Kirito really died when he killed Kayaba. No one is happy about that. Harry Potter was supposed to be the chosen one who brought magic into the next millennium but instead, was manipulated into dying before his time. No one is happy about that. Two boys, both so similar, both suffering. But what if it didn't have to be that way? Destiny appears to both boys offering them a trade. Kirito and Harry Potter will merge. A new hero will rise. 3 way crossover between Sword Art Online, Harry Potter and the Webcomic The Gamer

Kirito couldn't help but watch as his sword entered Kayaba's body.

"Game over." He said bitterly

Kirito closed his eyes for the last time, hoping with every fiber of his being that now that he was "dead" he would see Asuna in the afterlife. Imagine his surprise when he opened his eyes to find himself standing naked in what looked to be a train station, a young boy with messier hair than even his natural hair and startling emerald green eyes standing there, just as naked, staring back.

Harry Potter was tired, he didn't know why he was tired, how could he be tired when he had clearly been hit by the Avada Kedavra spell. He should not be tired. He should be in the afterlife with his family. Suddenly he noticed as he looked around that there was another young man standing just across from him, naked as the day he was born. Looking down, he realized that he too was naked, and wished for a robe for himself and this other boy. Once he was dressed Harry walked over to the other boy whom had picked up the robe and tossed it over his body.

"Hey do you know where we are?"

"You speak English?" the boy sounded surprised

"So do you." Harry said, confusedly

"I speak Japanese, and only some English."

"It must be something to do with this place we are in."

"I'm Kazuto Kirigaya. But you can call me Kirito." He looked at Harry after he said this, as if he expected Harry to somehow know the name.

"Harry Potter." Harry was just as surprised that Kirito had no signs of recognizing his name.

"Ah good, you two have met."

Harry spun around, just now noticing the strange figure that seemed to have popped up from nowhere. He looked a lot like Dumbledore with a long beard, a long flowing black robe with stars on it and the headmasters familiar looking half moon glasses. But he looked much younger than Dumbledore, and yet when Harry looked into the figures eyes, he also looked older, way older. Harry's hand whipped out reflexively before he even realized that he no longer held his wand, and Kirito looked like he was grabbing at a scabbard that wasn't there.

"Now Now, none of that. I'm only here to talk, why don't we take a seat?"

The man gestured to the previously empty white space which now had a small bench in it. Shrugging, Harry and Kirito joined the man, one on each side of him.

"Not to be rude or anything, but where are we and who are you?"

"Call me fate, destiny, that inevitable end. Whatever you wish. I am normally an observer only. But I couldn't help but get involved when I saw you two and the fate that awaited."

"What?" Harry and Kirito said together.

"Eventually you and your lady love get together in the real world, but it comes at a high cost, your sanity. You are never the same after coming home and you eventually kill yourself ." He pointed at Kirito, "And you," he said, pointing at Harry, "You think you find happiness with Ginny Weasely but theres always this nagging sense that something isn't right. You become an Auroror with Ron, but none of the laws get changed. The surviving Death Eaters take full advantage of this and retake the government. You die trying to defend Hermione."

Harry was somehow unsurprised, if there was anything you could count on, it was that the Purebloods would not allow change.

"That is why I am here. I have been given permission by the lord of time to interfere in both of your fates. But to do this, there is a price."

"What's the price?" Both boys asked together

"Neither one of you may return to the world you left. But if the two of you merge, we can cause a reset of Harry's world. A world that operates like a game. But not the type of death game you had to play Kirito. A game where you will determine the outcome. A game that will allow you both to get what you want."

Harry looked at Kirito, who looked at him, "What about Asuna?"

"Your wife and daughter will be reborn into this world. But it is up to you to find them."

"If Asuna will be there, than I agree."

"What about my parents?"

"I'm sorry Harry, they cannot be resurrected. Their deaths are set in stone. However, Sirius is not dead, merely missing. I can reboot him into this new world as well."

Harry thought about it for a moment, he wouldn't have his parents, but a second chance with Sirius, that was all he wanted.

"I'll do it!"

"All right then, this is going to hurt."

Harry felt the man place a hand against his head, and suddenly pain flooded his brain as memories that were not his own flooded into his mind, he saw everything Kirito had to go through. He grunted as the two boys bodies merged, his own becoming more muscular and sporting Kirito's famous black jacket and swords.

"Good luck Harry Potter." was the last thing he heard as he fell into the blackness

End chapter

Yes I know Kirito gets his happy ending in the end, but the more fun thing to explore is what if he didn't. I also know Harry gets his happy ending with Ginny. However there are a lot of loose ends in the last book. There are still Death Eaters alive, the government was basically wiped out overnight and nothing was done about the predjudice that we saw. Also, although i hated Harry/Ginny at first, I've come to understand why it was done. The author wrote herself into a corner. That does not mean I hate Harry/Ginny now. I see how they could have come to be a good couple. After all she's the only one who could possibly know what it feels like to be posessed by Voldemort. Plus she really came into her own in the last book, going from rabid fan girl to awesome girl freedom fighter. I still think a Harry/Hermione pairing makes more sense but i have not decided who is going to be Asuna in this fic. Vote below

asuna is:

1. Luna (it would make sense)

2. Ginny (I could make this work)

3. Hermione (This is my favorite personally)

4. One of the other girls mentioned in the books, your pick, but you have to tell me your reason. Ie: Daphne Greengrass because we really don't know that much about her and I'd have leeway to do it my way.