Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling and I don't intend to earn any monetary profit out of it.

Harry looked intently at everyone assembled in the Room of Requirement, as he waited for everyone to arrive. He had planned to restart the DA again, since after the death of Snape, Dumbledore had found it difficult to find a DADA teacher. Because of the curse on that position, Harry guessed that no one was willing to accept it. That is why, defence periods were free for them.

Everyone were whispering excitedly with one another. There were new faces in the crowd who were eagerly waiting in anticipation for Harry to start. Most of them had heard that everyone who attended DA meetings last year achieved at least Exceeds Expectations in their OWLs.

Finally, after 5 minutes of waiting, Harry went to the stage and whistled. Instantly, everyone became quiet.

"All right, listen everyone. I am glad that all of you arrived today. As to why I have called you, I am intending to restart DA. However, before we begin our sessions, I want each one of you to sign a magically binding contract with certain terms and conditions. Have a look at it, if you prefer" said Harry passing over the contract to the people.

The students looked at the terms and conditions of the contract before passing it over. The terms were fairly straightforward. That they shouldn't use whatever they have learnt to support the deatheaters in any way, that they shouldn't practice some of the dangerous and darker spells capriciously and carelessly, that they must not reveal to the non DA members whatever they are practicing in these sessions and so on. A few people left after reading the terms of the contract.

At that moment, Daphne entered the Room followed by a few Slytherins, most of whom were first and second years. Harry gave a warm smile at Daphne, which she returned. Then, Harry smiled reassuringly at the younger students who had arrived with Daphne. They were looking star struck at the chosen one and very surprised that Harry Potter was smiling at them. A 12 year old Slytherin girl with curly brown hair looked down shyly.

Meanwhile, the rest of the students looked shocked at the fact that Slytherins wanted to join the DA. A few looked very angry and mutinous.

"All right then, I have given a sheet containing the terms and conditions of the contract among the students assembled here. Please have a look at them" said Harry warmly to them.

"What the hell is this Potter? You are inviting the snakes also to this club!" exclaimed Ernie Macmillan angrily.

"Yes, these deatheater wannabes have no place here" shouted someone else, a Ravenclaw whose name Harry didn't remember.

After that some more people shouted and expressed mutiny over the presence of the Slytherins here until Harry raised his wand and let out a huge bang which silenced everyone.

"Stop it everyone. This club is meant for everyone who wishes to defend themselves or fight against the deatheaters. And, I will not exclude anyone who wants to join this club for that purpose. Moreever, the terms and conditions in the contract will prevent anyone from doing any serious harm. So, no more excuses. Slytherins are also allowed" said Harry firmly.

"But they are cunning snakes. They will find a loophole in the contract some way or the other and help the deatheaters" said Seamus, and a few people nodded.

Harry looked at Seamus angrily and remarked "Oh yeah Seamus, then you yourself look closely into it and give me the list of all the loopholes if you think you are so smart…" Suddenly, a hand was placed on Harry's shoulder and Daphne shook her head at him, urging him to let her speak.

"There is something which I have to clearly say to everyone. I am a Slytherin and I am neither a deatheater, nor a death eater sympathizer. I have no mention of joining that mad tosser who calls himself 'Voldemort'" Many people flinched on hearing Voldemort's name. Ignoring the flinches, Daphne continued "His deatheaters are nothing but a bunch of murdering, sick, disgusting human beings. Also, I don't care about anyone's blood. I have no problem with muggleborns, muggles and anyone who befriends muggles and muggleborns" said Daphne clearly.

"You are simply lying" someone in the audience said. Harry grew furious on hearing this, but Daphne looked him in the eye and mentally pleaded not to curse that person.

Then, turning to that person, Daphne replied "All right, if you think so, I am willing to give an unbreakable Vow right now to clear all your doubts". Many people who knew about the Unbreakable Vow gasped on hearing it.

Suddenly, the younger students from Sytherin started coming forward and shouted.

"Me too"

"I will also give the unbreakable Vow"

Harry finally had enough. "None of you will have to give the Unbreakable Vow" said Harry firmly before turning to the crowd.

"I find it extremely shameful that we are still argue over silly things like house rivalries when a war is going on outside. The Sorting hat says every year to give up our rivalries and work together. But we don't heed its warnings. And, Voldemort takes full advantage of that fact. It is high time that we don't give that advantage to Voldemort" said Harry.

Then, Harry put his hands on Daphne's shoulder and said "Daphne here is a Slytherin and she is the most amazing woman I have met in my life. In fact, she is my girl friend now and I have already proposed to her" said Harry looking at her fondly.

Daphne smiled brightly at Harry as she said "And I have accepted it" before kissing him soundly.

Majority of the people had gobsmacked looks on their faces. Some of the girls were giving Daphne a look of pure loathing and jealousy, while the boys looked at Harry as if he had lost his sanity. But Luna wolf-whistled and clapped in happiness.

"She is perfect for Harry. I see very few wrackspurts in her head" commented Luna in a dreamy voice.

They parted from the kiss, and Harry had a shit-eating grin on his face which was mirrored by Daphne.

"Anyway, what I was saying is that, if you can't trust Daphne and her judgement, then you don't trust me. If you cannot accept her and her friends, then I won't be taking anymore DA sessions. So, what do you say?" asked Harry.

Most of the students still didn't trust Daphne or the Slytherins and they thought Harry to be really nuts for dating a Slytherin. But even though Harry might be nuts, he was a good teacher, as evident by last year. So, they gave murmurs of wanting Harry to teach and reluctantly agreed to the presence of Slytherins in this club, before going on to sign the contract.

After the contract was signed by everybody, Harry addressed everyone.

"So, our first business is to rename the club. I prefer it to be Hogwarts Army, in short, HA" said Harry.

"What is wrong with Dumbledore's army?" asked Hermione, and many Gryffindors nodded.

"What is wrong is the fact that this club is meant for preparing the Hogwarts students against the threat of Deatheaters. It is not a fanclub of Albus Dumbledore. We are not Dumbledore's cheerleaders or worshippers. You don't have to be a devotee of Albus Dumbledore to gain entry into this club" said Harry firmly.

Some Slytherins and Ravenclaws gave a visible sigh of relief while the Gryffindors looked mutinous.

"But you are Dumbledore's favourite Golden Boy. Everyone knows that" shouted Zacharius Smith.

Harry frowned at Smith before replying "I am no body's golden boy or puppet. Don't make an ass out of yourself by making incorrect assumptions based on unfounded rumors about me. Rumors are started by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots. So, please don't believe all the nonsense rumors that may have been circulated in the daily prophet about me. And also, don't believe in all the crap and slander spread by the Voldemort's supporters".

Many people flinched on hearing the name "Voldemort".

Harry sighed before saying "Our second business is very simple. I won't be starting anything until all of you start saying the name 'Voldemort'. We are not cowards who are afraid of that Dark Tosser. Stop flinching everytime his name is mentioned. Don't call him 'You Know Who' or 'He Who Must Not be Named' or any such nonsense, and never ever address him as the 'Dark Lord' in my presence. He is not a Lord, he is a murderer and a hypocrite who has killed many innocent people. Don't ever give him respect by calling him as the Dark Lord. If you find saying Voldemort uncomfortable, then call him 'Tom' or 'Riddle'" explained Harry.

"Why 'Tom' or 'Riddle'?" asked Hannah Abbott curiously.

In response, Harry wrote the letters 'TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE' in the air and just flicked it.

The letters immediately rearranged themselves to 'I AM LORD VOLDEMORT'. Students gasped on seeing this.

"Yes friends, this so called 'Voldemort' is none other than a Slytherin student, Tom Marvolo Riddle, who attended Hogwarts as a Slytherin student in the 1940s. He was the one who opened the chamber of secrets and framed our dear Hagrid for that crime. He is just the bastard son of an unholy union between a muggle 'Tom Riddle Senior' and a squib 'Merope Gaunt'. This Merope fed love potions to Voldemort's father and made the man act against his will and run away with her. After conceiving Tom, when Merope forgot to feed the muggle one day, the muggle ran away. Merope, who was already weak and on the verge of death, admitted her child into an Orphanage.

So, our dear Voldemort spent his childhood in an orphanage where he was bullied by the other children for being an abnormal freak, just like I was. So, he developed a hatred for all muggles, and started controlling his magic from a younger age itself. He consciously used magic to steal things from the orphanage kids and terrorize those who bullied him. When he came to Hogwarts and was sorted to Slytherin house, he was scorned at and bullied again by the older Slytherins for not being a pureblood until he revealed his parseltoungue ability after which they started worshipping him. So you see, he is just a whiny immature idiot with daddy issues. I mean, he failed to kill a 1 year old boy 16 years back" said Harry smirking.

Many people in the room were spellbound on hearing this tale.

Then, Harry turned to Luna and said to her seriously "Luna, if possible, can you note down everything that I said and have it printed in the Quibbler Magazine. The foolish pureblood fanatics who support Voldemort must surely know the truth about their dear leader. This news could possibly cut down Voldemort's support base and drastically reduce his recruiting. Don't worry, I will take steps to ensure that you and your dad will be safe from the threat of Voldemort and his deatheaters"

Luna nodded and replied "I will do that Harry. The ragiekrals all around this room are telling me that you are finally becoming a no-nonsense leader. They told me to listen to your instructions"

Harry nodded at Luna before looking at everyone in the room.

"So, is everything what I have mentioned till now acceptable to all?" asked Harry.

The students murmured and gave nods.

"Tut, tut. That won't do. You should have a lot of spirit and enthusiasm. Give me a firm and confident reply when I ask you a question. So, is what I have mentioned till now acceptable?" asked Harry.

"Yes Potter" said the crowd.

"I can't hear you" said Harry.

"Yes Potter" said the crowd a bit more loudly.

"I still can't hear you" said Harry in a disappointed voice.

"YES POTTER" shouted the students.

"Yes, that's the spirit, my friends. Now, today we will practice the Patronus charm. This was the charm that we had been trying to practice last year before Umbitch caught hold of us. This is very very important because the dementors are completely on Voldemort's side now and they are causing a lot of havoc in the muggle world" said Harry.

Then, both Harry and Daphne looked at each other fondly and then loudly shouted "EXPECTO PATRONUM" together. A bright Stag and a bright Tigress erupted from their wands and they nuzzled each other. The students were looking at the Stag and the Tigress with fascinated expressions.

"Now, a Patronus is something which doesn't require any specific wand movements. It is an intent based spell and it is powered by your emotions. Before casting it, you should think of the happiest moment in your life, that moment which brings a smile to your face, that moment which you would cherish forever. Now give it a try" said Harry .

"And, it need not be just a past Happy memory. You can also focus on anything or anyone who fills your hear with love, that could be your parents, your boyfriend or fiancé, or even your pet. You can even remember the feeling of the first kiss that your partner gave you and the feeling of wonder and happiness that you felt just then" said Daphne winking at Harry who winked back.

Daphne's explanation made the whole thing easier to understand, especially for the ones who were in a relationship now. Slowly, mists started coming from their wands.

Harry and Daphne continued to encourage the students by personally going to them; Daphne to her Slytherins and Harry to the other students, and gave them tips on how to do it. Finally, at least 8 students in the room managed to cast a corporeal patronus, which included Hermione, Susan, Goldstein, Boot, Luna and three Slytherins, and many others managed to form mists.

"That's an excellent performance, my friends. To those who have not yet succeeded, keep on practicing this in your free time and you will get the hang of it. Now, we will meet next week at the same day and same time. Have a good day. Bye" said Harry dismissing them.

Many people in the room thanked Harry before leaving. And some of them even apologized to Daphne and congratulated both of them for their relationship.


The next day's Quibbbler article threw the whole Wizarding Britain into a frenzy. It shocked everyone to know that You Know Who, the champion of the pureblood supremacy movement was actually the bastard son of a squib and a muggle. At Hogwarts also, this article became a huge sensation and everybody were talking about this.

That evening, when Harry was having dinner, Professor McGonagall came to him and told him curtly that his presence was requested in the headmaster's office soon. Harry went to Dumbledore's office and was pleasantly surprised when he saw that Daphne was there too.

"Slughorn told me that Dumbledore asked me to come to his office" explained Daphne.

"Please sit down, both of you" said Dumbledore. The twinkle in his eyes was noticeably absent as he stared at Harry.

"Harry, I must say that I am very disappointed with you for telling the whole world about Voldemort's past. I specifically told you not to reveal whatever I was telling you about Voldemort's history. Tom will get angry and kill many people just because of this article" said Dumbledore sadly.

"That he is doing anyway Sir. But after this article, at least a few pureblood bigots would be hesitant to join that hypocritical maniac. And also, some of the loyal, rabid deatheaters who follow him will lose some respect for their master. In every way, it is an advantage for you. And as you always say, It is for the greater good" said Harry throwing Dumbledore's words back at him.

Dumbledore sighed in frustration. Harry was becoming more stubborn now and he didn't know what to do.

"Miss Greengrass, I am very disappointed with the choices that you have made, though it is not your fault. Now that I have lost Severus, I desperately need a spy for the order and I considered you for that role. But I came to know that you and Harry are in a relationship with each other. So, you can't fill that role" said Dumbledore sighing sadly.

"I wouldn't have done that anyway Sir. I had to run away from deatheaters because I refused to do disgusting things and accept that mark" said Daphne.

"Miss Greengrass, what I am about to tell you may shock you immensely. And I require an unbreakable vow from you that you won't tell anyone else about it" said Dumbledore looking intently at Daphne who didn't back down from the old man's stare.

"Sir, Daphne will not give any vow to you. If you are talking about the horcrux in my scar, she knows about that. I told her" said Harry firmly

"Harry, what have you done?" asked Dumbledore aghast.

"I did the right thing Sir. I trust her implicitly and I don't need any vow from her" said Harry.

"Yes Sir, Harry is right. I would sooner die rather than betray him. And, I will search every nook and corner of the earth to find out a damn way to destroy the horcrux in Harry's scar without having him killed" said Daphne vehemently.

"I am afraid that is not possible Miss Greengrass. I did search out for a way to remove Harry's scar without killing him. But nowhere did I find a way to do that without killing Harry. So, there is no other way than Harry sacrificing himself" said Dumbledore regretfully.

"So, you have basically been raising Harry as a martyr, right? That is why, you put him at the Dursleys for the first 10 years of his life and allowed him to be cruelly tortured and abused by the Dursleys. You knew very well that Sirius was the secret keeper of Harry's parents and that Pettigrew was the traitor. Yet you played your disgusting mind games and allowed Sirius to be sent to Azkaban, so that he wouldn't pose a threat to your plans, right? Harry has faced trouble and danger at the end of every year at Hogwarts and yet you allowed him to experience all the danger and trouble as a part of making him a sacrificial lamb, right? You disgust me Dumbledore" said Daphne sneering at the headmaster who was shocked by her comments.

"How did you know?" whispered Dumbledore who could hardly believe that this girl somehow came to know of his deception regarding Sirius.

"We came to know of this a while back. Anyway, Sirius told us about your deception." said Harry enjoying the look on Dumbledore's face. It was a rare sight to see Dumbledore getting shocked or bewildered when usually it was the headmaster who loved to surprise others.

"Sirius told you recently?" asked Dumbledore, as his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

In response, Harry took out his mirror and whispered "Padfoot".

Sirius's face immediately came into view.

"What's up Harry? Is everything all right?" asked Sirius in a worried tone.

"Everything's fine Sirius. Say Hi to Dumbledore. You will enjoy the look on his face" said Harry as he turned the mirror so that Sirius was facing Dumbledore.

"Hi Dumbles, missed me?" asked Sirius grinning at the gobsmacked headmaster.

"Sirius? You're alive? But…how?"whispered Dumbledore.

"Yes I am alive old man, and that's because I faked my own death when I found out at Gringotts that you knew very well about me being the Secret keeper. You betrayed me Dumbledore. I used to look up to you and respect you. And yet, you sacrificed me as a pawn in your own chess game and now you plan to sacrifice Harry too. I will not allow that to happen" said Sirius snarling menancingly.

"You have to understand Sirius, I did it for the greater good. Had Harry been raised by you, he wouldn't have been that meek and humble person who was willing to sacrifice himself for others. And that quality of Harry is very vital for defeating Voldemort. Harry had to learn to sacrifice himself for the sake of his precious loved ones and for that, he needed to be raised in a home where he was not loved" said Dumbledore with a straight face.

There was a shocked silence before Daphne marched ahead and slapped Dumbledore hard on his face. The portraits all around who were listening in shocked silence till now gave yells of indignation, though Phineas was glad that Sirius was alive. Harry silenced them with a wave of his wand as he had done before when he had been blackmailing Dumbledore.


Dumbledore looked at Daphne with a shocked expression. He was even more shocked when Fawkes gave a trill of approval and sat down on Daphne's shoulder.

"See even your phoenix agrees with me. I can see very well that your right hand has been cursed very badly by the dark withering curse. Why do you think that a light creature like your own phoenix refuses to heal your cursed hand when he was capable of even diffusing the basilisk venom infecting Harry during his second year? And basilisk venom is the most corrosive substance known to wizardkind, even more harmful than even the darkest of curses and poisons" said Daphne, while looking intently at Dumbledore who didn't know what to say.

"It is because what you claim to be doing for the greater good is a clearly dark and evil action which is not justifiable" explained Daphne to Dumbledore who felt a tiny bit of shame.

"But what can I do? The prophecy states that only Harry has the power to kill the Dark Lord and I don't see what is that power which the Dark Lord knows not. How can a 16 year old boy beat a Dark Lord with decades of experience? Other than Harry sacrificing himself after destroying the other horcruxes, I don't think it is possible that Voldemort could be defeated. Even I couldn't beat him in the few encounters which I had with him recently and that was when I didn't have to deal with this cursed hand. Now, there is no way that I can face him in this condition.

I am going to die in a few months anyway. My plan was to have Severus kill me to gain Voldemort's trust. But that is not possible now. I think we are doomed now. There is no more hope for us" said Dumbledore dejectedly.

Harry looked at Dumbledore before replying "You may believe that Dumbledore, but we have not given up hope. Sirius has already destroyed the locket horcrux and we will search out for the other ones and destroy them too. And after that, we will destroy the Dark wanker too and I will lead a happy and long life with Daphne by my side. Do you know your problem is? You keep too many things to yourself and believe that you are the only one who knows what is the best for all of us. While we may not be as magically powerful as you are, we are not stupid Dumbledore. We will do everything in our power to destroy Voldemort and his deatheaters. Stop making any more plans for me and just stay out of our way Dumbledore" said Harry sternly.

"Yes Dumbledore, stay out of our way. We will not tolerate any more manipulations" affirmed Sirius.

"Perhaps it would be a good time for you to think and reflect about the wrongs that you have committed. Try to see it from Harry's and Sirius's perspective and think about how much they could have suffered due to your actions. The fact that Fawkes chose you as his companion once obviously means that you were a great man once. After all, you defeated the dark wizard Grindelwald. Phoenixes are good judges of character.

But it is wisely said that power corrupts a person. That is what happened to you Dumbledore. While looking at the entire forest, you forgot about the small trees. And there is the fact that you try to manage all the 3 positions of Headmaster, Chief Warlock and ICW British representative all at once, and you end up not being able to do your work efficiently. Perhaps you should think of delegating at least 2 of your positions to others" said Daphne wisely.

"Yes Professor. I too, like Sirius respected you a lot once upon a time. But you have lost my respect. You would have been a great ally to have in the war against Voldemort but due to your past track record, we will not be able to trust you anymore. We will be willing to work with you only if you gain the approval of Fawkes. That means, he should be able to cure you completely. But until that happens, just stay out of our way. As Daphne said, reflect on your past mistakes, rectify it and be a better, straight forward team player with no tinge of manipulative behavior. Have a good day Professor" said Harry before Harry and Daphne walked out of the room.

Fawkes watched sadly as Dumbledore shed tears of remorse and anguish.

Author's Note: I have recently uploaded another story "Ronald Weasley Reloaded". Even if you don't like Ron, you might like the story.