So I've seen a lot of these kinds of things around, and I kinda wanted to try it.

I swear, I will update my other stories. It just... I may or may not have hit writers block. Hehe

Poor Mrs. Sweet, thou hath hit writers block

Nico groaned inwardly. It was bad enough he was on his way to some sort of "school," but did he have to go with other demigods?

Well, sure, he was still recovering from a lot of things. Really, it's only two things. Nico couldn't use his powers unless he wanted to fade into the shadow world forever, which he didn't. Also, he was recovering from the werewolf scratches he had received.

Really, they hurt like HADES. Every time Nico moved

his arms, he couldn't stop himself from flinching in pain.

Will tried to keep Nico from going on his journey, but Nico couldn't exactly say no to a direct request from his father. So, Will did the next best thing:

He sent Percy, Hazel, and Jason with him.

Nico was fine with Hazel, and maybe even Jason. But PERCY???

At least Chiron provided them a mode of transport. Argus was driving them to a train docked at London. Apparently it would lead them to this "school."

"What kind of school do you think it is?" Percy asked.

"Maybe we'll find out when we get there," Nico grumbled sarcastically. Jason and Hazel giggled.

Argus lurched the car to a stop at a train station and let them out. When they were finally out, Argus took off, mumbling something about British.

Whatever that was about.

"Alright Nico, where do we go?" asked Hazel.

Nico thought back to his conversation with his dad. Go to the train station in London, and go to platforms 9-10. Run right through the wall, and you'll be at platform 9 3/4 .

"We have to run through a wall," he said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Asked Percy.

Nico hunted for platforms 9-10 and pointed, which he regretted. He flinched due to the stupid scratches on his arms.

"Follow me," he groaned.

They did, and they came upon a blank wall.

"We're supposed to run through that?" Jason asked. Nico nodded.

"That's what dad told me."

Percy took a deep breath and backed up a bit.

"Wish me luck," he said. Before anyone could stop him, Percy charged the wall. Nico didn't want to watch when Percy went SPLAT! on the wall, but it never happened. Percy sailed right through it.

Nico, Hazel, and Jason looked around to see if anyone was watching them. Satisfied that they were good, the three plunged into the wall after Percy.

"About time you guys showed up!" He said. Nico looked up and found himself on a hidden platform in front of a scarlet steam engine.

"Platform 9 3/4," he said in awe.