This is basically a drabbles series that I'm planning on doing. Just to get my bunnies plots out of the way. And it actually workds~ :3

To readers: FEEL FREE to request! (Yaoi only), any manga, animes, novels, and so on. Whatever you want, any requests, I'll happily write Tsuna pair with whoever the dude is! xD

Warning: unbeta. English it my sceond. ASL is my first. Yes, I'm Deaf. *peace*

I DON'T OWN ANYTHING! None. Nada. *sob* Zero. Nope.

Enjoy~ :3

Sky's Dimension Love

One-Shot: I

Katekyo Hitman Reborn/INUYASHA

Sawada, Tsunayoshi/Sesshomaru



"Inuyasha… SIT!" Kagome shouted in furious as Inuyasha greeted the ground once again. She glared at the half-demon. "I'm going to take a bath and that is FINAL!" she snapped. Kagome felt so disgusted because she is covered with blood, pieces of demons flesh, and muds. She shuddered when she felt a slimy gooey flesh clinging on her bare leg. "You better wait here!"

She turned to her friends with a smile. "Do you want to join, Shippo? Sango?"

Sango and Shippo shook their heads, they aren't cover anything except slight dirt which Kagome was envious of them. Miroku spoke up. "I don't mind join you, Lady Kagome." He winks at her; however, Sango slapped the perverted monk with an irritated look.

Kagome sighed, she went to her backpack and grabbed her toiletries. "Okay, I won't be too long." She said then walked through the woods where she can hear the water running. She was thankful that they are close to the hot spring, so she could get herself nice and clean. And maybe a few minutes to relaxes as well.

When the Miko arrived at the hot spring, she sheds her clothes and steps into the wonderful hot water. She quickly cleans the yucky stuff off of her skin with soaps and washes her hair with shampoos. After ten minutes or so, she leaned back against the rock and lowered her shoulders in blissful relaxation.

It was quiet in the area until she heard branches snapped that jerked her attention to her side. She gasped silently at the sight of a beautiful creature. It's a petite young man who has soft brown hair that reached his collarbones, nose-length bangs, fair-skinned, large doe-sunset eyes, and he wears orange yukata and barefoot. What's unusual about him is that he has golden cat ears, golden tail with fire at the end, and his fingernails are long and sharp. The creature stared at the frozen miko.

Kagome slowly started to feel nervous and scared, she doesn't have her bow and arrows to defend herself. And she is invaluable and naked. She gulped in fear as her eyes wide in frightened. She mentally prepares herself to scream for Inuyasha.

The creature seems to know what she is thinking, he tilted his head forward, but his eyes were on her. "Please. Do not be alarm, miko." His voice was soothing and calm.

Kagome eyeing on the creature in caution. "W-what do you want? W-who are you?" she narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

The creature's eyes lit up in amusement yet curious. "I am Raion no ō, however, you may call me Tsuna." Tsuna introduced himself politely. "And what is your name, miko?"

"Kagome. Higurashi, Kagome." Kagome bowed her head politely.

Tsuna smiles softly as his eyes shine warmly that Kagome couldn't help but relaxes around the creature. "…wait, did you just… did you just say that you are a King of a Lion?!" Kagome yelped when Tsuna nodded his head. "No way… the superior and ruler of demon kingdom?!" she was baffled at this news. She never thought she would meet such a beautiful innocent-looking creature that was stronger than any demons in the world, and Inuyasha's brother is almost equal to the lion demon.


Tsuna's ears perked up and glanced over at the woods. "He is close." He mumbled then changed his eyes back to the awe miko. "Kagome-san, you must leave as soon as possible along with your group. The enemy is near unless you want to deal with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru fight once again?"

Kagome twitches, oh kami no, she doesn't want to deal with it once again. She shook her head and Tsuna nodded his head. "Then make haste young miko. I will take care of the dog. Until next time." He tilted his head then left the area in such astonishing speed.

"Wow… I never thought I would be able to meet the legendary King of the Lion…" Kagome whispered in awe, fear, and amazed. Then she snapped out of it, she better hurries up and leaves as soon as possible before Inuyasha fight his brother, again.




Meanwhile, Tsuna arrived through the woods and saw Sesshomaru sitting on the roots alone. The lion demon glanced his surroundings. "I am surprised to see you here alone, Sesshomaru-sama. A-Un, Jaken, and Rin are not even close by." He said after he attempts to sense any live souls in the distances.

Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at the lion demon. "This Sesshomaru smelt your scent and came." He stood up and walked to the lion demon gracefully.

Tsuna raised his eyebrows at the dog demon. "Is that so? And why have you come? I thought you were too busy with your goals." He said calmly.

Sesshomaru frowns, he lifted his hand to touch Tsuna's cheek gently. "This Sesshomaru has not seen you for months." He rubbed his thumb against lion's jawline then to lips. "This Sesshomaru misses you. He misses his mate." He lowered his face and captured Tsuna's lips.

Tsuna closed his eyes and return the kiss gently. He grabbed his mate's shirt as he tip-toes while angle his head to deepen the kiss. Their tongues were open and devoured in each other mouth while moans. The dog demon breaks the kiss as the saliva connected between them. Tsuna licked his lips as he disconnected the link while Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around his mate's waist. He tugs Tsuna close, rubbed his nose against Tsuna's neck. His golden eyes shine brightly at the mating mark on Tsuna's neck. He licked the mark and Tsuna moans at the sensitive part. "This Sesshomaru loves you, mate."

The lion demon sighed softly, "And I you, mate." He whispered lovely.

"Soon, this Sesshomaru will return to you once he finishes his goals. This Sesshomaru promise." The dog demon said.

Tsuna leaned back, turned his head to stare at his mate's eyes. "I will be waiting for you." He meant it. He will wait for his mate to return, it hurts and lonely for both of them. To be separate from each other long period of time. But they will return to each other soon. Sesshomaru pecked his mate's forehead as Tsuna closed his eyes.

The lion demon felt the rush of winds and the faint presence of his mate. Slowly opening his eyes half-way at the spot where his mate has vanished once again. The only proof of his existence was his scent reaming in the area. 'Soon… we'll be together again.' Tsuna turned and walked down the path through the forest, leaving the trails of scorch mark of his footsteps, slowly transformed to paws then disappeared.