Title: And I Fell… (Prologue)
Author: Wari
E-mail: [email protected]
Rating/Genre: R for bad language, drug use, and slash/ Absolutely AU…really, I mean it
Archive?: Sure, just send me the URL.
Feedback: I crave your comments so bring them on!
Comments: I'd like to thank Ashley for "beta-ing" this fic for me since I suck at references and English in general. ^__^
Note: This prologue probably won't make much sense at first, but all will fall into place later.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Mighty Ducks characters. Disney does. :P



Distant sounds of clapping and hands striking against metal were heard around the silent schoolyard.


More clapping followed by a howl of curses drifted down to the ears of the spectators below.


They do as they are told and clap mindlessly to the count. They pray with all of their might that they do not slip and lose the game.

The fourth count has passed, and a couple have lost their nerve to continue. They scuttle away from the outcrop and climb back into the arms of safety.

Now only two remain.


The battle commences again and neither one is willing to back down and concede defeat.

Too much is at stake to just walk away.

Finally, it comes down to the eighth count. Both have fought long and hard to reach it, but no one has ever successfully attempted eight counts before. Tension surrounded the last two players.

They have reached the point of no return.


Echoes of simultaneous clapping and metal striking against the flesh of palms are heard. A startled cry emitted as a pair of hands clawed at the air, desperately reaching out for a rusty metal railing.

The others winced and turned away, waiting for the loser to fall and the sound of the body's impact to resonate throughout the schoolyard.

It never came.

Instead, the boy was hanging from the railing, his hand gripping the metal so hard that it turned white.

Sighs of relief could be heard all around as he was pulled back up onto the roof.

Game over.

Charlie stood in front of the run down building. He had been there the entire time, watching the events unfurl. He squinted back up, now gazing at the figure that stood towards the edge of the roof, silhouetted by the sun and arms raised in triumph.

The ritual of the Clapping Game was officially over for this year and the winner had been determined.

Charlie abruptly turned away from the spectacle and looked at the person beside him, Jesse.

"One day, my friend," Jesse uttered, pausing to stare up at the victor atop the roof, "it's going to be us up there…"

Charlie shrugged, but smiled down at his friend.

"Sure, Jess."

"I'm serious, Spazway."

Jesse's lips curved up into a slow smirk, and he peered at Charlie from the corners of his eyes. He continued in a confident tone, "Hell, then we'll be the kings."

Charlie's smile faded a bit and he nodded, not saying anything else.