Chapter 18

Ryker just turned six months old and I've woken up sick the last couple of mornings. The guys leave for work and I look at Ryker and say "Looks like it's time to bite the bullet kid." and he looks at me and smiles. I step into the bathroom and pee on the stick before putting the cap on and heading to the living room where Ryker is in his swing and wait the three minutes. Looking at the test, I smile when I see it comes up positive. I put Ryker in his carrier and grab his diaper bag and my purse and head to the doctor.

"Good morning Willow. How have you been?" she asks. "Never better Doc. Took a home test and need you to confirm it for me." I tell her and she smiles, knowing we were trying to get pregnant again. She draws blood and tells me she will put a rush on it. Twenty minutes later, she walks back in smiling. "Looks like you're men have some potent stuff." she tells me and we both start laughing. "So, let's do an ultrasound and see how far along you are." she tells me and I nod. After doing the ultrasound, she hands me the pictures and says "You're measuring about six weeks." She lets me go and I leave with my prenatals and my next appointment set.

Getting home, the guys are home. Walking in, I take Ryker out of his carrier and Rane takes him from me. He kisses me softly and heads to the recliner with him and lays down with our son on his chest like he does every day. "Where'd you go?" Happy asks as he kisses me softly. "I had to see the doctor." I tell him and Rane sits back up and Happy looks at me anxious. I hand him and Rane the pictures and Happy picks me up and kisses me hard. "Fuck yeah." He says and Rane hugs us and kisses me and says "Congrats brother." and Happy pulls me closer and putting his forehead to mine he says "I fucking love you little girl." I kiss him again and say "I love you. Both of you." I tell them and I head to the kitchen but Happy grabs my hand and says "We'll order dinner. We need to go see your old man." I nod and we head out the door.

Pulling up to my dad's, we're all in Happy's truck. Walking in, Rane hands Ryker to my dad and he says "Not that I'm not glad to see you guys but why do you look like you gotta tell me something?" he asks. "We do." Happy says. My dad looks at me and I say "Happy knocked me up." He looks at me and laughs and says "That's great baby." as he hugs me, still holding Ryker. "You're getting your big family." he tells me and I can't help but smile.

After visiting with my dad, we hit the diner on the way home and I sit on one side with Happy and Rane is on the other side with Ryker in his carrier. "Oh, he's so cute." the waitress says, trying to get Rane's attention. "Looks like my wife." he says and looks at me and the waitress looks at me and asks "You're his wife?" I nod and she looks at Happy and he says "Mine too." before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and her eyes go wide. "Well, congrats guys. What can I get you?" she asks and we give her our order.

We're sitting there eating and she keeps watching us and I tell the guys "She keeps watching us." Happy says "She can look all she wants. You're the one we're here with." he tells me and kisses me softly. "Hell yeah I am." I say and they both start laughing. She comes to check on us and Rane asks for the bill. She brings it over and I look at it and see it has her phone number on it. "Really?" I ask. "What?" Rane asks and I show him the bill. He puts money down for the bill and asks "You got a pen?" I nod and get it out of my purse. He writes on the bill Never leave your number to married men. We have the only one we want. I read it and smile as he gets Ryker ready to head back to the truck. We get into the truck and sit a second. She walks over and looks at the bill and then looks up at us and nods. We pull out of the parking lot and head home to feed Ryker, bathe him and get him to bed before turning in to bed for both my men to claim me over and over again.