Disclaimer: I do not own Rizzoli and Isles, I am only borrowing them for not-for-profit entertainment.

Jane growls at Frankie the moment she turns the police siren on. She should have been driving but now she can only sit there and pray Frankie doesn't crash and kill them both.

He hasn't had quite as much experience in high speed chases, or in driving full stop. She holds her tongue so she doesn't micromanage him. He is too busy concentrating right now to notice her tight grip on the door and dash and the way her feet move as if she is slamming them into invisible pedals.

Its already showing signs dusk is approaching fast which means more risk. The sooner this idiot stops, intended or otherwise, the better.

Police try to aways asses the risks in the moment. The risk of a perp getting away versus the risk they could cause a crash and harm innocent people. Every situation is different. Every car chase is different.

But this guy is pretty much the only lead in the murder case they are intending to solve.

She knew the moment the glassy eyed, skinny, stressed out kid looked her way that he was gonna run. She should have probably known the moment she opened the workshop door to the undercover car wrecking yard that anyone caught inside would run.

It was a chop shop. Car parts strewn everywhere, likely stolen, no...definitely stolen. Not a single car was whole...except the one they were chasing which was probably stolen too...although not being traced would be the only reason to steal a beat up sports-car.

She should have been focused. She shouldn't make excuses for why she didn't react sooner, move faster, tackle the kid before he ran.

She wasn't in control of the situation and she should have been.

But Maura was saying something while she was scanning the warehouse. Something about a car and oil from the crime scene and matching it to something here...something she saw in that warehouse. Something she instinctively moved towards.

It wasn't like Maura. Maura was smart, observant, careful. But she had just walked in, past Jane, straight towards it, without waiting, without thinking.

"Jane, You do need me to come. I can identify if there is any matching evidence."

"Are you saying I can't?"

"No. I am saying I can. I know cars and bikes and I would be able to gather evidence there instead of getting a team in afterwards. I'd already be there. And if you are right on the size of the operation it could take hours to find anything at all..."

"Fine Maura, you can come with us if you stop talking. But you always stay behind me. You always stay where I can see you and do what I say, alright?"

"Of course Jane."

"You promise?"

"I will do whatever you say Jane."

But Maura suddenly wasn't behind her. Her voice had been behind her, then by her shoulder and then drifted forwards, in front of her, Maura's shoulder brushing Jane's as she passed by. It happened like a dream. It happened but it was too late by the time her consciousness put the voice and the touch and the scene into one image. She had thought maybe it was Frankie moving past her into position. And then Frankie is moving towards Maura telling her to get back in an urgent and loud, yet hushed, tone.

His voice a little deeper than usual. The deep growl seems to echo around her ears and out the corner of her eye she sees Frankie grab Maura around the waist and drag her into a darkish out of the way corner.

Out the corner of her eye the other side she sees movement too. A kid spinning on the spot to look in the direction of the noises. He is in blue coveralls and has grease smeared over his right cheek and his eyes are wide.

Jane keeps her gun mid height and waits to see what he will do.

That's when the kid saw her.

That look in his eyes. Terror. Fear.

And every muscle in his body screamed flight before he even moved.

"Police. We have a warrant. Don't mo-"

The clang of metal tells Jane he dropped whatever tool he was holding. And he is already running. He wouldn't stop. Why would he.

He jumped the hood of one car and ducked behind half a car body of another and raced to the other end of the warehouse. Jane raced after him swerving, dodging, jumping over parts of various cars and engines that block her way. Through the swinging side door and after the lanky skinny speeding sixteen year old. She could hear heavy footsteps behind her and the panting of her slightly heavier younger brother. She might tease him later about how unfit he had gotten after putting on those extra pounds of muscle...and donuts.

The grease smeared kid could run. Really run. He should have been on a track team at school. Probably would have got a full scholarship too.

It only takes a few more minutes to realize the kid is running around the perimeter of the warehouse.

"Keep going," Jane half pants half yells at Frankie as she turns on her heels 180 degrees and heads back in the direction they had just come from. There is no way to know who will make it back first but they double their chances of catching him this way.

Jane is back through the side door and jumping again, almost an exact reverse of earlier. She sees the kid literally slide on rubber soles through the entrance door they originally came in and jump inside that beat up sports-car. The one that isn't in pieces. Jane tries to run faster but the obstacles make it tricky so go any faster.

The kid turns the car over and floors it towards the closed roller doors leaving a stream of smoke floating out the back. The back passenger door that was open closes itself from the momentum. The roller doors explode outwards and shred like an aluminum can as the car hits them without slowing down. And just like that the car is gone. A trail of smoke and the sound of a car roaring into the distance all she can see and hear. Jane makes in through the puckered hole in the roller door at the same time as Frankie slams the drivers door of Janes undercover car. She almost collides with her own car when Frankie brakes to let jump in with him. And Frankie floors it. He drives faster than she thinks he ever drove before. The tail lights get a little brighter and closer and they follow that car through the barbed wire gates and around a dirt road sending dust into the sky. Sirens blaring and tail lights ahead. A call made to highway patrol to lay out spikes just outside the next town and to send extra cars, fire and ambulance. No plates to report. But no plates stands out as clearly as a target might.

The kid that can drive as well as he can run.

So now here they are...roughly ten minutes later and ten miles up the old interstate road, less that 20 miles from the closest out of the way, nearly abandoned, nothing for another 60 miles, town. Thankfully there is nothing closer. Thankfully in the last five minutes they have only seen one other vehicle.

Jane still subconsciously driving while consciously planning how to safely stop this kid.

She wants to question him. So another death and another unanswered puzzle piece is not how she wants this night to end.

And when her phone starts to ring her first instinct is to ignore it as if she was the one driving. Protocol advises against using a cellphone while on a high speed chase but it's Maura, she can tell by the programmed tune, and surely she should let her BFF know why she is standing alone in an empty semi lit warehouse right now. She answers without taking her eyes off the car in front.

"Maura I'm sorry. I'll send a car." She apologizes. It isn't the first time she has abandoned her friend in a strange place and sadly it won't be the last.

It's hard to hear over sirens, crackling radio and the general loudness of wind resistance against a speeding car, but she thinks she hears only rsilence on the other end.

"I'm really sorry Maur-, we are chasing the kid from the warehouse. He took a car and plowed through the side of the building."

"I know." Maura replies, her voice sounding strained and slightly panicked.

"What's wrong? You find something else in the warehouse?"

The perps car in front veers unnecessarily to the right spraying shingle at Jane's car. Frankie holds steady against the hail of stones and dust. Either the kid got distracted for a second or spraying stones was the intention.

The reply in Jane's ear is a sort of ooofff sound. Much like the sound of someone having air knocked out of them.

Jane grips the side of the car harder.


She is positive there was no one else in that warehouse. Heck she sprinted the length of it twice. But maybe someone turned up after they left.



"What happened?"

The car in front hits a dip in the road and Jane hears the same ooofff noise through the phone.

"No." She breathes mostly to herself. "Where are you Maur. Tell me right now where you are?"

"The car. I'm in the sports car."

"What? How? What?"

"What is it Jane?" Frankie asks loudly over the chaos.

"I'm in the trunk. It - oooofff- Jane...this is the car you're looking for."

"Maura's in there." Jane says pointing at the car they are chasing.

Frankie frowns slowly.

"I looked in the car when you took off. There is blood stains in the trunk. Then he came back so I hid."

"What do we do?" Jane asks out loud.

to be continued?