Things had not been running smoothly for the students and faculty at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted. Monsters coming out of urns, keys being stolen, and not to mention almost every teenager's social life was in shambles. Which if you asked them, was the worst thing to happen to them this school semester.

The girls were going through typical teenage girl things on top of being powerful witches, who unfortunately spent more time battling each other, than fighting towards a common good. After the events of tonight though, maybe the twins and Hope could finally reach an understanding, but it was wishful thinking that Lizzie and Penelope would stop planning each other's murders in their head...daily!

Rafael and Landon were still settling in and being the new kids and were still meeting new people every day that they hadn't even seen before. Teachers were still taking notice to them and figuring out their temperament and personality, and others were wondering what human/supernatural, Landon Kirby, was doing in their classroom, and how to make their classroom topics relate to him as well. Between class, spending time with Hope and being alpha to the wolves, there was never not a busy day for the two newbies.

MG and Kaleb, the two head vampires of the school, had a lot going in as well. Kaleb being the maverick of his faction didn't care for the bunny blood diet and was one cute furry face away from starting a rebellion for his vampire faction. Right beside him was his friend MG. The young vampire that Kaleb saw as a little brother, needing guidance and understanding of what a vampire was about in this world. Or at least he was trying, and would try to do, and be better, for the boy. MG was displaying Ripper tendencies that weren't going unnoticed by others, especially Dr. S and Dorian. Two humans who met a Ripper before him, and were uneasy about having one in school. MG was on a close eye and probably will remain on one for the rest of his time at school.

As for Hope, funny enough, the anti-social, detached tribrid couldn't be happier. Her father was back. Weeks after Haley's death, Klaus decided to take the Hollow in himself and end his life for the safety of his daughter. He however did not find peace, how could he, when Hope was a train wreck. The Necromancer even said he was still standing beside her along her way. Well, the monster wasn't the only one who knew Klaus well.

It was a surprise to Hope that her family, especially her father, had a long history with her headmistress, one that started when Caroline herself was Hopes age. After talks with her aunts and uncles, flipping through her dad's old sketch books and hearing stories of the Original Hybrid and the Baby Vampire dating back to before she was even born, and on top of that, finding her headmistress with a glass of wine and an empty bottle, crying her eyes out while looking at two pictures, both that featured her father and Caroline at formal events, that she assumes were taken around the time they first met; Hope began to realize she wasn't the only one that lost him. It did bring Hope a bit of solace and comfort knowing that Caroline, like Hope, saw the good in Klaus and was grieving too. Especially since all that sympathy Alaric had for her during her mother's passing, was non-existent for her fathers.

That grieving did a whole number on both. It took Caroline weeks before she could look at Hope again. Not knowing which parent, she would see in the girls face that day. At first Hope was upset about it, not wanting to cause Caroline, the woman that helped raise her, and spent a big chunk of her childhood time with her, any pain. On the other hand, she was only 15 and orphaned, not to mention having a wolf's temper and needing to take it out on anyone or anything. She felt like Caroline's pain was irrelevant to her own, and not being able to look at the girl was cowardice. After feeling that way in her little bouts of anger though, Hope always reverted back to the former.

Things went back to normal after a while. Caroline was looking at Hope, and Hope returned the looks and they even shared afternoons together sometimes when Caroline wasn't wrapped up in her daughters. When Caroline left last year to recruit and travel in Europe, the school was as expected, heartbroken. Caroline brought a sense of warmth to the school and the students loved having her to talk to. Just stopping by her office for a talk was great. More students were being enrolled, so no one questioned her turbulent travels. But the beloved headmistress herself needed someone to talk to, and in addition to chasing leads for her daughters, there was something else Caroline was up to as well.

Caroline admitted to herself that Klaus Mikaelson had gotten under her skin a while ago. Longer than she used to be able to admit. Now as an adult however, she knew without a doubt that he was her last love and more than that, her eternity. Yet, she lost him. Just like Stefan. She loved Stefan. But her love for Stefan as a husband was nowhere near the love, she had for him as her friend. Her mentor. He was her north star pointing her in the right direction when everything in her life was falling apart. He held her together. And she returned the favor to him, forming an unbreakable bond that couples and best friends alike would envy. He gave Caroline her first chance at change. To reinvent herself, and he was right beside her, helping her along the way. Stefan was her best friend. And that's the person she was still, 13 years later, was grieving for.

Klaus was always the figure in the background, waiting, for her, for however long it takes. A part of Caroline's grief for her was her anger that she took too long. That she took advantage of his love for her and just always assumed that she was allowed to pop-up and disrupt his life because she decided that now was the right time. She allowed others to cloud her decision and happiness early on in their relationship and never gave him a chance. That last day with him, no matter the black cloud that was over him, was a good memory to leave on. But she didn't want a last memory with him.

She wanted him.


Every hour

Every minute

For Eternity

She just wishes that it didn't have to take his death to get her ass into gear.

Klaus deserved better than that. Deserved better than her, but while the years matured her, it also made her quite selfish also. She had grown protective of herself. She wouldn't even allow anyone with bad energy near her. She stood up for herself more and put herself first. She wanted her girls to have a strong figure in their life. Someone they were proud to call Mom, and she was further along in life to see clearly and realize that her teenage self wasn't as perfect as she was reaching for back then. Her loyalty kept her in things that common sense should have kept her out of. But this Caroline? In her 30's with the body of a perky teenage cheerleader still, wiser and stronger than before. She had different rules and standards for herself. What she wants, she was going to get. And she wanted Klaus Mikaelson back in her life.

She called Bonnie.

The Bennett Witch did some growing up too, and stopped harboring abhor feelings for the hybrid a long time ago. Her and her old gang had gone up against worse, and honestly somedays it made her crave for the days where Klaus Mikaelson was their biggest problem. Still, she didn't see them hugging or jumping for joy at the sight of each other, nor did she feel anything towards his death, but Caroline did.

Her best friend, who took care of everybody, even if she forgot herself in the process. Traveling gave Bonnie some serious soul searching and the witch realized, that while loyalty was important and being there for a friend, it didn't take going down memory lane to figure out that one friend was usually always Elena. She loved her friends both deeply, they were her family, and when Elena needed help, Bonnie helped.

Caroline never asked for anything. Bonnie always offered, and Caroline always gave Bonnie that choice, letting her know that she could say no and back out at any time. The blonde planner already having 5 back-ups in store. Giving the witch the option, that honestly, her other friends didn't even give sometimes.

Caroline did ask for things though, but they were things that weren't any hassle at all, and were actually welcomed. Yes, to come shopping with her. Yes, to sleepovers and dinners, but that was her bringing everyone together, still trying to be a teenager, even though the world and its problems were aging them faster than they would have wanted.

Caroline never asked for the same things on the same level as Elena.

Except this time. The first time. And the one thing she wanted was Klaus.

She would make that happen.

Hope's Dad came back to her a few months before Spring Break. Caroline didn't ask the Mikaelsons for anything for the spells, she didn't even notify them she was trying. She didn't want to give them, especially the young girl, any false hope.

She wrote them all a letter on the day of the resurrection, asking Rebekah to deliver Kol's to them. Explaining what she did, why she did it, how she did it, and that she would let them all know if it worked. It took Bonnie almost a full year to not only consult spirits and give reassurance, to contact Caroline and them both gather things for the ritual, not to mention getting back-up plans and fail safes in place. Caroline has been traveling and thanks to the school and her daughter's, enough people knew her name, not all liked her, not all had met her, but they at least respected her and her vision for future generation supernatural. Witches while still wary of vampires, were a bit more welcoming knowing her back story and friends, and a few came in handy, for giving Bonnie extra power if need be.

A part of the ritual was Bonnie had to find Klaus in the plain he was on, which left Bonnie in a trance while Caroline waited.

***Klaus' Death Plane***

Turning around,the spirit of Klaus MIkaelson met the one and only Bonnie Bennett. To say that Klaus was surprised would be an understatement.

''She wants you. Hope wants you. I'm bringing you back. I don't know what you will do now, whether you two wait or jump right in, but you will fulfill all your promises to her and make her the happiest vampire walking. You loved her long before anyone realized it, herself included, and made her feel important, even when her friends didn't. That's the Klaus she misses, that's the Klaus she spent the last year fighting for. You better treat her like a Queen. You have always wanted her loyalty, now you have it. The loyalty only she can give, that goes beyond the grave. I should know, I've died like 4 times in my life. You better be worth it Klaus.''

For the first time that Bonnie could recall, Klaus Mikaelson genuinely smiled at her, wide and bright.

Hope was woken up in the middle of the night with Caroline putting a finger to lips, telling her to stay quiet and follow her. Getting up and putting her house shoes on, Hope followed the blonde, still confused and sleep ridden to her office.

''Hello littlest wolf.''

The scream that followed made Caroline glad that she got her office sound proofed.

The group message to the Mikaelsons that the plan succeeded had brought them all in to the Mystic Falls mansion that started it all. They all gave their gratitude to Caroline. Hope, Freya, Kol and Rebekah giving uncharacteristically long hugs and Elijah offering his assistance to anything she may need.

Klaus and Caroline didn't jump back in like Bonnie predicted. Caroline was still traveling trying to save her twins and Klaus was getting his baring's together being a single father to a teenage girl. Haley's absence seeming to be a harsh reminder some days, while others, the father seemed to be doing everything right. The world still thought the great Original Hybrid was gone, and while he wasn't hiding, it was sort of fun to pop in and have people think they were hallucinating. They still communicated. Talked on the phone, texted, gifts exchanged, they even made a week-long trip to Rome together. The first place he promised her way back when, he even cheekily sent some pictures of the two in Rome to the Bennett witch. They were after all Klaus and Caroline. They couldn't stay away from each other if they tried.

They were just waiting for things to settle again. The twins and Hope were old enough to work things out themselves and the two parents both promised they weren't getting in the middle of that. And while Klaus was a single parent, Caroline was not, and Alaric the human, would sure have a few words to say about the mother of his children being involved with Klaus Mikaleson, don't even get him started on him being around his girls. That would be a lot, and until they both were at least in the same time zone on a permanent basis, there was no need to alert anyone.

To top it off, while the Salvatore School is flourishing, it is still a school located in the black hole of chaos, Mystic Falls, known for drawing trouble from every known corner of the world. Klaus lived in his mansion with the occasional appearance from Elijah and when Hope went home to 'New Orleans' on some weekends, she would tell Klaus all about the monsters and horrors going on. How it started with opening the school to a simple townie boy and his friend, or so she thought. He was equal parts proud and nervous of his daughter's involvement with these monsters that came out of nowhere, but Hope always came back fine and kept him in the loop. He wouldn't be a father though if he didn't give her more training time to further her fighting capabilities, and offensive magic with her aunt.

This is where Klaus and Hope's aunts found themselves, waiting for their daughter, and niece respectively, to come back from her Spring Break trip, one that involved the Saltzman twins... and later on the little townie boyfriend and his wolf friend after receiving an urgent text with little information.

Hope came back and explained the mummy business and the Triad guy Ryan Clark, that Klaus sent a text to Elijah to look into. And when asked about the road trip itself with her two archnemeses, Hope smiled softly and told them the incident, reassuring them that she wouldn't and has never made fun of Lizzie that way. Their quips and arguments back and forth, never going that far to genuinely hurt each other. Which her family reassured her that they believed her. She explained the painting and Josie's crush three years ago which got 'aww's' from her aunts and a flattered tribrid to blush, but went on to tell them that it was old, and she was pretty sure that Penelope Park would curse her in her sleep for even entertaining the thought.

She explained what took her so long after coming back and sending the text, to searching for three students, getting her newfound allies, the twins, to help the wolf out of confinement and watching her boyfriend die and literally rise like a Phoenix form his ashes. It left the girl shaken understandably, and her dutiful aunts calmed her down once again.

Her dad, ever the attentive when it came to his daughter, listened to every word from her. Enjoying being back and apart of her life, even if it has recently given the former brat prat of Mystic Falls a run for their money in the drama department. Hope still wasn't going to sleep, she had to do damage control on what her and her actions did to Emma and Raf, and she even wanted to check on MG, the Ripper of Mystic Falls, her father dubbed him. While the name wasn't meant to be taken serious Klaus once again marveled at how his daughter showed this vampire, that drained someone she cared about, even though he revived, compassion. She cured him before she knew that last tid-bit, and even now wanted to reassure him that she forgave him. If it wasn't for her eyes, he would question if she was truly his, but Haley's words came back to him. She truly holds the best parts of each of them.

Lizzie waited outside of Kaleb's door to see how MG was doing. She was startled awake by Hope hours earlier asking if her or Josie could come syphon Rafael out of the room. The usually composed, ready for combat teen looked unusually frazzled and panicked so when all she said was that MG and Landon were in danger, Josie leaped up and cut her off, not needed an explanation at the moment. The fear in their frenemies eyes enough to sell her.

But make no mistake, she wouldn't be Lizzie if she wasn't nosey. Using an old spell that they learned from their semi-estranged Aunt Bonnie, the girls were able to produce a mirror spell that showed them the activities taken place in the woods that night. If she were being completely honest with herself, it wasn't just about not wanting to be left out of the loop, MG was Josie's best friend and Lizzie's greatest fan. Even on her worse days he somehow still looked at her like she was an angel. She wouldn't admit it, but she loved it, especially the days when the last thing she was feeling was like herself, let alone an angel. MG was her friend too.

They saw the activities in the woods, worried first about MG and his hallucinations, then about if Hope was going to cure him or not. They both sighed with relief when the wolf bite was gone from their friends' stomach. And both twins, while not particularly close to Landon, did shed a tear for the emotional toll it was taking on Rafael, who lost a brother, and on Hope, the girl they both were close to warming up to after this Spring Break trip, who has lost her boyfriend and first real emotional connection since joining the school at age 7.

They watched with baited breath as Landon was revived and Lizzie rolled her eyes at the astonishment of her classmates and Dad.

''Trust Hope, the one of a kind supernatural, to have a one of kind species as her boyfriend. Can she be any more of a snowflake.'' Lizzie grumbled.

''Lizzie!'' Josie admonished, not impressed with her sister's lack of compassion in this situation.

Lizzie flinched. ''Sorry, old habits die hard.'' And they did, putting blame on Hope and pointing out on things in her life that were unfair or annoying had been Lizzies go to with the girl since she was 12; when she thought Hope called her witch bipolar.

Remembering how all of this started, because of her, Josie gave her sister a sympathetic and slightly guilty smile. ''It's fine, but try to reign it in when everyone gets here. Dad is most likely going to have MG go in the cell till Landon's blood is out of his system. Plus a few days to get back to himself. I'm going to go fix it up.''

Josie left to go prepare for her friend, which left Lizzie waiting. She honestly hated that her Dad used that cell. It was one thing to chain the wolves up, it's something they were used to, something they would do for themselves if they weren't at this school. The cell however felt like a prison. Bed, cell door, looking through the bars. It felt like a punishment, but instead of punishing for breaking the rules, it was punishment for being what they were, in her opinion. It was a shaky gray ground, that even though Lizzie was a witch, she understood just as much as vampires. Her mother was one, and Lizzie has spent plenty of time talking to her mom while she was in Europe and before, when she was at school with them. Her mother's early vampire years stories were playing in her head, and she couldn't help but think back to another young vampire, alone and scared of what he has become.

Because of her thoughts she didn't hear Kaleb when he came up the stairs and knocked on the wall above her head to get her attention. Startled and looking up, Lizzie hurried to stand up and face the vampire.

''How is MG? Where is Hope? Was Rafael mean to him on the way back? Where is MG? Is he okay?'' Lizzie asked in rushed questions.

Kaleb looked a bit startled at the young witch in front of him. He wouldn't lie, he didn't really like Lizzie. Or more so, he didn't like the way that she treated MG, just as much as he didn't like the way MG let her treat him. He admired her spunk and her comebacks and attitude to those that annoyed her. Watching her and Penelope go at it is one of the school's favorite past times. He knew Lizzie wasn't all bad, she had good, good that MG saw in her, and liked...loved apparently, but he was never to worried to look and see for himself. Figuring, and as much love as he had for the dude, and despite his guilt trip he laid on Rafael this morning about her, he had to be honest; Lizzie was a pipe dream romance that may never come true for his vampire friend. So, trying to get to know the blonde more than that she was the headmaster's daughter, seemed like a waste of time.

Though judging from the panic and genuine concern he can smell rolling off the girl, maybe everything wasn't all one sided. Lizzie just seemed better at hiding it.

''Whoa whoa now, slow down. You know better than that, I wouldn't let anyone mess with my boy. Your pops took him to the basement. Rafael and Hope went to wait for him in Emma's office, they owe her an apology, and I'm pretty sure after that Raf is being shackled tonight and is being watched just in case.''

''Why is he in the cell? He's been on a cold hard ground all night. He needs rest in his own bed and his own room.''

''That would be great, but you know Dr. S ain't going for that. Too much of a danger.'' Kaleb said rolling his eyes.

Kaleb's talks with Dr. Saltzman were the second things, next to MG, that were plaguing his mind. He wondered if the doctor was actually going to go through with some things and not just saying stuff to appease them like little children. He had respect for him, but he didn't trust him. As prejudice as it may seem, the headmaster was human, a likeable one, but still one none the less, and he would never understand what he and MG were going through. Or Rafael and Jed. Hell, judging by the many arguments and tension filled stares, he couldn't even understand his own teenaged witch daughters. He could relate and go through as much craziness as he can in his lifetime, but until he has the weight of an eternity of uncertainty on his back, or know the feeling of breaking every bone in his body, or fighting for control with magic and humanity, the 'understanding' he had with them, wasn't the right word to use.

''No no, that's stupid-,'' Lizzie started.

''What's stupid?'' Josie interrupted looking between the two, waiting for someone to talk.

''MG needs to be in his bed, with his things that make him feel better, not in an old cold cell, that makes him feel worse than he already is.'' Lizzie went on, ignoring her sister.

Josie took a breather before turning to Lizzie. ''I agree, and I tried to make it as comfortable as I can down there, but Dad said-''

''Dad has been making exceptions everywhere and hardly is the poster head for 'follow the rules'.'' Lizzie argued turning towards Josie.

''This really isn't the time for rebelling Lizzie.''

''For once I'm not trying to, I'm trying to help a friend, your best friend-''

''I know.''

''Who has had a horrible night thanks to that hobbit-''

''It wasn't like that-''

''Just syphon MG out of that cell, while Dad's with Emma and Hope,'' turning to Kaleb, ''and can you carry him up here by yourself?''

Giving her a pointed and slightly offended look of bish please, Kaleb grew serious and asked, ''What about your Pops?''

''I'll handle him.''

Kaleb and Josie exchanged worried looks with each other but went to follow their orders.

''What do you four think you are doing!'' Alaric looked shocked coming into the hall to check on the students, and finding Josie putting a spell on MG's door, with said vampire and Kaleb inside sitting by the entrance.

Hope rushed out of her room, closing the door behind her, to look at the scene in front of her. Lizzie raised an eyebrow with a tilt of her head to the door, and Hope sternly shook her head at her.

''I told them to leave me in the cell Dr. Saltzman.'' MG said weakly looking guilty and with his head bowed.

''Yes MG, where you should be, Josie stop.'' Alaric ordered.

''No, Jo, keep going.'' Lizzie told her sister.

Lizzie grabbed her Dad's arm and pulled him into Kaleb's room.

Hope turned to the vampire that killed her boyfriend. Landon was alive but that image wouldn't be leaving her head any time soon. She knows it wasn't anyone's fault entirely. Landon should have stayed out of MG's personal life and not put his wishful family fix-it problems on MG, and while she should be upset that MG let go of his control and attacked Landon, she knew MG was a potential Ripper, and he was learning control. Trying to, and succeeding...before all of this, on top of the emotional destructive family day he received, curtesy of said girl's boyfriend. She didn't want to hold grudges. She knew that no one was fully bad, and no one fully good, and MG already felt bad enough for all of them. Raf was still angry. Angry at MG, and at himself.

Giving Kaleb an acknowledgement to keeping the peace. She turned to MG.


''You don't have to talk to me, I know your angry.''

Hope sighed. ''I'm not, I was upset and sad, but there's no point of going over what-ifs. You're okay, Landon's okay, Raf's okay. The Super Squad will be okay eventually too.''

MG regarded the tribrid and nodded his head.

''I'm glad they took you out of the cellar.''

''I belong there.''

''No, you don't.'' Josie, Kaleb, and Hope all said at the same time and chuckled.

Hope regarded the sad vampire once more. ''You have to forgive yourself MG. I did, Landon did, Raf is angrier with himself than you, but him too. We all forgive you.''

MG nodded his head again, not giving any indication that Hopes words took effect. They all however turned towards Kaleb's door towards the end of the hall, where shouting could be heard between the headmaster and his daughter.

''He just spent hours laying on a hard-cold dirt ground, he needs to be in his own room with people around him.''

''People he can hurt, if he loses control.''

''He's not! Dad I promise there won't be any drama, you're actually the one making it now! I just think it would be better if MG was up here, where he can have a support system around him.''

''It's not your call and you can't be sure of that. It's a nice thing to do, but I need to protect the other students left here as well.''

''Josie is putting a containment spell on the door and windows, he can't get out, but being surrounded by things reminding him of his humanity is what's best for him right now. Hello! Mom's a sober sponsor coach, class of 2012, with the first Ripper.''

''You are not your mother and once again, you can't make that call!''

Ignoring the slight sting of not being put in the same category to handle things as her mother, Lizzie kept going. ''But Hope can? Rafael? They made calls tonight, and look where that has them! Were lucky if Emma stays with us after this!''

''This isn't about Hope-''

''It's always about Hope, but for once I'm going to ignore your double standard and favoritism and focus on MG. Nothing is different up here than it is in the cellar-''

''Yes, except he's here, and not down there, where his mind can remind him that-''

''That what? He's a vampire? That he's on punishment? For what! For being what he is? For following along Landon and Rafael on a day of hell? Since when do we punish people for being who they are? It was an accident! Not an intentional killing spree!''

''He drunk Landon's blood Elizabeth.''

''He's a vampire! They drink a bit more when their upset too! That's what they do! And Landon's back alive. MG is traumatized of his actions and I bet the others aren't even going to get in trouble for their actions today.''

''Someone died.''

''We live in the supernatural world, everyone dies, whether by occurrence, murder, or collateral damage. It can't be avoided. You knew the risk and dangers when you brought him back here, even after he was voted out. Giving them the night off to deal with it is one thing, but just letting them skate by, like the rules are optional are another thing.''

''Do not lecture me like I am the child. You want to talk about rules young lady, you let Rafael out in the first place.''

Lizzie gave a dry laugh. ''Yea, sorry to break it to you daddy dearest, but wrong twin.''

''Yea like I'm gonna believe that.'' Alaric said with a disbelieving and dry chuckle.

Lizzie jerked back at her dads' words. She should have seen it coming. Like always, she was the evil twin to Josies good. Yes, she told Josie to get MG out, but the girl could have refused. She wanted to help her friend too. When Josie does it, it's putting her happiness above all others, when Lizzie does it, she's obviously lying or is trying to start drama. She was a teenager, so on some level she did care what people thought of her, however small that level may be. But she wouldn't obsess over it, wouldn't let it break her. It wasn't her job to tell people what they thought of her. One of the lessons her mother gave is that people will think of you how they want, you could change and transform, and tell them till your blue in the face. They think how they want to think. Its why she gave up on that 'nice bracelet'. It wasn't worth it.

But that's other people. Classmates, strangers, the stupid townies.

Not her father.

She did care what her family thought.

And in 6 words. She understood loud and clear what her father thought.

Alaric, sensing the hurt he caused his daughters, tried to back-track. Lizzie was a horrible liar. He could spot her lies a mile away. Always could have. So, he knew she wasn't lying. Josie had syphoned the room. He closed his eyes and took a deep breathe, knowing he screwed up. He was upset about Dorian and Emma, the boys leaving campus, plus the events of tonight, and the new Landon discovery. He wasn't necessarily taking it out on Lizzie, but neither of them is in the right head space to finish this conversation.

''Lizzie sweetie-''

Lizzie was upset, but with her mother's techniques still in her head from their trip, she tried to put the lid back on her growing temper and magic, and instead use her words.

''You know what Dr. Saltzman? I am going to go and help MG. The vampire who killed your prodigal daughters' boyfriend. The best friend of your Disney princess daughter, and your Gemini coven demon twin reminders friend.

''Lizzie! No. I meant-''

''While I'm doing that, expect a call from Mom-,

''You bothered your mother about all of this!" Alaric yelled, outraged.

''-who was shocked that all this insanity has been going on around here, and all she ever hears about are my fuck-ups and episodes. Lizzie continued, ignoring her interruption.

''She is busy with important things over there, Elizabeth!''

Lizzie continued, ignoring her father's words. ''Explain to her why the students here are getting away with everything and don't look to you for guidance anymore, only when you catch them and they have no choice but to let you come along for the ride. Explain to her how you lost one of our best teachers and one of the student's favorites. Explain to her how you could let chaos come back to the door where your daughters lay their head at night and not keep her in the loop. Explain to her why you value others before your own or show lack of interest in what is going on in your own kids' life. Explain to her how that favoritism and values have gone above just people and spread to the factions of this school. Equality and Inclusion, right? Pretty different when you treat all vampires like the next coming of Jack-the-Ripper Jrs. Lastly explain to her how you sat and fed us baby crumbs about changing things around here, when you truly have no idea how, or even want to! God forbid, we don't follow the moral compass of a human! Who doesn't know-''

''I know a lot! I have seen and experienced a lot, and more-''

''But unless you are one of us, that understanding can only take you so far! Respect and trust have to come in.'' A voice behind them said.

Josie interjected coming to stand by her twin. She heard enough of the argument and was going to step in to defend Lizzie about her being the one that syphoned Rafael out. But instead of walking in on the beginnings of a Lizzie episode, she walked in on Lizzie voicing the thoughts of all the students. The vampires, the witches, and the wolves. Lizzie would have made a great spokesperson for them, Josie had no doubt about it, but it's a shame that it had to reach this point in their family that Lizzie was actually taking it seriously.

''And you are losing that little by little, day by day, with the way your handling things here. They respect you, but they also see your barely hanging on by a thread, and instead of asking for help, confiding in Mom, or hiring other adults. You turn towards a student. Then turn around and is shock and hurt when she turns against you, or doesn't tell you something. You let her get away with it, always, why would she think any different.'' Josie questioned her father.

''We've been over this, Hopes been through a lot, she knows things and can help- and give her some credit, when things are truly over her head and important, she does tell me.''

''Really.'' Lizzie stated darkly. ''Did she tell you her Dad was alive and back.'' Lizzie smirked.


''Oh, you didn't know...Mom does.'' Lizzie gave wide eyes and innocence in her voice. ''Why did you think your favorite was actually in a good mood, and was trying to be social for a change?''

''Enough! Not now Lizzie.'' Josie admonished. Turning back to her dad she repeated his statement. ''So, Hope knows how to help? Has more knowledge about more stuff than us? That's your reasoning for letting her help you all these times?''


''Yea! Well, so do vampires twice her age, so do normal adults, the hidden message here is adults! People send their kids here to learn to be the best versions of themselves, whatever that version is, based on them. Not you. They also send them here to be kids. We're kids. We are here to help, to defend this school that you built for us, and to protect our home, but the secret meetings, whole plans where not even you are involved in, and hidden agendas, that's where kids stop being kids. You may not like him, but you liked her mom, and Mom is friends with her dad. I'm almost positive that they wanted Hope to have a good childhood and a normal supernatural teenagers' life. Our adult years are going to be tough as it is, Hope's especially. We should be enjoying this time.''

Trying to once again be the peace maker in this family meeting, she ended her point the same way as Lizzies. She dropped the big guns. Their Mom.

''Me and Lizzie decided not to get into school things when we visited mom, it was obvious she didn't know some things, and we weren't getting in the middle of it. We talked about ourselves, and classes and shopped. It isn't our job to tell her about the school. It's yours. We talked and she listened, and that week we spent with her, is the best we've felt in a long time, and no it isn't a girl thing or being in a foreign country thing, it's not even strictly a mom thing. It's a parent thing. She just listened Dad, that is all were asking you to do for us. We share you with all of these students and we are so proud of the people you have helped, but...are we really asking for that much? Is it any different than how you treat Hope, and dozens of others at this school?''

Lizzie jumped back in. ''I'm going to do what every other teen at this school does: Go with my own plan, and just include you because I was caught. MG stays upstairs, he can't get out, and someone with bring him blood bags. When everyone is in classes, I'm sure he'll be fine to leave and go take a shower and what not before coming back to the room.'' The twins started to turn and walk away.

''And if he uses that shower time to hurt someone. He overpowers Kaleb and does damage. Or worse Rafael sees him and gets angry-''

''It isn't about them, and I'd like to see Raf try, I doubt he would, but since the headmaster isn't very concerned about his students today-''

''I'm trying to see this at every angle, even if it means playing devil's advocate!''

''MG already feels like a monster, he's not going to go days without bathing and in a cold hard cell and look like one too. The end!'' Lizzie stormed off, and after giving her dad a disbelieving look, Josie followed.

The twins ran into Kaleb on their way back to MG.

''Hey, I went to my room to pack up somethings, I decided to room with MG and we were gonna switch out me and Landon, but uh, MG locked the door. I can still hear him so he's okay, but Emma said it would be best not to force him to open it, but to let him do it himself.''

The twins looked at each other and nodded. ''Were right behind you.'' Turning the hall, they ran into Hope, who was coming out of her room.

''Where are you going?'' Hope walked out of her room to catch up with Lizzie, while Josie rushed along with Kaleb.

''To talk to MG, and hopefully get him to unlock the door, so we can check on him.''

Images of Lizzie's way of helping when they were dealing with Dana's death came back to Hope and she started shaking her head at the blonde.

''You can't force him to deal with this Lizzie, just like you berated Landon for doing, he needs his family to-''

''I'm going to stop you right there because whatever your saying, is the wrong thing.''

Hope looked shocked and offended and was about to express as such, but Lizzie beat her to the punch.

''You and your boyfriends' words are what is on repeat in his head, the standard he is looking at, and for once Hope, it's the wrong example to give.''

''What's wrong with being around family and needing them?'' She asked affronted with her nose scrunched up.

''Nothing! It's your definition of family that's the problem! Your definition is far from the rest of the school's definition. You keep sprouting 'Always and Family', and that's great, you have that. It's just not the standard and to be honest it has gotten you nowhere until recently and that was because of my Mom.''

''What are you-'' she questioned, before getting cut off again.

''This is a boarding school! Students come here to learn and to live. Are you taking notice of the last word? Do you not remember all of the students that were still left here, while only a hand-full of us, left for Spring Break? Do you think it's because most of them wanted to be stuck here? This isn't just a school Hope, its-''

''I know that! This place is practically a second home, I've been here as long as you.''

''Yes! But we have other homes to go to! This is a second home to us! For most of these students, it's their only home. My mom and dad didn't just put together a school for us to learn in, they built a sanctuary, a home, a place we could feel safe, because 9 times out of 10, those things they once felt while in the home they grew up in, goes out the window when they show thier true colors.''

Lizzie continued on seeing her point wasn't coming across.

''Most parents aren't standing at the door with their arms wide open after they see their child shift into a wolf, or set a tree on fire with their mind, or get veins under their eyes, and look at them with red eyes. Most of the time after that, those once safe homes are dead to these students and they turn to look for better options. Most of the time, their only option. It's a boarding school, because if the teachers and my parents are going to help them, the first step is letting know they have a safe place to call home.''

Hope was silent, slightly chastised and sympathetic to what the realities of her other classmates have going on in their lives, but still wondering why she couldn't be one of the friends that get to speak to MG.

''You were raised a type of way and I'm not saying it's wrong, but you cannot project that to the people here. Family is 'Always and Forever', you and your family are right,'' she agrees waving her hand at the other Mikaelsons present in Hope's room behind them, ''but it isn't just about being bound by blood. It can't be like that here. Where these students who have lost that blood family, that turned them away when they needed them most, you go around saying that without them, they don't have anyone?''

Realization dawning on Hope and the words she has spoken over the years float across her, she runs a hand in her hair. ''That's not what I meant,'' looking at Lizzie in the eyes, ''I get that now, I do.''

''Yea, now. But before that even you told your best friend Rafael, that he wasn't truly Landon's family, because they weren't related by blood. That him being a part of a crew wasn't a real thing.''

An old memory flashed in her head and the young tribrid flinched. ''A lot has changed since I said that-''

''Yea, the fact that you have your blood family back is what changed. The other option, the option to have a family to pick was just an alternative for you, one that you didn't want, and thought was the lesser option. Well, Hope it's the only option for kids here. It's maybe MG's only option now too. I'm going to go and talk and remind him that he has a family still, one that loves and supports him and that wants what's best for him, and that will stay by his side no matter how dark he may become. That's what you do when you care about someone and their hurting right? What families do? So, please tell me, what makes your love better than ours?''

Seeing Hope's eternal mask slip, and her pinched lips, even though she turned her head away. Lizzie tried to back track and explain it better. She honestly wasn't trying to pick a fight this time. Her and Hope having already steeled away their past disputes in the car and with Josie. Lizzie honestly wasn't looking to make new ones. She promised her Dad that her plan was no drama, just a support MG group, so igniting a dispute and criticizing Hope's family morale was not the drama-free night she promised.

''I'm not trying to shame you, and it isn't like I'm banning you from joining us in the hallway or making you stay in your room. I'm just suggesting that maybe you talk to MG another time and not right now, when its delicate, and especially since your closer to Landon and Rafael than any of us and he's still feeling major guilt.'' Lizzie explained softly.

''I get it. I don't like it. That that's how I made people feel, but I get it.'' Hope finally composed herself to respond.

''You don't do it on purpose, and honestly if my family was built like yours, I probably would feel the same too. We were raised different. My mom was an only child, her friends had to become family. 'Always and Forever' is important to you, I'm not trying to disrespect it. But my mother taught me that blood isn't the most important thing, it's just DNA. Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you a family. It's because of her thinking, that me and Josie have her as a mother, or are even here to begin with. Nothing is wrong with your family code. I'm just asking you to respect the rest of ours.''

Hopes chastisement before felt nothing like the harsh truth it did now. For once Lizzie truly had a point. Hope was standoffish and she believed in her family motto, and still did, but by believing in that and putting so much emphasis on it, she never allowed herself to embrace friendships or relationships...before Landon. Who needed friends, when you had family? She never even realized that they could easily become family in return.

In the office earlier with Emma, Raf, and Dr. Saltzman, he said that students look to her for example, even though I never asked it of anyone, my actions did. That by my being this unstoppable force that was always alone and never interacted, yet somehow was still strong, confident, and a good student, all of which aren't bad qualities to have, that it made students think that if the one of a kind tribrid can be so special by just cutting everyone off and gain special privileges, then why can't they? I didn't know that's how people saw me, I didn't care. But now with my family back, wanting to catch up, and nothing to show for the years spent at this school, because I treated it as a hotel and took for granted my second...well honestly? First stable home.

In the beginning Rafael said after only two days at school, he had already heard enough about Hope Mikaelson and her 'sunny disposition'. I'll admit, the way he said it hurt, condescendingly, sarcastic, like her being happy was the most improbable thing on the planet, but for her, she knew she had no right to feel that way. She made sure she came off that way, so no one would get close. She was protecting herself...or she thought she was. She didn't even think of what she could possibly be missing out on, or that she was inadvertently aiding in the students' thinking that they couldn't find family within these walls at school.

She knew the story of how the twins came to be, so did everyone at school. They all knew the headmistress was a vampire, and vampires can't have children, and yet two little girls were running around calling her mommy and wanting to play dress up and have tea parties with her. She never thought about it much, but obviously it was something that Lizzie always thought about.

Children weren't supposed to pick favorite parents, but it was obvious Lizzie's was Caroline, and not just because they looked alike, which is why most never commented about the parentage of the twins. For the first time Hope saw Lizzie acting like her Mom, and not the clothes and hair and beauty they both possessed. But for the other qualities' that made Caroline everyone's favorite at the school, and why Hope herself, adored the blonde she spent a majority of her childhood with, and loved when she came to visit.

Love, loyalty, respect, compassion, and empathy.

All of which would easily describe Caroline herself, none of which any of the students here would pinpoint as Lizzie's best qualities. And they aren't shown, unfortunately, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have them. But if you truly knew Elizabeth Saltzman, you knew they were there.

She is her mother's daughter.

''Alright. Talk to MG, I'm going to get cleaned up, I'll stop by later to see how you guys are...I hope he's doing okay.''

Lizzie gave a sympathetic look, and a murmured an okay, and turned and left the hallway, back towards MG's room.

Hope went in her room, and saw the faces of her father and aunts all with sympathetic or pitying smiles on their faces.

She leaned her head back against the door and closed her eyes, letting out a big stressful sigh after today's events.

All of MG's classmates were by his door. Kaleb, Lizzie, Josie, and even Penelope came back early from her trip when Josie texted her what happened, and that MG might need her. She was huddled up next to Josie against the opposite wall, facing MG's door, looking heartbroken for her friend. Lizzie and Kaleb were sitting in front of it. Emma standing beside Kaleb and Lizzie, monitoring the whole thing. Alaric was behind her at the end of the hall, showing support by being there, but also disapproval by being further from the group with a stern face and arms crossed. The shuffling's of Hope and her relatives coming around the corner stopped Kaleb from reassuring MG of the words he said in the car. Hope, Klaus, Freya, Rebekah, and Keelan all stopped short of the bedroom door before the vampires. Leaning against the wall behind Hope. Alaric leaned off the wall, and stood up straighter at seeing Klaus, which the hybrid himself just smiled smugly and waved. Emma and Josie both gave Alaric a look that said 'stand down, it wasn't the time', While Hope muttered a ''dad, please'' under her breathe.

With an encouraging nod towards Kaleb from Emma to continue, the vampire spoke again to his friend.

''If you don't want to come out of this room, then don't. If you do and your just scared of what others will think and do, remember what I told you in the car. They gotta get through me, and I promise you right here again brother, I'm not gonna let that happen.''

No voice came out of the room. But a shuffle and sniffle were heard, and a shadow was seen at the bottom of the door, letting them know MG came closer.

''MG.'' Lizzie said lowly.

Kaleb and the others braced themselves for the blonde twins next words. When looking for sympathy and compassion, most would look towards the brunette twin, and were surprised that she wasn't speaking up and letting Lizzie do the talking. So far tonight though, the blonde has been doing great with standing up for the school and its students, not to mention herself. They were now just worried how she would speak to MG, or how MG would respond to her.

Kaleb wasn't joking in the morning when he talked to Rafael. Everyone knew about the crush that MG had on the headmaster's daughter; and that Rafael got together with the vampire's girl. For one, the vampire wasn't hiding it, and two this school could give the townies a run for their money in the gossips section, word got around fast here. They weren't stupid though, and despite what many thought of MG, he wasn't clueless. MG cared about Lizzie Saltzman way more than Lizzie cared about him. Kaleb's words were true that night talking to MG. Lizzie bossed him around and most time, made it seem like MG wasn't good enough to be in her presence. And MG took it, and annoyingly, never gave up. That might be because while Lizzie didn't care for him, she was at least possessive of him, judging by the Penelope/Dana fiasco. And MG would take that. MG wasn't celibate waiting for Lizzie, not by any chance, but MG also made it known that they were just girls holding space, until he could get the girl. Everyone was sincerely crossing their feelings hoping that Lizzie said the right things. Judging by the look of sympathy and worry on her face however, the blonde witch maybe just as worried about the silent vampire as everyone else.

''I'm not a vampire. I can't level with you like Kaleb can, but aside from what you are, I know who you are. I know a funny, nice, and friendly person who is an amazing friend, who yes, had a rough night, but this one night shouldn't define how you see yourself. You just told that the other day remember? I got upset and lost control...again, and almost impaled my Dad with a knife, I felt terrible remember? You told me that one thing didn't define my entire being? Why can't that apply for you too?''

Silence greeted the questioning...until.

''It isn't the same thing. I'm a vampire. I killed someone.''

Lizzie and everyone in the hall perked up at the voice. It was soft and short, but he was responding at least.

Kaleb didn't know why he was surprised. He had been the ears to hear all of MG's infatuated comments about the blonde since he started here. MG could ignore every other person in this school, but he couldn't ignore Lizzie. He would talk to her, even if he was just saying he didn't want to talk.

''Okay then.'' Lizzie said nodding, trying to hold the conversation. ''No, I'm not a vampire. But we're taught to understand and respect one another at this school, and you said you were worried that people would hate you. Well, if anyone does, they obviously weren't paying attention in diversity class because it is completely normal for a vampire to have a slip. To kill someone. We all have our vices or enemies that affect us, whether black magic, the moon, and in your case, blood. I've been told its apart of being a vampire. No vampire is created without death, no transition is complete without blood, right? Vampire handbook? It's a part of who you are.'' Turning to Kaleb, who gave an encouraging nod, she tried to continue and hit on points that MG was most worried about.

''Kaleb wasn't fully wrong the other day. I'm not saying there aren't any downsides to being a vampire, and I'm not trying to downplay the events of tonight or your feelings, but... he was trying to give you something to look forward to. A bright side of things. We are faster, stronger, and fearless. We're better. We shouldn't apologize for that. This school was built so we wouldn't feel ashamed of our differences or what we are, but somehow its failed, because while I'm sure you are devasted that you killed someone, regardless if they came back to life, you now think your immediately put in a column that makes you a bad vampire. After one mistake, that you should give up and bow out? That's not the MG we know.''

''Vampires aren't supposed to hurt others here. I broke a rule. I deserve to be alone.''

''The rules are going to be changing, so don't even worry about that.'' Kaleb said with a backwards eyebrow raise to the headmaster behind him. ''That shouldn't even be a thought.''

''That doesn't mean your horrible MG. And certainty doesn't mean you deserve to be alone. And you're not. You have family. Kaleb is your family, Me and Josie, even Satan reincarnated, Penelope is your family.''


''Hey MG.'' The raven-haired witch next to Josie said softly to her friend, notifying him of her presence.

''We argue, we fight, I am not promising that I won't try murder her by the end of the week'', chuckles went about the hall, with Penelope adding in a 'ditto' on her part, ''but this is your family. One that you made by yourself. If we don't agree about anything else, it's that we all care about you. We wouldn't be out here sitting on this hard floor if we didn't. We need you. And I'm positive that Hope isn't in the market to start interviewing for replacements on the Super Squad.''

''She isn't and she wouldn't want to. They already have the perfect members.'' Hope said with a smile, gaining one from the other two members in the hall.

A chuckle was heard behind the door.

''And lastly, you think it's one strike and you're out, or three, or fifty? You're going to have an eternity, and dozens of strikes. It's not about that, that's normal, its's about how you keep pushing yourself to be the very best of you, despite the strikes.''

More silence greeted her, and Lizzie went in for the kill that has been saving her all day.

Lizzie shrugged, ''but hey, like you said, I'm a witch. I wouldn't know. But someone else would. You'd like her. She could relate to all of this, and it would have taken her a shorter amount of time to get through to you. Someone that truly understands and isn't just saying stuff to manipulate you out of the room.''

''What other vampires do you know, that don't go here?'' Kaleb asked surprised and skeptical.

''She was 17 when she turned. It wasn't an accident. Someone thought it would be funny to pick a person and change them. She went through her transition alone. Confused and disoriented about the where, who's, and what's. There wasn't any school back then, she had to rely on others help and herself to keep going. She was doing okay. She smiled big and she was happy. Playing the human part, so no one would suspect a thing, but someone did. Her parents. Her father came from a long line of vampire hunters. While most dads watch the game and drink beer, he spent his time hunted vampires, getting others to lead them to big populations of them, and finishing them off too. Her mother was a law official, but she knew about the supernatural and even joined her husband in his extra curriculars of hunting. So, guess how their reaction was when the vampire hunters realized that they had a vampire for a daughter?''

''Her father tied her to a chair, and tried to condition her.''

''What's that?'' MG asked

Lizzie gave a pitying smile with an eyeroll. ''A nice word for torture. Or at least his definition was. He stuffed blood in her face and every time the veins came out or red eyes, he would soak her in vervain or shoot her with wooden bullets. He screamed at her that his little girl was gone and that she was a monster but he would help her. While she screamed that she was still herself, and was one of the good ones. He wanted her to associate blood with pain. For her to be his definition of a good vampire.''

''But without blood she would die.'' Hope stated confused.


''Her mother when she found out, wouldn't even look her in the eye and told her friend, that her daughter was dead.''

They heard a sharp intake of breath behind the door, and Lizzie ignored the sniffles she could hear from the Hope and Penelope.

''She felt like that for a while, even when the mother was compelled to forget her daughter was a vampire and later remembered, she put steps in motion to have her killed. It took time but eventually the mother did except her daughter, whatever love that was left in her, made her change her mind, and after the daughter went through another torture session, she realized that having a vampire daughter was better than having a dead daughter.

That vampire went on to be amazing. Optimistic, caring, only drunk from blood bags, and was the most loyal friend you could wish for. She put herself on the chopping block for everyone. She was an only child so her friends became her family.

She had slipped too, though. Her mother died. Through the years, they managed to repair what was broken, they were close. When her mother died however, the grief was too much, and the enemy that blood can be, reared its ugly head. I don't have a body count number for you, so you can use your imagination. Grief came and went, and life went on, 30 years plus into her eternity, and while there probably were more slips, none marred who she was. The same strong unstoppable force that everyone she meets just can't help but love.

With a deep breath she straightened her back and finished her story. ''Now does that sound like a bad vampire to you? One who went through all of that, and had a few slips in her years, but still has her humanity intact?''

''That's not really fair though, how do you know she's still okay, and not going around attacking people? This is just from your perspective?'' Penelope remarked.

Everyone appreciated the story. They had to admit that it hit a lot of marks that MG's did. They just wanted to make sure she was authentic, and this story wasn't just that, a story, to get MG to come out of the room. Lying to the vampire now, would just make everything worse later.

Lizzie gave a little smile and a hair flip and stood up straighter from her seat on the floor. ''No, it's all of our perspectives of the vampire.'' Relishing in the confused looks of the residents in the hallway, save for Alaric and the elder Mikaleons, the latter who judging by the smirk and impressed looks on their faces, knew very well who Lizzie was getting her inspiration from. Lizzie unveiled the truth.

''It was my Mom.''

''Caroline! Ms. Forbes!'' Voices spoke from all around the hall.

Josie chuckled. ''You didn't see that coming did you?''

''So, tell me MG, the woman who rescued you that night, the one you swore up and down was your angel, sent from heaven to rescue you and you looked up to, is she a bad vampire? She has a body count, she's fed from the vein?''

MG stuttered out a reply, confused about his reasonings, but absolutely sure about one thing. ''She isn't bad. She's Ms. Forbes. We love her.''

''She loves you guys too. And your right and wrong. She's not bad, and she's not fully good. There isn't any bad or good. She's on the gray area. If witches and wolves were first here and made up the black and white views of the world, then the creation of the vampires is this world's gray area. There isn't a specific side of the spectrum. There's just that person. You guys are the only ones who naturally get eternity, no need for spells, or being changed into a hybrid. You can't expect to be that best version of you, when you have forever to figure out who you are. Don't box yourself. Mom's in her 30's and she still strives to be the best version of her. She's teaching me and Josie too. Though Josie's having more luck than me.''

''You're not doing too bad.'' MG reassured her.

''Thanks, though you're a bit biased.'' Lizzie took another long breath to stay on topic, so they could wrap this up. ''Well MG, I think that covers all aspects of what you were worried about tonight. You have a family. We're all out here waiting for you. You aren't a bad vampire. My Mom, who you think is perfection walking has done worse than you, and yet, your perception of her hasn't changed, and lastly, I already made some calls, the Salvatore School is about to go through some changes. All of which are in favor of us and you are not in trouble.''

''We really want you to come out. Someone needs to keep Kaleb in check, make Josie stop stressing and smile for once, Hope has an uneven number for her Super Squad, and please I'm begging you to keep Penelope away from me.'' The people on her list chuckling at the blonde, with Penelope mumbling under her breath something Lizzie chose to ignore at the time.

''Plus, who's going to tell me I'm pretty every day.''

''Ugh-'' Penelope bemoaned.

''Lizzie!'' Hope and Josie both groaned.

''She was doing so well.'' Kaleb whispered hanging his head and shaking it.

The blonde, unbothered by the others responses, lifted a shoulder. ''I'm still me.''

''You don't need me to tell you were pretty, you know you are.'' MG's amused voice said from behind the door.

''Well yea, but that doesn't mean I don't like to hear it.''

''You look very pretty tonight.''

Lizzie rolled her eyes. ''You don't even know what I'm-''

''Since its cold in here, your wearing sleep pants, with a short t-shirt. Your legs get colder than your arms, and it is either that white and grey striped t-shirt you stole from Josie, or your pink t-shirt, depending on your pants.'' MG interrupted her.

Hope and Josie laughed silently shaking their head.

Penelope put her head and her head and groaned at her still love-struck friend.

The other occupants had looks of amusement on their face, the response given, certainty not the one expected.

Lizzie looked down at her pajamas impressed.

''Does this boy really have this girls' pajamas memorized?'' Kaleb asked wide eyed with a cock of his head, asking no one in particular.

''Well...lucky guess. But you know, with me, I don't settle for half-assed. Don't tell me I'm pretty if you haven't even looked at me to know.'' Lizzie said with crossed arms.

Silence...and then.

''Quite pouting.''

The door opened.

Everyone on the floor stood up.

MG looked at Lizzie with a soft smile.

''You look really pretty.''

''Can we hug you now?'' Josie asked

MG lifted his head to slowly nod, but not fast enough and Penelope, Josie, and Lizzie all barreled in to give tight squeezes.

Next Kaleb gave his brother a hug and a pat on his back. Hope was next, and while it wasn't frenzied like the girls, it was longer. MG needing Hopes forgiveness and a silent thank you, for still saving him after what he did.

''Can I give one?''

Landon Kirby and Rafael Waithe stood side by side. MG took a step back looking for escape routes, feeling it too soon to be around the human...or bird creature.

Landon hurried up and stepped forward. ''I'm sorry about today MG, I really am. I should have stopped when you and Raf told me to. I was projecting and- I know it will take time, but I want it to go back to how it was last month, rapping in our room with Kaleb.'' He chuckled.

MG weakly chuckled. ''I'm sorry too, I was, I mean I didn't-''

''I accept yours, you accept mine?'' Landon offered. The two did a hand shack type of truce and Landon went to go stand beside his girlfriend.

Raf surprisingly didn't go to MG, he went to Kaleb. ''I'm sorry.''

''Wrong person br-''

''Yea, I bit MG, but we wouldn't have even been in that situation if I was more focused on keeping my word to you. Even if you sort of balck-mailed me to do it.'' Raf chuckled at the fake innocent look Kaleb gave the room. ''You asked me to look after your boy, and I was too busy looking after mine. I should have put my foot down to stop all of this.''

Kaleb regarded the wolf in front of him. ''Don't sweat it, you tried, and that's all I honestly wanted for you to do. I would have vamped out if someone went after my boy too. It's cool.'' The two gave a guy hug and Raf then went to do the same to MG.

Lizzie clapped her hands getting everyone's attention. ''Great now, maybe Emma can take this Breakfast Club night meeting and dock a couple therapy sessions off for us-''

''Nope.'' The counselor said.

''No? okay.'' Lizzie shrugged, like it was no big deal.

''Nice try.''

''I tried.''

''You tried it.''

''Well.'' Lizzie shrugged, swinging her arms around. Everyone laughed at the exchanged.

''While I am extremely proud of you and the support you all have shown here tonight, you all still are expected to come to your next sessions.'' Emma addressed the students.

A round of 'yes Emma's' and 'Yes ma'ams' rang around the hall.

''Not bad Saltzman, not bad at all.'' Penelope reluctantly commented when MG and Emma stepped to the side to talk.

''Was what you said true or did you just say-'' Hope asked.

''It was true, some timelines and tiny facts were skipped over. Our grandparents were divorced, grandma was the town Sherriff, Mom obviously didn't go into brutal detail about the torturing and bloody stuff, and the reason for her transition was much more complicated, but for the most part, true on all accounts.''

''Who was the friend she helped?'' Hope continued questioning. Thirsty for knowledge of not only Caroline's past in this town, which was also a part of her fathers, both which she was surprised she hadn't heard about or investigated herself.

''Oh, them, so sorry Hope, but you are only the second-generation Super Squad of Mystic Falls.'' Hope looked confused and amused by this information. ''The first included my mom, the baby vampire, the Salvatore brothers themselves. Stefan, the Ripper, Damon, the...honestly, he was just a dick/occasional friend to everyone, Elena Salvatore, previously Gilbert, the doppelganger, later vampire, Jeremy Gilbert, hunter, Tyler Lockwood, wolf, Matt Donavan, yes, the Sherriff, but back then he was just a human, and Bonnie, the Bennett Witch.''

''Wait your Aunt Bonine?'' Hope asked, remembering the witch's occasional visits to Caroline and the twins and seeing her with the Salvatore's when she was little.

''One and the same.'' Lizzie answered.

''Jeremy Gilbert. He came looking for me and Landon when we ran. He said he does the odd jobs here and there for your Dad.''

''That's him.'' Josie spoke up

''Your Mom was all friends with them, even the human?'' Kalen asked, double checking.

''Well, back then Mom didn't know the universal law that there was bad blood between the species, and when she found out, she didn't care and even thought it was stupid. All she knew was that she had these friends that she knew from kindergarten. That's all she cared about. Bonnie was still Bonine, who just happened to have magical powers, The Sheriff managed to stay human and loyal through all the supernatural crap happening to his friends around him, and was always there to help, and Tyler was still Tyler, who just happens to howl at the moon once a month. She even stayed with him and helped with his transitions the first few months. He was the only wolf here, and she wanted to support him''

''That was dangerous.'' Rafael said. Though impressed that thier Mom stayed, not just once, but multiple times to help a baby wolf on the full moon.

''Don't get any ideas Hobbit, this one night with you was enough. My mom was a vampire then, worse comes to worse, she could run and just jump a tree. Plus, you're a slow runner.'' Lizzie pointed her finger at Landon, already guessing what he was thinking about.

Raf and the others laughed. ''You are slow man.'' Landon stuck up for himself, laughing with the others, and Lizzie turned to Hope, who started speaking to her.

''It all makes since with what you told me earlier, and why the school is big on inclusion.'' Hope stated. ''Well, I have to reluctantly agree with Penelope, you did good, and you behaved like a Forbes tonight. Your Mom would be proud.'' Hope said with a soft smile at the end.

Lizzie gave one back, touched. ''Thanks.''

That was the best compliment she could receive. She wanted to be like her Mom, but Lizzie felt she always fell short. Especially still feeling the blow from her Dad's comments tonight. She was proud to be a Saltzman. Her dad was being annoying, but he was still her dad. But she wouldn't lie and say she wasn't happy about being recognized as a Forbes for once.

Like a band-aid Lizzie, you guys called a truce, can't help the inevitable. Lizzie told herself.

''I told my dad that your dad was alive.'' Lizzie blurted out

Expecting a big blowout and talks of betrayal and big mouths, Lizzie was confused when all Hope did was raise her eyebrows and smirk at her. Realization dawned on Lizzie.

''You heard.'' She stated.

''You guys weren't exactly quiet.'' She shrugged. ''Don't worry about, he was going to find out sooner or later. All my fake trips to New Orleans and then me hiding in the house in Mystic Falls all day were driving me crazy.''

Catching her last words and remembering the events of this morning. Wow, that seems so far away, the tribrid thought. Hope turned to Lizzie.

''Uhm, we're still okay, aren't we? I meant what I said in the car and earlier outside my room. I-''

''Have nothing to be sorry for.'' Lizzie interrupted. ''We are okay, I do believe you. It was just that, that whole week was crazy and to then come back and have it all over campus.'' Lizzie trailed off. ''I'm the one-''

''Nothing to be sorry for.'' Hope interjected. ''So, no more quips, no more arguments, I don't expect to start having sleepovers anytime soon, but at least we can be done with the hostility?'' Hope asked nervously.

Friendship before Raf, which was honestly solely in thanks to her boyfriend, didn't come easy to Hope, especially since she's been avoiding it for almost a decade. But she was determined to try. The twins, who she has known since childhood, seemed like a good place to start.

''Yes, to the quips, yes, to the arguments and hostility...a maybe to the sleepovers. Josie always clocks out on me way to early.'' Lizzie said with a smile.

''I can definitely work with that.'' Hope smiled. ''I'll even host the first one. You know your Dad is going to have a problem with you over at my house with my family.''

Lizzie smirked. ''Don't worry, there will be no argument he can make'', she turned and made eyebrows at Hope, ''your Dad will most likely be hosting my mother as well.''

Both girls looked at each other and burst into laughter. ''Ewwww!''

Klaus chuckled at the cheeky thing Caroline's daughter was, but had to smiled at their daughter's interaction. For all of Lizzie's faults, she was more like her mother than she knew. And while Josie may not look like them, she got that compassion and putting others first from both sides of her mothers. While changes would be made to the school, he had no doubt about, the real picture that they were reaching for, came through. This has to be the most peaceful meeting of the species he has ever attended. From children no less! All factions coming to support one another and listen and truly sympathize with each other, and not for any gain or motive, but because they have grown up together. They cared. He didn't know how he felt about his daughter being a part of the next 'Scooby-Doo Gang', but he had a feeling this one would prove to be better than the last ones.

Looking behind him to see the sweet emotional face of his Caroline, the Bennett witch, another Witch/Vampire? and he thinks Mr. Williams, who he thought left this establishment behind, were all standing at the top of the steps, looking at the scene. Klaus smiles. Yes, the Salvatore School will definitely be going through some changes.