I do not own the GATE: Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri series, and all related media.
It had been over 30 years since Germany surrendered to the Allies and was thus divided between West and East. With tensions rising between NATO and the Warsaw Pact, especially after the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan and subsequent grain embargo and boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics by the United States and its allies in response to the Soviet's invasion, Europe was on edge fearing M.A.D taking hold.
Germany during this time was at a crossroads, with the Western and Eastern part of the nation divided between the Capitalist West and Communist East. The days of Adolf Hitler and the surrender to the Allies are still fresh within the minds of the German people with them hoping another tyrant never rises again under a united Germany.
In spite of Germany's troubled past and desire of the people to avoid it, it would come back to haunt them and leave a lasting mark on German history forever as the Rhine would once again experience invasion and be set aflame.
Not by a Warsaw Pact invasion force however but from somewhere else entirely…
Series One, Chapter One: The Seeds of War
"For the first time, because the people of the world want peace, and the leaders of the world are afraid of war, the times are on the side of peace." - Richard M. Nixon, 37th President of the United States
Sadera, Saderan Empire, Imperial Palace, Year 687 (Imperial Calendar)
The Empire stood the test of time in Falmart, becoming the most dominant and sole super power on the continent. The remaining Kingdoms and Duchies in Falmart had by this time pledged their allegiance to the Empire; either through force or the threat of their respective royal families being destroyed if Sadera invades.
Ruled by Emperor Molt Sol Augustus, one of the many Emperors that has ruled Sadera, and like those previous has still continued to hold on to power with some turbulent obstacles of course. After all the Empire was four years removed from conquering the Warrior Bunny tribes which Molt's son and heir crown prince Zorzal El Caesar lobbied for was to mostly increase the pool of slaves for the Empire ….sex slaves that is.
There was also the added benefit of valuable resources such as silver, bronze and high quality wood as well as the possibility that the returning army would have gained experience for future conflicts.
Now the history of the continent and the Empire was about to be changed. On the Holy Hill of Alnus, a dark black portal had formed to which has been known as a gate to another world based upon the information the Priests of Hardy. The exact reasons so far has been unknown but this left Molt with a dilemma. With the news of new lands beyond the gate, the question arose whether to organize a military expedition to the otherside. While there was a risk that the gate could dissipate and the Imperial Army be weakened with the loss of seasoned veterans and the bulk of the main army. However the benefits seemed to overwhelm the costs as the potential of discovering much needed natural resources. The Empire's iron and gold supplies were after all had begun showing signs of running dry.
Today would be the day to make the decision.
Sitting upon his throne Molt cast down a look to his minister Marcus.
"Your majesty have you made your decision?" Marcus asked
"I believe I have. It has come to my attention that despite the conquest of the bunny tribes, we are still in desperate need of resources. So my final decision is to organize an expedition through the gate. Will you notify the Senate for me Marcus? I would imagine that I would need to consult them first."
"Of course your majesty, who do you wish to appoint as commander of this expedition?"
"I believe Legate Falco is the man for the job. He has proven his abilities in commanding and fielding our army before." Molt paused before answering again. "I do not want the lives of our soldiers be in the hands of Zorzal." Marcus could only nod in agreement.
"Will our vassals take part your majesty?"
"Yes, I believe I need to reaffirm the Formal Clan's support for us, send a messenger to Italica to request for Colt Formal and his army's participation in the expedition."
"Excuse me for saying this your majesty but are you sure about this? If we march our troops on Alnus it could anger the ultra-religious factions and if our armies are destroyed the vassals may rebel."
"I am confident Marcus this will turn out well for us in the long run, maybe we vassalize one of the civilizations or nations beyond the gate. As for the religious factions, I will take care of them."
"Very well your majesty. Now if you will excuse me I will make sure these arrangements are made." Marcus then bowed and strode out of the throne room.
One Marcus left he was left alone in the throne room, having the guards lock him in to give him time to think and some security. Was this really the best choice of action? What if the expedition fails? He thought. What impact would this have on my legacy? Molt knew he wasn't getting any younger as he neared the age of seventy, and soon he would die and have one of his children to succeed him as Emperor. Zorzal was first in line but his ineffectiveness at handling the conquest of the Warrior Bunnies made Molt question whether he was fit to lead the Empire.
'Maybe I should consult Marcus about any potential changes in the line of succession.' He thought.
In spite of this he knew Zorzal would react distastefully if he was taken off as the heir to the throne as well as his supporters in the pro-war and segregationists factions due to his adamant support for not only absorbing the vassal states into the realm but also eliminating other species and groups in Falmart that are viewed as inferior to the Saderans.
While a coup was unlikely with the support of the top military leaders, and populace, Molt couldn't help but feel a bit shaken by the possibility of his own son betraying him.
Hopefully the conquest of these new lands can help him consolidate power with the Sadera political elite to secure the status of himself and his successor as the Sadera's head of state.
All that mattered now however was to make sure everything went according to plan.
Generalfeldmarschall Rommel Barracks, Augustdorf, August 2, 1980, 5:30 P.M
The sun was beginning to set in the West German countryside. With evening setting in, so did the soldiers of the 21st Armored Brigade, 7th Panzer Division as they had returned from military exercises with fellow U.S, British, and Dutch troops.
One of them was Gefreiter Wilhelm Brunke. A native of West Berlin, Wilhelm was of many males who had been conscripted into the Bundeswehr as apart of West German military policy of deterrence against a potential Warsaw Pact invasion.
He stood tall with his short cut brown hair and blue eyes.
Currently, Wilhelm was trudging towards his quarters with his duffel bag carrying all of his belongings slinged on his back.
He arrived at the building that housed his quarters, and some of his fellow company and squad members. He stepped inside and made his way towards his bunk. As he moved there he quickly noticed that there were already a few others inside already who were mostly settling in and unpacking their belongings.
As he got to his bunk he noticed a large duffel bag similar to his sitting on the top bunk. He already knew who it belonged to.
'Dominik must have beaten me here already.' Wilhelm thought.
Ever since being stationed in Augustdorf, Wilhelm had bunked with his squadmate; Dominik Streiter and had thus hit it off, becoming good friends. Domink also happened to be the squad's support gunner. A very fine one too at that.
Wilhelm placed his bag on the lower bunk, and sat down next to it, beginning to unpack his belongings, and placing them into the metal cabinet that was lined in front of the bunk bed. Soon a familiar face with a buzz cut strood up to him at his bunk.
"Hello, Dominik."
"Hey, Willy." Dominik paused "I'm gonna head to the dining hall, going to get dinner. You coming?" he asked.
"Let me rest up a bit before I join you and the rest of the guys, ok?"
Dominik only nodded and turned, making his way to the dining hall. Immediately after, Wilhelm placed down his bag under the bunk. He highly valued sleep especially since he was conscripted into the military. The constant exercising and training truly helped wear him out, and also cut down the amount of sleep time for next day.
After a few minutes he took off his boots, and laid down in his bed.
45 Minutes Later
The dining hall at the barracks not only served as where breakfast, lunch and dinner were served to the servicemen at the base but also as a recreational area. Now, with dinner being served and the hall being very busy with fellow servicemen getting their own dinner, it made Wilhelm think that Dominik was right to head there early.
He immediately stood in line, giving him time spot where Dominik had sit. He spotted him sitting with a few with his other squad mates near the entrance/exit of the building. After grabbing his dinner which was ground beef, mashed potatoes, some carrots and peas, and a cookie all placed neatly on a German Army dinner tray, he made his way towards Dominik while grabbing a cup of coffee along the way.
Dominik soon noticed he was headed this way and called to him.
"Over here, Willy!" He said, as he waved his arm.
Wilhelm set down his tray and coffee, and quickly sat down with Dominik and two other of his squadmates. They were Oberstabsgefreiter, Heinrich Bluhm, and Feldwebel, and squad leader Karl Rutter.
"Oh, nice of you to join use sleeping beauty!" greeted Heinrich.
"Likewise, Heidi." Wilhelm shot back as he settled in and began digging in.
"Anyways …..you happened to smuggle in a bottle of Bavarian lager, Dominik?" Heinrich asked.
"Don't make me have to court martial you Heinrich." Rutter butted in with a chuckle.
"Ha, you wish, I drank it all but I kept the bottle. You want it?"
"Screw you Domi, a man needs a drink now and then."
"Well it's your fault you lost to that American in that accuracy competition. Then I would've considered saving you a bottle. What was his name? Henry Freighter? or whatever…"
"I at least got us second place!" Heinrich protested.
"Yeah, against a drunken Irishman and a depressed Dutchman…. Or he looked depressed." Dominik said.
"Or he was just as tired as Wilhelm." chucked Heinrich.
"Eh enough ganging up on him, those exercises with the Brits, Americans, and Dutch did wear me out and you included. I saw you stumbling out of the bus Heidi."
There was an awkward silence to which Dominik answered first.
"You're a creep you know that?"
"What can I say? I am very attentive of my surroundings. That is why I am your squad leader, and as your squad leader I command both of you to shut up." said Karl in a tone mixed with coldness, and cheekiness he soon took another drag of his cigarette.
"Sheesh, no need to get your panties in a bunch, Karly."
Karl could only groan before getting up and leaving towards his quarters. Saying a quick "good day" as he left the dining hall while Wilhelm kept digging in to his food.
Alnus Hill, Saderan Empire, Three Weeks Later
The might of the Imperial Army stretched for as long as the eye could see. With the sun rising firmly in the air it would give the many flags of Sadera and the houses of nobility flapping in the wind a brighter hue. Just mere hours ago they had paraded through the streets of Sadera, greeted by cheers and prayers by the people on their safe and successful expedition to the new lands granted by Hardy.
A combined force of over 150,000 men, hybrids and other species and 500 wyverns would make up this expedition to the other side. Led by Legate Dinia Falco and his second in command, Legate Maxin Genesius, son of the House of Genine at the insistence of Prince Zorzal due to sharing common interests. They were accompanied by Colt Formal; head of the Formal Clan and controller of Italica with his army.
Falco having made a name for himself during the conquest of the Warrior Bunny tribes has been known for his tactical prowess, and thinking in battle to reduce casualties, and to achieve a swift victory for his army, in contrast to other leaders who preferred to use mass amounts of saderan and auxiliary units to overwhelm the enemy which is a doctrine Genesius has followed. Falco had also been known for his benevolence and respect towards his enemies especially the warrior bunnies.
Genesius unlike Falco held many views similar to Zorzal being that the Saderans are superior to other nationalities and especially non-human species and human hybrids such as the warrior bunnies, elves, beastmen, goblins and ogres. He even was a beneficiary of the new slaves obtained in the tribes' subjugation and enslavement and took part in the act of exterminating rebellious settlements. He has also been known to be very arrogant, and sometimes makes decisions upon impulse instead of logical or tactical reasons.
As they rode their horses and trotted up onto the hill they thought of the future for the nation they served. It was Falco who spoke first.
"This expedition will move Sadera and her Empire into a new age. A new age of prosperity and strength. We need ensure it happens Maxin for our Emperor depends on us."
"I assure you Dinia those savages will tremble before the might of the Empire and her army. We will sweep aside any opposition on the other side and show our superiority. Our victory is already guaranteed." Genesius responded.
"It will be foolish to underestimate our potential enemies. We did after all sustain heavy casualties at the beginning of the conquest of the Warrior Bunnies."
"Pah! Our potential enemies will be weak, surely there will be no army that can stop us. God will be on our side, and help us crush those savages and bring about civilization to these new lands!"
Falco could only sigh at the amount of ignorance his comrade was spouting, wishing that Zorzal hadn't pester him to the point that he was forced to put Genesius as his second in command instead of someone more capable.
As they crested the hill and came upon the entrance of the Gate, Falco ordered the army to halt. He turned around on his horse to look back upon the army before him. He scanned the many faces of his battle hardened soldiers. Their expressions were mixed with that of determination, and fear. Falco then turned around, signaling to one of his aides to blow the war horn to commence the march. After a long blow, the mighty Imperial Army marched into the Gate's eternal darkness, on their expedition to the new world…..
Welp here is my entry into the GATE community.
This idea of a Cold War GATE story featuring a rather IMO underused nation of has since February been floating in my head. It provides a certain complexity to it considering some of the equipment used in the late Cold War Era are usually allocated to reserves or decommissioned altogether and I have to find it. If there are vehicles or certain weaponry that I should be including just PM me or post it in a review.
So why West Germany and not any other Germany? Well the history of World War II and the Cold War simply interests me as I enjoy playing HOI 4 especially with the Kaiserreich mod. I honestly contemplated an Alt History Germany such as the aforementioned Kaiserreich but it would require to throw something out the window. And GATE fanfics featuring the Cold War are surprisingly underused considering the ideologies and geopolitics involved and the weapons used in the late 70s and early 80s with the G3, FAL still being staples in various militaries.
I will take some liberties in writing this story with the weaponry of the era and plot of GATE and use various story lines.
If you have any questions just PM me or post a review.
Edit: I have decided to rewrite this chapter and the second one to make it longer and to have better structure and quality with introducing Wilhelm, Heinrich, Dominik and Karl and giving them less generic names. Anyways, tell me what you think.