I really wanted to re-write the original Last Airbender story because I just felt like the Avatar being the bridge between the Spirit World and the Earth could have been explored more. I also felt like Aang being only 12 years old kind of made him immature in some situations and it took away from the story being taken seriously. The Aang in my story is still only 14 so I'm not totally taking away his youth but bringing just a touch more maturity to the character. The reason I made Aang female in this story was because I thought a slow building love triangle between Aang, Zuko, and Katara would be a really interesting conflict to explore. Also I'm writing this in first person and I'm female so it's easier for me to write females. Literally as I'm writing this, I actually have no idea who she's going to end up with. I'm just going to see where the story takes me and how the diverging character interactions develop each relationship. I promise not to make the characters too OOC, I just want their characters to develop a LITTLE differently!

I hope you enjoy and please please PLEASE write me a review!

The air flowing through the Southern Air Temple was crisp and refreshing, offsetting the heat of the bright sun, illuminating the picturesque sanctuary. It was the perfect day to play outside with my friends.

"First, you form a ball, then you've got to get on quick!" I bent my air scooter and hopped on, balancing on one foot in a modified lotus position. I started to ride the air scooter all around the south wall, I didn't even know how fast I was going. All I knew was that it was loads of fun! Riding along the stair rails and even doing loops on the arches of the temples, I felt freer than a flying lemur!

"Okay, here goes!" Chen formed his own air scooter with no trouble at all.

"Quick, get on!" He hopped on, but forgot to place his foot on the center of the ball and spun around and around until he finally lost control of the scooter.

"Whoaaaa! Ooof."

"You kind of have to balance on it like it's a top." I said, smiling.

"Man, that's hard." Chen whined, rubbing his sore bottom. I laughed, knowing he'd catch on eventually. Then, I felt someone tugging my shirt.

"Where'd you learn that trick, Aang?" Jie asked me, looking up with wide curious eyes. The young boy would always follow me around trying to copy the games and airbending tricks I invented.

"I made it up." Shrugging, I smiled. I often got bored and made up new ways of having fun with airbending. It was the most fun way to pass the time and showing my new trick to my friends was often the best part. They were just as creative and found ways to make them into games we could all play.

"WOW!" Jie spun around in delight as we all laughed together with the youngest member of our friend group. All of a sudden, I heard Monk Gyatso call to me from the stairs leading into the Elder Sanctuary.

"Aang, come with us. We need to speak with you." Gyatso's gentle voice calmed my immediate nerves, although I was still tense, seeing as he was accompanied by the entire Council of Elders. When you were called in front of the Council of Elders, it meant you had messed up pretty bad. Even though I had no idea what I could have possibly done to warrant a talk with the Elders, I obediently followed my mentor into the Elder Sanctuary. As soon as we entered, I felt a sense of foreboding, as if nothing would be the same once I walked out of the sanctuary gates.

"We have called you here, Aang, to inform you of a matter of great importance." Said High Monk Pasang. "You, Aang, are the Avatar."

My eyes widened in disbelief. There was no way I was the Avatar! I only knew airbending. "How do you know it's me?"

"We have known you were the Avatar for some time." Spoke Monk Tashi. "Do you remember these?" He used his airbending to lay in front of me a scroll filled with my old toys from my childhood.

"Those were some of my favorite toys from when I was little!" A sense of joy and nostalgia filled me as I recalled the fun I had, playing with the oddities I had chosen from what the monks offered me.

"You chose them from among thousands of toys, Aang. The toys you picked were the four Avatar relics. These items belonged to Avatars past, your own past lives."

"I just chose them because the seemed fun." I replied as I pulled the zip that sent the spinning top flying.

Monk Tashi peered at the flying toy as he replied, "You chose them because they were familiar."

"Normally, we would have told you of your identity when you turned 16, but there are troubling signs." Voiced Monk Gyatso, a troubled look deepened his grey eyes. "Storm clouds are gathering." The foreboding feeling I had in my gut worsened as I listened to my lifelong teacher.

"I fear that war may be upon us young Avatar." The title was foreign and repellant entering my ears as High Monk Pasang addressed me.

"We need you Aang." Monk Gyatso looked at me, eyes imploring me to understand. I could tell he was reluctant to place such a burden on my shoulders. He had always been my teacher, my guide, my father figure, and my friend. The look of pleading and worry in his eyes pierced my heart. There was nothing I could say. My feeling was right. From that day, my entire life changed.