Chapter 0


Chapter 0

The names Shirou, Shirou Emiya and my dream is to be the hero of justice.

No let me rephrase that, it was my dream when I was still alive. On the way to death, Ms. Human's will stopped me on the way and made me an offer.

That I would be a Counter guardian and save peoples lives even in my afterlife.

Without thought, I grabbed at the chance. The chance of saving more people, and the chance of being a hero of justice even in death.

Human's will AKA, Alaya, took me in and named me EMIYA, codename: SWORD and thus my life as Counter guardian EMIYA have begun. The Red Archer, Wrought iron hero, Faker... These were my nicknames as I tried to save humanity.

I didn't know then that it was the most foolish choice of my entire life. (Yup, Definitely the worst choice I made)

Many people called me a fool for making outrageous decisions in my life but I never regretted it. Even when I fought servants that were far stronger than any human, even when I jumped in a fight with a dead apostle in one on one, even when I choose to fight the 'all evil of the world'.

There was no word called 'regret' in my dictionary.

Until… now.

Counter guardians were to protect the world from villains, and most of the time, the villain needed to be killed.

It was not cared for if the villain was a man or woman. It was not cared for if the villain was a child. It was not cared for if it was a group of hundreds or thousands.

To kill the enemy that dangers humanity.

That was my job. And I simply loathed it.

To some, I might be the hero who saves them from the evil of the world… but to most, I was nothing but a mere executioner.

This was not what I dreamed to be.

This was not what I trained for.

And this certainly would not make Saber, my love, happy…

"Do you really hate it that much?"

On the graveyard of swords, my eyes landed to the being who talked to me. Alaya, the will of humans, transformed into light of ball, was hovering in front of me.

"Of course, my idea is to save not kill," I said grabbing one of the swords and started to practice with it. "Even if it is a borrowed one from my father, I will always hate killing."

"Normally saving IS your job." Alaya said "In the past billion of years you have saved people, in the past, present, future. Heck you even saved people from different worlds."

Swinging my sword I thought about what she said.

She was right, I saved people… who I don't know about. I saved the world, but the world never knew me. I won many battles... and yet... my hands never hold anything.

Just the swords that were stuck to the grounds were the only thing that made me recognize the things I did. And many of them were not the things that I was proud of.

I never had and has been the hero of justice.

The ball of light sighed as if it knew what I was thinking. I couldn't see Alayas face but could still feel the pity in her voice. "You are not the man I once knew," she said "Where is your determination, ideals! Where is your dream to save humanity and become the hero of this world!" Her voice grew louder as if she was angry.

"All dead, or betrayed."

I didn't care one bit. This was my final answer. My ideals, my love, my life was all lost in this grave of swords. There was no going back... there was no happy ending for me...

The ball of light bobbed up and down for a moment with saying a word. As if she knew I was a lost cause.

"So...are you just going to give up...?" She whispered out. It looked like she was asking if I was sure of my answer.

There is no other way... This is the only way...

"Yes..." I said turning my backs to her. It was like saying a death sentence.

"Then I don't need you anymore, Counter Guardian Emiya."






"You're 'FIRED'."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that."

What is this, a new Counter-Guridianish joke that Alaya made up? This was not like her, just to free one of your dogs. This was absurd!

"Well EX- Counter Guardian Emiya, good day." She said "You will be transferred to the way to death tomorrow."

"Wait!" I called out. This could not be the truth. I knew Alaya and she was sly as a Fox!

"What is it?" she asked with a carefree voice.

"What do you earn from just sending me without any cost," I growled out. "There must be some kind of a reason you're trying to set me free."

The annoying light of ball floated there for a few seconds before a more annoying giggle was heard from it.

"Tee-hee, was it that easy to find out?"

No, it was just really hard to miss.

"Hmm, Hmm, anyway... I decided to sell you to a magician of some sort." She said sounding really giddy about something. "He says he needs you for something."

This was sounding quite terrifying. From my few encounters with wizards, they were almost all people who just carved for knowledge.

"What kind of something?" I asked, keeping my voice calm.

"You need to save 'other' Artorias from different worlds."

Did she just say different worlds?

"You mean like my alternative selves?" I asked.

"Yup, and he says that this will take more than some years so you should prepare yourself."

Time was not a problem for me. The problem here was this wizard... he was just so hard to read! Why had he picked him out of every Counter Guardian there is? There were some people who were far faster, stronger and better than I was.

"So... the reason he picked me?"

I could almost hear the smile that was working up into Alayas face. "He knew that you had a very 'deep' connection with her so he accurately picked you."

As soon as I heard this my entire body was set in alarms. A man who I don't know of had found out his relationship with Artoria. This man defiantly was trouble. I opened my mouth, trying to reason with Alaya but before I could even say a word a man was teleported into my reality marble.

He wore a long coat and sandals. He was not that tall, looked like 177or so and his face was hidden by... is that illusion magic?!

"Oh? your early than I thought you would be." Alaya said, almost sounding 'too' gleeful. "Here this is your prize."

Oi, Oi Alaya isn't this a little bit mean? You're just going to sell your beloved dog to someone I don't even know?!

The man just stood there and waved his hand making a portal beside him. It looked like he was asking me to go in. The protal was pure black as it swirled, it was making me sick even looking at it.

I was never going in there.


"Well! Shirou it was a pleasure to work with you, may you find your peace!" The ball said trying to push me into the void.

"Wait, Alaya-"


Surprising the ball of light was stronger than I expected and I was shot forward.


And with that, I was shoved into the void of blackness.

I will try to update every week or so.

Each chapter will be 2000~3000 words, maybe when I get hang of writing I would try to write to 5000.

Lily - Alter - Lancer - Mordred - Grand order (planned chapters)