Harry Potter wanted a break from it all, he was tired of it. He had just finished his last year of Hogwarts learning everything about magic. He had found a secret room and wished he had a face he could still count on besides Hermione.

To his shock and surprise, he saw Hedwig had suddenly appeared to her confusion as much as Harry's (she is still alive). "Well Hedwig, I don't know what do to; I just wish I could be far away right now..." Harry muttered only to stop when he saw a mirror appear before him. Excited thinking it would be the Mirror of Erised and the image of him with his parents might cheer him up he investigated it only to be gob smacked by the image of it.

Instead of his reflection he saw himself as a blue furred cartoonish horse (though for some strange reason the word 'pony' seemed more appropriate in his head) with the mane being his untidy jet black hair, his mother's eyes there, the lightning bolt scar he could clearly see, some sort of symbol near his behind and he seemed to have both wings and a horn? "So, I look in here and I look like a Pegasus or a unicorn... a pegacorn?" Harry asked looking to Hedwig only to sigh when she looked unamused at his little joke.

Then to his shock he saw that he was being pulled into the mirror and Hedwig rushed in with him...

He soon found himself in some sort of hallway in a castle tower in a cartoonish looking reality, the mirror was gone and he saw there was a heart made out of crystal? He looked to Hedwig to see that she looked surprised at him. He saw it clearly as he looked into a normal mirror and that he had turned into the pony he had seen in his reflection in the other mirror.

"If this is some sort of prank by an angry student, I swear..." Harry muttered only to jump when he saw a black maned unicorn in royal clothing appear in shadows.

"Finally I have returned..." the unicorn laughed in a tone that reminded Harry of Voldemort speaking to him in his first year, he then stared at Harry in shock and glared. "An alicorn? Did Celestia and Luna send you?" the unicorn asked furiously as Harry grew fearful.

"No matter who you are, once I King Sombra takes care of you then I will go back and make my slaves in the Empire fear me once again!" the unicorn known as King Sombra told him sending what seemed to be dark magic from his horn which Harry managed to hastily fly out of the way from using his wings but ended up crashing into King Sombra (who Harry guessed was some sort of unicorn Dark Lord or something). He saw that by his touch that Sombra seemed to be screaming in pain as he was being reduced to shadows. "My mother's protection, it must be affecting him like it did Quirrell..." (it's still active it just didn't affect Voldemort after the ritual).

Harry realized getting up but not before seeing the doors open and some ponies came crashing through and witnessed Sombra being reduced to just his horn thanks to Harry.

"Look I am sorry for killing your king like that, I just want to get home and..." Harry begged before the shocked ponies began cheering and lifting Harry up into their backs as they carried him and the crystal like heart outside to the ponies who came out of their houses to look at Harry and shock that the Crystal Heart (he was gathering that it was some sort of important relic) had been at last found. From the talking of the ponies who found him to the others apparently King Sombra had enslaved this place the Crystal Empire and he and the place just returned from a curse he had placed on the place which caused to disappear for a really long time.

"Young Alicorn what is your name?" the ponies asked Harry bowing before him which made him nervous and reminded Harry of the praise people would give him for being the Boy Who Lived.

"Look your welcome but all this attention is not needed, my name is Harry Potter and all I want is..." Harry told them only for the ponies to start proclaiming him as their new king. He was so dumbfounded he was not able to protest as he was brought to a throne and had a pointy golden crown (like a young infant would draw) placed on his head. Harry groaned at this as they were bowing at him and he glared at Hedwig who was rested on his throne looking amused at the situation Harry was in.

"Long live King Harry I of the Crystal Empire, long may he rule in his thousands of years!" chanted the ponies and he was dumbfounded as the ponies started glowing as well as the Crystal Heart causing all them to start glowing crystal like colors as well as Harry himself making him looked amazed. All the way in a land called Equestria the Princesses through a telescope were dumbfounded at a sign that it seemed some outside force had saved the Crystal Empire without their input and began putting together plans for their niece, her husband, a faithful student of the elder Princess as well as her friend to check it out and get the details.

"Looks this is cool and all and I am alright with you for being grateful..." Harry stated once he managed to get over his shock only to pause when he noticed something in their chant. "Hold on, what did you all mean by my many thousand years?" Harry asked a feeling of dread peering up.

"Don't you know your highness, Alicorns such as yourself have a lifespan of several thousands upon thousands of years. From what we know you may not age at all in the next five thousand of years or so." Explained the guard causing Hedwig's eyes to widen and Harry to pause.

He wanted to get away from all the drama in Hogwarts only to be turned into an Alicorn pony, sent to a faraway land, dethroned an evil king without really meaning too and finding out he might as well be immortal?

Harry pretty much fainted on his throne.