Disclaimer: First Chapter
Story Start!
"So, Sasuke, how goes the search for..." Kakashi trailed off as they waited for Naruto to wake up from his deep sleep. Sasuke had recently learned that he could travel to other dimensions without using Naruto's chakra, though it took most of his own to do it, and he had been going to a different dimension for a few hours every few days to try and see if there was a way that they could restore their home world.
Kakashi didn't tell Naruto about it, Sasuke's plan, because he didn't want Naruto to get his hopes up.
Sasuke thought back at what he had been doing a few hours previously.
-Flashback - Alternate Universe-
"-you should have gone for the head."
An extremely large purple man stated as he had a weapon stuck in his chest, shoved there by a asgardian-dressed man wielding said weapon. The purple hand wore a golden gauntlet with six differently colored gems on it. He raised his fingers up, and got them into a snapping position.
The other man looked alarmed.
"Wha... what?" The purple man stated as his gauntlet vanished from his hand, as if by some unseen magic, so instead of snapping his gauntlet, he snapped his normal purple fingers instead. The alarmed man looked at his ungloved hand as well, before he saw his enemies eyes turn red as strange black dots appeared in them, and his expression dull over, as if put under hypnotism.
"He won't attack for now, he is under my Genjutsu." Sasuke walked in, holding the golden gauntlet in his hand as he glanced at the now once more alarmed man. The man pulled his weapon out of his enemy, and pointed it at Sasuke. "Tell me, creature, can this gauntlet restore a planet and bring back it's inhabitants."
"Who are you... friend or foe?" The man spoke.
"Yes, it can do all things in this universe?"
"Be at ease, I'm not your enemy. In this universe... will this gauntlet not work outside of this universe?" Sasuke asked the hypnotized purple man.
"It will not."
Sasuke glanced at the gauntlet he was holding, before he tossed it on the ground and glanced at it with his Sharingan eye. The gauntlet burst into black flames, burning it to nothing in mere moments. Sasuke glanced at mid-air, before a black portal opened up and he started to walk towards it.
The other man stood in his way.
Sasuke and the man switched placed as Sasuke used his technique that he used to steal the gauntlet, before he continued walking through the portal, closing it behind him.
If this universe's most powerful tool couldn't do what he wanted it to do, this universe was a waste of his time.
-Flashback End-
"Another failure, I found a gauntlet that could restore planets and people, but it would only work in it's home universe. It was a waste of time, though I feel I might have accidentally done something good." Sasuke mentioned as he looked at the two tied and gagged beings, who he was keeping under Genjutsu to prevent them from resisting. Without chakra, a person couldn't undo Genjutsu themselves without knowing the secrets of breaking it.
Gaea and Lilith.
"Yes, because it's a crime to help people Sasuke." Kakashi mentioned with a dry tone, Sakura walking into the room while yawning a little. She had taken a small nap after putting Sarada down for a nap, and now she was pretty rested. "How is Naruto's arm doing?" Kakashi asked Sakura, who glanced at him.
"Naruto and Hashirama both being Asura Chakra Reincarnations made their chakras and bodies mesh surprisingly well, the second I put the arm on him, it bonded to him and practically became a perfect match for his arm. His regeneration ability is going to get stronger, I doubt stabbing him through the chest would take anything more than a few seconds for him to heal from... in his normal mode." Sakura stated as he sat down, and poured herself a cup of coffee. Not that she believed anything from this universe could really force Naruto to use his full strength, but the fact his regeneration ability was now nearly as strong as Madara's had been would mean killing him was nearly impossible. "You still don't want one Sasuke?" Sakura asked with a look at him.
He just glanced at her, and she got his message.
Words weren't needed.
"Another failure... but a few dimensions ago, I found traces that Kaguya had a reason for building her army... I think I should investigate further."
Sakura looked saddened by the news, but she nodded her head.
"Anything to do with her is too dangerous to left unknown... when are you going to leave?" Sakura asked him, and he glanced at his woman, before he looked to Kakashi for an answer for a brief moment. Sakura was smart enough to realize that they had Naruto with them, and his chakra was too powerful.
Naruto's chakra was so powerful that Sasuke had been able to sense Naruto charging up his chakra from several dimensions away. Naruto was a beacon to people who wanted to travel dimensions because of it, whatever Universe Naruto was in, would experience massive growths in power, attracting any possible Otsutsuki gods that were out there. If Sasuke, a mortal, could sense Naruto's chakra from several dimensions away, then eventually, one of them would surely sense Naruto.
If they were related to Kaguya, it wouldn't be for a good reason either.
"I'm going to set up more seals and barriers around Kuoh, that will make it harder to sense Naruto than before." Kakashi mentioned to Sasuke as he got up, and started to leave the room. He had a lot of work he was going to have to do. If an Otsutsuki member came after them, they were going to have to fight to protect this world. Kaguya, who created and destroyed entire universes, was afraid of something enough to create an army to fight it.
Well, Naruto and Sasuke were going to have to fight, he and Sakura at this point were cannon fodder to any person on Kaguya's level. Sakura hitting Kaguya once by surprise didn't make her strong enough to really help in the fight, and he no longer had Obito's Sharingans anymore.
Kakashi was gone.
"Sasuke, when are you leaving?" Sakura asked Sasuke, who glanced away from her.
"I'm going to dedicate all my time to investigating this, and trying to find a way for us to get our home back... Naruto shouldn't have to suffer like he is anymore." Sasuke mentioned, and Sakura blinked in surprise.
Naruto seemed like his usual goofy-self to her.
"Naruto is... suffering?" Sakura asked in confusion.
"Naruto is love and hope personified, he would go to any lengths to save a friend, even dying... Naruto destroyed our home planet and killed everything on it. Naruto is enduring his own suffering, bottling it up, so that you and I don't worry about him... so that you can grieve for your family and friends." Sasuke mentioned with his hand tightening into a fist. He hated the fact that there was nothing any of them could do to ease Naruto's guilt or self-loathing, or even help him cope with it properly.
So, he was going to fix it for Naruto, the person who always took it onto his shoulders to bare the weight of the world.
"You know this because-"
"I'm his best friend, of course I know he is suffering. Don't you find it suspicious that Naruto wanted to build a shop, where he can do the same things he did as a Shinobi? That he is willing to allow me to kill people for money... like a shinobi does? Naruto, who doesn't like killing... being a Shinobi stuck in this world is killing him on the inside. The only way he can feel better is by enduring his suffering, and stay a Shinobi." Sasuke had never wanted to quit being a ninja more than now. The very thing that Naruto had strived to become, that he loved being more than anything else, was the biggest chain that was holding him down to their world.
That wasn't to say Naruto wasn't still capable of being happy, but the guilt was still there, the fact that he had done their world a mercy meant nothing to Naruto.
"I'll talk to him about it." Sakura got up to go and wake up Naruto.
Naruto walked through the door while yawning.
"Damn, getting to stretch my chakra a little helped me sleep like a baby... morning, who are these... who is the chocolate loli?" Naruto asked as he looked at the naked loli girl with skin a similar color to Killer Bee's skin. He recognized Lilith since she had invited him on a date, but he didn't recognize the second one.
"She's a reincarnation of Gaea, who shed her old body and reincarnated into a new one so that she could mate with you and bring about the end of all like that she believed to be against nature. She loves you, though I don't see how anyone could." Sasuke informed Naruto of the situation, that was the basis of what her plan was according to what he had managed to get from her head. Naruto glanced at Gaea with a raised eyebrow for a moment.
"Well... on the bright side, if she loves me, I bet I can change her." Naruto rubbed his chin in thought.
If she had a heart capable of love, then he would be able to change her for the better if he put some effort into her. She wasn't the first person he met that wanted to commit mass genocides that he had changed for the better. He wasn't a stranger to these types of people in general either.
"Actually, who is the naughty slut?" Sakura asked as she pointed to Lilith.
"What, I tried given a person a nickname like you always do!?" Sakura shouted as she pointed at Naruto, the last person who was allowed to give her a look like she was being crazy.
"Yeah, but I give people nicknames based on physical traits and personality traits... calling her a naughty slut is uncalled for. Chocolate Loli is one thing, since she has chocolate-like skin and she is super petite... nice hips though..." Naruto mentioned as he once-overed the girl, who had quite mature hips. Sakura huffed as her nickname was questioned by Naruto and Sasuke.
"Fine, what would you call her then?" Sakura huffed and spat.
"... Granny Milf, she's got that same aura as a really old person who looks young, and she's got the body of a milf. So Granny Milf." Naruto mentioned with a snap of his fingers. "If she is tied up, she's like Chocolate Loli then, right? Wanting to make with me and destroy everything she doesn't agree with?" Naruto asked as he gestured to Lilith.
Sasuke nodded his head.
"... Granny Milf is a good one." Sakura had to admit to agreeing with that name as a very good name for the woman. 'Also... I can tell what Sasuke means... Naruto is... not getting angry. Instead, he's already planning on making them better people... he's taking what he did so much harder than I thought.' Sakura felt extreme guilt for never noticing her friend's anguish over the course of their time in this world.
Naruto poked the two women on the head, and he ended the Genjutsu they were in.
They blinked, before looking at him and spitting the gags out of their mouths.
"Beloved Husband, your eyes are truly the color of my sky and oceans, and being in your waking presense, I can already feel myself getting pregnant."
"Fuck me Daddy, and I'll birth entire armies of children for you."
"Okay, this world is even more perverted than I thought it was. Is everything going to try and jump my bones because I'm strong?" Naruto asked Sakura and Sasuke, in disbelief after hearing both of those strange statements. "No, seriously, what is wrong with the women of this world?" Naruto asked a second time, just to make sure his point got across.
What the hell ever happened to being attracted to a person because you liked them for who they were?
"... while in another dimension, I found evidence that Kaguya was building an army to fight something... I'm going to go investigate it." Sasuke abruptly brought up to Naruto, and Naruto turned to look at him.
"Put your man-jelly inside me."
"You, be quiet." Naruto stated to Lilith as he shoved the gag back into her mouth, and he put Gaea's gag back into her mouth. "You... you've got a daughter with another child on the way, you better stay safe out there." Naruto extended his hand to Sasuke, who smiled and took Naruto's hand, bro fisting with Naruto with a simple nod of his head.
"Protect them for me." Sasuke stated to Naruto.
"Like I wasn't going to protect my brother's kids." Naruto told Sasuke with a cheeky grin, their bro fisting ending with that. Sasuke left by opening a portal and walking through it, leaving Naruto and Sakura alone together... though with a gagged Lilith and Gaea.
What was he going to do with these two perverted women?
Chapter End!
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