Occult Research Club (Resting Space)

I layed on the blue sofa of the Occult Research Club with my left arm on my forhead. Just thinking about what just happened earlier. He was everything Vatos said he was. And I could've possibly fired the first shot to the Underworld's destruction. All of this was so strange and sudden to me.

When I came to Japan I didint even think for a moment that I'll be dragged into a situation that is even more then I can handle. I really thought with all my heart that I was going to be alone again. Scared even. But that all changed when I met Rias.

I lifted my hand up to my face. It was bandaged and bleeding. It hurt but I didn't care. I was only thinking about her...Rias.

'Red...the same colour as her hair...darker than any red hair I've ever seen. Just like the colour running down my hand...long beautiful Crimson hair. Just...like...this.' I thought.


Rias stood before me when I was about to die. She had her wings deployed and a blackish-red aura surrounding her. She was holding three chess pieces. But it was so different.

They looked like miniature dragons. She inserted them inside my chest but it turned red and they fused into one. This one had four wings instead of two.

She looked at me before I died and said.

"Not today. I shall not let you die." She said.

End of Flashback

"He's so strong but I see what Vatos saw in me. I have the potential to get stronger than him. I have to train. She wants me to train, probably so that I can face her and last longer." I said.

Someone knocked on the door and entered the room.

"Hey Abslon. Rias is calling us all. Let's go to her office."

I sighed.

"Alright thanks Issei." I said.

"No problem Abslon."

I stood up and left the room with Issei.

'Its probably going to be about Riser.' I thought.

Occult Research Club Presidential Office

"Training?" I asked

"Yes that's right. We're going to that same place we went last time." Rias said.

"The Underworld?" Issei asked.

"No we will be going to the estate first then the Underworld. Me and Azazel have prepared some kind of training regiment for all of us. Mainly Abslon because he's new." Rias said.

"Even if he's new. Riser won't have any mercy anymore, he knows full well about all of our abilities. He'll be ready for us." Rias finished.

"Guys I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"About what?" Rias asked.

I sighed deeply and dropped my body onto Akeno's lap. I had my arm placed on my forhead as I took a deep breath.

"I'm the one who told Riser where to 'Stick it'. Now he wants to fight. I should've kept my fat mouth shut." I said.

"Its not your fault Abslon, the asshole started it. You just finished it." Issei said.

"That's not all. Issei is the only one that knows this." I said.

"Knows what?" Issei asked.

"About last night."

"What about last night?" Rias asked.

"Last night. When me and Issei were coming back from our contract. A Fallen Angel approached me and gave me a letter from Vatos." I said.

"What did it say?" Akeno asked.

"It said that I had to meet her at Kuo Valley Church at midnight for some important information for you. She said I must come alone. And to be honest, I'm glad I did." I said.

"Not only did you go into enemy territory, but you also went alone with a Satan-Class Fallen Angel! Do you have any idea how much trouble you are in!?" Rias scolded.

"Quiet Rias." I said with a dark tone that sent shivers down everyone's spine.

"Don't tell me to keep quiet! You could've been seriously hur-" She was cut off.

"I mean it. Shut up Rias." I said again with an even darker tone.

She kept quiet.

"If you let me continue with what happened last night, you'll realize that scolding me for my actions is not the best thing right now. So for our sake and for the sake of the Three Factions . Break my neck after we've dealt with Riser." I said.

Rias sighed.

"Okay, continue." She said.

"Vatos took me to her Underground Dining Quarters when I asked why I was here. She told me a lot about Riser and it was the main reason why I freaked out when Riser touched Rias like that."

"Riser wants revenge for his defeat against you Issei. He only wants Rias back so he can marry her." I said.

"We've already cleared that saga, sweetie." Akeno said.

"But its not for love." I corrected.

"Riser wants to use Rias birthright as an heir to the House of Gremory to rule the Underworld." I said.

"That's impossible, to do that he'll have to go through the Three other Satans including my brother. The Ruler of the Underworld with the title of Lucifer." Rias said.

"I'm sorry to say this Rias. But Vatos told me that Riser defeated the Four Satan's. That means your brother has fallen to Riser." I said.

"What?!" Rias asked.

"That's impossible!? Sirzechs is the strongest devil I know!!" Issei said.

"How do you know his name Issei?" I asked.

"We hung out once." Issei said.

"This-This can't be true!" Rias panicked.

"It is true. But frankly I can't believe it." Someone said.

I turned to the door to see the Student Council inside the building. But there was one more with them. It was a guy with caramel coloured blond hair.

He was wearing the Kuo Academy male uniform that was all buttoned up. He had dark blue eyes that just kept staring at me in disbelief.

'Who is he? Wait what are the Student Council doing here?' I thought.

"Oh hey Sona. I suppose you heard what happened. Huh." Rias said.

"Nice to see you again Rias. It's also nice to see you again Abslon." Sona said.

"It's always a pleasure to see you're beautiful face Sona. It despairs me to meet you under these dire circumstances." I complemented.

Sona widened her eyes slowly as a light blush came to her cheeks.

"Flattery shall get you nowhere Abslon." Sona retorted.

"I speak not of flattery Sona. I speak only of truth to you and Tsubaki." I said.

Sona's blush intensified into a red blush while Tsubaki walked up to me resting on Akeno's lap. She placed her lips on my forhead. A red blush crept on my cheeks.

"What was that for Tsubaki?" I asked.

"For making my day. Hmhm. Midnight Prince of Kuo~" Tsubaki giggled.

"I'm still going get you back for that. Tsubaki." I growled.

"Good. I'll be waiting." Tsubaki said.

"Tsubaki. Are you all devils as well?" I asked.

"Yes. Sadly my other pieces are on vacation. They couldn't be here. But allow me to introduce you to my Pawn." Sona answered.

She tilted her head towards the Carmel-coloured haired boy.

"This is Saji. He is my Pawn." Sona said.

{Hmm. I sence Vritra sleeping inside him.}


{One of the Five Great Dragon Kings. The Prison Dragon Vritra. This boy has a Sacred Gear. But its not as strong as yours.}

'Huh. Convenient.' I thought.

I stood up from Akeno's lap and made my way to Saji I held my hand towards him in greeting.

"Hey Saji. I'm Abslon." I said.

Saji grimaced.

"You expect me to touch that dirty thing? Hell no." Saji said.

'I have a feeling that he is going to be a massive prick.' I thought.

"Saji. I told you before, don't think because you have a Sacred Gear that you're stronger than everyone." Sona said.

"I know but. I know for sure that I'm stronger than him." Saji said.


"Abslon this is not the time to be fighting." Rias said.

"Uuuh. Rias?" I said.

"Yes Abslon." Rias said.

"I didn't activate it." I said.

{You! You are the host of Vritra are you not?}

"Yeah. So?" Saji said.

{Draw him out. I wish to converse with him.}

"You can't tell me what to do!" Saji said.


"Vritra!" Saji whined.

(My Lord. It's good to see you once more. I apologize for my host's insolence. He knows nought of our traditions.)

{It's fine. I do not hold you responsible. I only wish to observe how my Lieutenants are faring. Your host's arrogance must be a form of torture for you Vritra.}

"This Dragon really thinks he's better than us. Vritra." Saji said.

(PARTNER! Do not include me in your statement! You're embarrassing me in front of Lord Astreus!)

{Vritra. The arrogance of your host annoys me. I do hope you aspire to correct such manner. We would not want another example now would we?}

(A thousand apologies my Lord. I was not aware my host had such...ill intent.)

"Oh please. Like he can do anything to us. I took four pawn pieces pal!!" Saji bragged.

(My Lord?)

{Pff...Ha! Ha ha!}

"It's not funny!" Saji screamed.

Astreus was full-on laughing now, The Student Council held back a few giggles, the Occult Research Club was the same as The Student Council. Issei just died of laughter and I just stood there confused.

{I haven't had a laugh like that in years. Almost the same as a woman's body.}

"I never knew you were a pervert Astreus." I said.

{There are a lot of things you don't know about me Partner.}

"Then what are you, huh No-piece!" Saji teased.

"That's actually a good question. What piece is he Rias?" Sona asked.

"You know the Underworld was in the process of creating new types of evil pieces for us right? Ajuka Beezlbub informed my brother and Serafall of their production. It was ment to house God-like strength." Rias said.

"Oh so you mean the Dragon pieces?" Sona asked.

"Yes. Sirzechs cave me three of them to experiment. When Abslon here died while fighting the fallen Goddess to protect me I decided he is worth the experiment.

"So I took a gamble and it was a massive success. He took all three and it merged together. Creating another piece." Rias said.

"So you mean to tell me that Abslon here. Has the same power as a High level God?" Sona asked.

"That's exactly what I mean." Rias answered.

Sona went agape along with Saji.

"Rias what is a single Dragon piece worth?" I asked.

"One of them is about 20 Queen pieces." Rias answered.

"And what is a pawn worth?"

"One." Rias said.

"And if I remember my chess correctly a Queen piece is worth Nine right?" I asked.

"That's right?" Rias said.

"So 60 multiplied by 9 equals 540. There you go I took up 540 pawn pieces." I said.

"This is not the time to discuss power. We have to do something about Riser. He defeated the Four Satan's. This is no laughing matter." Rias said.

"Abslon. Continue with your story." Akeno said.

"Vatos said that defeating Riser would no easy feat. He has trained under the Pheonix Dragon God and attained God-like strength. He's a threat not only to us Devils but also Fallen Angels and Angels alike." I said.

"How do we beat him?" Saji said.

"You can't." I said.

"Vatos said I'm the only one who can defeat him with intense training. And I think I see what she ment. God-like strength against God-like strength." I said.

"Was they anything else she said Abslon?" Tsubaki asked.

"No. That's it." I said.

"So what do you want to do Rias?" Sona asked.

"I think we'll need your help to train Abslon. We need all the help we can get. We'll all go to the estate and the Underworld.

"We all need to get stronger for Riser. Everyone go pack for a ten-day trip. We'll meet back here to go to the Estate, is that clear?" Rias asked.

"You too! Student Council!" Sona said.

"Hell yeah!!" Everyone said.

Occult Research Club Presidential Office (Afternoon)

I was walking along the corridors, I was done packing and was making my way to alert Rias.

But before I could get there I saw that the door was creaked open. I reached for the door handle but as soon as I touched it I heard a voice from the room.

"Rias. Are you alone right now?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about a few things. Mostly concerning Riser. But I'll be okay Issei." Rias replied.

I pulled my hand away from the door and went further back so I could listen in. Because if it is what I think it is, then that means it would be a rare chance that Issei takes anyone's advice.

"Everyone is thinking about Riser right now. But somehow you bear the most burden. I don't wish that upon you. Riser is also after me, so I'll bear the burden with you." Issei said.

"...Thank you Issei. I appreciate it." Rias said.

I was celebrating in my mind.

'Alright Issei! Way to push the red button! Hell yeah!' I thought.

"Rias...We need to talk." Issei said.

'Okay keep silent. He's doing it.' I thought.

"There's not a better time than now to do this." Issei said.

"Do what?" Rias asked.

"Rias. I know you won't forgive me for what I've done to you. And you can blast me with all your hatred you have stored up for me. I'll take all of it if I can say I'm sorry." Issei said.

"Rias. I'm so sorry for not being there when you needed me the most. I'll take everything you have stored inside for me if I can earn your trust back." Issei said.

Rias stood silent for a while.

"How do I know that you're not just saying that. Like you somehow 'promised' all those times?" Rias asked.

'Ooh. This is a hard one.' I thought.

{Do you think he can pull it off?}

'When it comes to Rias and her massive knockers I have no doubt Issei will pull through.' I thought.

"You can tell because I know I'm going to die against Riser. Or somehow, all hell breaks loose on me and you end up killing me. I'm not afraid to die anymore that's why I'm willing to give my life to reconcile with you."

"I know full well that we can never go back to what we once were Rias. Ive accepted it already."

"If I could go back in time I'll take back everything I've done to you. But I can't change the past, and I know that you will never feel that way towards me again. So can we at least stay good friends?" Issei asked.

This time I went a little closer to the door. Careful not to move it, I peeked into the scene that was unfolding.

Rias was giving Issei a full hug. She let the tears flow from her eyes and Issei rubbed her back gently to comfort her. She pulled back and gave that special smile to Issei.

"I'm glad you understand my feelings Issei. Of course I'll forgive you. But I still need to punish you for being so bad." Rias giggled.

"What!? But you said you'll forgive me!" Issei complained.

"Oh man up Issei! It's just one slap through the face. Don't be a bitch about it." Rias said.

"Last time you said that I could not sit down for a week. Cause my ass was blown off by your magic bitch-slap!!" Issei complained.

{Wow. Poor kid.}

'Yeah I know. I just hope Rias goes easy on him.' I thought.


'Oh shit! That's gonna hurt in the morning.' I grimaced.

{I almost felt sorry for the poor bastard. If i didn't know that Phoenix was going to give him much worse.}

Old School Building (Afternoon )

Everyone was assembled at the Old School Building we were prepared to depart before Rias has to tell each of us something.

"Before we go there's something that me and Sona have to tell you." Rias said.

"We have concluded what this operation is to be called. Our main goal is to train and hold back Riser. He somehow wants Abslon first. We need to train him." Sona said.

"This operation is hereby going to be called 'DxD' " Rias finished.

'DxD huh. That is literally so original.' I thought.

Rias rose her fist up in the air.

"Let's show Riser what the Underworld can do!" Rias shouted.

"Hell yeah!" Everyone said.