The Title? Oh, yes, What was it again?
By Sakura Takanouchi
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Chappie-ter numero uno: Tell Me why we decided to do this again?
"You see, Yusuke, it's all part of the authoress' evil plot," Kurama said in response to Yusuke's question. "She wrote us in this story, so we have to do what she says. "Well, i say this sucks," Yusuke complained irritably.
It was a brand new sunshine-y day on 2460 Red Fox Terrace (Which really exists, mind you, but can't ya tell who picked it out?). Unfortunately, the tantei have been forced to live there by the powers of the authoress. That took some serious mad skills, but she did it, for everyone's enjoyment.
"Guys, I think this'll be great for some male bonding time," Kuwabaka said. "Hn. Only you would think so." Said everyone's favorite fire demon from the couch in the living room, where he was glued to the TV, watching some random action film where Arnold Schwartzenegger kills half a million people for no good reason and this sentence is getting long so I'll stop it now. "Now, Now, Hiei," Yusuke chided. All of this chiding and TV watching and household accounting (Kurama) and prancing around outside with a butterfly net like an idiot (Kuwabaka) went on for some random unit of time before the doorbell rang with the Smile Bomb song. Kurama went to open the door. It was the mailman. The mailman then decided he would like to have some dialog. "I'm the mailman, " he said. "I see that," Kurama answered politely. "Well, here's your mail!" he called, and then went back into his tacky little mail truck to drive to the next house. Kurama sweatdropped, then went to sit on the chair OPPOSITE the couch that Hiei and Yusuke were sitting on DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except watching Schwartzeneggar slaughter more 'innocent' people. But we know at heart they probably deserved it. And if they didn't, then they're dead anyway. Kurama began to open the mail. "Letter from Keiko....." "Give Me That!" Yusuke shouted from his position on the couch. "Letter from Yukina....."""Give Me That!" Kuwabaka appeared randomly in the room for just long enough so he could snatch the letter from Kurama and still disgust us with his prescence. He then went back to chasing butterflies. ".....And a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau."(Yup, they live in the good old Southern U.S., y'all.) "They're coming Today!" Kurama shrieked. Hiei turned to look at Kurama. Yusuke turned to look at Hiei who was looking at Kurama. Kuwabaka turned to look at his reflection, then winked at it, and then continues to prance about like an idiot while catching butterflies with his net. Everyone sweatdropped.
Then the doorbell rang once again with Smile Bomb. Guess Who? This time Yusuke poened the door. Sure enough, it was the United States Census Beareu Guy. Let's just call him the USCBG for now. Yusuke led him into the living room, where the rest of them are. "Now I know you've just been transported here from the country of Japan." The USCBG said VERY VERY S.....l.....o.....w.....l.....y...... "I would Like to say H.....E.....L.....L.....O.... " Do you think this guy knows we know english?" Yusuke whispered to Kurama in rapid Japanese. "Iie," Kurama answered. "This is gonna be a lot of fun." Yusuke returned, and then stood up.
A/N Just to let you know, italics are in Japanese.
"Come here, you shrimp with hair like a monkey and an idiotic face like a fish, I challenge you!" Yusuke said in the nicest tone of vioce he has, which would sound really spooky if you knew Yusuke, but this guy doesn't. "Why, um....." He answered apprehensively, thinking that a) it was a compliment, and b) He was saying the wrong word in Japanese. "Feh. Stupid ningen trash," Hiei said. This could be fun, he though to himself. but Hiei never showed his emotions. "Now," The USCBG said.(still in all his slowliness) "How.....Old.....Are.....You....?" "Come on and fight, you worthless piece of...""That one's name is Uramesi Yusuke and he is fourteen, as is the one outside, who's name is Kuwabara Kazuma." Oh, Urameshi and Kuwabara.." The man mused. "Hey! In America, you say first name's firist. Now everyone will think my first name's Urameshi," Yusuke said to Kurama. "That one is Hiei, and he's seventeen, and I'm Minamino Shuuichi, and I'm three hundred, and , uh, I mean 19." He finished. "Well, Minamino, I will give you some school forms for Hiei, Urameshi, and Kuwabara. Hiei stared at the USCBG with his super- patented death glare. Hiei did not want to go to school. The readers do not want Hiei to be denied his happiness! Oh, well. The authoress says that Hiei must go to school, and so go Hiei must. " The man said. " You are the only one old enough to work," said the USCBG again. "Well, I've got to go!"The man finished, and left. Darn. And he was having so much fun. " Goodbye, you old bloated blue-faced baboon!" Yusuke called from the porch.
Soon after, it was beddy-bye time for the tantei. The authoress had generously written them a nice big house WITH ENOUGH BEDROOMS FOR EVERYONE, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? Yusuke and Kuwabaka had gone to sleep already, but Hiei still had something to say to Kurama. " I am not. Going!" Hiei slammed down the form on the table. "Now, Now, Hiei, It's only one year," Kurama mused. This could be interesting. "Ya know, I think the authoress will side with me," Kurama said.
"Me." Hiei responded on impulse.
"Me!" Kurama argued.
"Gr..." They stared at each other. Finally Kurama sighed. "We can't just stand here bickering." "Yeah," Hiei argued. "Some people need their beauty sleep or else their face gets all red and their hair gets all frizzy and nobody would like that-" "HIEI!" Kurama yelled. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Hiei had called forth the mighty authoress to settle this dispute. "Oi, what are you- oh, hi, Kurama!" Sakura then realized that the authoress was writing herself in her own fanfic. "Alright. Let's get this over with. Do you side with me, or me?" Hiei asked. "I side.....with.....Kurama!" She said, and started to glomp Kurama. "But why, you ningen-no-" "I'm not a ningen! I'm a youko! And besides, Kurama is just sSSSSOOOOOOOOO huggable! Also, wouldn't you look cute in a school uniform.....say.....Flynns[1]?" Sakura grinned evilly while still glomping Kurama. "I will go to school because you have made me, but I shall NOT WEAR FLYNNS! You got it?" Hiei stated, and then went to his room to sleep. Sakura then disapeared, leaving a very confused and disgruntled Kurama. He sighed and went to sleep.
So, minna san? I just learned what that was! But, in case you didn't know, [1]Flynns are cardboard uniforms that I am made to wear!
So, I wonder how long this will be? Hiei has to go to school for a year, Kurama has to find a job and maybe even go to college, and Yusuke has to be... ..Yusuke! Kuwabaka will probably stay in the fields catching butterflies with his net.
Penguins Sipping Frosty Drinks,
Rabid Fangirl Sakura Chan
By Sakura Takanouchi
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Chappie-ter numero uno: Tell Me why we decided to do this again?
"You see, Yusuke, it's all part of the authoress' evil plot," Kurama said in response to Yusuke's question. "She wrote us in this story, so we have to do what she says. "Well, i say this sucks," Yusuke complained irritably.
It was a brand new sunshine-y day on 2460 Red Fox Terrace (Which really exists, mind you, but can't ya tell who picked it out?). Unfortunately, the tantei have been forced to live there by the powers of the authoress. That took some serious mad skills, but she did it, for everyone's enjoyment.
"Guys, I think this'll be great for some male bonding time," Kuwabaka said. "Hn. Only you would think so." Said everyone's favorite fire demon from the couch in the living room, where he was glued to the TV, watching some random action film where Arnold Schwartzenegger kills half a million people for no good reason and this sentence is getting long so I'll stop it now. "Now, Now, Hiei," Yusuke chided. All of this chiding and TV watching and household accounting (Kurama) and prancing around outside with a butterfly net like an idiot (Kuwabaka) went on for some random unit of time before the doorbell rang with the Smile Bomb song. Kurama went to open the door. It was the mailman. The mailman then decided he would like to have some dialog. "I'm the mailman, " he said. "I see that," Kurama answered politely. "Well, here's your mail!" he called, and then went back into his tacky little mail truck to drive to the next house. Kurama sweatdropped, then went to sit on the chair OPPOSITE the couch that Hiei and Yusuke were sitting on DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING except watching Schwartzeneggar slaughter more 'innocent' people. But we know at heart they probably deserved it. And if they didn't, then they're dead anyway. Kurama began to open the mail. "Letter from Keiko....." "Give Me That!" Yusuke shouted from his position on the couch. "Letter from Yukina....."""Give Me That!" Kuwabaka appeared randomly in the room for just long enough so he could snatch the letter from Kurama and still disgust us with his prescence. He then went back to chasing butterflies. ".....And a letter from the U.S. Census Bureau."(Yup, they live in the good old Southern U.S., y'all.) "They're coming Today!" Kurama shrieked. Hiei turned to look at Kurama. Yusuke turned to look at Hiei who was looking at Kurama. Kuwabaka turned to look at his reflection, then winked at it, and then continues to prance about like an idiot while catching butterflies with his net. Everyone sweatdropped.
Then the doorbell rang once again with Smile Bomb. Guess Who? This time Yusuke poened the door. Sure enough, it was the United States Census Beareu Guy. Let's just call him the USCBG for now. Yusuke led him into the living room, where the rest of them are. "Now I know you've just been transported here from the country of Japan." The USCBG said VERY VERY S.....l.....o.....w.....l.....y...... "I would Like to say H.....E.....L.....L.....O.... " Do you think this guy knows we know english?" Yusuke whispered to Kurama in rapid Japanese. "Iie," Kurama answered. "This is gonna be a lot of fun." Yusuke returned, and then stood up.
A/N Just to let you know, italics are in Japanese.
"Come here, you shrimp with hair like a monkey and an idiotic face like a fish, I challenge you!" Yusuke said in the nicest tone of vioce he has, which would sound really spooky if you knew Yusuke, but this guy doesn't. "Why, um....." He answered apprehensively, thinking that a) it was a compliment, and b) He was saying the wrong word in Japanese. "Feh. Stupid ningen trash," Hiei said. This could be fun, he though to himself. but Hiei never showed his emotions. "Now," The USCBG said.(still in all his slowliness) "How.....Old.....Are.....You....?" "Come on and fight, you worthless piece of...""That one's name is Uramesi Yusuke and he is fourteen, as is the one outside, who's name is Kuwabara Kazuma." Oh, Urameshi and Kuwabara.." The man mused. "Hey! In America, you say first name's firist. Now everyone will think my first name's Urameshi," Yusuke said to Kurama. "That one is Hiei, and he's seventeen, and I'm Minamino Shuuichi, and I'm three hundred, and , uh, I mean 19." He finished. "Well, Minamino, I will give you some school forms for Hiei, Urameshi, and Kuwabara. Hiei stared at the USCBG with his super- patented death glare. Hiei did not want to go to school. The readers do not want Hiei to be denied his happiness! Oh, well. The authoress says that Hiei must go to school, and so go Hiei must. " The man said. " You are the only one old enough to work," said the USCBG again. "Well, I've got to go!"The man finished, and left. Darn. And he was having so much fun. " Goodbye, you old bloated blue-faced baboon!" Yusuke called from the porch.
Soon after, it was beddy-bye time for the tantei. The authoress had generously written them a nice big house WITH ENOUGH BEDROOMS FOR EVERYONE, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? Yusuke and Kuwabaka had gone to sleep already, but Hiei still had something to say to Kurama. " I am not. Going!" Hiei slammed down the form on the table. "Now, Now, Hiei, It's only one year," Kurama mused. This could be interesting. "Ya know, I think the authoress will side with me," Kurama said.
"Me." Hiei responded on impulse.
"Me!" Kurama argued.
"Gr..." They stared at each other. Finally Kurama sighed. "We can't just stand here bickering." "Yeah," Hiei argued. "Some people need their beauty sleep or else their face gets all red and their hair gets all frizzy and nobody would like that-" "HIEI!" Kurama yelled. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Hiei had called forth the mighty authoress to settle this dispute. "Oi, what are you- oh, hi, Kurama!" Sakura then realized that the authoress was writing herself in her own fanfic. "Alright. Let's get this over with. Do you side with me, or me?" Hiei asked. "I side.....with.....Kurama!" She said, and started to glomp Kurama. "But why, you ningen-no-" "I'm not a ningen! I'm a youko! And besides, Kurama is just sSSSSOOOOOOOOO huggable! Also, wouldn't you look cute in a school uniform.....say.....Flynns[1]?" Sakura grinned evilly while still glomping Kurama. "I will go to school because you have made me, but I shall NOT WEAR FLYNNS! You got it?" Hiei stated, and then went to his room to sleep. Sakura then disapeared, leaving a very confused and disgruntled Kurama. He sighed and went to sleep.
So, minna san? I just learned what that was! But, in case you didn't know, [1]Flynns are cardboard uniforms that I am made to wear!
So, I wonder how long this will be? Hiei has to go to school for a year, Kurama has to find a job and maybe even go to college, and Yusuke has to be... ..Yusuke! Kuwabaka will probably stay in the fields catching butterflies with his net.
Penguins Sipping Frosty Drinks,
Rabid Fangirl Sakura Chan