AN: This is just a short story, but if you want more. I will be happy to do more. I just need to find the time.
This includes (Chase x Everest) and (Marshall x Skye). This has nothing to do with other stories of mine.
Disclaimer: I do not own PAW Patrol. This will have none of My OCs or others. It is all of the other characters in PAW Patrol.
Chasing Fire
Chapter 1
The Fire
Day: May 14, 2019. Time: 11:40 am
Marshall, Chase, Skye, and Everest were out on Jake's Mountain doing some hiking with each other. Chase and Everest had just made Marshall and Skye face their fears on telling each other their feelings to each other and it was successful. All four of them decided to go to the forest to get some fresh air. It was a hot day but they all but one didn't mine, but they just wanted to be together.
Chase takes a deep breath, "What a nice day to just walk around the forest together guys."
"Ya," Marshall responded with a huge smile on his face looking back at Chase and Everest, "Thank you for earlier."
"No problem Marshall," Chase answered.
Chase and Everest chuckled and Marshall Skye blushed red.
"Hey, stop blushing Skye," teased Marshall.
"I will when you stop blushing," Skye talked back.
Chase and Everest just giggled and Everest leaned against Chase making him kiss her on the lips.
After a while, the four pups stopped under a tree to take a break from the hike.
"Ugh, when can it snow again," Everest complained. Chase came up to her and kissed her head.
"It won't snow in a long time Ev," Chase responded.
"I can't wait that long," Everest moned.
Everest nuzzled up to Chase, they were admiring the couple in front of them. "Aw, aren't they cute together," Chase said.
"They reminded me of you and me when we started out," Everest said smiling at her mate.
All four of the pups then laid down and took naps. It was so hot that it made the pups tiered and they napped off.
At the Lookout.
Ryder and Rocky were in the garage working on Ryder's ATV. Zuma and Rubble were down by the bay helping out Captain Turbot with some fish crates.
"Hey, Rocky, can you give me a three-quarters wrench?" Ryder asked the mix-breed.
"Sure thing Ryder," Rocky responded with a smile on his face.
Rocky went over to the toolbox and got what Ryder asked for and trotted back over and gave Ryder the three-quarters wrench.
"Here you go," Rocky said with a smile.
"Thanks," Ryder said.
Down by the Bay.
"That is the last of it Captain Turbot," Rubble said setting down a fish create on the docks. Zuma, Rubble, and Captain Turbot were unloading Captain Turbot's boat because Turbot just got back from an Antarctic fishing trip. He got a ton of fish.
"Wow, Captain Turbot, you got a lot of fish," Zuma getting off the boat.
"Yep, thanks pups for the help. You want some?" Turbot handed Zuma and Rubble some fish.
Zuma and Rubble backed up a bit and cringed at the smell of the fish, "Ah, no, thanks, Captain." Zuma said stepping back.
"Ok, suit yourself." Captain Turbot said throwing a raw fish into his mouth.
"Um, we going now." Rubble said.
"Ok, cya,"
Zuma and Rubble ran off the pier and into town.
"Too close," Zuma said out of breath.
"Ya, I don't like fish. None of us do. When will Turbot know that?" Rubble complained.
Zuma wasn't paying attention. He was staring toured the forest, "Rubble?"
"What is- Oh," Rubble saw what Zuma saw.
"Aren't Chase, Everest, Marshall, and Skye in the forest?" Zuma asked.
"Ya," Rubble replied.
Both of them gasp, "They're still in there! We need to call Ryder!" Zuma shouted.
"Ryder, Ryder, come in!" Zuma panicked.
"What's up, Zuma?" Ryder asked in a concerned tone because of the panic in his pup's voice.
"There is a FIRE in Adventure Bay Woods! Chase, Everest, Marshall, and Skye went for a walk in there!"
Ryder was stunned. Not one, not two, not three, but four of his beloved pups are in major danger.
"Don't worry Zuma we'll save them! No job is too big, no pup is too small!" Ryder then hit the all call button on his pup-pad. "PAW Patrol, To the Lookout.
Back with Chase, Everest, Marshall, and Skye.
Chase felt the heat of the fire beating against his body. At one point it got so hot it started to burn. Chase shot up awake only to be nearly scared to death because he was now surrounded by fire he could only see Everest. Where's Marshall and Skye? He asked himself.
Chase then went over to Everest and shook her awake as fast as possible.
"Everest, Everest, wake up. We need to get out of here!" Chase said into her ear.
Everest slowly woke up to the crackling and scorching heat of a forest fire. When she finally opened her eyes, she saw the flames of the fire super close to her like a predator about to eat her. Chase noticed and got in the way of the flames. He was burned heavily and he coughed in pain at his new burns.
Chase walked over to Everest to see if she was ok.
"Everest? You ok?" he said in a hoarse voice of pain.
"Ya, but what about you? You just saved me, your hurt now." Everest countered.
"I know, I'll be fine," Chase said nuzzling her, "Where, is-"
Chase was cut off on what he saw. He saw Marshall and Skye up and worried. Chase then heard the cracking of a tree, only to realize that tree was about to fall onto Marshall.
"MARSHALL!" Chase shouted has he got the remaining of his strength and he darted toured Marshall and Skye.
"Chase? Uff!" Marshall said his name but then was pushed out of the way, "What-" he was cut off by seeing his friend, his brother, his pal, look at him as a tree fell onto him.
"CHASE!" They all cried. Everest started to cry for her mate, Skye joined her. Marshall was dazed.
Chase after some of the flames and dust cleared the pups could see their friend. The only good this is that the tree had crushed his hind legs, no one knows how bad it is under the log. The branches were still on fire and the flaming fingers were creeping up the log to Chase.
Seeing this Marshall, with his fire knowledge, he grabbed as much dirt as possible with Skye helping. Everest walked over to her mate to try and dig him out.
Chase howled in pain. This made Everest start to cry because she hated seeing her friends in pain, especially her mate.
Marshall starts to try to bury the flaming tree in the dirt. After a while, the tree was out but the flames were roaring around them. Chase managed to speak in a hoarse tone, "Guys, there's still time for *cough* *cough* to get out of here."
Chase was bleeding heavily from his head, sides, and most likely his hind legs. He was burned all over and some of his furs has been burned off and under it was now black and very red skin. The poor German Shepherd didn't want his friends to risk their lives to try and save him.
"We're not leaving without you!" Marshall said almost in tears.
"We'll get you out!" Skye said in tears as she started to help Everest dig him out.
Marshall then tried into helping Chase get out from under the tree. When he did the log moved off of Chase by like two centimeters. Chase couldn't hold in the pain and let out a huge howl of pain and he started to cry because the pups were trying to help but they were making it worse.
"STOP!" Chase yelled in agony startling the others," Just… Stop… I'm… too injured to move. Just Go!"
Marshall and Skye stopped and looked to Chase, "We'll get help. Please be alive when we get back," Marshall pleaded.
Just then, Chase passed out because of the pain and suffering he is going through. Marshall and Skye turned to get out and get help. They tried to get Everest to come with but she would not move. Just as Marshall and Skye were about to give up on Everest, she got up and said, "We need to get help now!"
That is what we are going to do. Marshall, Skye, and Everest headed to where they thought were Adventure Bay was. Marshall and Skye were in front while in the back was Everest. Marshall and Skye ran over a log that was a bridge for a deep cavern. They waited for Everest to come over, but before she could another tree fell and set the log on fire making it impossible to cross it without falling.
"EVEREST!" Skye shouted.
"I'M OK!" Everest shouted on the other side, "There is no other way for me to get to you."
"We'll find a way. We just-" Marshall said but was cut off by Everest.
"There isn't enough time. Go without me. I will meet with you and the other pups where Chase is." Everest said.
Marshall and Skye could only nod and they both ran as fast as they could through the forest to get to Adventure Bay.
Meanwhile, Everest ran all the way back to where Chase was. He was out cold the flames were so close to him, so Everest did her best to bury them with dirt so they won't burn her or Chase.
With Ryder and the other three pups. Time: 1:09 pm
They were using Marshall's ultimate fire truck with Rocky diving, Zuma on the later and using the hose to spray the wild flames, and Rubble with Ryder with another hose fighting the flames on the ground.
Just then Marshall and Skye came out of the flames of the forest. Ryder was happy to see them. They were only minorly burned, but when Ryder noticed that Chase and Everest didn't come out. His heart sank.
"Where's Chase and Skye?" Ryder asked worriedly.
Skye and Marshall exchanged scared stares at each other. Ryder saw this and immediately went into a panic attack.
"No. No, no, no, no, no, no, they're still in there!?" Ryder yelled in fear for his pups lives.
Skye and Marshall could only nod at Ryder's assumption.
"WYDER! The fiwe isn't going out! It's getting worse!" Zuma yelled from the ladder.
Just then the flames got bigger and bigger. "We can't control it anymore!" Rocky yelled as he came out of the truck.
"NO! Chase and Everest are still in there!" Skye yelled.
Just as anything couldn't get any worse, very dark clouds came in. Then, like a miracle from heaven, it started to rain. It poured like there was no tomorrow. The pups saw that the rain started to put the fire out. The fire screamed in pain as the rain kept falling. The pups took their chances. Marshall and Skye looked at each other and ran to the ultimate fire vehicle and got their fire gear on.
After a minute Marshall and Skye had their gear on with oxygen tanks and masks. The other pups and Ryder got oxygen tanks and masks as well.
"Ok, the rain should start to help us and we need to find Chase and Everest, NOW!" Ryder ordered, "Stay in groups of two. Marshall, Skye you take us to the last place Everest was and we will work from there. As for groups, Marshall and Skye, Zuma and Rocky, and Rubble and I.
"Skye, use you chopper to look from the sky and point out anything to us," Ryder said.
"This puppy got to fly!" Skye yipped.
The pups howled with excitement thinking they will find Chase and Everest soon.
"PAW Patrol is on a roll!" Ryder said and they all headed into the forest.
Back with Chase and Everest.
Everest laid down because of the heat and exhaustion from trying to fight the fire. Both Everest and Chase were right next to each other and Everest was trying her best to protect Chase from anything else.
It then started to rain. Everest was relieved with joy that they might be ok. Chase then started to stir and maybe just then tried to get up but a huge wave of pain came over him and he howled loudly in agony. His hind legs were still pinned and if he even try to move he would be met with his legs feeling like they are coming off. Everest instantly crawled closer over to him because, one, she was worried about him, and two she was in pain as well and she couldn't walk without pain going through her spine.
"Chase, Chase, it's ok. Marshall and Skye are coming back with help," Everest assured him.
Chase responded with such a hoarse voice it made Everest's heart wrench, "Everest? *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* *gasp* *cough* *cough* *cough* W-w-why you s-still here? *cough* *cough* Go now before it is to *cough* *cough* late."
"No!" Everest now also coughing because of all the smoke from the dying fire, "I'm not going anywhere *cough* *cough* not without you."
Chase tried to respond but started to gasp and cough for air. He coughed up his own blood and is now choking on his blood. Everest tried to help him be to no avail. She too started to cough uncontrollably but not as severe as Chase. Chase then said, "Everest?" *cough* *cough*
"Yes, Chase?" *cough*
"I want you to know *cough* *cough* *cough* that I *cough* *cough* Love You with *cough* *cough* with all my heart. I would never want to *cough* *cough* die without you."
"Don't say that Chase, *cough* *cough* we are going to be fine *sniffles* it's raining. The pups will soon find us."
"Their's not enough time *cough* *cough* *cough* *cough* Everest, leave, save your self."
"I'm not leaving you *sniffles* I love you too much."
"GO!" Those were the final words Chase said before passing out again.
Everest did not listen to his request and only got closer to him as the fire died around them. She nuzzled his face and his stomach. She could hear his wheezing and heart beating slowly.
Soon enough Everest passed out on Chase's limp body because of the stress and pain she was in, but before she did she howled as loud as she could to get the attention of anyone who was near.
Back with the other pups and Ryder.
Skye was flying in her fire chopper looking for any sign of Everest or Chase. So far she was having no luck. On the ground, it was just as hard if not harder. The pups are trying to sniff out Chase and/or Everest but everything smelled the same. The only smell was wet ground and smoke.
Rocky really wasn't having it. It was now poring and it made him as wet as a fish in the ocean. Although he is wet he wants to find his friends. He would really like to find them alive.
Zuma was just thinking of all the outcomes of this. Zuma has a habit of not being scared but now he fears the worst for his friend right now and he really can't stop thinking that both Chase and Everest could be dead.
Rubble was worried sick about the two pups. All the pups in including him all thought of Chase being a brother figure to all of them. Chase would always be there for any of them. Rubble thought of all the times when Chase encouraged him to face his fears of spiders, like when they needed to save Jake from one of the many caves in Adventure Bay.
Skye was heartbroken that her two best friends could be gone forever. Chase and Everest have just recently told everyone about their relationship to everyone and got Marshall and her to finally face their fears and tell each other their feelings. Skye kept thinking of all the good time they had together and why she didn't stay with them. Skye started to cures herself but then realized that Chase and Everest would not want that. She became determined to find them alive.
Now Marshall. He all ways saw Chase as a brother to him as well as Everest as a sister. The last thing he wanted was for them to die because he didn't find them in time. He saw the pain Chase was in and Marshall swore that the last thing he will do is find them.
Ryder was the one who was the most worried. He knew that both of them were mates. Chase being his first pup of the PAW Patrol and the brother figure for all the pups, Ryder knew he needed to find his two beloved pups and fast.
"Any sign of them Skye?" Ryder asked through his pup-pad.
"Negative, everything looks the same," Skye responded, "Wait, I might have something."
Ryder held his breath hoping to hear Skye found them.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! RYDER COME QUICK!" Skye was in tears on the other end.
"SKYE?! Did you find them?" Ryder asked.
AN: That was is a story that I have started to help me think about Barkingburg Has Fallen. I should be able to finish and publish the final chapter of Barkingburg Has Fallen sometime next week.
Till next time.
Atlas Guardian Out.