Chapter 1: The Worst Summer

Thirteen-year-old Harry Potter was in the garden, doing the chores assigned to him by Aunt Petunia. It was a strangely hot day but Harry was glad to be outside and not inside cleaning. He missed Hogwarts and his friends, Ron and Hermione. Hanging out with them sounded much more fun than pulling weeds and watering plants. He had asked Uncle Vernon if they could come over, to which his Uncle Vernon responded by yelling and beating him.

"Hey," Dudley said, coming out of the house. "You're not doing what you're supposed to be doing."

"Yes I am," said Harry, holding up the list. "See? I'm pulling weeds and watering plants!"

"When I came out here, you were just sitting there," said Dudley.

"I was taking a break, it's hot out here," said Harry.

"Well, Mum says you have to get your chores done before Aunt Marge gets here," said Dudley coldly.

"They'll be done, go away!" Harry shot back angrily.

"I'll be back," said Dudley. "I'm going to get something that will help you remove these weeds."

Harry was confused. Dudley never tried helping him. Dudley came back with one of Uncle Vernon's tools. Harry wasn't sure how this tool was supposed to help with pulling the weeds. Dudley smiled wickedly before rushing towards Harry and stabbing at his eyes before Harry could react. Harry didn't realize Dudley could move so fast so he didn't get out of the way in time. A sharp pain in both his eyes caused him to finally register that something happened. He screamed and pushed Dudley away as hard as he could while trying to protect his face from further damage. Within seconds, Aunt Petunia was outside and questioning Dudley about what happened. Harry could not see anything but could feel both tears and a sticky liquid running down his cheeks.

"Harry stabbed himself with this tool!" said Dudley. "I just took it from him so he wouldn't do anything worse!"

"Good job Dudders," said Aunt Petunia in her sweet tone. "You can go inside after you put that tool back in with the rest of your father's tools."

As soon as Dudley went inside, Aunt Petunia tried to stop the bleeding. She couldn't seem to get Harry's eyes to stop bleeding so she handed him a rag to cover them and shooed him inside and up to his room. She had no intention of taking him to the hospital and did not care what the stupid child had done to himself. She checked on him a couple hours later and in a rare moment of compassion, cleaned the blood off of his face before slamming the door.

Harry awoke to blackness and throbbing eyes. He blinked but still saw nothing. He felt his way to the door and opened it, before following the wall downstairs in search of his aunt.

"Aunt Petunia?" asked Harry

"Boy, your aunt isn't in here," said Aunt Marge's voice. "Can't you see that?"

"No I can't see," said Harry.

"Then you need to start paying attention!" barked Aunt Marge.

"What did the boy do now?" Uncle Vernon's voice asked.

"He is claiming that he can't see," said Aunt Marge.

"Boy, do you want me to beat you up again?" Uncle Vernon asked. "Just because you got some special attention from your Aunt Petunia awhile ago when she stopped your eyes from bleeding, doesn't mean you will keep getting that attention!"

Harry couldn't believe this. Why didn't they believe him? He remembered Dudley stabbing him with Uncle Vernon's tool, and now they act as though it wasn't a big deal? He couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts the next day. Maybe Madam Pomfrey could help him.

That night, he struggled with everything, from eating to picking out his clothes for the next day, and packing. He ended up not eating anything, because he was too upset. Aunt Marge and Uncle Vernon kept teasing Harry about how he was greedy for attention. Aunt Petunia, surprisingly, didn't say anything during the meal. It was as if Aunt Petunia knew that something was going on with Harry, but didn't care to ask him if he was ok.

The next morning, Harry asked Aunt Petunia for some help with packing. Aunt Petunia snorted and said, "You can do it yourself!"

"I can't see anything!" said Harry. "Please help me!"

"You are more than capable of packing your own things!" said Aunt Petunia coldly.

Harry sighed. He found his remaining belongings and shoved them into his trunk. It was not very organized but he'd deal with that later.

On the way to King's Cross station, Harry thought about how much his eyes still hurt, wondered if there were outward signs of injury, and if Madam Pomfrey would be able to do anything. How would he explain this to the school nurse without giving away the fact that the Dursleys abused him? He considered the possibility of not going to the matron but quickly decided that was not an option.

When he got to the station, he struggled with finding the correct platform. In fact, he kept bumping into everyone.

"Harry!" said Ron's voice. "What's going on mate? You're bumping into everyone, and you're far away from the platform!"

"I... I can't see anymore," said Harry, not sure how to explain it.

"What do you mean by that?" Ron asked, sounding confused, "What happened to your face, mate?"

"Never mind, just get me to the right platform and onto the train," Harry said in an irritated tone.

On the train, Ron and Hermione tried to get Harry to talk, but he refused.

When they got to Hogwarts, Ron grabbed Harry's hand and walked with him up to the castle.

When inside, Harry heard Hermione say to Ron, "What is going on? You helped him onto the train, and now the castle?"

Ron let go of Harry when he saw Malfoy approach. Harry tried to enter the Great Hall, but immediately bumped into Crabbe. "Sorry," he said, before trying a different direction.

"Mr. Potter!" said Madam Pomfrey's voice. "What are you doing?"

"Going to the Great Hall," Harry said. "Why?"

"Your eyes!" cried Madam Pomfrey. "They look horrible! Hospital wing, now!"

Harry gulped. He felt Madam Pomfrey grab his arm and drag him to the hospital wing.

As Madam Pomfrey dragged him along the hall, Harry attempted to come up with a plan about what to tell her. He knew the truth would be the best but knew he'd have to change some details so she would not find out about his home life.