Disclaimer: Don't own it. Ya'll know that!! Why would I write fan fiction if I owned it anyway? Explain that to me. Please. Anywho…I don't know why people read these either. Why Bother. They know you don't own it!! (sigh) Alrighty, then. Just ignore this part and read on!!


Chapter 7

From my point of view…

Goro's POV

What do I see when I look at myself? A useless nothing. A nobody. Just a figment of their imaginations. Nothing more than just a pretty face on the cover of the newest teen magazine. Another Gigolo for the girls to gawk at. But I have to wonder sometimes, what does she see? What does she see in me? Does she see what they see? Or does she see more? Does she see me as another man to love her? Or is she afraid that I'll hurt her like they did? Those assholes. How could they hurt such a fragile souls as hers, without ever looking back? Do they not feel guilty? Do they not feel like they've done something that they'll regret later? I guess they don't. But when I hurt her, I couldn't get it out of my mind. I couldn't stop thinking about it. That fragile soul and I'd broken it. That beautiful, smiling face and I'd ruined it. I had made her cry. I had ruined her night. And to think, of all things, that it was her birthday.

Why does life have to deal such unfair hands? And why do I have to play the hand it deals? I don't know. I don't think anyone knows. And I don't think anyone ever will know. But for now I just enjoy being with her. I like to see her smile, because I know that she is not just smiling because she is happy at the time, but she seems to smile inside at something more, and nearly constantly. I wonder what it is that she smiles at. I wonder if it's me. Or if it's just being around me. Could it possibly be because she is free? Free of them, all of them? You have to wonder sometimes why someone smiles. You have to wonder if you can bring that internal smile out, for you and everyone around to see.

I don't know about anyone but myself and her right now. I know one thing though. I don't want her to change just because of them. They have ruined how she was. But I don't want to lose the way she was. Queen Bitch Sae ruined what we could have had then. She destroyed that. I hate her. Asshole #1, Kazuya Tojikamori. Toji. He ruined her smiling face. He took her heart and shattered it into pieces. I hate him too. But Kiley Okayasu. He was different from the others. He seemed to understand what I was going through. What she was going through. He took her in his arms as I had wanted to do. He comforted her. He made her happy. But he ruined that too. He yelled at her for a simple thought.

I don't want her to go back to them. I don't want to see her smile fade. I don't want to see her heart broken again. Though I can't help but think that it is somewhat my fault that Toji broke her heart. Though I know it's not my fault; it's Sae's. I can't get the thought out of my mind though that it was all my fault. I broke my love's heart. She reassures me constantly that it's Sae's fault, not mine. But I still can't brush the thought from my mind. I don't want her to worry about me, but I know she will. She loves me, just as I love her. But I strive to make her smile. I love that smile. And I want to help it stay there forever.

This is how things are from my point of view…


Kami-chan: You can't help but feel sorry for Goro, right? I love reviews, so please R&R!!!