We find our heroes on their way to school, just chatting away like there isn't a care in the world. Unfortunately for them, they were running late.

"Oh crap, the narrator's right! C'mon Ochako, climb on!" Izuku crouches down for Ochako to climb on his back.

"I'm pretty sure that's the narrator from that other anime, the one with the boy and his pet monster going around and fighting other monsters... but you're right, we're running late!" Ochako climbs onto his back with a slight blush.

Izuku was also blushing a little at the close contact, but the fear of Aizawa punishing them for being late outweighed his embarrassment. Once he knew Ochako was secure on his back, he activated Full-Cowl and dashed off.

Ochako placed her fingers on him and made him lighter, as well as herself. They arrived at the gates of UA with only a minute to spare. They made a mad dash to 1-A, hoping they get there in time. They arrive right at the door as the bell rings.

"We made it!" They yelled in unison, not noticing the annoyed looking Aizawa behind them.

"You two barely made it in time. Next time you love birds want to make out before class, pay attention to the time." He grumbles as he makes his way past them.

The duo blushed madly, stumbling over their words. "W-Why d-do y-you think w-we were-"

"It's because you idiots are sweaty as hell, panting, and hair in a mess." Bakugo mumbles as the rest of the class chuckle/giggle at the embarrassed teens.

"W-We were running late! I ran us here as fast as I could!" Izuku says, trying to protect what little dignity he has left.

"Then why is Round Face so sweaty if you did the running?" Bakugo says with a smirk. He and Izuku might not fight like they used to, but he still won't let the boy have it easy.

"S-She used her quirk to make us lighter!" He was trying to protect her from Bakugo's teasing.

"Enough." Aizawa says with authority. Everybody immediately shuts up. "Midoriya, Ururaka, get to your seats before I give you love birds detention."

They blushed but didn't say anything as they took their seats. The students immediately surrounding them started teasing them more. Ochako blushed and covers her face, almost touching all of her fingertips to her face. Izuku just slams his head into the desk, cracking it a little.

"What? They were really late?" Toshinori was shocked once Aizawa told him and Hizashi about the incident.

"Yep, they probably were just running late, but I had to embarrass them for not keeping track of time." Aizawa says with a slight smirk.

"Wow Shouta, that's mean, even for you." Hizashi mumbles.

"Well teachers need a little something to keep us entertained too, y'know." Aizawa says with a smirk.

"Dammit Deku, I told you we didn't have time to stop." Ochako says to the young man.

"Hey! I didn't hear you complaining when you pulled me behind that building!" He grumbles back at her.

"Just shut up and kiss me, Deku." She says with a sigh as Izuku smirks and pulls her into a kiss.

"How long do you think we can keep this a secret?" Izuku asks, loosening his tie

"As long as we can, we don't need everyone spying on us and digging into our personal lives." She says as she takes the jacket off.

"Yeah, but it would be nice not to fake stutter when they ask me about you, and the blushing gets annoying when we have to force it." He says, unbuttoning a few buttons on his uniform.

"You got that right babe." Ochako smirks as she pulls him into a deep kiss as they fall onto Izuku's bed.

"I fucking knew it! Way to go, ya damn nerd." Bakugo whispers to himself with a smirk.