Chapter 2: Up the Chain
Note: Taking some creative liberties with Castle Oblivion and Terra | Maybe a bit with the Organization as well depending on your headcannon(s).
Sora believed Terra in that his home had once been an awesome, warm and welcoming place. But here and now, all he got was the heebie-jeebies. The bright and bland white walls, floors, and ceiling were an eyesore to look at. There was no color anywhere. They entered into a long ground floor, leading to a small set of stairs and a single door. All along the walls were various symbols protruding out or etched into them. Pillars were spaced along the walls as support. Otherwise, there was nothing else. He shot Terra a look, and went still when he noticed Terra had gone motionless and tense, the man's eyes flickering through the area, lingering on various symbols.
"Oh boy," whispered Terra, "I see what the Master meant."
"What do you mean?" asked Sora.
"It's not an exact translation, is more symbology than actual words, but," Terra pointed at the various symbols. "All who enter upon this sacred land who are unwelcome shall be cast unto Oblivion. Their strength stripped away as this land tests their heart and their purpose."
"What... does that mean?" asked Sora with hesitation.
"It means, don't take another step unless I tell you to," said Terra in warning, taking point, his voice booming out, "My name is Terra! Keyblade wielder and apprentice of Master Eraqus! I call upon this sacred place, upon my home, to grant us safe passage!"
Sora swallowed a bit, glancing around, waiting, but nothing happ...
His eyes went wide to see some of the symbols on the walls glow, red beams of light seeming to wash over Terra, starting at his feet then going upward, like a scan.
'Recognized Presence: Apprentice Terra.'
Sora jolted when a man's voice sounded out, though it had an odd tone to it, like a phone recording. He saw Terra flinch at the sound, his shoulder slumping, an air of loss around him. Sora wondered if the voice was Eraqus's?
'Warning: Excessive Darkness Detected.'
Terra tensed a bit. "I've struggled with my darkness, but I do not let it rule me. Not anymore."
'Assessment: Apprentice Terra shall be tested, if found wanting, your power shall be cast unto Oblivion.'
Terra sighed quietly, a tint of bitterness to his voice, "Always tested, always found wanting, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."
He cleared his throat. "I accept."
There was a flash of light, and then a deck of cards of all things appeared in front of Terra, floating.
"Oh you've got to be kidding me," said Terra, taking the cards in exasperation, "These are... was that why Eraqus had us play those games when we were younger?"
"Play what games?" asked Sora.
"Keyblade Cards," muttered Terra, shaking his head, "High and low cards, zero breaking, sleights. Master Eraqus, you are a sly old fox."
'Secondary presences detected. Unknown Keyblade wielder. Two unknown entities.'
Terra immediately tensed. "I vouch for them! The Keyblade Wielder's name is Sora. His friends are Donald and Goofy."
Red light washed out of the walls. 'Vouching confirmed, initiating scan... little darkness detected. So long as apprentice Terra passes his tests, 'Sora', 'Donald', and 'Goofy' shall be allowed within these halls unchallenged as escorted visitors.'
There was another flash of light, and a deck of cards appeared in front of Sora as well. "Uh... what do I do with these?"
Terra motioned him over. "Sit, I better explain all of this before we go anywhere further..."
The collection of Nobodies stared through the crystal ball in a stupor.
"That, sure as hell didn't happen when we came in," said Larxene sourly.
Namine swallowed. "I told you the Castle wouldn't work against him, he's one of the few who can properly interact with it. I've seen inside his heart, they may be harsh but he's going to pass its tests. The Castle did not strip any of them of their powers. Terra alone is more than a match for any of you."
Kind of.
They might have a better chance since Terra didn't have his keyblade, but they didn't need to know that he couldn't call it. Namine's mind was whirling all around the possibilities Terra might bring. 'Freedom' from her jailers being the largest desire. Freedom from confinement, from isolation and loneliness, from Larxene and her cutting knives, from Marluxia's touches that made her shiver and his twisted words and desires. She so desperately wanted to be free of them, almost as much as she wanted to be her own person, and not just a shadow of the one most dear in Sora's heart.
Terra was a kind soul, hardened by his struggles, but if she could escape to him, plead her case... so long as the Organization didn't have her act against him before she got the chance, then she might be free, and guarded by the one figure who might be able to actually stand up to Xemnas if he got back his keyblade. However, if she was forced to use her powers on Terra or Sora...
She swallowed.
She could sense the darkness still in Terra's heart. His mercy for those who hurt his friends would not be much after what he had gone through.
Axel whistled a bit. "Well... I'm starting to think she's kinda right. The castle knows him, confirmed his a keybearer. This changes things..."
He cracked his neck to his side, eying the other Nobodies with a frown. "We all had our orders in being sent here, but... I think this calls for a break in procedure. We need to bring this to the boss man's attention."
Namine's stomach plummeted. No... Terra was strong, but he wasn't ready for Xemnas, not yet, not without his Keyblade.
Marluxia tensed. "I don't think we need to waste the Superior's attention..."
"I really think we do," said Axel firmly, "That guy is a potential threat, and if Namine's right, something the Superior personally needs to be appraised of. He WONT be happy if we keep this hush hush and he finds out later. I don't know about you, but I'm not interested in being turned into a Dusk."
Namine's shoulders drooped as Axel turned and walked through a Dark Corridor. Any hopes she had, dashed and gone. Terra couldn't beat Xemnas alone...
She hesitated, glancing towards the crystal ball. Perhaps not alone, but Terra and Sora together, with Sora still maintaining his power...
If it came to blows, they might stand a chance. But Xemnas wasn't an entity she could predict accurately, especially now that she knew more about the parts that had made up who he was. Master Xehanort defined the words cunning and calculative. Terra held a powerful will. Combined together, they were a force few could match. Even without a heart or a keyblade. Perhaps especially because the lack of a heart, with no emotion to hold back cold ruthlessness...
She tensed as Marluxia gripped her shoulders tightly. "How fast can you work your powers over memory? Can you bind them both to us quickly?"
Namine shook her head. "Sora would take time, and Terra... he's only loosely connected to Sora, I can't influence the chain of memories in his heart. Not without them growing closer, and even once that happens, it requires time. He's also a trained keybearer, he's not self-taught like Sora. He... might be able to detect if I try to alter his memories."
"So were screwed them," spat Larxene, "Coups busted before it even begins, we're stuck as Xemnas's little pawns."
Marluxia pulled away, moving to eye the crystal ball in thought. "Perhaps, perhaps not. Rather than us acting directly, this Terra could be used to eliminate the Superior with only a little proper prodding, and if it comes down to it, us intervening and turning on Xemnas at the right moment. If we time it perfectly, we could eliminate both the Superior and Terra at the same time."
"Or risk them teaming up and wrecking us," said Larxene dryly, "Hope your not forgetting, but they're apparently the same person. What makes you think they wont be buddy buddy?"
"Because Xemnas has part of Xehanort in him," said Namine quietly, "And there is nothing in all the worlds that Terra hates more than Xehanort..."
"Yo, bossman!"
Despite the fake-cheer, Axel was really, really, REALLY, hoping he wasn't about to be the messenger who got offed for bringing bad news. He stood behind Xemnas as the hooded silver-haired man waited on the Alter of Naught, staring up at their in-progress Kingdom Hearts. The Superior didn't immediately respond, or show any outward sign he had heard or noticed Axel's presence. So... same as usual, he'd be kept waiting until the boss decided Axel had enough squirming. One of several reasons he was inclined to want to 'replace' him with himself and Saix.
"You have returned," said Xemnas slowly, "Far earlier than expected."
"There was a ah... complication," said Axel, "That I'm pretty sure you'd want to be informed of."
"Is that so?" came the deep, rumbling voice.
"I uh... yeah," said Axel, scratching the back of his head, "Ya know how Roxas and Sora exist at the same time? How the somebody popped out of their heartless? It happened again."
That got a reaction out of Xemnas, the Superior slowly turning to face him. "Indeed?"
"It was... well... your heartless, and your somebody," said Axel, bracing himself.
The Superior didn't even blink. "Interesting."
"So there now exists my former self, an apprentice Ansem," mused Xemnas, "While I exist in nothingness."
"Actually... he calls himself Terra, I think he has all his memories that you said you couldn't remember," corrected Axel, "He's in Castle Oblivion right now, with Sora. He's... apparently a Keyblade Wielder.
Again, Xemnas didn't react, his eyes merely boring into Axel. The redhead swallowed reflexively and waited...
"You were correct to bring this to my attention," said Xemnas finally, "This will require my personal supervision. You will remain here and assist Saix in the daily running of the Organization while I am away. I trust that you can be discrete with this information?"
"Yes sir," said Axel.
He watched the Superior turn and give one final look up at Kingdom Hearts before the man made a Dark Corridor and stepped through. Axel let out a breath of relief. "Felt like I dodged a bullet there, and for once, I don't have the icky job. Let them sort themselves out. Wonder if Roxas and Xion are up for icecream..."
Namine swallowed thickly, as barely ten minutes later, Xemnas walked through a dark corridor into the white room she was kept in, the gathered members tensing as he strode to the table and spoke two, deep, powerful words. "Show me."
Marluxia waved a hand, and the crystal ball on the table focused in on Terra. Xemnas stared at his former self silently, not moving, saying nothing. Namine sat anxiously at the table, gripping her notepad tensely. She loathed, was absolutely terrified, of Marluxia and Larxene, but Xemnas... he held their leash until they were to try and snap it. He could kill her with a flick of his wrist. The Lord of Nothingness. So cold and emotionless... would he even hesitate?
The man tensed. "Yes Superior?"
"Fetch Vexen, Zexion, and Lexaeus, fill them in on what is happening."
Marluxia bowed and left, taking a dark corridor to quickly go to the lower levels, returning a few minutes later with the others, who regarded their leader with empty-curiosity.
"Now, what has been observed and said thus far since they entered the castle?" Xemnas asked.
Marluxia gave him a brief rundown and then grew silent.
Slowly, Xemnas moved to sit at the chair opposite of Namine, his attention drifting to her. "You've seen into the chains of memories within his heart?"
"S-some of them, yes," she said quietly.
"And you said that I was born out of two hearts," said Xemnas slowly, "Explain what you mean by this."
"There... was a Keyblade Master named Xehanort," said Namine, "He tried to possess Terra's body by putting his heart in it. There was a fight, and both of their hearts and memories ended up being locked away."
"I see," was his only response.
"Well, that answers one question," said Vexen, "It turns out Xehanort was your name, in a matter of speaking."
"I have no attachment to that name anymore than I do the name Terra," said Xemnas, "I have made a new name for myself out of our studies of the heart."
"Of course Lord Superior, though it is a shame you cannot wield a Keyblade like your former selves could," said Vexan, "Why, Kingdom Hearts would be complete by now with your power!"
Boot licker was the though that Namine briefly had go through her head.
"Indeed," said Xemnas dismissively before turning once more to Namine, his eyes boring into hers, making her quiver a bit, "And what of this other heart? Of this Master Xehanort? Have you seen the chain of memories inside his heart as well?"
Namine's neck prickled. It felt like a shroud of death hung over her all the sudden. "N... no sir. He's... not connected to Sora at all."
"Can you tell if he did so return as well?"
Namine shook her head. "I don't know. One of Terra's more recent memories was of checking his own heart for Xehanort, but he found nothing. Maybe Xehanort is back, maybe he's not. I can't say either way, but for our sake, we better hope not."
"And why, Namine, is that?" inquired Xemnas.
"My connection to Terra is weak through Sora," she admitted, "I'm still slowly going through his memories, but... Master Xehanort wanted Kingdom Hearts as well, outright said it, and his desire for it differs from ours."
If Namine could pale anymore than she already was, she would, as Xemnas actually smiled. "Is that so? I suppose I will have to remember that, should I encounter him."
Xemnas returned to studying the crystal ball at the table. "For now, we shall watch this 'Terra', and see what the castle makes of him. If he cannot even pass the tests it has laid out for him, then he is of no use to us."
"And what of the boy?" asked Lexaeus.
Xemnas looked towards Marluxia. "What were your original intentions before the discovery of this 'Terra'?"
Marluxia had tensed a little. "We had planned to use Namine to rewrite his memory and bend him to the will of the Organization. To replace the Princess with Namine in his mind."
"I see," said Xemnas, eying his subordinate briefly, before turning to Namine, his own thoughts on the idea not shown at all, "And your thoughts on this?"
"Pfff, who cares what she thinks," said Larxene, "She's not even a member."
"That may be," said Xemnas, "However, she is the only one amongst all the Nobodies who can manipulate the chains of memories within a heart. Thus, the only one qualified to measure this plan."
Namine hesitated for a moment before speaking, "It wouldn't work in the long run. He won't forget. No matter how much I change his memory, Sora will never forget Kairi. Memories of me will just make his feelings for Kairi stronger. Because... because I'm her shadow."
She swallowed. "It'll backfire on us, and guarantee to turn Sora against us when it failed."
"And you did not think to give this warning to them before?" inquired Xemnas.
Namine shivered a bit, her arms going around herself protectively, her voice quivering, "They've... made their thoughts clear on my opinion."
"She's a freak, hardly even a Nobody at all," spat Larxene, "She does what we want, or she gets axed, that's all that she..."
"If I wished you to speak your opinion, Larxene, I would have asked for it," said Xemnas, his tone never changing, but making her go immediately silent, and the rest of the room perfectly still, "As it is, I am not unintelligent, nor naive. I ordered that those dispatched to this castle keep an eye on and take care of Namine when she was discovered, protected, not harmed. She should wish to aid us willingly to gain her own heart and existence, not be threatened, forced, or harmed into doing so. An Organization member she may not specifically be, but, hers is a unique and special non-existence, one that I would prefer to desire to stay with and assist her kind, rather than seek freedom from unnecessary oppression amongst potential enemies."
His eyes flickered to Namine. "You have my apologies for any... mistreatment you may have received thus far."
Namine stared blankly at Xemnas. Confusion lacing through her thoughts, and her face. Did he just... apologize to her?
"Superi...," began Larxene.
"Be quiet," hissed Marluxia, "Unless you really wish to seek an early grave."
Xemnas paid them no heed, merely watching Namine and waiting.
"I...," began Namine, conflicted.
Was... he being honest? They weren't supposed to hurt her or treat her this way? Did he really think she was that important?
"They... wont hurt me anymore?" she asked quietly, her voice pleading.
"They will not," agreed Xemnas, "If you are mistreated further, merely approach me, and I will take care of the issue."
Namine swallowed, biting her lip for a moment, looking down at her lap, clutching her notepad to her chest. What Xemnas wanted, to use Kingdom Hearts to be whole... was there anything really wrong with that? He can be cold and emotionless, but... he's a Nobody, and he lacked so many memories that would have helped him pretend to feel as his subordinates did. The lack of a heart also stopped them from caring about what was generally right or wrong, it was hardly a trait to him alone. Was... was she wrong in how she had been thinking of him? But...
She worked up the nerve to ask, in an even quieter voice, "Will you hurt Sora?"
Xemnas tilted his head. "We require a Keybearer to fetch us hearts to finish our Kingdom Hearts. Roxas can only acquire so many at the current pace he maintains as he adjusts to his position. It will be some time until he comes into his power. Even then, it is counter productive, nay, foolish, to impede upon another source of hearts."
He paused. "Unless he attacks us, would you deny us the right of self-defense? To hold onto what existence we have?"
"No," she said quietly, "Sora respects honesty, if your upfront with him, he might be more willing to help than you think."
"I will bear that in mind," said Xemnas, "Do you accept the offered apology?"
Namine hesitated, so much uncertainty clouding her. "I... its... okay... it wasn't you. But..."
Despite not having a heart, Namine had a particular flash of vindictiveness. "I think you should know that they are lying, that Marluxia and Larxene wanted to control Sora in order to turn him on you and take over the Organization."
Larxene shrieked. "That's a lie! She's..."
"Correct," said Xemnas simply, not even turning to look at the woman, "I had Axel originally sent here to uncover and find proof of potential treachery within the Organization should it exist, with the orders to eliminate any traitors. Your testimony is proof that I have been waiting for."
Dead silence filled the room.
"Were there any more traitors?" inquired Xemnas.
"No, the other's weren't involved that I know of," said Namine.
Larxene dropped to the floor before she could react, Laxaeus's weapon carving through her back, and faded into nothingness. Vexen and Zexion thrust out their hands, a barrage of magic pinning Marluxia to the wall. They approached him...
They paused when Xemnas slowly pushed from the table. "Come, Namine."
She hesitated before getting up from her seat and moving to stand near Xemnas.
"I believe you are owed your due for your mistreatment, and a debt for identifying the traitors," he said slowly.
"I... don't understand," she said.
He snapped his wrist, a red ethereal blade springing from his open palm as he approached Marluxia's pinned form. "Place your hand upon mine."
Namine hesitated before moving to do so, her small hand on his cold large one.
"Guide my blade, and have your revenge."
Her eyes widened a bit, looking from Xemnas, to his hand and the blade, to Marluxia's panicked and fearful eyes.
Eyes so much like the ones she had when alone with him or Larxene... every time they hurt her... when they first told her what they wanted her to do to Sora...
She narrowed her eyes, gripped the back of Xemnas's hand with her own, and nudged it up and forward...
Author's Notes:
Poor poor Namine, she had the right idea at first... but who said Xemnas can't scheme & manipulate with the best of them?
Note that Xemnas didn't actually answer with a firm 'Yes, we won't hurt Sora' either. :D
Whether Namine gets pulled further into the Organization and becomes an eventual enemy to our heroes, or ends up breaking free like in cannon, remains to be seen. All things have consequences, have equal and opposite reactions, Terra coming back this early is a massive thing, that will have a deep impact on everything going forward, and not all of it necessarily good...
I also haven't decided if Xehanort is back yet or not, might still wait for Xemnas to be offed IF it happens like in cannon. We'll see.
Review Responses:
RAX: U_U my virgin unspoiled ears (eyes?)! I haven't gotten that far into KH3 yet.
MysteryGirl7Freak: If I recall BBS correctly, Terra passed them once on his way to see Yen Sid. Namine wont be influencing Terra's memories, at least, not yet if I choose to have that happen. He'd need to bond more with Sora first, and connect more to the boy. I might be spoiling it, but, Terra will remember nothing of his years as Apprentice Xehanort. His last memory would be falling into darkness, and Aqua diving in after him (aside from his talks with Xehanort inside their ca-joined heart). And yeah, I'm unbeta'd all the way, grammer and spelling will happen from time to time, soz.
The Keeper of Worlds: So... what happened with Axel then? :D
Miano53: Nah, just Terra. The Lingering Will still exists, but its at the Keyblade Graveyard.
SqieegeeWing: Kingdom Hearts /= make sense. It's a whole bunch of awesome madness, :D.
Robertkellett: He won't *stumble* upon Ven's body, but, the Castle might let him know at some point if he asks the right question after he passes his tests.