Chapter 1

I don't own Naruto. It is the property of Masashi Kishimoto.

I blinked disbelievingly at the Sandaime.

"I don't think such a position even exists, Hokage-sama." I shifted uncomfortably.

The Hokage said nothing but the twinkle in his eyes only brightened.

"And I-I don't even like kids, anyway!"

He raised an eyebrow."So it wasn't you who applied to become an academy teacher after you obtained the rank of Chunin?"

I spluttered uselessly, ignoring the snickers of my fellow ANBU members.

"Besides, you are the only seal master in the village after Kakashi," his eyes gained a serious look, "This is an order from your Hokage to Neko."

I straightened my back unconsciously at my codename. My head was bowed slightly, defeated expression on my face, not that the others could see it.

"You will meet your new team tomorrow."

I walked through the village in my Jounin attire, navigating through the crowds with ease. I ignored the subtle stares from the other ninja as I walked home. I was a known prodigy, after all.

I snorted at the word prodigy. More like an extra set of memories to help me out.

Yeah. This was my second life. Imagine my horror and shock when I found out that I had been reincarnated into a world that had been a book, a manga, in my previous life. I had thrown a tantrum and refused to be a ninja until my second-parents had died. Apparently, it was mandatory for orphans to be in the academy or starve on the streets.

You can probably guess what I chose.

I had been able to maintain my fairly average scores until a surprise test was sprung on me and boom, my cover was blown. But they hadn't been able to make me graduate at six, as I sucked at the physical tests. Like, absolutely. So much that it was embarrassing.

Then the Third Shinobi War started and the academy became harsher. Children were forced to graduate early and were sent to the frontlines. We were shoved through the ranks with ruthless training and, here I was, the product.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when I arrived at a pretty, but bland house. I entered and relished the specific scent of home.

I glanced at the kitchen before shrugging and flopping down on to my bed. Today was way too tiring to even think of eating.

As I pulled the covers around myself, I was struck by how calmly I was taking this. I mean, I was just put on Team Seven as their assistant sensei(I stifled a snort), the disaster team, the team which became crazy powerful to the point where they even surpassed the Sannin. The whole team was always messed up, starting right from the first generation. There was no doubt that I would not be able to avoid their crazy adventures. Hell, my job practically required me to hang around them all the time.

And I had already changed things by being there, 'cause I was pretty sure Team Seven didn't have an assistant sensei. By 'pretty sure' I meant 100% sure.

Whatever, I sighed. I couldn't change things now anyway.

I closed my eyes and let myself drift off into a state of half-sleep.