Hello, my dear viewers! Another story for you all to read at your enjoyment! This is a story request by a fellow writer who calls to the name 'Master Tigeress'. Like some of my written stories, this story is a world-crossing tale, and there will be adventure, friendship, romance, and much more. You will like this one, I just know it! So, enjoy! -Traveler.

-In the Real World of Earth-

Through the clouds, under the baby blue sky, over emerald green forests, shimmering blue pools and lakes, brown or grey roofs of man-made homes, with the golden sun waking up, we soon approach a small town, claimed by the state of Michigan, which has been claimed by the country of the United States, within the continent of North America which has been home to a species called 'Homo-Sapiens', or humans.

It is May 5, 2010 in Assyria Township, a place inhabited by at least 2,000 humans, and the town is sleepy this cool morning, but some humans chose to have a early run with the sunrise at their backs, and one of those humans is Amber 'Mosi' McDuff, a lovely woman.

Amber has a stocky, tough yet petite figure. She is about 5'4, she has waist length red hair, pale skin with lots of freckles, and bright amber-brown eyes. She's 33 years old, and not married.

Amber loves to wear camo for her regular cloth-style. She always wants to have some adventure now and then. She used to have a ex boyfriend who was a total jerk to her and he wants to control everything surrounding Amber, and he also was abusive to her. She broke the relationship up, but that had infuriated him.

Amber loves to travel, and she wants to be free. And much to her ex-boyfriend's aggravation, she loves cats which would hiss at him every time whenever they visited a shelter or a friend's home. And it's not just real cats that Amber loves, she also loves all animated cats ever imagined. So, ever since she watched a movie in 1993 that became her beloved most favorite of all, she became a huge fan of Shere Khan whom is the resident villain of the fabled Jungle Book.

Like her idol, Amber also knows how to fight when she needs to. She knows how to survive in the wild, thanks to being taught by her Native American grandparents. Her paternal grandmother is full-blooded Potawatomi while her paternal grandfather is full-blooded Navajo, hence making her mother half Potawatomi and half Navajo.

Amber's mother found love with a Irish gentleman, and became married, and in conclusion, Amber came into existence, being 1/4 Potawatomi, 1/4 Navajo, and 1/2 Irish. Her grandfather gave her a special name, 'Mosi', which means cat. Ever since birth, she's quick-minded, independent, aloof at times, kind, sharp-eyed, and sensitive.

Every day, Amber has a routine of a good 2-3 mile run around town from her cottage home, loving the fresh air and the feel of the sun behind her. However, her routine's predictable, hence her ex-boyfriend standing upon the sidewalk, intending to confront her when she finished her run. Amber was furious and extremely annoyed that her ex-boyfriend had became a perverted stalker, and she attempted to avoid him by passing him to her home.

But the jerk was persistent, yelling at her that Amber is his forever and ever, but Amber just had enough, and she hit him in the spot where men was most sensitive about, and sure enough, there was a high-pitched scream as Amber ran inside, swapping open her phone to call 911, wanting to see the jerk arrested for trespassing and being a threat to her.

But the bastard was quick to ignore his pain, and he lit up a match, and he dropped it into the stream of gasoline oil which was spread all over the house, focused on the thought that if he couldn't have her, no one could. Amber was surrounded by flames licking all over, and she tried to look for a way out, coughing as she ducked under the smoke.

Then she remembered that she had a secret door to a secret room which has a window that the bastard didn't even know about, and she ran upstairs, running into her office to open up the secret door after she realized that the bastard had locked all known windows up. She ran into the secret room, heading to the window, but realizing that it was old and rotten, and she couldn't even budge it upwards to escape the incoming fire!

She realized she was trapped, and that she was soon to see her family again, praying for a quick death when a glow peered at her tearful/near-closed eyes, and she opened them up to see a green-ish blue glowing portal, and she was wary, distrustful of it, but when she heard the roar of the flames outside the room, coming closer and closer to consume the room...and her...

Amber realized that she had no choice if she wanted to stay alive, and so, with a deep breath, she ran and jumped into the portal, vanishing within seconds before the fire came into the room, leaving a cottage to be entirely destroyed, and a town assuming that Amber McDuff has been completely taken by the fire, but unbeknownst to them, the portal is a door to another world, and there, Amber will have the greatest adventure of her life.