After the girls and I found our perfect new bikinis to show off to the boys, I added a long cover up, which glistened under the hot Los Angeles sun. Arriving at the beach, the afternoon sun was starting to become hotter. The boys sat on the brick wall, abs out, boxers on, waiting for us girls.

Once their eyes locked with ours, they perked up, excited.

"Jesus, can they make it any more obvious of how horny they are?" Jessica asked scoffing at her own boyfriend.

"Trust me, they will make it very clear with their words as well" I added "And we haven't even gotten changed yet" I told them, walking towards Monty, his chocolate brown eyes filled with lust.

"Girls, you aren't changed" Bryce added, pulling Chloe into his arms.

"Because we are changing in the huts that we will hire" Chloe added tearing herself away from him. "Come on girls, let's go get changed, before they started drooling like dogs".

Us girls couldn't help but laugh, leaving the boys standing there, probably with an oncoming boner. Walking to the hut stand, we paid for one hut for the rest of the day, cheaper anyway. Grabbing the key band that could act like a bracelet on our wrist or ankle, we headed to the hut. Opening the door with the key, I opened the door, seeing the floor just made from wood as well as the roof and walls.

Allowing the girls to enter first, I couldn't help but see the boys standing and watching, their mouths practically hanging open. Going in myself, I locked it behind me and opened my shopping bag pulling out my magenta coloured bikini and glistening long cover up. The three of us stood in the points of a triangle. Though we were girls, we sometimes still didn't want others seeing our naked bodies.

Removing my jeggings and placing them in the empty shopping bag, I swiftly removed my knickers and slipped my bikini knickers on, placing my original panties at the bottom of the shopping bag. Next, I removed my top and bra, throwing them into the bag, replacing my naked chest with the bikini top, I admired myself in the mirror, before widening my eyes.

"Jesus" I mumbled.

Chloe and Jess turned around in their pieces, widening their eyes.

"Did you have a boob job or something?" Chloe asked "That bikini really pushes them up and out"

"I know it was a push up bikini top, but not this much" I added

"Monty is either going to love it or hate it" Jess told me "Love it because it really does some magic to your tits, or hate it, because they are exposed and other eyes are on you"

"Well, I can only try it, it's always about trying something new, if I feel uncomfortable, I will put on my old one" I added, grabbing my glistening cover up and throwing it over my body. Feeling a little more confident, I grabbed my beach towel and other necessities, and opened the beach hut, letting Jess and Chloe out, I locked the hut, following them down the stairs, I placed the key bracelet around my ankle, before returning to the boys.

Monty suddenly pulled me into his body, whispering into my ear. "I wanna fuck you so bad right now, what are you wearing?" he asked, fury and lust in his eyes.

"I wanted to buy something new, I didn't realise how…push up they wear, hence the cover up" I added to him.

"Mhmm, might have to take my fury on you in the hut later" he smirked "Actually, I wanna do it now" he whispered.

"You can wait mister, my legs are still a little wobbly from last night" I added "You can wait" I winked, pulling away from him and walking after the girls, leaving the boys with their mouths open.

Finding a space on the beach, I laid out my mermaid beach towel and settled down. Chloe decided to bring her polaroid camera to snap moments of us having fun. Pulling out her camera, us girls nestled against each other, smiling as the camera flashed. As the picture came to life, I gasped.

"Is that what I look like?" I asked.

"If you mean a girl who had sex all night last night and showing off her sex toned body with an amazing magical bikini, then yes" Jess laughed, admiring the photo.

Soon the boys came to join us, Monty sitting behind me and pulling me backwards into his body.

"That better be a corn dog you have on your lap" I mumbled, but I could feel Monty's smirk against the back of my neck.

"You wanna have a taste of it?" he asked. I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

"Make it obvious you want to have sex again" I told him.

"Oh, I will make it very obvious all day until I have you" he smirked. His palms placed on my legs, slowly tracing the inside of thigh, getting closer and closer, before I smacked his hand away. Grabbing the sun cream, I handed it to Monty.

"Cream me up" I told him.

"Oh, I will definitely make you cream" he smirked.

Slapping his leg, I stood up and removing my glistening cover up, folding it and placing it by our essentials. Sitting back down, Monty's arms snaked around my waist, his right hand slowly trailing down to my stomach, and his left arm and hand across my chest, placing his manly hand over my left breast.

"Monty" I warned him in a quiet tone.

Smiling against my neck, he removed his arms and hands and focused on creaming my body to protect myself. Once my body was protected, I felt myself being tugged up by Chloe.

"Swim time!" she grinned disconnecting me from my horny boyfriend. Heading off towards the water, it was a little cold, but slightly warm. Slowly entering, I felt my body be engulfed by the water.

The afternoon was perfect. Sun was shining, the water was refreshing, and spending time with my friends like this, it was just perfect. No drinking, no smoking, no loud music, no hooking up, just perfect quality time with our friends, before it was too late.

"What are you going to do about the Spring Fling?" Chloe asked me.

"Well, he hasn't asked still, so if he doesn't ask, I don't go. I don't like people assuming things, like even though it could be my birthday, don't assume you are invited, you wait to be invited, you know, all that stuff" I shrugged.

"Hopefully he will wake up, Bryce and Justin must have said something at least" Jess asked. "If they asked us, Monty should ask you"

"We will just have to wait and see" I sighed to myself, before seeing a group of guys swimming over to us. But they weren't our boys.

"Hey girls, you enjoying the sun?" a boy spoke up with blonde hair.

"We are, thank you" Jess simply answered, we all focused our attention away from the boys, hopefully they would get the message.

"Great, you girls look fantastic by the way" he added.

"You can't see anything under the surface, like we can't see anything of yours" Jess smirked, swimming away, Chloe and I leading.

"Hey! We didn't mean to offend" the guy swam after us. "We are just trying to be nice" he added.

"By flirting with us, some girls like that, not us, especially not our boyfriends" I added to him.

"Well, they can't be that much of good boyfriends, allowing you to swim on your own, I'm sure we can show you a better time" he smirked at us.

"And how do you suppose to do that?" I asked them.

"Well, make it more fun, bit of music, bit of talk, drinking, maybe a bit of smoke, who knows how the night will end" he smirked swimming closer to us.

"That's a shame, because this is how my perfect night is ending, spending time with my friends, some greasy food, bit of quiet music, talking with my friends, and having my boyfriend fuck me real good tonight" I told him "Thank you, but no thanks" I added, swimming off again.

"We are just trying to be friendly girls, come on, we can give you a great night, I'm sure us boys can give you girls a night to remember, make you come more than your boyfriends do" he smirked again.

"From the looks of you, you come after 30 seconds" I smirked, feeling fired up.

"Excuse me?" the guy asked getting angry.

"Please leave, we are enjoying our time without you guys" I added.

"Come on, we just want a little fun, you can't say you aren't asking for fun, especially wearing that bikini" he smirked.

"My girlfriend said leave her alone" Monty spoke, swimming out of nowhere with the rest of the guys, not just the boyfriends.

"Come on, dude, we were just talking to them" he shrugged.

"No, hitting on my girlfriend and her friends, practically calling them sluts, that's not talking, that's hitting on them without their permission, after they have said no, several times" Monty added. "And from the desperation from your mouth, sounds like either you have a small dick, or you haven't gotten laid in a while, or both" he smirked, swimming in between the guy and I. "Leave" he spoke calmly to them.

"Maybe you should have your girls on a leash, showing off their bodies, asking for it"

"You're gonna be asking for it in a minute" Monty growled at the guy.

"Wait, let me check something" I spoke up, ducking my head under the water, before returning to the surface. "Yeah, my boyfriend is packing way more in his shorts, I'll take the option of actually having an orgasm tonight" I smirked. "Three of you, against how many of them, be sensible, don't embarrassed yourself even more" I advised them. Glares aiming at the three guys.

"Suit yourself" he mumbled swimming off.

"Oh my god, that was…wow" Jess laughed to herself.

"Baby, you have turned me on even more" he chuckled pulling me to him, my legs wrapping around his waist.

"You are definitely packing more" I whispered, smirking to myself. Monty launched his lips onto mine, making sure everyone surrounding us made sure, I was his.