This shouldn't be happening… not after he grabbed her hands and had them reveal the man beneath the mask. She shouldn't be sitting in the back of this absurd vehicle he built, wondering why in the hell she's wearing these cuffs that have bat wings molded on the sides.

No… this is completely wrong.

"Just… just tell me… is he okay?" she inquired the driver through gritted teeth. Her every instinct was screaming to pick the locks and knock out the other two occupants.

"I told you Catwoman, you're our prime suspect. We have camera footage to prove it."

"Kate, for the love of Bastet, how could I be in two places at once?" she asked, beginning to tremble with anger.

Batwoman didn't respond.

"…Damian?" she tried one last time.

"Some people don't change. You've manipulated my father again," Robin spat.

The angry lioness' chest was burning with pain and anger. She knew she shouldn't have let him talk her into hiding. And now she's being hauled off….

For trusting him.

No. This…won't happen!!!

Catwoman, with almost speed force-like quickness, unlocked the bat cuffs and back door, then dove out, rolling onto the pavement. The protective layer of Kevlar over her purple leather suit protected her skin from getting torn off. She kipped up and took off toward the nearest building to scale, hearing the Batmobile screech to a halt behind her. The closest building turned out to be a Sonic restaurant- she jumped onto one of the stalls and lept off, swinging her whip and latching onto a another building nearby

"Catwoman! Stop!"

She couldn't make out who yelled that at her as she pulled herself onto a five story building, those words have been shouted at her God knows how many times by cops and so called superheroes. Catwoman kept sprinting and parkouring through the city, not stopping until her muscles felt like they were going to explode, not attempting to stop until she reached 30 miles. She tried to hit the brakes, but then again, that requires at least SOME strength - strength she didn't have. The former thief took a nasty fall, crashing her shoulder into the rooftop.

"OW!" she yelped. Catwoman sat on the rooftop and rubbed her shoulder. Nothing broken or dislocated, but it sure smarts! The feline fatale closed her eyes and took a deep breath – she needed to decide her next course of action. Getting to Bruce was gonna be more difficult, they'll have the whole manor locked down now. They ACTUALLY think that she sided with Bane and committed a double murder. Murder! There's no glamour in killing someone… besides… she knows what it's like to lose someone… she could never bring herself to do that to someone else. Look what it did to her…

Look what it did to Bruce. Poor boy. He watched his father's brains fly up in the air, landing on him and his mother. Martha screamed, scaring the thug, causing him to shoot her in the heart…


Her cellphone began to ring. Catwoman reached into a hidden pouch on her thigh and brought up the phone to her masked face: it was Bruce.

Shit. The fuck was she supposed to say? "I know absolutely ALL EVIDENCE points to the contrary, but it wasn't me, Pumpkin"?

Wait. HOLD UP. She's innocent; well… she didn't commit a crime tonight. You can't really use the word 'innocent' to describe Selina Kyle, now can you? Either way, she didn't do anything wrong. She felt she should act like it. A clawed thumb pressed and swiped the green phone icon, connecting the line, then she brought the phone to the side of her purple cowl.

"Hey, Bruce," She answered casually.

An eerie and malevolent silence seemed to ooze from the phone's ear piece.

"Look, I don't particularly give a shit what you saw or what you saw on a camera, whoever you saw, it wasn't me. I was in my warehouse, holding the statue that you said represented you, ya know, one of the statues I've never shown anyone else because no-one's ever made me care about them the way I care about you? Why the fuck would I do this anyway?! When have I ever wanted to destroy Batman? Sure, we've fought, I've worked with you for my own ends, but even then, when I double-crossed you, I only did it when I knew you could come back from it, and you always did. Maybe towards the beginning I wanted to get rid of you, back when I actually ran with Penguin, Riddler, and The Joker, but then… I'd realized I'd fallen for you, but I knew I could never have you. It made me reflect on myself. I knew I'd never be a hero, I was a thief. The best in the world, but I found myself seeing the crimes that flew under your pointy nose and, for whatever reason, I found it ruffling my fur. Maybe I was just maturing, or maybe you'd rubbed off on me, regardless I started to like the kitty I saw in the mirror… and maybe I have you to thank. I love you, Bruce, we haven't been together long , but I can't see myself being with anyone else," she monologued into the phone.

She heard a deep breath over the phone.

"The woman in that warehouse… she looked and sounded exactly like you. Your physique, the way to talk, the way you move, even that pet name you gave me," he informed, a pained inflection infected his voice.

Catwoman put a gloved hand over her forehead and closed her eyes, then took her hand off and balled it into a fist. "Jesus. They must have been watching us, listening in, studying us! They fucking invaded our privacy, and now one of them IS FUCKING WALKING AROUND IN MY SKIN!!!" she screamed.

"Selina, please, if you-"

A heavy boot struck Catwoman in the side of the head, knocking the phone out of her hand and dulling her senses. She fell back on her sore shoulder, this time completely dislocated, biting her lip to stop her from screaming in agony. Turning over, she looked at her attacker with ire.

"When I told you to take care of him, Selina. It wasn't just me showing hope for the 2 of you, it was a warning," The Batwoman growled. Robin promptly landed next to her, his hooded cape settling around him, both heroes' white eyes pierced the darkness.

"I say we go for the legs; she'll think twice about running when she has a shattered patellas," Robin suggested.

"Easy Robin, don't underestimate her," she responded.

Catwoman sat up and stared daggers at them. "Before you knuckle draggers so rudely interrupted, Bruce and I were talking about what happened. We were being stalked by someone associated with Bane."

Batwoman stood up straight, her maroon cape settled around her shoulders. "Nightwing dragged him onto a stretcher in the cave. Alfred said he might not come to until morning. Him being awake already is an impossibility."

The former thief slowly got to her feet. "Don't you know, love?" she asked, grabbing her arm, "It's not impossible. It's Batman," she purred with a devious grin.

"Fiend!" Robin shouted, pointing a dark green digit at her, "This is exactly what I theorized! My father allowed his physical attractions toward you cloud his judgement!"

"That's sort of how love works, kid. Look, fighting isn't going to solve anything, not that I can with a lame shoulder, thanks for that by the way Kate, you're such a sweetheart," she sneered.

"Any time," Batwoman replied, returning the devious grin she received a moment ago.

"Nice. As I was telling Bruce, this simply isn't my MO. Murder? Destroying Batman? Does that sound like Catwoman to you?" she asked.

Bruce's cousin stared her down. It unnerved Selina to no end how similar the two of them were. The cold objectivity she fled into when she put on the mask, her menacing presence, the way she moved… it would be easy to mistake her has his sister, instead of a cousin he hadn't seen for years. Even so, Kate is still distinct from Bruce in that she isn't afraid to run her mouth. She's not as humorous as Dick, or as edgy as Jason, but she still knew how to banter, where as the only time Batman ever really bantered, was when he said something cheesy like "this will be you last laugh, Joker".

"People are dead," Robin said, "A man's head was ripped off his shoulders, a woman's throat was slashed. There was a CCTV camera pointing at everything. It was you, Catwoman. You and Bane. This is your final warning. Surrender."

She looked around for her phone, spotting in 4 feet to her right: the screen was broken. Her options were dwindling, she couldn't run, as she was exhausted, she couldn't fight with a bum arm. "I won't go to jail. Not ever," she snarled.

"You don't have a choice, Catwoman," Batwoman told her sternly, starting to walk toward her. Robin followed.

Painted eyelids closed over Selina's green eyes, then she slowly opened them, the exhaustion was getting to her. "You're not even gonna try to call the cave-?" she asked… but was interrupted by a third smaller mass of cape with a head and ears facing Batwoman and Robin. Being saved was something Catwoman was never a fan of to say the least, but on this occasion, she found herself feeling thankful for the superhero-ex machina.


"Batgirl?" Robin questioned.

"Comms back. Call Cave. Innocent, leave Cat alone," Batgirl replied, a protective inflection infected her immature voice.

"You're comms were out this whole time?" Catwoman asked through gritted teeth. Batwoman made a small jerking motion with her shoulders out of urgency, then touched a glove to her ear, meanwhile, Batgirl stood up from her knelt position and faced the Feline Fatale. Like her allies, her white lenses pierced the darkness, however, unlike Batman, Batwoman, or even Catwoman herself, Batgirl's mask covered her mouth and chin. Selina remembered when this Batgirl first appeared, the suit had far less armor, a shorter cape, and thin black cloth haphazardly sewed over the eyes and mouth. Shortly before Batman sought out Catwoman and asked her if being together is something she really wanted, Selina noticed that Batgirl's suit got an upgrade: the armor was increased, a custom-made Kevlar-like material with polymer plating, along with an upgraded full cowl with white lenses.

"Okay?" Batgirl asked, walking up to her.

"Not quite, sweetie. I think my shoulder is dislocated and I lost my marbles and ran through two-thirds of the city. I'm running on fumes," she told her meekly, then sighing, "where's everyone else anyway?"

"Rescue Batman. Find Bane. Find other Cat."

"You found them?"

"Found Bane, not other Cat…" she told Catwoman, before looking at the ground, "hurt Tim."

A scowl with untold ire adorned Selina's face under the mask. "Where's Bane?"

Small fists with steel knuckles clenched. "Got away. Unfocused, worried about Batman. Failed."

"Yeah, failed is right," Batwoman interrupted, walking up to Batgirl, "Somehow, Bruce is awake. He has a horrific migraine, but somehow, he's awake... Oracle was able to cross reference the CCTV footage with past encounters we've had before Bruce revealed himself. She ran an algorithm that measured your movements, your speech pattern, your gait, and your physique…"


"She said that the woman in the warehouse had a slightly different speech pattern. It's not much, but Bruce is adamant that it's enough."

"It is," Batgirl commented.

"Not necessarily, not objectively, but like you said, love has that effect on people."

Catwoman's head dipped slightly. She was physically and emotionally exhausted, not to mention she still feels like someone ripped off her arm.

"Dislocated?" Batgirl asked.

"…Yeah," the lioness replied warily.

"Kneel," the girl wonder commanded.

Too exhausted to argue or question her, she knelt, nearly falling over. Silently, Batgirl gently grabbed her wrist and extended her arm, then put an armored glove on her shoulder, then without warning, quickly shoved hard, forcing Catwoman's shoulder back into place.

"OW!" she shouted in pain, then seethed.

"Hurt for now. Need ice, will be okay."

"Thank you… now please, someone get the Flying Fox here and take me to the cave… I think I'm gonna…" Catwoman asked before falling over, being caught by Batgirl before she could hit the rooftop. She was still conscious, forcing herself to remain awake in case things go awry again.

"Flying Fox, now! Cave!" she snarled at Batwoman as she held Catwoman in her arms. As she raised her gauntlet to call in the carrier, the OraCom incoming call tone played- she touched a finger to her ear again.

"Batwoman," she answered.

"Look up," Batwing's voice proudly announced over the comm.

She did as he said, the suped-up VTOL aircraft de-cloaked above her and descended.

"Cave, see Bruce," she told Selina warmly in a hushed tone. She gave the girl a groggy smile.

"…Bruce," she whispered as her senses seemed to simultaneously dull out, Kaye must have hit her harder than she thought. As her vision blurred, the VTOL landed next to them. A man in power armor got out of the cockpit, but she couldn't make out any more details than some gray and blue, and what looked like bat ears – her eyes closed as she felt herself being carried. In the back of her mind, she knew she was safe, that it was okay to let go, and as much as it got under her skin, she was being taken care of.

It was okay to let go.

She released her stubborn grip on consciousness as she was put on some sort of soft surface aboard the plane.