I woke up with a slight headache and found myself in a new area I wasn't familiar with. The first thing I saw was a machine that was analyzing my heart beat with an iv needle stuck in my arm. There was some sort of Monitor on the ceiling I think It was those fancy TVs that we've seen in I could tell I was in some sort of hospital room. Soon my face got cold after I remembered the encounter with Rize which made me grab the left side of my stomach which I noticed was fully healed not even a scar was there. Actually that wasn't the only unexpected thing I noticed,I was handcuffed to the bed with my red hord soldier clothes gone and changed to me wearing a white blue dotted standard hospital gown.

"Oh you seem to be awake finally. How are you feeling."Some sort of nurse asked me while walking through the door with food.

"Who the hell are you!"

"Oh! I'm your nurse. My names is . To be more elaborate,your being held in custody by the city of Terraxia."

It was pretty obvious that I was in a whole heap of trouble. Considering I was handcuffed to the bed and I couldn't release my claws. They must of put some sort of drug in my system.

"What do you guys want with me? Are you here for interrogation?"

"Actually no,since the city of Terraxia is not affiliated with the horde or the princesses your pretty much just a regular citizen here unless you break our laws off course."She said with a little too much joy.

"Then why was I handcuffed to the bed?"

"Well during your surgery your claws were becoming a hazard so we had no choice but to handcuff you."

"Wait you guys did surgery on me!?"the only reason I was worried that they did surgery on me was that they could have done some negative things to my body that could result in my downfall.

"We had to do an emergency organ transplant or you would have was your kidney we had to do a transplant for."I stayed silent. It made sense though im ok getting another person's kidney if it meant keeping my life,though I wondered whose kidney.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot I brought you some food."She flipped over my table that was connected to the bed and undid my handcuffs right after.

"Well enjoy."She left the room quick like she got tired of me or something,I couldn't blame her though I did come off pretty violent and had an uncomfortable food in front of me was cooked salmon with a bowl of rice and some cooked kale. My stomach grumbled loud.

"Am I really that hungry?"

I picked up my chopsticks and I dug into the rice and as soon as I did,my face went cold and I stopped chewing on it immediately. It tasted terrible I wanted to throw up,I swallowed the little rice I had which was arguably harder to do than fighting Rize. Soon I heard the door open and I saw a middle aged man who had white hair walk through with a big smile."Before we start can I have your name."

"Usually when people ask that question they give theirs first.'I retorted back to him.

"Of course how rude of me,my name is Kanou .Im the one who did the surgery on you."

"Hmm My name is Catra and thanks"I moved my head to the side feeling uncomfortable .

"How are you feeling Catra ?"

"Ok,the food here sucks though ."

"Really now,we'll get you something else if you like ."Kanou offered .

"No forget about do I get out of here ."

"Well actually you are due to leave today . We have some clothes for you since your old ones were teared up and bloodied."I looked at the clothes he handed me and I felt disgusted it was a white sleeveless buttoned up shirt with a black skirt and some black dressing shoes.

"Do I have to wear this?"I Asked Kanou very worried .

"We don't have anything else for you to wear also have to wear those shoes the city has a policy."

"Uhhhh thats just perfect"I said in a snarky manner.

"Well Catra if that's all,put on those clothes and you'll be set to leave."

"Sweet."Kanou left the room and I put on my new clothes that I disliked but had no other choice but to wear.

I left the hospital and walked around the city for a hotell I could relax in .I'm so glad they also took out all my belongings in my other outfit or I wouldn't have any money that the horde gave us monthly .Just in case of scenarios like this. First I took out my transponder and contacted Adora and Kyle to let them know that I was ok and that i'll be coming back,but since I was away from that hellzone I thought I enjoy myself knowing that I was definitely going to get punished .So I went to store and bought a bunch of food that I really liked. It was mostly Donuts and bagels and other junk. Basically the foods they only gave us once a month. After I bought the food I booked a hotel room for only a day.I went to my room on the fourth floor and as soon as I entered I flopped on my bed finally being able to rest for the first time that wasn't a hospital bed or a piece of shrubbery. My transponder ringed alerting me of a message,it was Adora and also Kyle .

"Thank god your safe come back as quick as possible,Shadow Weaver is furious."I looked at Adora's text annoyed about the last part.

"Shadow Weaver is always furious"

I looked at Kyles message next.

"You better come back Catra ! Battle strategy training is killing me,I need you in there."I chuckled a little bit at his message,he's always been humourous in serious situations like this .That's when it hit me,my stomach grumbled pretty loudly,though I didn't think much of it. Since I didn't feel like going back to the shadowzone yet, so I decided to get some fresh air. This city was huge,maybe even bigger than the shadow zone itself. The streets were extremely busy and bustling with people .That's when my hunger got stronger to strong.

So many people,so much MEAT!.Children elderly women and men all MEAT!.I stopped dead in my tracks while I was in the middle of the tender legs,MEAT!.People,food,MEAT!,people,food,MEAT!,food,MEAT!,food,MEAT!,MEAT!,MEAT!,MEAT!,MEAT!Immediately I broke out of my trance when I found a little girl staring at me . Then I noticed everyone in the street was making sure to walk around me making me the only one in the soon as I noticed this I ran to a public bathroom.

Gasp,exhaling,"What's wrong with me."

Confused and frustrated I punched the mirror shattering it with all the anger that got built up cause of my pent up 's when I noticed there was no scratches or cuts whatsoever after punching the mirror . The mirror was like glass I should have at least been a little injured. I looked up a the mirror to see that my eye was exactly like Rize's I touched the side of my eye in pure utter terror and bewilderment. As soon as I left the public bathroom I covered my face and I went to the hotell I was staying at and sat on my bed while turning on the TV .I didn't care what channel I was on I just needed anything to get myself out of my 's when something caught my attention. There was a doctor on the TV that said he studied ghouls.

"So How do ghouls work why do they eat humans and biomans."

The TV announcer asked which was the same question I asked in my mind.

"Well it's quite simple actually,Ghouls are born and ingest things differently than us humans and biomans. Ghouls find our food to be terrible and they simply will throw up if they try to eat it and they do ingest it they'll get really sick."

"Than why only us humans and biomans?"

"We humans have nutrients in our body that ghouls are able to feed on,its called RC cells its the only thing in the world that ghouls crave for and can eat since we have such a high abundance of it."

While the TV announcer and was talking I was frozen on the bed mainly because the things he said was similar to what I have been going through the whole day. Cravings for human,the hospital food tasting terrible.I rushed straight to the kitchen area and took out my groceries immediately I ripped into the muffin and spat it out. It tasted like dirt with the smell of pesticide in my mouth.I threw the muffin to the side and bit into a bagel except this one tasted like I bit into wet molded tree. My eyes teared up trying to swallow the bagel until I ran into the toilet and puked it hand went for some potato chips and ate a few only for me to gag it into the sink. All my favorite foods had tasted horrible. Slowly I fell onto my knees hopeless. A tear fell down my face,I felt terrible after eating all of the the water tasted like dirty river and almost every type of juice tasted like the smell of manure and piss put into a liquid. There was one last thing . It was coffee,something i've never drinked before .Made sure it was brewed properly and when the mug was filled I waited for a good minute preparing myself for the worst. Slowly I took the mug and took a sip.

"It tastes good...I can't believe it,it's actually good."I held back my tears of joy.I gulped down the whole cup.

"If I just get more of this stuff i'll be set!"

I ran to the store real quick to pick up some more I was done I bought my coffee and went out to leave for my hotell. It was about 11 pm almost midnight .Quickly I walked to my Hotel until I smelled something. It smelled like the same sweet potato pie my mother use to make before I was taken into the shadowzone .The smell was strong so it was easy to follow with my cat like senses. With quick pace I followed the smell into an ally until the smell got stronger. My mouth started to drool.

"Finally something I could eat!"

I got on all fours and ran for the smell,the scent of sweet potato pie was getting closer within my reach. All I could do was smile until I saw it.

It was just a dead body with a ghoul feeding upon it.

"That smell lead me to a fucking corpse!"

I alerted the ghoul who was feeding he had long black hair and was wearing a blue raincoat.

"Hey kid this is my food you got that!"

I stood in bewilderment not knowing what to say.

"Hey you heard me this is my fuc-"Out of knowwhere his head got popped of his shoulders by some girl with orange hair she wore a blue shirt with yellow tights.

"I thought ghouls knew that this damn area was my feeding turf."She looked straight at me.

"So what are you idiots doing on my feeding grounds!"She covered the distance between me and her within a few moments .She grabbed me by the neck and lifted me up into the wall behind me .

"Let go you fucker .I didn't know that this area was your feeding grounds."I struggled to talk .

"Really I made sure to spread the I guess its to bad for you huh." That's when something sped past her cutting her cheek and arms,legs.

"Put her down Nishia,this isn't your feeding grounds its Anteiku area to be shared with all ghouls."

"Its you Touken why am I forced to buddy up with you coffee head dip was my area until Rize came along."She dropped to the ground to talk to Touken as soon as she let go I gasped for air .

"That's right Nishia you were weak and you lost it to Rize now your gonna lose it again"

"Then try taking it then."Nishia was furious now .

The person name Touken had purple hair and was a guy probably around 5'11ft he wore a dark purple T shirt with black both lunged at each other from one side of the wall to the other until they both stopped .

"Is that all you got Touken,those cuts were nothing."

"Wait for it."

In a second spouts of blood that appeared from suddenly open cuts that came out of nowhere. Each one on her muscles.

"Damn you Touken"She wandered off somewhere in a rush.

That's when Touken noticed me .I looked at the ground in pure disbelief wondering if what the hell just happened .My eyes focused on the dead corpse .My mouth kept on drooling."Please sir you got to help me,this may be hard to believe….but i'm actually a human, but for some reason I want to shove that meat in my mouth but if i do that .I WANT BE BIOMAN ANYMORE!"

"Then just simply eat."Touken went over to the dead corpse and teared off the arm and held it out to me .I reached out for it until I got my sense back and slapped it to the side.

"No!If I do that I want be me anymore. I'm a bioman not one of you ghouls."Touken looked at me and noticed my eye.

"Weird only one of your eyes have a you're definitely not a ghoul but your not a human either."He went to the side and picked up the arm he walked towards me aggressively which alerted a warning sign for me to move back,but it was too late .He shoved the arm in my mouth putting me against the wall without warning.

"So let me help you."Touken said coldly

I wanted to puke out the meat like all the other food I ate,but sadly

It tasted…...wonderful .