Detective Uzumaki

Summary - Naruto Uzumaki, Kyuubi jinjuriki, in this case, detective. What if Naruto was born with a brilliant mind? What if Naruto could look at something and determine where's it's been, who's touched it, and why? This is the story of Detective Uzumaki.

This is not the first chapter, it's simply a question. Would anybody want to read this? I think it would be brilliant I've been wanting to read a story like the one I'm proposing for quite some time.

So for context, he wouldn't necessarily be as smart as Shikamaru, but he would have high levels of deductibility. However, Naruto has already been shown to be very smart in the anime. Before you get mad at me and start typing how I'm so stupid and how nobody would ever listen to me, hear me out.

Naruto learned a B and A rank Ninjustu respectively in a couple of hours as shown in the anime, right after not graduating. The Kage Bushin (Shadow Clone), and the Tajuu Kage Bushin respectively. Why does this prove anything? Well, whenever Sauske learned the Katon: Gokakyou (Fire Release: Grand Fire Ball) It's treated as good just not as good as Itachi. That justu is a C rank. So how much better would it be to learn a B and A rank in a couple of hours? Of course, the age difference was extreme, but coupling how Kakashi also knew elemental justu's when he was but a young 6-year-old and how the difference in rank might also mean a difference in how easy it is to learn.

If that doesn't convince you maybe this will. Naruto learned the Rasengan in a Month maybe two whereas Jiraya said it took him three years. Not only that, but even Jiraya himself said that Naruto had made up for his lack of chakra control with a unique motion. Would an idiot draw inspiration from seeing a cat pop a balloon? Certainly not.

But what does any of this have to do with Naruto being smart, everyone calls him the dead last and stuff? You might be asking, well the definition of intelligence is the ability to grasp a concept quickly, which is exactly what learning a new technique would require. Whereas Naruto suffers from a lack of knowledge which is ignorance not a lack of intelligence. See Naruto basically has to play catch up and learn everything that he should have learned as an academy student! And he still manages to beat a tailed beast some months after becoming a genin.

All I'm proposing is changing his personality to match that hidden intelligence, and give him a bit more to work off of. If anybody's interested I'll be writing chapter one and hopefully post it towards the end of the week. Saturday or Sunday perhaps, good day I hope people will agree when I say Naruto was shafted way more than anybody thought!