A/N ok, cyberbullying happened. The stories are all coming back though some only to A03 where I will have them under Desna1. Don't worry, every single story is coming back, and I have help, a lot of it, to get the rewrites done. Thank you to the wonderful writers assisting me going forward and to all of the readers who have been messaging me and continue to follow me here. Light of the Sea lives on...DESNA


One week. She never would have thought so little time could do so much. One day she was fighting with her friends, in a guild she adored, loved, that had become her family. Then she'd sacrificed what mattered most, her most cherished friend, her greatest link to her lost mother, all to save them.

The next day was finding everyone, except some people didn't want to be found...Erza, Gray, just gone. When they had gotten back to Magnolia they'd been told by a tearful Mira the guild was disbanded, she'd stood sobbing with Levy, both unsure of what was going to become of them without Fairy Tail. Then Gajeel had appeared, and Lucy watched as Gajeel had taken her place as Levys shoulder, enfolding the script mage in his arms, comforting her, and Lucy stepped aside, she knew how Levy felt about Gajeel, even in the deepest darkest misery and depression she'd ever felt she couldn't come between those two, she had watched Gajeel cheer Levy up, offer to keep her with him, he'd been offered a commission with the Rune Knights and he could bring her with him and they would be Ok, she wasn't alone, he'd never leave her alone, he and Pantherlily would be there with her.

Lucy had stood alone watching Levy getting the affection and attention she had always wanted from Gajeel and had searched for her own Dragon Slayer, seeking his pink hair and even hoping to see Happy, as mean spirited and nasty as the blue cat could be at times he was still a friend, and she needed them, Gods she needed Natsus shoulder, needed to feel his warm arms around her, needed him to tell her it would be ok, she wasn't alone, like Gajeel had done for Levy.

But Natsu wasn't there, Natsu couldn't be found at all, nobody had seen him.

Giving other friends tearful hugs she had staggered back home to find a note...a note that had almost killed her...had shattered her heart and soul and left her shaking and sobbing until Loke and Virgo had come through their gates and tried to comfort her.

It had been only one week now since she had sacrificed Aquarius and she stood staring at the rubble that had been Fairy Tail...her family...her life...her everything and she had no idea what to do, could only sink to her knees and sob quietly.

Natsu had abandoned her, Erza, Gray, the people she'd thought of as family, who she had thought loved her back...had abandoned her. Left her behind without a backwards glance.

After she didn't know how long she realized people were looking at her, the townspeople were rebuilding, and she was...in the way causing a scene. So, she staggered to her feet and stood, trying to think of what she was going to do...where she was going to go.

Nothing was coming to her though, just...grief, hopelessness...terrible soul consuming misery. Aquarius would have popped out and slapped her...but she had sacrificed the mermaid for the friends and guild that had abandoned her.

"Cosplayer?" She whirled and immediately tipped over, falling painfully.

"Shit...Gods Cosplayer, I love you falling for me but don't be so dramatic about it you hurt yourself!" Bickslow said, scrambling to help her up.

"I...Bickslow? Y..you haven't left like everyone else?" She asked shakily, wobbling when she was upright again enough that Bickslow held on to her.

"No...Laxus, Freed and I all wanted to get shit set up so we could come back ya know? We got a realtor to look at renting out our homes to people who needed them, got the shit we weren't leaving behind shipped ahead and we're going to Bosco." He replied.

Lucy blinked at him. "Bosco?"

Bickslow grinned at her "Yeah Cosplayer, it's where I was born, my family is there, and my brother runs a big guild there, we need work, can't just hang around ya know? Works gonna be hard to come by if we don't get guilded and I just got my citizenship and shit restored a little while ago, so...you know...go where the opportunities are right? Have you figured out what you're doing yet?" He asked. Lucy shook her head and burst into tears again and the Seith bit his lip.

"Way to go, you made her cry again" Papa snapped.

"Always such a way with women." Popo added

"Our mage, such a way with words." Pipi said

"Fuck off you guys...hey..Cosplayer...look, um...I don't really need to ask anyone since it's my fucking family so...you want to come with us? I mean, Bosco is pretty awesome, we're staying at my Dads until we can get into the guild, which should happen pretty quick since my older brother is the guild master and all. He invited us...didn't put a limit on it either, said anyone from my guild was welcome so that means you too." He said brightly and Lucy lifted her eyes from staring despondently at her feet to meet hopeful worried crimson ones peeking out through the familiar visor.

She pressed her lips together, mind trying to process it.

"Come on Cosplayer, come with us, don't stay here all by yourself…" He prompted.

"I think you broke her Bixy...come on Blondie, how bout it? You know White Sea has some badass housing for their guild members and you haven't lived till you've relaxed in a Boscan bath house." A deeper voice added and she looked to see Laxus, still bandaged, still looking a little paler and not as imposing as his usual larger than life self standing a few feet away.

"Y..you want me to come?" She croaked out and got two warm smiles.

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't, in fact, I'm loving the idea more and more, you know the Academe Celestine is in Bosco?! It's like this awesome school dedicated just to celestial magic...all the big Astronomy stuff is there, all sorts of amazing shit you'd go all crazy for." Bickslow said brightly.

"Come with us Lucy...don't stay here." Laxus added more quietly, he could see her sadness, had damn near been brought to his knees when he'd heard her quiet sobs, it was why he'd redirected Bickslow to swing by the remains of the guild and ignored the mans protests about not wanting to get depressed.

"We'll help you get ready, we leave for Hargeon in the morning and Bixys Dad can get us another ticket for you for the airship we're catching in Hargeon to Bosco." He added and felt a little better seeing a faint glimmer of hope break through the black misery he'd seen in those doe eyes.

He felt, in that moment if they left her, the woman that had been called the Light of Fairy Tail...would go out, that was how bad she looked.


"Well alright then! Let me call my dad, he could charm the stink off a vulcan, he can get your landlady to let you out of your lease, there's tons of folks looking for housing right now so she'll be able to rent the place out quick." Bickslow grinned stepping away with his lacrima com.

Laxus stepped up to her, putting a hand under her chin and tipping her head back so she looked up at him. "You're not alone Lucy." He said quietly and then gasped when the blonde threw herself at him, arms around his waist and she was sobbing into his chest soaking his purple shirt.

Bickslow smirked at him "Now who broke her? Call Freed, we need to help her get her shit packed." Bickslow prompted then "what? Who? What the hell are you doing Bickslow? Did you accidentally dial me again while you're having sex with some woman?!" Came a smooth voice.

Bickslows eyes flew wide.

"No! Dad! Hey look I need help with one more thing…" he moved a little further away since Laxus was laughing at him and was trying to fish his com out of his jeans pocket but there was a little shower of gold beside them and he was looking wide eyed at her pink haired maid.

"I will happily handle all of the Princess' belongings Dragon Slayer, please just see to her." She said to him and Laxus smiled, hugging Lucy to him, rubbing a hand up and down her back as she cried and kissing the top of her head.

"I've got her Virgo, get her things, hold on to them...she's moving to Bosco with the Raijinshuu." He said firmly.

So that was how she ended up on board an airship the following day, listening to Bickslows excited chatter while sipping a smoothie Laxus had put in her hand with a stern look. He'd found out the reason she was so damn light headed was because she couldn't remember when she'd last eaten anything and had been watching her like a hawk ever since.

Freed had given her a book to read on Boscan culture, though she'd read some about it before it was still going to be an adjustment. At least she wasn't going there a virgin, she'd given that up to Gregory, the sexy Librarian from Crocus who she'd flirted with over the course of several jobs for more than a year before he'd finally asked her out and she'd happily accepted. They had club hopped and she had drank way to much and ended up on her hands and knees with a drunk man pounding into her virgin channel like it wasn't and while the alcohol eased the pain some, she still winced thinking about it.

Cana had assured her when she tried again it wouldn't hurt like the first time, but Lucy hadn't bothered to go back for more. Still so many people thought a lot about it and pleasure was huge in Bosco. Maybe she'd try it more...she'd wait and see. She knew her spirits were more than a little excited about going there. Loke was already begging for a trip to a bath house and Virgo had asked her to try and at least visit the Academe Celestine, which Lucy was currently reading about when she could between listening to Bickslow gushing about getting to a bath house himself and how Boscan spas rivaled the ones in Minstrel.

"They're decidedly better." Freed said firmly and Lucy arched a flawlessly sculpted brow at him.

"Oh? And why would you say that?" She demanded.

"Because he gets blowjobs from sexy Boscan attendants...he's not wrong, the Boscan attendants love their work and everything in Boscan spas and Bath Houses is centered around the relaxing pleasure of their guests." Laxus said from where he was stretched out on a lounge enjoying the sun.

"Well the Minstrellan spas are about the artistry." Lucy retorted, she wassuch a fan of Minstrel, had always wanted to visit the place.

"They both are, just Boscans are centered on the physical while the Minstrellans worry more about the aesthetics." Bickslow said, dropping down in the chair beside Lucy and lifting a drink to his smiling lips.

Lucy just smiled faintly, enjoying being in a group of friends, with something ahead of her, adventure, change, it hadn't been what she had wanted, Bosco had never been on her radar as a possibility, but then she hadn't expected her team to abandon her and Fairy Tail to disband either.

Still, she was sitting on a beautiful Boscan airship, flying into Bosco to start a new life and she DID have friends with her, maybe not the ones she would have expected, but who was she to complain?

Laxus watched Lucy carefully, his dragon was humming protectively over her and he wasn't sure he fully understood why, it was something he'd ask Cristoff when they got to Bosco. He knew about Kin, Cristoff had taught him when he'd lived in Bosco through his exile from Fairy Tail. Since he wasn't lusting after his fellow blonde, he was suspecting that was it...his dragon was claiming kin, wanting him to protect someone he valued, take her in as family because he felt her loneliness like it was a kick to his gut.

He was hoping like Bickslow that the big warm Pradesh family would work on Lucy like it had on Laxus back then. Arman was warm and wise and so welcoming and so were all of Bickslows siblings. He'd have to watch her around Vander...that little shit was a little too good at getting women in his bed and as fragile as blondie was right now the last thing she needed would be Vander playing with her.

He knew though Bickslow was with him on this stuff, and would be watching out for Lucy too, they all would be. Seeing Lucys light shine again was a goal they all shared.

The flight to Bosco was agreeing with her too, she loved the sun and breeze the containment field allowed to flow over the decks, the fields prevented the actual wind blowing over the ship as it flew from making everything just get blown right off the deck. But a gentle breeze was always blowing nicely, always kept warm too.

The flight to Pelerno was a couple of days long, much faster than the more than 2 weeks it would have taken by train and Lucy enjoyed the delicious food, company of the Raijinshuu, who, she was told calmly by Laxus, were now her team.

"You're Thunder Legion now Blondie, we found ya, we're keeping you." He'd told her and she had smiled fondly at the big man, she couldn't even imagine the dark evil thing he had been when she'd first met him anymore. He'd become a great man she was glad to count among her friends.

She leaned on the railing, watching their ship come into Pelerno and for the first time hope and excitement reached her heart. The city was beautiful, bigger than Crocus, with buildings that well earned the designation as Skyscrapers. Bickslow was beside her pointing things out to her, and he grinned when he pointed to a huge tall white building with four spires like a castle out of a fantasy story, the Flag of Bosco sailing above a pale blue one that bore a large circle, at the bottom was a churning white sea beneath a golden sun.

"That's the White Sea guild branch in Pelerno. We'll apply there in a couple of days, Kaleb wants to accept us personally and can't make it into town until Friday." Bickslow said with a proud smile.

"Master Kaleb…" Lucy said softly. Bickslow snorted "Yeah I won't be calling him that, but you feel free Cosplayer, he's my big brother and he may be the 5th wizard saint of Bosco but he's still the brother I used to wrestle and whose hair I glued to his pillow once…" Bickslow was grinning wickedly now and Lucy was laughing.

"You're not going to get us into trouble are you?" She asked eyeing the seith suspiciously and he put a hand over his heart batting his unfairly gorgeous eyelashes at her.

"I wouldn't dream of it Cosplayer!" He said, aghast and looking flawlessly insulted and innocent.

"Oh I somehow doubt your sincerity Mr. Pradesh." Lucy said primly.

Bickslow acted like he'd been stabbed "You wound me Cosplayer...I am wounded...I think I may need some sexual healing…" He wagged his brows at her and Lucy laughed shoving him away from her. "Go spit in your hand and find a private spot then." She laughed and kept swatting his hands away deftly. Until a snap of electricity made the Seith yelp and yank his reaching hand back to his chest while casting a resentful look at Laxus who had just walked up.

"Come on you two, the ships docking, and I can see your Dad's cars from the Consulate out there waiting for us. I want a swim in the Grass Sea and some of Mr. Elans lemon cookies." The lightning slayer said crossing his arms over his broad chest.

"Sheesh, fine, way to be a killjoy Boss, we were just playin around." Bickslow said in a semi whine before grinning and dodging another flash of electricity and cackling while he beat a hasty retreat to the stairwell.

Lucy fell in beside Laxus as he followed the Seith. "He was just playing around." She said. Laxus smiled.

"I know he was, I just like keeping a little static in his system, makes it easier to land hits on him when I really want to." He smirked. Lucy laughed, thanking every star in the sky that Bickslow and Laxus had come along when they had…

The thought sobered her some, but she held onto her smile as they disembarked and were greeted by a driver from the consulate. Lucy was still a little in awe. She'd learned the other night Bickslows father was the lead Ambassador of Bosco, Arman Pradesh himself, and that they were going to a family estate just outside the city along the coast of the Grass Sea. She'd not seen it yet in the dark but that was just hours away.

The Grass Sea was called the heart of Bosco, the inland sea was only a few dozen feet deep at its deepest but was fed by an underground river and was covered by a blanket of interlaced grasses and other plants with bioluminescent qualities that made them light up brighter than the night sky in beautiful colors. It was said to be one of the most breathtaking things in all of Earthland.

The waters had medicinal properties that were well proven and were well protected by Bosco as a country. All Boscans, be they land dwelling or sea dwelling clansmen, cherished the Grass Sea and as the rich invigorating scent of it washed over her, Lucy could understand why. The ship had dropped it's air seal fields and the rush of tropical air was wonderful.

She'd dressed as advised, was wearing red shorts and a white tank top along with some low heeled strappy sandals an almost see through gauzy red button down with the sleeves rolled up and tied off at the waist, her long blonde hair pulled up into a red banded high pony tail. As the breeze blew over her she knew it had been the right choice too. The air felt amazing here and the smell of the sea was like nothing she'd ever experienced before.

"Pretty amazing huh? I'll never forget the first time I took a deep breath of the air off the Grass Sea. It was like breathing in life. I love swimming in it, the bath houses here all use its waters too." Laxus was telling her as they sat back in the car with Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen getting into the back of the other black sedan before the cars pulled away and started carrying them from the skyport into the city.

Lucys mouth remained hanging open most of the drive, Pelerno was incredible, bustling and busy, ints buildings stretching up into the sky. The air off the Grass Sea blowing through its streets as SE cars and thousands of people moved around.

She had been half excited half sad about going with the Raijinshuu, but those worries, thoughts of her guild, of the people who she'd lost fell back as she looked in wonder out over the immensity of Boscos capital city.

It took them nearly an hour to get through the city and then the elegant cars took them out along the coastline and flew down the highway there for a few miles before pulling off and turning down a long drive through wooded rolling hills that finally emerged near the sea before a large white and brick home with a massive front porch.

The Pradesh home wasn't the konzern she'd grown up in, but smiling, Lucy thought it was one of the most beautiful homes she'd ever seen.

"Hard to believe Bickslow grew up here and the place is still standing." Freed commented with a faint smirk and Lucy smiled at him, she was learning the Rune mage, who she'd always thought was a stuffy prude, had quite a spicy tongue and sharp sense of humor. He just kept it quiet and usually to himself.

"It's gorgeous." Lucy breathed.

"Wait till you see the back yard." Laxus smiled and the door opened, a Tall man with tanned skin and a handsome face that held pale jade green eyes that were just breathtaking, If not for a touch of silver here and there in his jet black hair, she'd not have guessed this man was any older than any of them, was holding out his hand

"Well hello! You must be Lucy...I'm Arman, Bickslows father, welcome to Bosco!" He smiled holding out a hand to help her from the car which she happily took. She had always, all her life, admired this man, having no idea she was in a guild with his son. She was a little ashamed of that, she hadn't known Bickslows last name until a couple days ago. It was such a simple detail she'd never cared enough to find out.

Now, so many of the people she had thought loved her were gone, and it was Bickslow, Laxus, and Freed who had been there when she had needed someone the most, Bickslows family, who she'd never known a thing about, that had extended welcome to them all and given her a chance at a new future.

"It's so nice to meet you sir...I've always been an admirer of yours." She admitted and Arman grinned, taking her hand and tucking it into the crook of his arm.

"Well, I hope to live up to expectations then! Come on inside, Mr. Elan has made everyone's favorites, once he gets to know you Lucy you can expect to see your favorite dishes appear whenever you visit, which I HOPE will be more often now that the Raijinsuu will be joining White Sea?!" Arman cast an expectant look at Bickslow who rolled his eyes and came alongside them, leaning in to kiss his father cheek.

"You will Dad, geeze." He chuckled.

They were ushered into the large house and Lucy was assaulted by the delicious smells of fine cooking. "Chocolate cinnamon cookies!" Bickslow cried racing ahead through the house, vaulting over a couch. Arman smiled and led Lucy to the kitchen and dining room, beyond the somewhat good sized table in the dining area past the large kitchen island was a wall of glass that held sliding glass doors that were already open, allowing a warm breeze off the sea to float into the house. The view...there was a massive back deck of pale stained wood that had a huge almost swimming pool sized hot tub gracing the back end of it, a huge grill, and a dozen or so lounges chairs and a few tables.

Beyond it was a fine lawn that stretched out to a peach sanded beach and the Sea itself. It was breathtaking.

"Mr. Elan...you're a artist." Laxus declared, moaning around a bite of a lemon cookie as he sank into a barstool at the kitchen island. Mr. Elan was a stout man just a bit taller than Lucy herself, balding with the hair he did have trimmed short, he wore a chefs jacket with the sleeves rolled up and bermuda shorts and sandals, his grin lit his gray/blue eyes as he nodded toward Laxus acknowledging the compliment before turning back toward the stove where he was stirring a sauce that looked like it involved tomatoes. When Lucy was steered closer by Arman the chef turned to face her and she almost moaned as the aroma of that sauce floated over her.

"Lucy, this is our family chef, Mr. Elan. In my position I host a great number of parties, teas and social functions and I raised a rather large brood of children so I was lucky enough to find this fine man to keep everyone fed. Mrs' Elan is likely seeing to everyone's rooms, she's the housekeeper for the estate. You'll meet her soon. Mr. Elan, this is Lucy, the newest member of my sons team so we'll be seeing a great deal more of her." He cast a determined look at Bickslow who pretended not to see and stuffed another cookie in his mouth.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Lucy. Are you a fan of Minstrellan dishes?" He asked noting how she was leaning a bit toward the sauce pot, her eyes fluttering as she inhaled the smell.

"I love them.." She breathed. Mr. Elan grinned "Wonderful, I'm making Lasagna tonight for dinner. If you're a fan of chocolate I have the cinnamon chocolate cookies out, as well as some Ganache filled Pastries on the plate at the end of the island where Freed is, the Sea Puffs are Freeds favorite, have you a favorite dessert my dear?" He asked and Lucy grinned.

"Chocolate strawberry cheesecake." She admitted and Mr. Elan beamed

"Hmmm, with a nice ganache lining the crust, fresh sliced strawberries...I'll have one as a dessert for after dinner my dear...what a lovely addition to the meal!"

"Careful Lucy, the last time we stayed here Mr. Elan plied me with little cream puffs and eclairs and I gained 6 pounds during our stay!" Freed laughed.

"Not that anyone but you could tell." Came a smooth voice and Lucy turned to watch a tall elegant man with honey gold hair enter the room. He wore an immaculate dark blue suit with an equally dark blue shirt beneath that was tailored to fit a broad shouldered lithe body. He wasn't as deeply tanned as Arman or Bickslow but his skin still had a golden sun touched shade to it.

Startlingly pale blue eyes were on Freed who grinned meeting his smile. Bickslow leaped off his barstool and wrapped the man in a tight hug. "Farron! Good to see you big bro! I know you had to have left work to get out here so thanks for that!" He said warmly and Farron grinned at him.

"You kidding? Mr. Elans been baking since yesterday and has even successfully kept Vander from getting a cookie until your arrival, I had to get over here to make sure you didn't eat cinnamon cookies till you puked again." He chuckled and Bickslow snorted

"Dude, I was fucking 13 when I did that." He said waving his hand while pulling Farron to the counter loaded with plates of cookies. "I have far improved my capacity since then!" He cackled.

Arman cleared his throat, looking pointedly at Bickslow while standing beside Lucy and the Seith looked nonplussed for a moment then smiled.

"Farron, this is Lucy, newest member of the Raijinshuu, Lucy, this is my oldest brother Farron." He introduced.

Farron rolled his eyes and came around the counter, taking Lucys hand and bending a bit as he lifted it to press a kiss to the knuckles. Lucy bit at her lower lip.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lucy." Farron said, releasing her fingers and standing back up straight, peering past her and grinning at Mr. Elan "Is that your Lasagna sauce? Cristoff is going to hate missing dinner tonight. I saw you made Lilitri."He said and reclaimed Lucys hand, pulling her to the counter with all the plates of deserts and snatching a ball of chocolate and offering it to her.

"This is a Boscan dessert, Lilitri, a firm cake baked around a cream center, vanilla, cinnamon and honey are all in the somewhat firm center then the cake is soaked with a sweet spiced Boscan rum and then the whole thing is dipped in a hard ganache. It's Cristoffs favorite thing in the world, and I'll admit, high on my own list." Farron smiled and Lucy took the chocolate and bit into it, eyes fluttering closed as the rich flavors filled her mouth.

"You won't convert her Farron, Lucy here is a strawberry girl, loves the damn things, rarely saw her without a strawberry smoothie, milkshake or dipping the things in a romanov sauce Mira made." Laxus said, working on probably his 10th cookie.

"Romanov sauce? Oh I can do better than a simple romanov sauce for dipping berries in…" Mr. Elan said firmly and while stirring he flipped out his com lacrima and dialed without looking.

He launched into a conversation with someone in Boscan, and Lucy could speak some Boscan but she was rusty, she did catch though Mr. Elan was demanding the best Strawberries a grocer had and was threatening the man if he let a single bruised or under ripe one get into his order that he wanted.

"He'll make something amazing for you. By tomorrow there will be plates out with just you in mind." Farron told her and she blushed a little when the handsome man leaned close to tell her that. Were all of Bickslows brothers as good looking or better looking than Bickslow? If so...heavens help her.

Bickslows father led them all upstairs and showed them to their rooms, Lucy was in awe, hers' had a balcony overlooking the familys private beach and a bathroom she'd have killed for back home. The room was bigger than her whole apartment had been in Magnolia.

Virgo popped out just as she saw Laxus hop down from his balcony a little ways down from hers in nothing but swim trunks and race a cackling Bickslow across the sand before running into the water and diving into it.

"Will I be unpacking here Princess?" The maid asked and Lucy grinned "No, not here, we have to wait a couple days before the Guildmaster arrives here in Pelerno so this isn't a long stay, but lets get a few days of clothes out along with...all of my swimsuits…" She smiled slowly at that thought.

A short time later Lucy hurried down the stairs, pausing briefly when she found Farron again, arm stretched out hand on the table leaning over something his father who was seated was showing him. Long honey gold hair tumbled free of the tie that had held it before over a shoulder, he was in nothing but swim shorts, clearly on his way to join the others like she was. Arman looked up and smiled at her. Lucy was in a deep dark red one piece, well...one piece in that it was all one piece but the fabric was only concealing where it absolutely had to be, everywhere else it was sheer.

"Ah, you look lovely my dear, Farron, take Lucy outside to the beach and quit working, go on, get lost." His father shooed his eldest son away and Farron laughed, moving to the door and standing aside with a small flourish so Lucy would precede him outside.

The next two days were like being at a resort, except, at the resort, she was surrounded by friends that felt more like family by the minute. Arman was a dream, the man was friendly, affectionate and he handled his impressive sons with ease. Lucy got to meet Cristoff the day they were going to the guild to meet Kaleb and join White Sea.

Lucy was staring out over the beach at the sea from the deck, she'd gotten up early, lost in a mixture of sadness and excitement.

"You know, most people about to join White Sea are excited about it." A deep amused voice said softly and she jerked her head to the side, meeting the most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen in her life. Dark blue with silver flecks through them like stars, rimmed in thick black lashes set into a face so handsome she knew without a doubt he had to be one of Bickslows brothers.

"I am...I just...a lot has happened the last while…" She said. He tilted his head, the warmth of his smile, the open invitation in those dark blue eyes, he moved and sat next to her on the lounge.

"We have all morning, and, Mr. Elan sent this for you." He handed her a tall glass with a smoothie in it and set a plate piled with strawberries, some warm sticky buns and two cups of a dipping sauce for the berries on the table beside the lounge they were both sitting on now.

Lucy took the glass and drew some of the smoothie up into her mouth humming in amazement, eyes closed, the flavor was amazing, basically fresh blended strawberries in fresh juice with a little whipping cream and some other thing she couldn't identify but that she absolutely loved, as good or better than Miras and she sipped at it biting back tears.

The man beside her cupped her face, eyes filling with concern. "Please tell me...whatever you're holding in is just eating at you, you need to tell somebody...my sisters, they call me the family Teddy Bear you know that? I can't tell you how many times they cried all over me, I'm good at keeping things to myself...please?" He prompted gently.

Lucy had so much pent up in her she just...let it all out in a rush.

"I gave up a spirit, one that was my mothers, I grew up with her, she was the only friend I had for a long time, so so precious to me and I...I...broke her key to save my guildmates...they were like my family and the guild...it broke up and everyone...left me...they didn't care what I did...I didn't matter to them…" She said and the tears started coming.

The big man shifted, concern filling those gorgeous eyes as he quickly moved to pull her into thickly muscled arms, stroking her hair and speaking softly.

"Did they know? What you did?" He asked gently and she shook her head.

"I...I didn't even have time to tell anyone...they left so fast...my best friend, or...someone I thought was my best friend...left me with nothing but a note…" She whimpered.

"Oh…" He breathed sweet soft things in Boscan she knew were endearments, rubbing her back and pushing gentle fingers through her hair. Had she been anything but miserable maybe she'd have stopped there but, suddenly, for reasons unknown, pulling this cork and letting all the hurt and grief and loss come flooding out. She told him everything, about the battle, about all that had happened, and he listened, stroking her hair and holding her.

"I wouldn't count that a friend." He admitted "But you're here now shei, and White Sea has held strong for more than 400 years, the guild you're joining isn't going anywhere, and you...you are part of our family here, Boscans are very open with their love you know, we like big families and family is more than just blood to us." He said smiling at her.

"I...I just feel like it's my lot in life...like every time I get happy, start to feel like I'm going to be ok and that my future is bright...something terrible happens and I lose everyone I love…" She cried, burying her face in a soft dark blue button down shirt. Had she not been so miserable she would have appreciated where she was more, in the arms of a tall handsome man near her age, one who wasn't put off by a woman in tears like so many men were, if anything he got closer, and was doing all he could to make her feel better, he certainly knew how to soothe her, how to make her trembling slow, his sisters were right about him, he was so comforting, and he smelled good, like mint and dew on on a moonlit night.

"That's not always how it will be shei, you've just gotten all the bad out of the way so you can better enjoy your happiness, appreciate it more...lovely beautiful lady...don't cry, you've new friends to make, new adventures, and you have family now, my family, me...my brothers and sisters...I...am Cristoff, Lunar Dragon Slayer and dear Lucy...I take you as my kin...you know what that means to us Dragons?" He asked her with a smile and she couldn't help the shaky smile that tugged her own lips seeing bright white fangs in a friendly grin again. He wasn't Natsu, but...unlike Natsu, this man was already offering her a piece of himself and she knew it.

"That I become part of your family." She answered. Gajeel had explained it to her once, had hugged her and called her his kin after a particularly nasty battle in Edolas what seemed like forever ago.

"Family...my sister...you are not alone...and now as part of this family...you never will be again, you will always have somewhere to come home to, here...you understand?" He prompted and she gave him a warm watery smile, squeaking faintly when his full lips closed on hers. Boscans, she reminded herself firmly, kissed a lot, this wasn't romantic...but Gods it felt nice…

Why he'd felt so compelled, in such short order, to pull this woman into himself, claim her as kin, felt fiercely protective of her and wanted to go and hunt down those friends who had so coldly abandoned her was something Cristoff would likely never really know, and it was something he didn't care to wonder about, he felt a connection as the little blonde had poured her heart out all over him, soaked his shirt with her tears and so desperately accepted his comfort because she had needed it so badly.

He'd ask Bickslow for more information later, maybe smack his brother for not doing a better job with his own team mate too. He'd been anxious to get here, to go over Bickslow and his friends, the assault they had lived through, how sick they had been. Laxus was still bandaged and Cristoff would have been outside sooner, following the feeling of sadness he knew shouldn't have been there, but he'd been healing up the Lightning Slayer, purging the last of the sickness from him, Bickslow and Freed. Gods he wished he'd been there, but then, he'd been here in Bosco, fighting their own battles, the faces had not just appeared in Fiore, and the religious clans had over reacted to them and taken up arms and all hell had broken loose. The demons Fairy Tail had fought were not the only ones that had come out.

When Mard Geer had fallen, the king of the Underworld defeated by the Celestial Spirit King, they had been able to bring down the last of the demons and destroy the last of the faces, but getting the clans back to normal was still being worked at.

He'd been plenty busy as a healer and high ranked member of White Sea. Still he'd been glad to get his hands on his brother, to heal away the last remnants of the sickness, the immaculate light that laced through his healing because of his knighthood made it so his healing purged impurities and the illness brought by these demons had been full of that.

He saw what the little dragon slayer had done, the young one from Fairy Tail, and bemoaned evidence of a severe lack of education evident in her use of her magic. He'd mentioned it to Bickslow, that since Fairy Tail had disbanded he damn sure should have brought the young Dragon Slayer too, so he could work with her, but Bickslow had just shrugged.

"She went to Lamia Scale, has a buddy there, was gone before we even managed to gimp our sorry asses back to Magnolia man." He'd replied with a frown and Cristoff had dropped it, seeing the hurt in his brothers eyes that he realized was reflected in vastly greater amount in Lucys.

Mr. Elan had sent him out here, given him the smoothie and plate of food to take to Lucy, no doubt knowing she needed comfort, which was something Cristoff always was quick to give to someone hurting. It didn't hurt that the woman was beautiful, all curves and golden hair. She tasted of strawberries and stardust too, her lips supple and warm under his.

He'd happily relieve all her tensions, help her forget her own name for a while but she was Fioran, and Kin to him now, he'd need to watch out with Vander though, when his younger brother met this woman he'd be after her quickly, like most Boscans, Vander liked fair haired people because they were rare, and Boscans adored rare beauty.

A soft moan not far from them, that hadn't come from either of them made them both still and turn. Cristoff smirked, putting a finger over Lucys lips when she opened them about to speak, the spark of mischief in his eyes made her smile and she slid off the lounge with him, following the surprisingly light footed man from the deck and off to the side of the house where a thick cluster of trees and beautiful ferns was growing.

Lucys eyes flew wide, pressed against one of the trees was none other than prim and proper Freed Justine, and holding him against that tree, kissing him, hands buried in his emerald hair, was Farron.

The young Ambassador was already in one of his perfectly tailored suits, this one traditional Boscan she knew because she'd seen him in a similar one last night. The Boscan formal attire for men was a single sleeved mid thigh length jacket in a soft form fitting fabric usually well embellished with gold, silver and gems, elaborate front clasps that were usually mid to lower abdomen in placement, leaving much of the chest bare so that clan tattoos would show if the person were clanborn.

Farron was, so the black eagles, runes and symbols of his clans magic lines were seen. Skin tight breeches and knee high boots completed the formal attire, and Farron looked incredible in it, the rich deep almost black red of it made his sunkissed skin look amazing and his dark honey blonde hair look bright as it fell in cascades over one shoulder, his head tilted to the side to deepen his kiss.

Freeds hands were wrapped around the ambassador and he was eagerly kissing him back. Lucy had known for a long time Freed prefered men, his unrequited love of Laxus wasn't exactly a secret the noble man could hide well. Seeing him locked in a passionate embrace with the tall Ambassador though made even her insides heat up a little,

"Freed...please...promise me you'll think about it...last night...Gods...I want more…" Farron murmured against Freeds mouth and the rune mage made a soft sound before tipping his head away, Farron didn't relent though, leaning in to kiss the shorter mages neck.

"I must stay with the Raijinshuu Farron...I...oh Gods that feels so good…" He moaned as Farrons hands wandered down his sides.

"You don't have to...please Freed, you can still join White Sea, still take missions, I'll make sure your schedule allows it, I'll keep you part time at the consulate, just...I want more pleasures with you…I'll make sure you forget all the troubles you had in Fiore." Farron said and reclaimed Freeds mouth in another deep kiss.

"Once more...I need you...one more time before you go…" Farron nipped at Freeds lips then dove down and bit the mans neck making Freed whimper and press into him. They sank down into the foliage then and Cristoff snickered, turning and taking Lucys hand, leading the wide eyed blonde back toward the house signalling her to stay quiet.

"They almost hooked up when Freed visited last year with Bix but Farron got pulled away on a mission to Atla so it didn't happen. Glad to see they didn't waste time, Farron was cranky about missing that chance, thinks Freed has a seriously fine ass. He's got a thing for slender men.." The Lunar slayer chuckled

"I said go get her not take her on a walk or some shit, come on Cosplayer, you need to grab some food to eat in the car cuz we gotta get to the guild." Bickslow was out on the deck when they reached it.

"We got distracted, our oldest brother and your Green haired friend are busy so you have to wait anyway, and don't you DARE interrupt them, Farron would about kill you and if he didn't I probably would." Cristoff retorted.

Bickslow grinned, looking past them "Yeah? Where they at?" He asked with way too much interest.

"NO Bix, I'm not kidding, I'll put you to sleep for a fucking week, you didn't have to live with Farron after you guys left last time. He really wanted Freed,He's been all mopey about something lately, let them have a quicky, both of them will be so much easier to deal with." Cristoff said firmly, grabbing his brothers shoulders and turning the Sieth mage back toward the house.

"Vander wouldn't stop me...Vander would HELP me find them!" Bickslow whined.

Laxus looked up as they walked into the dining room electric blue eyes curious and questioning.

"Freed and Farron hooked up it seems and Cris won't let me bother them." Bickslow told the slayer. Laxus rolled his eyes frowning slightly.

"Freed knows we need to get to the guild…" He sighed.

"It's fine, I'm second in command of the guild in question, I could do your memberships and seals myself but Kaleb wants to do it. He's got a mess of new members to handle today anyway, believe me, for this? He would be happy to wait for us." Cristoff insisted, smiling. He was just delighted with the whole thing. If Farron was happy again he wouldn't be hassling Cristoff about finding his mate. Win win.

Lucy just took it all in, hovering near the big raven haired slayer, grateful beyond words she felt a connection with someone again, even if it was a magically created kinship, there was so much about Cristoff she felt comfortable with, safe with, like Laxus, he was a large powerfully built man, but, unlike the Lightning slayer, Cristoff had a deep genuine warmth to him, and an ease handling her fried emotional state that made her feel better, less shaky and lost.

So, she hovered near Cristoff while they waited for Freed and Farron, Mr. Elan pushing more food in front of them all and grinning when Lucy told him his smoothie was the best she'd ever tasted, Mira would have been offended, but it was just plain true.

"Let me see that.." Cristoff said suddenly and sntached her straw, taking a deep sip of her smoothie.

"Hey!" She smacked at him and he fended her off, rolling his eyes up "Gods...Ok, strawberry smoothies can be on my list now...damn…" Cristoff announced.

Lucy yanked the glass away and flicked the straw at the big slayer, dots of strawberry hitting his black hair and face and making him laugh.

"Mr. Elan...he messed up my smoothie…" She pouted and Mr. Elan, much less forgiving than Lucy, smacked Cristoff with his spatula, reaching out with his other hand to touch the pouting womans face.

"You know better Dragon Brat, If Nurem were here I'd have her roast your ass, No Lilitri for you!" He announced snatching a plate from the counter.

"No! Oh...Lucy I'm so sorry...Mr. Elan...please? I didn't even see you'd made it!" Cristoff whined and Mr. Elan stood ignoring him as he blended up some fresh smoothie for Lucy.

She kissed him on the cheek, moving past him a few minutes later while he was swatting Bickslows hands away from some dough that was rising. Without letting anyone see, she snatched a plastic bag from the drawer and filled it with the little chocolates, stowing the bag in her purse tempted to write "Cristoff bait" on it.

Smiling to herself she moved and kissed Mr. Elans cheek again as she left the kitchen area "You are the sweetest person." She told him and the man blushed, smiling at her and encouraging her to try some more of his romanov sauce with some more berries. Lucy beamed as she dipped a juicy berry into the sauce and took a bite, moaning as the flavors burst in her mouth and not unaware of the arched brows of the Lunar and Lightning slayers over the noise she made.

Maybe she'd be ok after all…..