A/N:I still don't own Harry Potter
This is the last chapter of Hands!
Look for the sequel, and second book in this trilogy, To Sir With Love coming soon!
Hermione pushed open the front door of her parents' house.
"Hermione? A package arrived for you, by owl," her father stated handing her a parcel. She took it. It felt like a book, and maybe something else. Her left hand tremored slightly, but she ignored it. She took the package to her room and studied it.
There was no return address, but she recognized the spidery writing. She'd only come back here to do one thing, she hadn't expected Professor Snape to know her plans. How did he know her plans? She slowly opened the package. It was a book and something flat and silvery.
"A Practical Potioneer's Guide to Camping?" she read. A bit of parchment slipped out.
Dear Miss Granger,
if you are reading this, you have returned to your parents' home. You know what you must do. Do not let your...hands stop you from the mission before you. This book, along with the collapsible cauldron, will help you. Do not forget whose portraits hang in my new Headmaster's office.
Severus Snape.
Hermione blinked in confusion. What did he mean about the portraits? She had a feeling she'd understand soon enough. The book was quite useful, telling her what plants were edible, how to brew emergency potions with what was available, and some other random facts about thing she might find in the woods. On the margins was Professor Snape's handwriting. She smiled sliding the book and cauldron into her bag. The time for planning was over.
She stepped out of her room waving her wand as she walked. Slowly, every image of her disappeared, every mention of her name vanished. It was as though she no longer existed in this house. Tears rolled down her face as she made her way to her parents' room. Her hand twitched, shaking violently for a moment. She ignored it. She was getting better at that at least.
"Obliverate," she whispered. With tears still in her eyes, she slipped out of the house. She didn't hesitate as she apparated as close to the Burrow as she could. She felt its wards accept her, and for now, she was safe.