Unsure of how he managed to do it, Izuku had gotten both Katsuki and Shoto into his room. He never thought he would be able to convince them to do something like this. A nervous smile spread across his face as he sat facing his two friends. Katsuki was a bit agitated about the situation but begrudgingly accepted the offer. Shoto, on the other hand, was completely in favor of this arrangement.
"So, how are we gonna start this off, Deku?"
"Well…I wanted you guys to kind of work out something. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but you guys never saw eye to eye."
"We could take turns." Shoto suggested.
"I kind of wanted both of you at the same time."
"Fine, I'll start." Katsuki turned to look at Shoto. "Follow my lead." He turned back to Izuku. "Now, Deku, on your knees."
Izuku quickly knelt in front of his childhood friend, eagerly awaiting his next command. "My turn." Shoto stepped forward with a collar and chain. As he fitted the leather accessory around Izuku's neck, the pair made eye contact. "Are you wearing it?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good boy." Shoto patted Izuku's head, much to Katuski's chagrin.
"You call yourself a dom? You're being too nice!"
"I'm only able to dominate him because he allows it. He submits to me because he wants to; if I push him too far, he has the power to stop me."
"Whatever." Katsuki unzipped his pants and shoved his growing erection in Izuku's face. "Get a good whiff Deku. Breathe it in." Shoto yanked the leash forward, pressing Izuku's face into the blonde boy's crotch. "Now you're getting it."
Izuku took a deep inhale, getting a tad overwhelmed as Katsuki's musk filled his lungs. "Tell him how much you want it." Shoto whispered.
Izuku looked up and let his hands drift up Katsuki's legs. "Please sir, I need it. I need it from both of you."
"Open your mouth." Katsuki demanded. Izuku eagerly complied, letting his tongue hang just past his lower lip. "Slowly."
Shoto moved behind Izuku, yanking the leash a bit. "You know better. Tilt your head back. Here, Bakugo. Hang on to this but use it wisely."
Katsuki wrapped the lead around his hand, creating a decent amount of tension in the chain. He teased Izuku's lips with the head of his dick then slapped his reddening cheeks with it. "You want this? I know you do, you've been dying for this moment all day. And having Icy-hot over there watching makes it all the better doesn't it?"
Shoto, not one to be outdone, was using his quirk to slowly heat Izuku's body. The freckled hero's head was swimming and they hadn't even been truly gotten started yet. That's when he got hit with an unexpected blow, Shoto switched on the vibrator lodged inside him while Katsuki shoved his length into his mouth. He gagged a bit before slipping into his familiar rhythm. A grin broke out across Katsuki's face as he took full advantage of Izuku's submissive behavior.
"What about here? How's that feel?" Shoto moved his hand to Izuku's crotch, heating the skin beneath his palm. "Or here." His other hand moved towards the shorter boy's chest, cooling his nipples.
Izuku fed into the desires of both his classmates; his childhood friend always got off on winning and being in control of situations while Shoto was more compassionate and sensitive to other's needs. It wasn't easy to push into Shoto's hands while letting Katsuki readjust the curvature of his esophagus. An intense vibrating shook Izuku to his core; he looked up to see that Katsuki had cranked up the vibrator to its max setting, sending his childhood friend into catatonic state, albeit temporary.
"Hey, cold front, you want a turn?"
"Sure." Shoto took Katsuki's place, tugging Izuku's collar in his direction.
"Hey, Deku, you've got a new task, make sure icy-hot is taken care of. I'm gonna start playing with that ass of yours. Is that understood?" He eagerly nodded. Katsuki patted him on the cheek. "Good boy."
While Shoto plugged Izuku's front end, Katsuki kneaded and played with his rear end. He swatted each cheek a few times leaving them bright pink. Dark freckles contrasted against the bright color, much to the explosive boy's enjoyment. He moved to remove the still vibrating plug that was still lodged inside Izuku's hole. He tugged on it a bit before easing it out.
"Hope you don't mind if I go first."
"Not at all."
"I also hope you don't mind if I stretch him out." Katsuki had a devilish look on his face as he coated himself with lube. He slowly pushed inside his friend, reveling in the whines and moans that seeped into the air. "You love that full feeling, don't you? I know you do. You missed having me buried inside you. I can feel you gripping me."
Shoto pulled out of Izuku's mouth before forcing him to look him in the eye. "You hear that? You're doing a good job. What do you say to him, Izuku?"
The green haired boy glanced over his shoulder. "Thank you, Kacchan."
A firm yank backwards on the leash effectively silence Izuku. "Don't thank me yet, I'm just getting started!" Katsuki began moving his hips.
"You're doing a great job." Shoto left a trail of hickeys along the younger boy's neck before peering up at Katsuki. "Hey, I want him upright."
"As you with. Hey, Deku. Beg." Izuku lifted up, kneeling instead of being on all fours while aching his back and drawing his ars close to his chest. Before he could fully adjust to his new position, Shoto had his hand wrapped around Izuku's throat, applying a liberal amount of pressure.
"To-Todoroki-kun…harder. Please."
"With gusto." Katsuki whispered into Izuku's ear before upping his pace, prodding against the shorter boy's insides with each thrust until nudging his prostate.
Pure ecstasy filled his body. Shoto moved closer to his submissive friend, placing a tender kiss on his lips while his free hand wandered lower. He trailed a cool finger along the shaft while his other hand heated Izuku's slender neck.
"Kacchan…Todoroki-kun…I can't last much longer."
"Hey, ice cube, I don't want him to cum yet. Do something about it."
Shoto pulled away, hovering an inch or two away from Izuku's mouth. "You are under orders to hold back until we both agree that you can cum. Is that understood?" Shoto's husky voice and tone sent shivers down the freckled boy's body. He nodded, diving deeper into his submissive role.
"That's more like it!"
"Hey, I have an idea." Shoto whispered into the blonde boy's ear for a moment before pulling away. "What do you think?"
"I never thought such an uptight guy would suggest something like that. I'm in."
"Let me ask him. Hey, Midoriya, Bakugou and I have an idea." Shoto whispered his proposition in Izuku's ear before pulling back. "What do think?"
A mischievous gleam streaked across Izuku's dark green eyes and a smile appeared on his face. "It'd be my pleasure. Please…Todoroki, Kacchan, I need you both."
"You heard him, Todoroki."
After a few moments of preparation, Izuku was positioned above Shoto's waiting erection while Katsuki was still buried inside of him. With a firm nod, Izuku lowered himself and after a few tense moments, Shoto joined Katsuki inside the shorter boy.
"How's it feel being double stuffed, Deku?"
"I-I feel so full, sir. T-Thank you both."
"Bakugou, take it easy for a minute, let him adjust."
"Fuck that, he wanted this, now he's gonna get the five-star treatment." The blonde rocked his hips back and forth, sandwiched between Shoto's length and Izuku's clenched walls. "How are you holding up down there, Todoroki?"
"No complaints here."
Moans accented with a twinge of pain seeped into the air as the pair rocked back and forth. Katsuki placed his hands on Izuku's ass while Shoto placed his hands over Izuku's nipples. Small pops of pain upped the amount of stimulation from behind while heat and cold took care of the opposite end of his body. The green haired boy's moans turned to whimpers. One final gasp filled the room before Shoto felt warm liquid coating his abdomen.
"I'm almost at my limit too. Bakugo?"
"I'm gonna burst too." A few more hard thrusts and he was shooting a load inside his friend.
"I can feel you throbbing…" Shoto wasn't far behind, finishing a moment later.
"Thank you both for doing this. I really appreciate it." Izuku bowed repeatedly, profusely thanking the pair sitting on his bed.
"I had a lot of fun. I didn't expect much with Bakugo being involved."
"Feeling's mutual. I thought you were some uptight nerd."
"So…could we do this again sometime?" Katsuki and Shoto peered at one another before agreeing in unison. The smiles that came afterward were small but noticeable. "Great! Um, can we take it easy for the next couple of days? I'm kind of sore." Izuku chuckled as he rubbed his rear end.
Katsuki broke out into uproarious laughter. "You asked for it. Bit off more than you could chew? You have a knack for that." While one of his doms made fun of him, the other had set to work trying to make him feel better; Shoto had pulled Izuku into his lap and was using his quirk to help soother Izuku's aching muscles. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?!"
"Helping out a friend." Shoto leaned over to whisper into Katsuki's ear. "The faster he heals, the faster we can get back to doing something we all enjoy."
"Todoroki you're a cunning one."