New Olympus

"Ichigo, unfortunately I won't be able to come with you until a later time." Aizen said.

Ichigo nodded. Emily patted him on the shoulder. "Ready to go?"

Emily pulled out a blue and white crystal, throwing it on the ground and stomping onto it. In a flash of light, a portal opened.

Stepping through, they entered a Greek architecture building that had many statues of the gods and murals in a Greek style, show scenes from Ancient Greece. Ichigo saw a couple of peacocks near a fountain at the end of the hallway where a statue of a man holding a thunderbolt stood.

"I remember this place..." Ichigo murmured, looking at the statue of Zeus if he recalled.

"Well yeah, you, me and Jack always did love exploring around the place when we were younger." Emily said, leading him down the halls to a pair of door made of what seems to be gold with a multiple head creature on the front-a Hydra. Opening the door, it show a beautiful room, stairs leading down to a lounging area were a silver haired teenage laid upside down, playing some sort of game. "Oi, Jack! Come meet our cus."


"Mate, never bizzey, ya' just play ya' games!" Her voice wet think with an Australian accent. Jack rolled his aqua eyes, pausing the game and sitting up. He look at Ichigo before nodding his head and going back to his game. Emily sighed, rolling her eyes. Turing, she walk over to another pair of doors. Opening them, it revealed a large library were a woman in armor stood with four wolves around her, looking over maps. The wolves look over to them, alerting the woman of their present. Turing, her eyes had recognition in them as she glace at Ichigo. 'Artemis' something whispered in his mind.

"What do you two want?" Artemis asked, crossing her and leaned against the table.

"Artemis, I didn't know you'd returned! How was the hunt?" Emily skip over, dragging Ichigo over by the elbow, to her and grinned. A black wolf walk over and nudged her leg. She smiled and reached down, scratching it behind the ears.

"It went well, as always." Artemis said. Emily look down at the map, reading over them.

"Watch ya planing?"

"My next hunt, your welcome to join if you want."

"As much fun as it would be, I think I'll pass. With Cronus as a threat and Ichigo." She jabbed a thumb at Ichigo "re-leaning his powers, I have my hands full right now."

"I can take care of myself..." Ichigo muttered.

Emily smiled. "I know you can but right now we, you, me and Jack, are in real danger right now with your little control over your powers."


Well you guys are lucky! I decided to do a double update so you all won't kill me. Honestly I am still having a bit of compy issue but I am trying to finish this one so I can start posting my other fic, "Hollowed" but as it stands I will finish this one first then I will start posting my other one. As I have stated before "Shadow's Embrace" is on the back burner due to my comp being stupid and forcing me to reformat so I lost my edited version. So the only thing I have of it is the original unedited version WHICH I will have to go through again to reedit it. Which I am not looking forward to doing. But enjoy this double update for "The Espada"!