In the name of-" Austin began as he looked around wildly for Lyra. " Lyra!" He called, looking around, had the stupid girl gotten herself killed already?"
" What?!" Came a whisper from above him, and Austin looked up to see his ally on a rock. above him.
" Lyra I swear-"
" Blah Blah Blah." She responded but stopped as she heard a noise. " Get up!" She hissed grabbing Austin's hand and pulling him upward.
" Who should we head for first?" Lunar's voice filtered through the haze of the tunnel.
" Water." Rather replied. " But, We need to be careful, who knows the alliances that have been made.
" True. Perhaps the Careers should be our first target?"
Lyra looked at Austin, her face unreadable, she's thinking. Austin thought.
" Why me? I'll stay with the stuff!" Another voice yelled further down. Lunar and Rather's heads snapped in that direction, revealing Jackson and Rarity.
They soon spotted the others, sadistic grins coming on all four's faces.
" Hello there." Rarity said, Lunar didn't waste his time on pleasantries, he simply attacked. Taking a knife towards Rarity's throat. She quickly fought
Back, and the four began the first skirmish of the games. They did this for a while, and no pair seemed to be on top, until, Lunar came after Jackson with a deadly head retreats.
She the returned in screams. For the tunnels they were trapped in flooded, with paranah infested water. Rarity and Lunar escaped, but the unconscious Jackson isn't as lucky. The paranahs slowly tear apart his flesh bit by bit the sound, a sickening tear. Austin and Lyra watch in horror. The beast's eyes find another target, Rathen, whom is desperately trying to escape. It doesn't work. He is eaten alive, the swarm taking him under. Two cannon shots echo in the district eleven Tributes ears. They are stuck there for the night. Screams replaying in their heads, the stench of blood thick in the air
Meanwhile, Shai Norson is also on a rock, trying to find a way out. She had looked almost everywhere, then it hits her. Taking a sharp rock, she pushes upward, again and again, until water begins to pour down upon her. Shai grabbed the edge of the hole, and climbed up, swimming away from the whirlpool she created.
Head bobbing on the surface of the clean water, she looked around, seeing water, and scattered islands in close proximity. The water seemed safe, she simply feared what was on land.
I hate the hunger games. She thought.
The dead tributes face's are projected in the sky:
Rathen Storm, D3
Jackson Brown, D4
Amelia Green, D12
You would have thought the flood would take more, Shai mused. She was slightly remorseful at the death of 12's youngest, but it was the hunger games. Many would die.
It was the game they had to play.