Warnings: Really bad slurs against a mute person.
"So you're awake," a man said.
It took Amy a while to realize what was wrong with the voice.
It was Professor Quirrel's voice without a stutter. And he'd never sound so cold to her before.
"You useless child," he continued. "You can't even cast a single spell without weeks of trying. You're a waste of magic."
Amy had heard this before, usually before the surrounding Gryffindor's jumped the speaker. It had never hurt this much though.
"How could you have defeated the greatest wizard in the entire world?" Quirrell asked. "When you can't even cast a spell without proper emotion?" The last two words were said mockingly.
Amy's cheeks flamed and she wanted to cry, except she didn't want to give him the satisfaction.
Instead, she struggled to sit up and look around. She was underground and surrounded by rings of fire. And alone, in the middle of everything, was a mirror. A familiar one. The Mirror of Erised.
What, she thought numbly. The mirror was a source of bittersweet memories for her and seeing it after having such hateful words thrown at her was jarring.
"And what does my lord think you can do about this mirror," he hissed angrily, pacing in front of it. She noticed he doesn't look too long into the surface and he sometimes jerked away from it, as though whatever he saw stung him. "I see myself holding the stone. Is this it then, Dumbledore's last defense?"
Amy stood up and ignored the sizable lump on her head. She'd experienced worse from Dudley.
"Let me speak to her," a voice hissed out of nowhere, serpentine and insidious. "I have strength enough for thissss."
To Amy's horror, Professor Quirrell started to unwind the turban on his head. What was hidden behind it made Amy clap her hands over her mouth before she could start screaming.
A pale face where there should be a head of hair. It was a wasted, haggard face. She could see traces of where the man had once been beautiful but had twisted it with cruel deeds and words.
Merlin's beard, Professor Quirrell really was possessed! Amy didn't even know any exorcism spells!
"Amy Potter," the man hissed, his mouth and tongue clearly having difficulty saying words. The back of a person's head clearly wasn't comfortably shaped for speaking. "Do you see what I have become? A mere shadow of the man I was."
It was the malice that he said her name that finally clued her to his name. He was Lord Voldemort.
"Do you know what is here, behind the mirror?" he continued saying. "Do you understand, you stupid child, of what is hidden inside it?"
That she was here was a definite answer. Amy didn't think he'd know BSL, but she signed "Fuck off" just to be contrary.
Voldemort narrowed his red eyes with difficulty. "Of course, what was I thinking, you are dumb. Like an animal. You can't answer me."
This time, the red flush that climbed up Amy's cheeks were of anger. And sheer indignation.
"Grab her," Voldermort hissed. "And get her in front of the mirror. That will solve the puzzle neatly."
Amy didn't hesitate. As Quirrell moved to put her in front of the mirror, Amy screamed. A loud, mermish scream that made human ears bleed with the absence of water to mute it.
Quirrell covered his ears as both Voldemort and him squinted their eyes in pain.
Amy ran for it, looking through the ring of fire and trying to find a way out.
"Stop her!" Voldemort shouted hoarsely.
Amy kicked Quirrell when he moved in front of her, making him hiss, but he didn't stop. When his arm tried to squeeze her neck, Amy ducked under his outstretched arm and bit.
The adrenaline of the moment made her unaware that her teeth had sharpened, making it reminiscent of her mermish friends.
Quirrell screamed in pain, both him and Voldemort, a dual tone of agony that made Amy wince.
"You dumb animal!" Quirrell shouted, backhanding her effectively. His hand seemed to crackle upon contact, which made him pause.
Noticing the opening, Amy ran.
"What is this magic?" he yelled, holding his disintegrating hand.
Must be an effect of possession, Amy thought, desperately trying to find a way out of the ring of fire.
"Ignore that," Voldemort ordered. "Get her."
Cornered, Amy rounded on Quirrell and bared her teeth. She wasn't going down without taking her pound of flesh with her.
When Dumbledore finally arrived, dispelling the flames, he found Amy with blood in her teeth and Quirrell clutching his arm.
"What in Merlin's name?" he said, before he saw the ring of bruises around Amy's throat.
"He's possessed!" Amy signed frantically. With her shaking fingers, the signing came out just as shaky. Luckily, Dumbledore got the gist what with Voldemort hanging from the back of Quirrell's head.
Dumbledore's wand moved whip fast and Quirrell screamed.
Amy scrambled for the safety of the wall. Dumbledore's spells came fast and the effects were terrible, cracking the floor and the air around it with the air of ozone.
One stray spell knocked her back to the wall and she fell to the floor, ears ringing. Amy tried to blink the spots out of her eyes and fainted instead.
Later, in the hospital wing, Ron sat beside her with his head in hands. It hid the fact that he was giggling hysterically.
"It's almost like the whole world conspires to leave us out of your adventures," Hermione was muttering beside her.
"That's not the point here," Ron said, surfacing from the safety of his cupped hands. "That is completely the wrong point. I'm not supposed to be the rational one in this friend group. It's awful."
Hermione wrinkled her nose, conceding the point. "Alright, rephrase," she coughed. "Why does it happen to you and why don't people include us when it happens?"
Ron and Amy collapsed against each other, giggling. Hermione's eyes twinkled with laughter.
"Potter," Malfoy stopped her on the way to the Great Hall.
After the Incident with the Knockback Jinx, Malfoy had avoided her.
Keeping that in mind, Amy stops and quirks her head to the side and listened.
"Sorry about earlier this year," he said. He looked and sounded incredibly uncomfortable. "I mean. I didn't understand what you meant."
Amy had signed for him to stop pulling her hair, because it hurt. Except Malfoy didn't know BSL and ignored her. And then the Jinx happened.
Then the implications hit her and she signed, "You learned?" She's careful to keep her body language open. She would never mock anyone for learning something new, especially when it would help her.
Judging by the way his eyes track her fingers, he did. And it made her incredibly happy.
"I just wanted to know what you were signing at me before you jinxed me," he explained. There's a red flush climbing up his pale cheeks. "I am. Really sorry about it."
She smiled at him and he looked like he'd been hit by a Stunning Spell.
"Neville told me something interesting this morning," Ron said as they dropped off their trunks in the Common Room for the house-elves to pick up later. "Hagrid's house burned down,"
Amy stopped in her tracks. "Is he alright?" she signed urgently.
Ron waved away her concern. "He's alright, he's half...I mean, he's big boned. Professor Sprout stopped the fire and Professor Flitwick helped him with the repair charms. No, what's really interesting is that Neville said that Hagrid was hiding a Dragon!"
Amy could absolutely believe that Hagrid would hide a Dragon in his completely wooden cabin.
"How did Dumbledore take it?" Amy asked.
"Well, McGonagall completely blew her top," Ron said. "Went as red as an apple. Then she started yelling Scottish curses. Dumbledore contacted the Romanian Dragon Reserve to get Norbert this morning."
"How in Merlin's name did Neville know? I don't think even Percy knows," Hermione asked.
"I have no idea," Ron answered.
"I'll miss you guys," Amy warbled to them, voice soft in the water.
The mermaids all brushed their fins against her, not being too big on hugs with the razor-sharp fins on their forearms.
"You say it will just be two cycles of the moon?" Sharp-Corals said. "We will wait for you, 'Little-Sister-with-land-fins'"
Amy was big on hugs but did not want to impale herself on the sharp spines on Sharp-Corals back. So she settled on squeezing his hand, mindful of the sharp nails.
"I'll come back," she promised.
"You will," one of the mermaids with the name 'Blossom-Flowing-through-Waterfalls' pronounced. "And when you do, we will teach you how to speak to our tail-friends."
Tail-friends being fishes. Oh, Amy couldn't wait!
"Jokes aside," Amy signed to her friends in the privacy of the train compartment, no Madam Pomfrey looking over their shoulders. "It was very scary. I wanted the two of you with me."
Hermione squeezed her shoulders. "You won't ever get another adventure alone ever again," Hermione promised. "We won't leave you alone."
"You're stuck with us, Amy," Ron said. "I hope you have no problems with red, because my whole family's adopted you now." 'Little sister,' he signed.
Amy smiled through a haze of tears that she blinked away quickly. "I love red," she signed shakily.
Of course, Neville saw the entire incident picking up plants for extra credit from Sprout but it just enhances Amy's logic that purebloods "Know Things"
Might Post Various one-shots for the AMY POTTER universe if I get prompts I like.
Reviews would be nice.
Thanks for sticking with the story guys!