The fallen warrior stirred after a brief moment. 'What had happened?' he asked himself. He pressed himself up against the side of a crumbling defensive barrier, managing to stand himself up. Still dazed, he heard the distinct sound of null-ray guns and fusion cannons firing all around him.
Looking around, he saw destruction everywhere. In the sky, dozens of fliers were engaged in ferocious combat, some even exploding from the amount of ammunition that was being pelted into them. And sprawled out around him, bodies. Even with the crumbled structures of the Decepticon Capital city of Kaon scattered everywhere, there was nothing that could bury all the countless dead that were laid out before him.
His commlink beeping to life, piercing the thunderous soundscape of war around him.
"Lord Megatron, do you read me?" A deep, mechanical voice stated. He pulled out a device from his sub-space, a small holographic communicator that only the highest ranking of Decepticons were entrusted with. Holding it out in front of him, he activated it.
"I'm here, Shockwave. And I hope you have some good news." He said as the hologram of his single-optic science officer flickered to life before him.
"Indeed, sir. The last of the refugee ships have taken off. I do not have long before we are out of communication range."
Megatron grinned at this, knowing his plan to evacuate all non-combatants offworld had succeeded. "Excellent to hear," the gray mech said with a half chuckle as he spoke. "Then I wish you safe passage on your exodus to Velocitron. Thankfully, they are supporting of our cause."
"And what of you, and the other members of high command?" Shockwave continued in his monotonous voice. "One would assume that you have your own pre-selected point destination as well?" "Yes, we do. And now that you mention it…" he trailed off, watching as three Seekers started flying low towards him. Transforming a few meters away, he saw that it was Starscream, Thundercracker, and Skywarp, the commanders of his air forces. "...I believe it is time for us to be on our way." Megatron finished, saluting at the hologram. "Until we meet again, Shockwave."
"Affirmative, for my estimations indicate that we shall." Shockwave returned a half-hearted salute, and dropped his end of the transmission.
Megatron placed the device back into his subspace, and turned back to the Seeker Trine before him.
"Well, you certainly took your time with that." Starscream quipped as the Decepticon leader stepped towards them. "The Autobot forces are nearly at the warship." His tone more serious now. "But you will be happy to know that we got everybody on board the Nemesis, boss!" Skywarp boomed from behind. Thundercracker facepalmed at the outburst of his brother, "Not while him and 'Scream are talkin', Warpy." Starscream turned back, scowling at them. The two suddenly stood up straight, mouths shut.
Megatron however smiled, "Do not worry, Starscream. We will be aboard our new home soon enough." He turned, pressing against the area near his audials. "Soundwave, we require a ground bridge at our coordinates."
No reply, just as usual. But soon enough, a familiar whirling could be heard, and a few meters away, the portal opened. They all walked through, as the gateway closing behind them.
The flightdeck was in utter shambles. It seemed as if for every Vehicon taking off, two more came back, too injured to fight any longer. The booms of artillery fire came from the large guns that had been placed on the flightdeck, trying to shoot down any Autobot fliers or ships within range. When the four Decepticons emerged from the groundbridge, they were taken aback by the intensity of the carnage that surrounded their warship.
All around them, soldiers were engaging the oncoming Autobot forces, holding off the enemy for as long as they can. In the distance, Devastator was wielding an Autobot ship, swatting away any and all who dared to oppose the mighty combiner. On the deck, the Stunticons were hauling crates of ammunition to the makeshift gun emplacements, with Breakdown helping Knockout get the injured inside to the medbay.
Megatron looked to his second in command, "Starscream, how long can you hold them off for?"
The Vosian prince turned back to his leader, "For as long as there are Autobots to battle against, sir." Starscream began his run down the flightdeck, activating his comms. "This is Air Commander Starscream, all available fliers, on me!" he called out, as he transformed and took flight into the smoke filled sky, towards the Autobot fleet. After a few moments, the remainder of his armada was at his side. Thundercracker, Skywarp, Dirge, and the few remaining Eradicons flew towards the approaching Autobot fleet coming from the North. Not having the time for drawn-out speeches, he uttered a simple sentence of encouragement.
"Send them back to the Pit."
Megatron had finally reached the bridge of the Nemesis, the place the Decepticon leader was needed the most. All around the vast room, Vehicons and bots worked away, preparing the shit for take-off. As Megatron reached the front of the bridge, a dark blue Vehicon with white markings walked up besides him. This was St-3V3. Or, as Shockwave's designation theme went, 'Standard (grounder), 3rd built of Vos' 3rd batch.' His paint scheme indicating his individuality. All Vehicons were sentient of course, each light purple soldier having their own tells and markings, but St-3v3 had proven to be the most courageous of them all, earning him the rank of Vehicon Commander. "Welcome back, sir. We were starting to get worried." he said.
"You need not fear for my well being, St-3. Merely a rescue mission of the last of Kaon's surviving forces." Turning to Soundwave next, he asked. "How soon until we are ready for takeoff?"
The communications officer, still typing away on his terminal, half-turned to Megatron.
"Immediately," came the synthesized sounding voice of the tall.
"Very well then. Open up communications to all Decepticons."
Soundwave's digits tapped away at his terminal, turning to nod at his commander when the line was open.
"Attention all Decepticons. Return to the Nemesis, we are getting out of here."
All ground forces had returned to the warship, and soon after, the Nemesis began takeoff. It was a few minutes before the ship's engines were at full power, and they were on their way into space.
Megatron stood outside the hangar on the flightdeck, waiting for Starscream and his armada to return. Looking out over the ruined planet they had called home, it saddened him knowing that it was unlikely for them to ever return.
Suddenly, his comms crackled to life, the sound of the Decepticon SIC on the other end.
"Lord Megatron, we are a few minutes out. However, there is bad news…"
"What is the problem, Starscream? Have we lost any more troops?" The gray mech's voice giving away how on edge he was.
"No sir, worse. Much, much worse. The Autobots are giving chase." The seeker's voice began to quiver, "It.. It's the Ark, sir. Optimus Prime is onboard."
A few moments passed, and the last of the Decepticon air forces returned. Worse for ware, but alive. But as the Nemesis began to pick up speed, exiting the smoke and chemical filled atmosphere of Cybertron. From up here, their world seemed so small. However, the view was soon obstructed, as a large rust-red and yellow warship pierced the skies in pursuit of the Decepticons. The Ark was upon them.
Stepping back in shock, the Decepticons looked up at the capital ship of the Autobot fleet.
Activating his comms, he called out. "Decepticons, battle stations! We have been followed."
With the order sent, the ship's defences came to life, turrets and missile pods appearing out of the ship, opening fire upon the Autobot vessel, the exchange of laserfire illuminating both ships.
Megatron and the fliers also began to return fire, attempting to shoot down the rockets coming towards the warship.
After what seemed like hours, Megatron's commlink came back online. "Spacebridge: Online. Escape: Imminent." Soundwave said. "Excellent news, Soundwave." Megatron replied.
"Sir, look!" Dirge shouted as be pointed up to the Ark. Dropping from the ship was a dark purple and blue mech, and he was coming in fast. Wings as black as space spread out behind him, with a thruster guiding him down, landing on the flightdeck of the Nemesis.
"Megatron!" shouted Optimus Prime, the Autobot warlord. His dark, menacing red optics met the bright cobalt blue ones of Megatron. "Face me, coward! Or would you have me tear this ship apart myself?" Optimus began striding closer, Megatron did the same. Suddenly, the two broke out into a sprint. Megatron's blade came down from under his fusion cannon, as Optimus reached for the Star Saber mounted on his back. The two large mechs finally met in the middle of the flightdeck, blades clashing against one another.
Sparks flew as they both went back and forth with each other, as if they had entered into that of a ritual dance. Optimus lunging, Megatron dodging, the upper hand switching more times than could be counted. Having made criss-crossed most of the deck, now having made their way to the very edge, with Megatron on the receiving end of Optimus' fury. "What was that little saying you came up with again? 'One shall stand, and one shall fall' I believe. And now it seems we know who is who." He raised his sword over the Decepticon commander, ready to deliver the final blow. "It does not have to be this way, Orion." Megatron said, trying to appeal to the mech he once called brother. Optimus' eyes lit up in rage, moving himself closer to his enemy, he retracted his battle mask. His face scarred from millenia of battle. "Never call me that again."
Finally, his guard was down. Megatron acted fast, pouning his first into the abdomen of the Prime. Taken aback, his mask came back up. He tried to regain his composure, but it was too late. Megatron had now gotten around him, and was now the one distributing a great fury of blows, sending Optimus flying back. The Star Saber hit the ground, teetering on the edge of the deck. Megatron slammed his foot down, shaking the ground just enough to send the ancient weapon off the edge. Optimus reached out, but it was a doomed effort. His greatest source of power drifted out to space as the Nemesis reached the Space Bridge.
He leaped for it, trying to activate his jetpack, having not noticing it was damaged in battle. He reached back, grabbing hold to the edge of the ship. "Megatron… I yield! Have Mercy!" He pleaded, his false sincerity oozing from his tone. "You have had your chance, Optimus Prime." Megatron raised his blade, and slashed down, cutting right through the elbow of his opponent. Optimus' face filled with shock, as he fell down into the thrusters of the warship, and began drifting away.
Megatron watched on for but a few moments. He was pulled out of the trance of battle by the loud gunfire of the two warships, still locked in combat. He ran back to the hangar, opening up a weapons locker. "Skywarp, I require your assistance." he called out. The black and purple seeker ran over. Megatron handed him a large, strange looking device. "I need you to warp these down to the Space Bridge power supply. The timer is already set, but we haven't much time."
"Yes sir!" he said, as he disappeared in a cloud of light. "The rest of you, back inside. Quickly!"
They rushed inside, just as a powerful blast hit the Nemesis. The warship rocked to one side, some of the engines having been taken out. They reached the bridge just as Skywarp appeared besides them once again.
"That's everyone. Take us through." Megatron said. The warship sped up, moving through the massive portal.
"H-hey Screamer… I'm not f-feeling to hot right now…" Skywarp stammered before he collapsed, energon leaking from many small holes in his frame.
"Dear Primus" The air commander yelped, picking up his injured brother. "Knockout, get the medbay ready for another patient. Stat!" Thundercracker shouted over the comms as the three brothers rushed out of the bridge.
The warship shook again, another engine blowout most likely.
"Sir, we can't travel far like this. We have to land, and soon." St-3v3 said.
"I do not think we should be too concerned, for it seems we have reached our destination." Megatron said, pointing out the windows of the bridge, towards the blue and green planet below them. "Bring us down somewhere remote. And brace for a rough landing!" He said to the bridge crew. Slowly and discreetly, they descended towards the world know as Earth.