Lavender Roses

Author's Note: Thanks for the reviews. I hope you all enjoy the grand finale of Lavender Roses.

Chapter Notation: This takes place approximately a year after the last chapter.

Chapter 14

It was hard to tell who was more adorable.

Their two month old twins or Hinata. A year had passed since their honeymoon and since then, their family had grown. Perhaps Sasuke should have seen it coming because the Hyuga Clan was well known for producing twins, but it had still come as a surprise when they found out months ago they were expecting two babies.

"They do remind me of you at that age." Itachi chuckles, watching as Shisui, his youngest child- named in honor of Itachi's best friend, crawls towards Hinata and the twins. His chubby face alight with determination.

Mirai had taken to her new role as an elder sister and cousin with great delight. Currently, she was encouraging Shisui in question. "You can do it, little brother."

"I suppose so." Sasuke smiles. "They're both so sweet just like their mother, though."

"Their father likes to butter me up." Hinata laughs, watching them as Shisui and Mirai succeed in closing the gap as if she was telling the children a great secret.

"That may be true, but who can argue with the results?" Sasuke smirks as he embraces Hinata, looking down at their children.

They were fraternal. Their son Haru was the eldest and little Katsuki was their youngest. Haru had lavender eyes, midnight blue hair, and was essentially his splitting image save for his skin being perhaps one shade lighter than h is own. His little sister on the other hand looked a great deal like Hinata, but her eyes were just as dark as Sasuke's when his bloodlines weren't activated.

"That's right, Master Sasuke." Aoda slithers over and coos at the children. "They're all such adorable hatchlings. Did you say you had them tested?"

Kurenai frowns, but nods. "It was something of a requirement given their unique heritage." She crosses her arms, Sasuke had overheard the Genjutsu Mistress discussing this at great length with Itachi more than once. "I still don't feel that it's right to put that much pressure on them before they can even talk, but you know how Hinata's family can be at times. It was a necessity to keep the peace."

Sasuke hadn't liked it either, but curiosity had also played a role in it. "Tsunade is the best in her field. Her current theory is they will each wield one Sharingan and one Byakugan. The coloration of their eyes when not activated has little to do with how the traits will manifest."

Aoda nods thoughtfully. The serpent was likely going to say something, but that's when the stampede happened.

"YO, BASTARD!" Naruto barrels in. "How are you guys? It feels like I haven't seen you in forever and I still can't believe how cute your kids are. Must be Hinata's influence."

Sasuke feels himself twitch. Some things would never change. Naruto was so annoying sometimes, but he was the second brother he'd never had. "Idiot. Hinata was recovering and I didn't want your loudmouth to annoy her while she was trying to rest and we were helping Haru and Katsuki settle in."

Giving birth was never an easy feat, but twins was even more so. Sasuke could still remember pacing down the hallways of the hospital. His utter terror. Of course, he had wanted to be by Hinata's side, but she had actually banished him from the delivery room.

He was apparently making her more nervous.

"Right. First time parents and all." Naruto smiles, tickling the babies' tummies. "Definitely got their giggles from Hinata."

"Oh I don't know. Sasuke is surprisingly sensitive…" Hinata smiles, making him flail in disbelief.

Why had she told Naruto of all people, that?

Neji rolls his eyes as he strides into the garden with Hiashi. "They're both adorable, Hinata. Truly, but I think I speak for myself and Lord Hiashi when I say neither of us wants to hear the details of their conception."

"Well, it's difficult to tell precisely when they were conceived, but on our honeymoon…" Sasuke smirks, only to gulp when Hinata gave him that look.

It was one he rarely got, but it threatened a night on the couch. There was nothing to do, but retreat in the face of such a sadistic threat.

"I'm just relieve that neither of my grandchildren will be forced to endure the sealing." Hiashi sighs, crossing his arms with guilt marring his expression. He turns towards Neji almost apologetically. "It was as horrible practice, but our Clan truly did believe it was the surest way to preserve our bloodline. I'm still sorry that you and your father, my own brother, suffered so immensely."

Neji frowns, seeming uncertain what to say. "I'm also glad the practice has been retracted. Sasuke would have wiped our entirely Clan out save for only a handful if that had not been the case."

The threat of a Susanoo or a well-placed Kirin could work wonders, Sasuke muses.

"Most likely." Hiashi grimaces. "Uchihas are known for their temperatures, but Haru and Katsuki seem to be rather…calm all things considered."

Sasuke glowers at Hiashi. "Of course, they are. They have everything they want."

Garuda squawks in indignation.

"I meant no offense." Hiashi places his hands up in mock surrender.

Hinata yawns, smiling as they set Haru and Katsuki into their crib a few hours later. It was always enjoyable to have everyone together, but it could be quite intense at times.

Sasuke kisses her cheek. "How are you feeling?"

"Sleepy, but it's alright. We're lucky they're such angels." Hinata rests her head on her husband's shoulder. "I really hope that the terrible twos are a myth, though. Gods and Goddesses help us all if they inherit our primary affinities and have temper tantrums."

They were both naturally inclined towards fire and lightning. It was peculiar that their default temperaments could be so different, but their chakra natures were similar in that way.

"I wouldn't worry about it. I'm certain I couldn't produce a fireball until I was actually in the Academy and lightning didn't come until I was already a Genin. They simply don't have the chakra reserves at the moment." Sasuke shoots her a reassuring smile, leading her out of the nursery.

"I'd normally agree, but one never knows." Hinata shakes her head. "Well, I'm glad that all it takes make them happy for now are snuggles, milk, bedtime stories, Aoda, and a good nap."

"It's no wonder they're so happy." Sasuke smirks, Flickering them to their bedroom. "I certainly wouldn't complain if my existence was largely based on cuddling up to your breasts and sleeping either."

"I would say that and watching the twins already takes up the majority of your time anyway." Hinata smiles, fond exasperation peppering her expression. "Anyway, we should try to get some sleep. They have a checkup early in the morning."

"I'm convinced that woman hates me." Sasuke scoffs. "When given the choice, I'd rather not get up at the crack of dawn."

"Yes, you prefer to cuddle and other things at that hour." Hinata laughs as she ensures the door was safely shut.

One could never tell when a family member or friend might show up unexpectedly. It was best to keep the doors shut and the Soundproofing Jutsu in full effect just to be on the safe side.

"Exactly and do me a favor. Never mention the cuddling thing to the loser. I still can't believe he actually forced us to have ramen at our wedding." Sasuke huffs, childhood rivalries apparently never died.

"That's alright. We had other foods. The cake was delicious." Hinata giggles, sitting on the bed…gesturing for him to do the same. "Though I must admit that I was rather relieved when dinner was over. That battle for the bouquet was one of the most vicious that I had ever seen."

Sasuke shivers at the memory. "Yes, I know. Hell, I think even Madara was more merciful than some of those women. Speaking of which, I think the loser is probably going to propose to Ino soon."

"What makes you say that?" Hinata smiles as her husband sits next to her.

"He was asking me about ring sizes and which gems I think Ino would like better." Sasuke wraps his arms around her. "I don't know why he thinks I'd know what Ino likes, but I suppose it's sweet in an awkward way. Not everyone is lucky to fall into a happy match like us."

"I would probably guess diamonds for Ino and you're right." Hinata snuggles into Sasuke. "He should get her some lavender roses, though. She did catch my bouquet and it worked for us."

Sasuke smirks and pins her against the bed playfully. "Yes, it did work for us quite well."

"Mhm." Hinata smiles, kissing him.

"Maybe after the twins put their terrible twos behind them, we can go for a tiebreaker. We do have one boy and one girl." He murmurs after returning her kiss, tenderly caressing the side of her face.

Hinata just laughs. "I'm not foolish enough to think that you're going to stop at three unless I really put my foot down, but we are not going for double digits. I love them dearly, but managing that many would be complete and utter chaos."

"That's fair." Sasuke smirks. "So nine then."

"What am I going to do with you?" Hinata snorts.

"You could always tie me up again. You did seem to enjoy that." Sasuke chuckles, dodging the pillow Hinata throws at him for that little gem.

"I could do worse than that. I could tell Naruto that you're a cuddler." Hinata smirks.

Sasuke's horrified expression sends her in fit of laughter. "You wouldn't."

It was hard to imagine that one of the strongest ninjas to have ever lived would be so horrified at such an idle threat, but he definitely was. Hinata didn't know if she would ever stop laughing.

"You're right. I wouldn't, but I might let him know about Mr. Rexy if you're not a good Uchiha." She smiles.

"That's even worse." Sasuke kisses her forehead. "I am a bad influence on you."

"Maybe, but I love you anyway." Hinata wraps her arms around him, nudging Sasuke until he rolls over on his side.

Sleeping in Sasuke's arms was her favorite way to rest. It was the safest place she knew.