...couldn't get it out of my head after I read a story where Bella is Harry's mother, but she gave him to James and Lily to keep him from Voldy.
I dont own Harry Potter.
I rearranged the Black sisters ages, Andromeda is oldest, already ran off with Ted, would've graduated this year if she stayed
Narcissa is same age as marauders
Bellatrix is a single year older. So shes Sixteen to James fifteen
Bellatrix Black came to in a dark place, "fuck. When I find whoever stunned me."
A groan sounded and she saw another person in the small room, "damnit Padfoot. Did you lock me in a closet again?"
Bella growled, "Potter. Was it you who got us in this mess?"
James sighed and a light erupted from his hand, "good thing I always keep a witch light on me, just in case." James Potter looked into the lavender eyes of Bellatrix Black and gulped, "no. Last thing I remember is having dinner, after I pranked Snivelus."
Bella smirked, "like the nickname for that Toerag. Let's get out of here." The moment they moved and Bella's hand accidentally brushed James' a very powerful burning began in her loins." " . , someone dosed us with a very strong aphrodisiac."
"James growled, "this wasnt padfoot then. He wouldnt do that, what do you remember?"
Bella closed her eyes, "talking to Lucius. He was saying something about...the dark lord and how I would fit in with them."
James snorted, "I've seen the people who follow that man willingly, you'd fit in for one purpose, as a whore. They would just lay you and then leave."
Bella fumed, but he wasn't wrong. Lestranges, Malfoy, hell even Crouch Junior looked at both her, and her sister with lust filled gazes. "Its why I said no. But I have a feeling their gonna keep coming after me, and Malfoy is already trying to force my father into a marriage contract with Cissy."
James outright laughed, "then he's an idiot. Only your grandfather can do that as lord black."
Bella rubbed her thighs together, "yes. My father wants to do it though."
James frowned, "dont. Lucius is gay. I've seen him in the showers, leering at other men. He would probably impregnate her and never touch her again."
Bella smirked but faltered, "where are we anyway? We have to have been here for hours."
James shrugged, "an old broom closet on the 7th floor. Its cursed tho. The door is gone, we will have to wait for my friends or a teacher to come." Bella became all to aware of the tent that was pitched in the room.
"What of the potions?"
James shrugged but his eyes widened when she straddled him, "we need to get it out of our systems. I say we do so, but if you tell anyone about this, I will ensure no mini Potters will arrive." James gulped.
00000000000 5 months later00000000
Bellatrix gulped as she stood in front of her grandfathers study, "enter."
Arcturus Black looked at his second middle grandchild and frowned, "what is it Bellatrix? I need to sort out who will become heir Black."
Bella took out her wand and Arcturus was stunned for the first time since the Grindlewald war, he watched as his granddaughter expanded in what was clearly a pregnancy. "Can you ensure nobody will hear this grandfather?"
Arcturus activated the privacy wards around his office, "who?"
Bella gulped, "about five months ago, Lucius Malfoy approached me to join the dark lords fight...but I refused, then i woke up in a broom cupboard with an unconscious James Potter, drugged with a powerful aphrodisiac..."
Arcturus growled, "Potter huh. Interesting, at least it's a pureblood. Your piece of shit father wont be able to do anything against it."
"Him, grandfather."
Arcturus leaned back and contemplated, "your sure?"
Bella pointed her wand at her swollen stomach and sure enough it glowed blue." Pretty sure sir."
Arcturus let a smile spread on his lips," very well. When you give birth, I will personally take him and teach him our ways. We will alternate between weeks with the Potters. That way he will know his family magics." Bella nodded much calmer at the fact that her grandfather didn't explode. "However, your father has been pressuring me to marry you off to the Malfoy and the Lestrange. Sirius's harpy of a mother doesnt help, especially after Sirus ran away. We can avoid you, your a mother now so no contract will work unless its with the boys father. I will endeavor to hold off with Narcissa. Kreacher!"
The house elf popped in and bowed, "master called?"
"Kreacher, you are not to tell anyone outside of this room what I'm about to tell you. Understood?"
"Of course master, Kreacher lives to serve."
Arcturus smirked, "Bellatrix is pregnant, you are to find a nice elf to bond to the child. It cannot become knowledge to the family."
Kreacher bowed and two pops came back after he left, "this be Winky Lord Black. She be trained to take care of babies."
"Do you accept this responsibility Winky, nobody can know."
Winky eyed Bellas large belly, "yes sirs, the Crouches was going to bond Winky, but Winky wants to take cares of Baby mores."
Fleamont Potter sighed and rubbed his eyes when there house elf Dot popped in, "master, Lord Black is here and says its urgent."
Fleamont sighed, "tell Euphemia and him to come to my study, its never a good thing when he visits."
Five minutes later the three adult residence of Potter manor were sitting, "Fleamont. Haven't seen you since school."
"Yes...its good to see you again. To what do I own the honor?"
Arcturus sighed, "due to a viscous prank on our children...well, Bellatrix is pregnant with James son."
Fleamont sighed, "so. That's why he was glowing as he came home. He still chases after Lily Evan's though."
"I wish to set up at least a dual guardianship with the boy. He needs to learn both sides of his heritage."
Fleamont glared, "he will not be a blood supremacist."
"Arcturus raised his hands up, "no. I agree. I have already lost Andromeda and her offspring due to my families beliefs. I've since learned that family is more important than purity of blood."
Fleamont sighed and relaxed, "very well...James is going to freak out."
Euphemia snapped out of her daze, "boy?" Arcturus nodded, "well. Our family is near extinct now...and the dark lord has been skulking around here. I wish to take Bella to a safe location. I'm a healer after all."
Arcturus nodded, "I agree. We need to think of names though. Bellatrix heard what her older sister is calling her daughter, Nymphadora and said she wants us to name him so she doesnt make the same mistake."
"What about Harrison?" The three whirled around and saw James there.
Arcturus frowned, "very well, family tradition never said anything about it being first middle or last name after the stars so it will be Harrison Arcturus Black." The Potters looked to the elderly man, "he will be my heir. Seeing as you, Young man, have another in mind for Mrs. Potter."
"Alright. But I want time to spend with my son too." Euphemia beamed at her son.
"Of course."
James and Lily Potter were sitting in there cottage in godrics Hollow, holding there daughter, Rose Lillian Potter, when a knock sounded. James drew his wand and opened the door, "Arcturus...what are you doing here?"
Arcturus Black sneered, "you listen to that stupid old man too much. You would be safer at Potter manor with the war wards raised, a weak fidelus didnt stop me and it's not gonna stop him. My family just committed suicide. Regulus is dead, Bellatrix lost her mind and is with the dark lord, Narcissa married Malfoy. I disowned her for that one, the only safe family member is you and Andromeda. I left a will for Harrison, I need to disappear for awhile."
James looked down into the violet eyes of his eldest, "hello Harry."
Harry bowed, "hello father."
Arcturus handed his great grandchild a necklace, "if you need to, activate this portkey, it will take you to Amdromeda, she has been reinstated to the family, your mother and Narcissa were banished, take care Harrison, I will return for you someday." With a crack he was gone.
Lily knelt down, "Hello Harry. My name is Lily, I'm your dad's wife." Lily had heard of and met this young boy, he may not be from her, but she loved him none the less, this was the first time she saw him since his diaper days though.
Twenty four hours later, Tom Riddle busted through the door with his top lieutenant Bellatrix Lestrange and killed both Potters adults
Bella smiled at the sight of her son, "Harrison. Come, we are going to serve the dark lord now." Both adults were blasted back stunned.
Voldemort smiled, "ah, and he is a pureblood yes Bellatrix?"
Harry's eyes had a violet flame in them, "more pureblood than you, you mudblood, grandpa Arcturus told me who you really are and what your father was."
Voldemort screamed in rage, avada kedavra! and smirked when he saw the curse hit, only for the boy to redirect it, with his bare hands, right back at him. His body was torn to shreds and fled.
Harry turned to his mother, "you seen to forget. Mother, never fuck with a Black."
Bellatrix's mind cleared for the first time and she wept, "baby...please forgive me. I'm being controlled, you have to run. Please, I dont want to hurt you."
Harrison black turned his back on his mother after stunning her and walked up to a crying Rose, "come here, sister." Picking her up he held her until her cries turned to whimpers.
Dumbledore's eyes widened as he saw Bellatrix Lestrangs knocked out next to a bunch of robes, turning he saw a young boy, he looked exactly like James, but he had violet eyes, "I see that incident all those years ago bore fruit. Child of Bella and James, come. I'll be taking you Lily's sisters house.
Harry stood straighter, "my name, is Harrison Arcturus Black. I have seen these muggles you speak of with grandfather. I will not allow myself, or my sister to step even one foot in there."
Dumbledore scowled, he needed the child to be beaten down and easily manipulated, he lunged at the child, but in a blue swirl he was gone.
Sirius Black saw the whole thing and recognized his grandfathers handy work. He listened to Dumbledore as he yelled out into the night his plans for both of James kids. Sirius scowled and disappeared, four hours later he was cleared of all charges after taking a veritaserum questioning and appeared in east Sussex, the home of his favorite cousin Andromeda Tonks. It was the only place be could think of where his grandfather would send him.
Knocking on the door Andromeda opened, "Sirius! Thank God your ok! The evening profit cleared your name. The Aurors found Pettigrew but he destroyed a muggle gas line and escaped in his animagus form. There is a full blown manhunt for him now. Come in, Harrison and Rose are here." He sighed in relief.
Both remaining Blacks decided that they would raise the three children together, so they didnt get lonely. Sirius sighed and relaxed, "I'm just happy Dumbledore wont get his hands on him. Grandfather beefed up your wards yes?" Andi nodded. "Good."
Bellatrix Lestrange woke up in a chamber where the wizengamot were gathered, "we stand trial against one Bellatrix Lestrange."she idly listened to them bicker.
"I dont mind what punishment I get minister, but my son stopped me from doing anymore harm. Other than Sirius he is the last Black Male, please dont punish him. I watched as he destroyed the dark lord."
Lucius leapt up, "no! My son Draco is the heir Black."
Bellatrix scoffed, "you pay your way out of getting in trouble Lucius. Doesn't surprise me, theres a reason you were his favorite. No, grandfather threw me and Cissy out of the family for marrying scum like you. Draco has no claim to the black seat. Only Harrison does."
Lucius was incensed, he had already spent all the Malfoy funds on the dark lord, he was pennyless, his plan was to loot the Black vaults by being married to Narcissa.
Minister Bagnold glared at Lucius, "very well, Mrs. Lestrange, no actions will be taken against your son Harrison Arcturus Black, if only because he stopped the dark lord. You however will spend life in azkaban." She hit her gavel.
how will things change? Up to you, dont plan on continuing this for a long while.