Standard Disclaimers.
Thanks to JP for Betaing.
Part One. Three Force Sensitive Liabilities
When Luke Skywalker, Jedi, Destroyer of the first Death Star, Hero of the Alliance and Twin of Leia Organa landed on Endor after the destruction of the Second Death Star, he was not alone.
He brought with him a dreadfully injured Darth Vader.
Leia, who had been smugly boasting to all and sundry of her new found twin, suddenly discovered that maybe her pride was a little pre-emptive.
Luke introduced his father (who mercifully was comatose) and pretty much everyone did some rapid calculations.
Leia's popularity, which she had been working on for many years, probably all her life, suddenly hit rock bottom.
No longer the daughter of Bail Organa, Consort of the Queen of Alderaan, big campaigner for the welfare of sentients and all round good guy, she was now sired by Darth Vader, who was none of the above.
The princess really was up shak nebula.
The Alliance doctors pronounced Darth Vader as a hopeless case, he was dying, and would probably last a few months at most. There wasn't really anything much anyone could do with him except exile somewhere quiet so he could meet his fate in private.
His estranged and rather baffled children where exiled along with him. No one wanted the potential risk.
Anakin Skywalker and his family were turned loose in a hostile galaxy. They had to find their own way in life.
Rain beat down upon the uncompromising jungle. Leia sat at the mouth of the cave, watching the deluge. She turned around, looking at the black mass of her nemesis where he was lying in an alcove.
Leia swivelled round, back to watching the rain. She was on her own, apart from the unwelcome presence of her arch enemy. Luke had insisted on going out and exploring…they had seen storm clouds…He had still gone.
She shrugged. No doubt he was soaked. But Luke was from a desert planet…She could imagine he was probably delighted to be wet. Leia allowed herself a slight smile. He would not be so happy when he realised he had no change of clothing, not even a towel.
She likewise was bereft. Abandoned in a hostile galaxy with no towel…