The Holy War finally ended but only 2 survivors are left which is Neah and Allen. For some reason, Neah, the fourteenth, gained his own body after defeated the Earl and become the Earl itself and Allen be able to control his Noah, the Noah of Time, making him the Fifteenth Noah (why not? I mean he is the destroyer of time...wait, does that means he destroy himself? Meh...I don't know am I doing) Despite, Everything ended, the result of the War was devastated. Both, no longer want to lived in this desolate world anymore. So, they used (also upgrade) the Ark to transfer them into different worlds and meeting different people while also messing with those pitiful people's mental state. (Multiple worlds, not only one plus I am doing this because of my bias on NeAllen but this is only slight Neah X Allen)

A sword went through the Earl's stomach. The white hair boy grab the sword handle and exerted his utmost strength to push it further in. Though, Many People would say that this person is our dear Allen but Nope~ The white hair boy silhouette that can be seen from afar turn into a young man with average height, somewhat unruly and short dark Brown hair and a shining golden eyes.

"Earl, I told you that I always come back as the victor"

The Earl still smile but within those devious...actually...Straight out creepy smile held a furious anger. Soon, those anger perish and the body become lifeless. The Millennium Earl was defeated at last. The young man pull out his sword. One of his hands went through his dark locks that shown the line of Stigmata on his forehead beneath those bangs. His lips curved into an insane smile that seem to split his face in half if that is possible. He turn around and went into the Ark. Inside the Ark, The real White hair boy lay there on the bed, curling in pain.

"Allen, my dear nephew, everything finally ended" His grey hand caress Allen's face while the upside down pentagram scar that inflict from the curse slowly faded away (Why Not).


"Yes, Allen?"

"It hurts" The man eyes soften.

"Don't worry Allen. The Pain will go away once the awakening process end"

The boy only nodded and continue to bear the pain. After days passed, usually it only took a few hours but because of the innocence need to accept the Noah, it took days.

"How are you feeling Allen?" Neah asked in concern.

"After the pain and misery, don't forget the flood of memories. It just Peachy" Allen recovered like he isn't in pain a few days ago. "So, tell me what happen?"

"During your awakening, the Exorcist declared that you are with the Noahs and want to executed you. So, I took the initiative and place you in the Ark while acting as you to avoid being suspicious" Then he took a deep breath and continued "When the War arrived, one of the stupid exorcists try to kill you or in this case, me and pretend it is an accident cause by the Noah or the Akuma. Your so called friends...I have to say, They gain my respect. They try to protect you from the other though I could still see the fear and doubt in their eyes but they protect you until their last breath" The fourteenth then look at his nephew's face worriedly but found a blank look instead.

"Oh" that is what all Allen could say.

This reaction is out of Neah calculation but what do he expected? When one awake their Noah side, their personality will also change but he hope his cute nephew personality would not change to something like cold and uncaring. But I guess he was right and wrong, Allen's personality did change but did not change into the uncaring and cold. He just tend to hide it better and not show his sorrow to not worry Neah, his only relative even if it is not by Blood.

"Neah, I don't want to stay here anymore. Can we go somewhere else?"

"Like Where?"

"I don't know, other dimension or something" Allen joked around a bit to sooth the atmosphere.

"That is not impossible"


"I, secretly, upgraded the Ark and connect the gate to the other dimension" That's possible is what float in allen's mind.

"So when do we started?"

"How about now?" Neah pull allen's hand and jump through the Gate that lead to the sky?



"AHHHHHH" He shouted as he fall.

E.S: Well, that was exhausting

Neah: you barely do anything

E.S: I used my Little to No brain to write