanning Riolu.
"What are levels?" was what Leah asked.
"Good questions! That's the level of the Pokémon's experience. Every battle you do counts as experience, so to speak. When you have earned enough points, it will grow up a level. At certain levels, the Pokémon will evolve. This is what we created to keep track of Pokémon growth and how long until they are due to evolve. Of course, some need stones or certain areas to evolve. Throughout your journey you will see very large and small Pokémon, even if they're the exact same creature," Professor Oak said.
"Does the training affect the life-span of Pokémon at all?" Leah asked quietly.
"Not at all! In fact, studies have shown it increases it if anything. Now, would you like to name your Starly?" Professor Oak asked.
"Yes. You said Staraptor is its evolved form?" Leah asked, and the Professor nodded. "Well, how about Star? Starly, what do you think?"
"Sta!" Starly cried. She seemed to like it.
"I think that's a winner," Professor Oak commented.
"Right, Star it is!" Leah nodded.
"Good, good. Now, we just have to fill out your trainer licences, and we're finished," Professor Oak said.
He asked Leah the same questions as earlier, but also had birthdate and emergency contact, (which ended up being the professor,) and then the professor printed out two cards; blue and red. "There, your both registered trainers!" Professor Oak said cheerfully.
"Great! Thanks, Professor!" Leah and Ash said.
"And here: here are six Poké Balls, which should allow you to catch six Pokémon. Including your starter, that would mean you own seven Pokémon: when you reach number seven, the newest Pokémon will be traded back here. If you wish to swap the seventh Pokémon into your party, call me from any Pokémon centre. Eventually, I'll finish the upgrade that allows you to switch out your Pokémon from your part and my lab whenever and wherever you like. Take two potions each, too," Professor Oak said.
"Wow, thank you! There's a lot to remember," Leah said, concerned.
"It will be fine!" Ash said brightly.
"Is there anything else?" Leah asked, shaking her head.
"I don't think so. Oh! What generation does the Pokédex go up to? Why does it look different from the pokédex the trainers who started two months ago?" Ash asked. For the last year, he had watched all the new trainers get their starters.
"Well, this is a new model: those ones were updated versions of the just Kanto, and they had up to Sinnoh Pokémon. However, you five starting today have gotten the beta version of my new Pokédex, which will register Pokémon in every region up to the Alolan Islands, and eventually, you will be able to call people with it and transfer your Pokémon back and forward from here to your party. Alas, Bill and I are still working on the software for that though," Professor Oak said, getting quite excited.
"So, Gary, Leaf and the other boy got one, too?" Ash asked.
"Ritchie is his name: yes, you are all very lucky trainers to be the first ones who receive this dex," Professor Oak said.
"I feel honoured: thank you! Well, we should head off, I suppose," Leah said.
"Yes, you two hurry along before you get too far behind the others," Professor Oak said.
"Okay! Star, do you want to stay inside your ball or be out?" Leah asked.
"Starly!" Star cried, flying onto Leah's shoulder.
"Riolu, would you like to stay out?" Ash asked, and Riolu nodded.
"Let's go then! Bye, Professor!" Ash nodded, then he ran off.
"Wait! Bye, Professor," Leah said, just gazing after Ash.
"Take these, too: Poké ball belts. What was the name of your orphanage?" Professor Oak said, handing Leah two belts, with six things that probably hold pokéballs. Leah stayed long enough to put one on, put her pokéballs on it.
"Thank you so much, professor! Umm, it was called Sunny Futures," Leah said quickly.
"Thanks," Professor Oak nodded as Leah ran off to catch up with Ash.
"Hey, Ash! Wait up!" She cried, distressed.
"Here, Riolu is: where I live!" Ash exclaimed as they reached Ash's house. The duo had run all the way there.
"Ash! Your back!" Delia said, coming out looking excited.
"Mum! This is my partner, Riolu!" Ash cried excitedly.
"A Riolu? That's great, honey!" Delia nodded with a bit of delay.
"Err, mum, are you alright?" Ash asked tilting his head.
"Sorry: my sister's starter was also a Riolu," Delia said, shaking her head.
"I have an aunt? What happened to her? Why hasn't she visited?" Ash asked.
"Now's not the time for that: you are starting your journey with a great Pokémon!" Delia said. "Hi, Riolu, your part of the family, now!"
"Thank you," Riolu said.
"That's okay. Take care of Ash, okay?" Delia said smiling.
"Ri!" Riolu responded with yes.
"You'll be going off to Viridian City, now, right?" Delia asked.
"Sure are, mum! I am just waiting for Leah," Ash nodded.
"Is she a friend?" Delia asked, and Ash nodded.
"There you are, Ash Ketchum! Please don't do that again!" Leah's voice said. Ash looked back the way of Professor Oak's Lab, to see Leah running up towards him, panting hard. Star was glaring at Ash.
"Sorry. Leah, this is my mum! Mum, this is Leah: she has just started her journey too!" Ash said brightly.
"Nice to meet you, M, Mrs Ketchum, isn't it?" Leah asked, doing a little bow.
"Nice to meet you, Leah. You two going to be travelling together then?" Delia said, and the two kids nodded.
As hard as she tried, Delia couldn't help but notice the clothes Leah was wearing: they were basically rags. "Well, we should probably go now. Do you have anything to change into, Leah? They are not really suited for travelling," Ash asked. Delia realised it must be really obvious if Ash noticed it; when it came to though things like that, he was pretty dense.
"No," Leah shook her head shyly. "I saved up a bit of money because I didn't know if becoming a trainer costed money, so I saved up about five thousand, which I was planning on using for a change of clothes, then supplies, considering no money was needed."
"You look like you're a similar size to my sister when she started: you could at least take some of her old clothes," Delia said, deciding.
"That's a great idea!" Ash nodded.
"Thank you, but I couldn't possibly accept that! You don't know me, and your offering clothes?" Leah said, disbelieving. No one was that generous, were they? She was always told they weren't.
"Well, neither of us are going to need it, and Daphne, my sister, isn't: so, I'd gladly pass them on to you," Delia waved it off.
"Okay, if you insist. Just a short stop first, Star," Leah said, speaking to her Pokémon at the end.
As Mrs Ketchum turned around and walked back inside the house, with Leah and Ash following, Delia asked, "Is Star the name of your Pokémon?"
"It's what we agreed on together," Leah said.
Delia Ketchum nodded as she led them both upstairs to the attic. She took them over to a rather dusty old trunk, then got down on her knees and opened it. "Would this be alright?" Delia asked, pulling out what looked like an overstretched long-sleeve yellow shirt, black pants, grey runners and a tatted straw hat.
"That would be great. Thank you, thank you, so much," Leah said, oozing with gratefulness. Leah then took it.
"No problem really. I was never really sure what to do with her stuff, but I'm glad I hung on to it now," Delia said. Then she pulled a photo album.
"This is her, here," Delia said, opening it and pointing at the first photo. It had two brown-haired girls in it, one Ash was pretty sure was his mother, the other one looked like his mum, only with hazel eyes and slightly darker hair. His mum was wearing a pink shirt, purple shorts and pink and purple runners along with a floppy hat. Daphne was wearing a white hat, blue shirt and red skirt. There was also a Riolu hiding behind Daphne, Ash noticed upon second glance.
"You both looked so happy," Leah said quietly. She felt a little awkward here, even though Delia was showing Ash AND her.
"She had just started her journey then. A year or something later, she came back just before she went to Johto, as mum and dad were dying. For the first time, I left the town. We had no other family, so I tagged along with Daphne and her friends, still being too young to start myself," Delia sighed.
"What happened then, mum?" Ash asked.
"Team Rocket was a group trying to improve and create technology: However, they were slowly going bad and loved power too much. It all started in Cianwood City: there was a big fight my sister was involved in, along with her friends, Blue, Red and Green, and they were all killed. I and Daphne's Pokémon were sent back here, and I stayed with the Professor. Instead of starting my journey as I had always dreamed though, I went to a university, until I ended up returning here. You see, I had no idea about the fight and Team Rocket, I had thought the explosion had been caused by Pokémon in a training accident, so I was scared to start, and blamed them. By the time I found the truth out that they were actually killed by Team Rocket, I had a new life," Delia said, crying.
"I'm so sorry," Leah said.
"Yeah, mum. Are Daphne's Pokémon still around?" Ash asked solemnly.
"Yes, at the Professor's lab, including her Lucario: Pokémon can live for a long time, and this was only twenty-five years ago," Delia nodded.
"Can I go and visit them someday?" Ash asked.
"Yes, but not today. You two need to hurry on your way," Delia said. Leah and Ash nodded, then Leah went to get changed: Star flew into the air while she did so. After putting everything on, she pulled her hair back into a low ponytail.
When she came back, Leah discovered Ash had found a yellow backpack for her. She quickly put all her stuff in it. "Thanks, Ash. Here, your pokéball belt," Leah said, handing it to Ash. Star landed on her shoulder again.
"Oh, thanks!" Ash said, taking it.
"Now, there are a few other travelling items in here: such as sleeping bags and a tent, though if it's not raining it's nice to just sleep on the ground," Delia said.
"Oh, that would be a good idea," Ash said. Both took one, though Ash had to throw it at Leah before she would take it.
"Now, you two better go," Delia said. Ash and Leah nodded, and they headed downstairs.
"Just one question, mum: is Daphne the reason you know so much and have so many books on Pokémon?" Ash asked as he and Leah walked out the front door.
"Yes, it is. Now, Good luck, Ash! I love you! Don't forget to change your underwear every day!" Delia said, pulling her son into a big hug, and she gave him a kiss.
Leah giggled, while Ash looked embarrassed. "Good luck, Leah. Now, you two keep an eye, and look after each other! And please, be careful of Team Rocket! They might have been doing good once, but they are not now, and whatever they tell you is a lie, not to mention they will try and steal your Pokémon," Delia said, after letting go of her son.
"We will remember that! Bye, Mrs Ketchum!" Leah said as she and Ash went to leave.
"Bye, mum! I'll call you when we get to Viridian City!" Ash said.
"Ri! Ri!" Riolu said. He was saying goodbye.
"Sta!" Star called.
"I'll hold you to that!" Delia called to Ash.
As she watched them walk away, she smiled. "Ash made a good friend. I just hope he doesn't recognise Ash, or their life will be much more complicated then it needs to be," Delia said worriedly. She turned and walked inside, planning to call a couple of friends to keep an eye on Ash when he travelled through there.
Hey, would you like to give me some ideas for Leah's background? I don't mind really. I will put teams at the start of the next chapter. Yes, in this story Ritchie is the other trainer. Backstory is something you have to look forward to: Delia always seemed very keen on Pokémon yet didn't have one before Mimie. Here's a possible explanation.
Aura will be part of the story and quite important. Some characters will be changed in some way, just wait and see to find out what I mean. Movies done will be: Celebi, Latios and Latias, The Lucario one (wait and see to find out how it works,) the Shaymin one and maybe the Darkrai too.
How big groups do you want them to travel with? Three, four or five? Ash and Leah will basically always be travelling together. There will be Misty for certain parts, and Brock for Johto, Tracy for Orange Islands, then Sinnoh Lucas, Dawn and maybe Brock. I would maybe had trainers for Johto and Orange. Misty will appear once or twice when they reach Sinnoh. Battle frontier will be Ash, Leah, Dawn, Brock and Maybe Lucas.
I was thinking Ash with Lillie, Dawn or Anabel. I'd accept other suggestions, I won't do Ash X Misty though. I've got a few ideas for Leah, and Brock will probably be with Lucy or Susie, Misty X Rudi, undecided beyond that. If I didn't do Ash X Dawn, Dawn would get paired with Barry.
I was watching Sinnoh while editing these, and I can't wait to get to Sinnoh. This Ash probably won't get Pikachu in this story.
I can't think of anything else, so later! Also, if there are any silly mistakes let me now, as they were accident because I had to edit something on my phone.