New Devil Sword for Devil-Vampire Boy
"Touta, are you okay?" Kuroumaru asked noticing Touta is staring at the strange sword.
"Yeah, I'm fine. It just that sword… it was calling out to me." Touta said.
"This sword was calling out to you?" Kuroumaru weirded out. He can tell there is some big demonic power coming from it.
"Hey, who are you two?" A man asked.
The boys turn to their left seeing a man leaning on a wall holding a big jar of saki and drinking some of it.
He appears to be a young man with spiky red hair, tied in a long ponytail, with an average muscular build. He wears a large cloak to cover his body, wearing a sedge hat, he also has stubble around his chin.
"Are you two the newbies Yukihime brought back with, then you stumble upon my secret base. Not bad, kiddos." The man commented before he hiccups showing his drunken face.
"So, you know Yukihime, does that mean you're a UQ Holder?" Touta asked.
"Looks like you got a little smartness in ya. Yep, I'm known as UQ Holder #2, Jinbei Shishido." Jinbei introduced himself.
"You're number 2!" Touta shocked.
"Does that mean you're the second strongest under Miss Yukihime?" Kuroumaru asked, shock by this too.
Before Jinbei could answer that question, the jar he was holding in his hand slips out of his fingers crashing onto the floor and spilling the saki.
"Oh no, what a complete waste! I can still save it right? Five second rule!" Jinbei hoped as he bends down to the floor trying to drink the remaining saki off the floor.
"Well, I can sense he is strong though he isn't making a good first impression." Touta said.
"Yeah, I think you might be right." Kuroumaru agreed.
"Damn it, no good." Jinbei gave up on the saki and look up at the boys.
"Hey, which one of you is Touta?" Jinbei asked.
"Me, why do you ask?" Touta asked why this man wants to know who he is.
"Because, go see if you can pick up that sword." Jinbei pointed at the demon sword. "It's yours if you can take it."
"What, really?" Touta surprised.
"Yeah, you see that demon sword once belonged to an awesome and powerful demon slayer I knew over 200 years ago. In fact, he was one of the few people who can take on Yukihime and defeated her too." Jinbei mentioned.
"Whoa, no way! Someone actually beat Yukihime in a fight!" Touta gasped as Kuroumaru is shock as well.
"You bet you ass he did, he even had more wins than her too. Anyway, before he passed away, he asked me to put two of his swords away for safekeeping, I put this one here and other one someplace else though I can't remember exactly where." Jinbei explained.
"The sword is a real pain in the ass to use if you don't have a strong will to use it, and you're Kuroumaru, you make swords appear at will, right? And you don't have a weapon." Jinbei pointed out.
"Well, I did practice a little with a wooden sword and that sword does look super cool. Better looking than Kuroumaru plain-looking swords." Touta bragged.
"Hey, don't make fun of my swords!" Kuroumaru offended of that.
"Okay, I'm going to take that sword!" Touta smirked as he walks up to the demon sword.
Touta grabs the handle and then suddenly he starts to feel something powerful coming from the sword itself, his body is shaking and strange imagines has started to appear in his mind seeing a man in a red coat wielding a metal sword slicing demons away and shooting them with two guns. The man's face is shown having white hair and blue eyes with a smirk.
"About time you came, Touta. Now come on, take this sword as your own become more awesome to protect everyone you love!" The red coat wearing man shouted.
Touta didn't know who that man is or why does he feels so familiar kinda like that other demon vision he had back in his home village, something inside was telling him to get stronger to take on any demons and other threats. He did know one thing is that he will get stronger for everyone closest to him and give any fucking bastards a beating and show the world how this Devil cares for the world.
With a mighty scream, Touta pulls the sword out of the little box it was pierced on and lifts it high above his head then his demonic aura spiked causing strong shockwaves bursting from his body.
"Amazing, it feels like his power has increased dramatically!" Kuroumaru surprised as he covers his face with his arms from the shockwave.
"Well, I'll be damn, looks like the kid definitely has what it takes to carry on your family's will, Dante." Jinbei smirked, whispering to himself.
"Wow, this sword feels amazing! I feel like I can take on an entire military army!" Touta proclaimed.
"You could, but you still some training in order to full master that sword because it has a few surprises that you won't believe what it can do." Jinbei mentioned.
"That's so cool! Hey, you mind if I train here for a while so I can beat Karin?" Touta asked.
"Sure, I was about to suggest you training here anyway, you too, Kuroumaru." Jinbei said.
"Yes, sir." Kuroumaru nodded.
And so, the boys have started their training together in the basement with Jinbei watching over them time preparing themselves for one week right at the end of the day of the test, Touta is doing great handling the Devil Sword wielding it like a master swordsman and even discovering some new attacks too. They are also helping with cleaning around the spa resort with dusting, cleaning the wooden paths, and taking out the trash to take a little break from training.
"I see, so Touta has taken up the Devil Sword Dante." Yukihime said sitting in her office with Jinbei looking up freshen up.
"Yeah, I got to tell ya, both are a pretty lively pair of kids and I kinda like them, but Touta seems to be the true showstopper with all the power in him. He's already getting use to the sword." Jinbei bragged.
"Touta has always been the special kind that surpasses my expectation, he even has the devil's charm to melt my heart." Yukihme admitted.
"Wow, I never would have expected the Ice Queen Vampire to fall in love with someone." Jinbei joked.
"Oh, that reminds me, I seem to have misplaced my precious saki. Have you seen it anywhere?" Yukihime asked.
"Beats me." Jinbei said looking away with the nervous look in his eyes.
"Really? Touta told about how he met you down in the basement drinking some saki before accidently spilling it." Yukihime mentioned causing the Number 2 Holder to flinch.
"Hey, I think I was supposes to help Gengorou with something. Later!" Jinbeo quickly exit the office not wanting to face her wrath.
Back to Touta and Kuroumaru, they are clashing their blades together training in fast and strong sword attacks as it looks like they are evenly match in skills and having the advantage with each other like Touta having more strength and Kuroumaru have more speed. When Touta swings his demonic sword it glows slightly red, Kuroumaru blocks the sword and changing the direction of its path though doing that unleash a slash attack flying at the rock wall making a large crack.
"Whoa, that was so cool!" Touta shouted in excitement.
"I think we should be a little more careful." Kuroumaru pointed out.
(Day 7, Final Day of Test)
In the afternoon, Touta and Kuroumaru exit the basement with determination in their eyes.
"We're definitely going to pass this test." Touta grinned.
"Yes, of course, we are!" Kuroumaru nodded.
(Kuroumaru vs Gengorou)
Kuroumaru and Gengorou are seen at the front port of the island where they first met and battle at the start of the test as well.
"I thought you have given up." Gengorou said.
"Not a chance, I'm going to get that strike before the sun sets." Kuroumaru declared as he summons a sword.
"I won't go easy on you." Gengorou smiled, readying himself.
"Neither will I." Kuroumaru replied.
Kuroumaru then blitz toward his opponent striking with a fast sword attack though Gengouru block that with ease using his own sword creating a small shockwave.
(Touta vs Karin)
Karin is seen out going on a little walking expecting to see Touta to fight her again for the test.
"Hey Karin, you free today?" Touta asked standing on one of the out roofs of the second floor.
"No surprise attack today, Touta?" Karin asked back.
"Nah, they don't seem to work on plus stealth isn't really my style." Touta shrugged.
"(Wait, that sword…)" Karin thought looked at the sword Touta is holding.
"Here I come!" Touta shouted as he jumps and slam his sword down against Karin's hammer as she blocks it with the pole part.
The impact cause cracks beneath Karin's feet and almost bend her knees from feeling his strength behind the attack.
"Damn, that thing is harder than I thought." Touta commented.
"The Devil Sword Dante, I didn't think you would actually pick it up and have the will to withstand it." Karin said.
"I guess that means I got stronger willpower than you, sweetheart." Touta flirted.
"Don't you dare flirt with me!" Karin angered pushing Touta away.
"Sheesh, I wonder how mad you would be if I said that Yukihime was my very first kiss?" Touta wondered.
He got his answer by seeing Karin death-glaring at him and emitting a hateful aura around her body before charging at him clashing her hammer against the flat part of the devil sword.
"(Guess that answered my question.)" Touta thought.
(Back to Kuroumaru vs Gengorou)
Despite all the effort and training he has been through with Touta during the few days of training, Kuroumaru is having trouble getting through Gengorou's defense playing.
"(I can't break through no matter how fast I'm going.)" Kuroumaru thought struggled.
"You've gotten better, your speed and accuracy have improved, but it seems you still need to cut lose a bit more." Gengorou pointed out while blocking each strike.
"Your swordplay is too honest, you're like an open book." Gengorou said.
Kuroumaru decided to try something else as he swing his sword for the face, Gengorou leans backward to dodge believing to be an opening for Kuroumaru to throw a punch, but Gengorou saw that coming and swipe his feet kicking the boy down.
"But if you are force to use underhanded tactics then you're wide open." Gengorou lectured as Kuroumaru gets up.
"That might make you a nice person, but not a great swordsman." Gengorou added and blitz to Kuroumaru's left side.
Before the young swordsman could react Gengorou start slashing away hurting the boy as he struggles to withstand the attacks.
"(I'll lose at this rate even though I promise Touta.)" Kuroumaru thought worried then he starts to remember something during training.
"What? You can still move you body without your head being attach to it?" Kuroumaru asked shock.
"Yeah, at least that's what Yukihime told me that there are some immortals who can do that, maybe you can too." Touta figured.
"Hmm, I never thought of it that way." Kuroumaru said.
"I'm sure you can do it, you're an awesome dude." Touta believed.
Kuroumaru then charges at Gengorou for one last plan of attack.
"You're wide open!" Gengorou sliced Kuroumaru's left arm off.
Gengorou was about to land another fatal blow, but what he didn't notice is that Kuroumaru's cut off left arm summoned a sword and impale his opponent right through the stomach before Gengorou's sword could touch his body. Kuroumaru pulls a thin string that is attach to the served arm and Gengorou fell as his body feels motionless.
"Here's my one strike. You like it?" Kuroumaru asked.
"I see, once you spilt an opponent's body in two you can't help but focus on the head. You got me good in the end." Gengorou said before falling death and his body becomes transparent with a screen display like in a video game if the player wants to continue playing.
The yes part blink and in an instant, Gengorou is alive back and got up on his feet.
"It's been a while since I lost a life. Congratulations, Kuroumaru, you pass the test." Gengorou declared.
Kuroumaru smiles feeling relief that he was able to pass and has officially become a full-time member of the UQ Holder, now his mind is wondering how Touta is doing as sunset is closing in.
(Touta vs Karin)
Touta and Karin are still fighting clashing their weapons and moving around a little, though from the look of things that Karin is on the defense more than offense as Touta's attacks are putting some pressure on her.
"(His attacks are getting closer through each strike; he might actually land a hit on me.)" Karin thought surprise as she narrowly dodges a thrust attack that was an inch close to her neck.
"Yukihime told me your immortally is the highest level when any other immortals, mean no cuts and other injuries will show even when you're cut in half. That's pretty awesome!" Touta complimented.
"Enough with your senseless words and fight!" Karin demanded.
Karin swings her hammer faster to knock away the attacks and strike at Touta as he react fast enough to block them as well, then Touta let one hand go from the hilt to throw a fast punch as Karin was a little surprise as she leans down backward like limbo, but that what Touta was hoping for as he swipe kick her leg knocking her off balance.
"(I… I can't dodge this!)" Karin thought shocked.
Touta raise the Devil Sword Dante and swings it down to give Karin the one strike to pass this test.
"AAAAAAAHHHHH?!" A girl screamed forcing Touta to stop his attack.
"Uh, was that Shinobu?" Touta worried and hurry over to where the screaming came from, leaving a shock Karin before she regains her thoughts.
Touta runs on some rooftops to see Shinobu is surrounded by big demon lizards with their acid drools dripping as they stare at the little girl hungry.
"Oh no, you don't you fucking lizard rejects." Touta angered as his demon sword glows red.
"Hang on, Shinobu!" Touta jumped from the rooftop landing right in front of Shinobu.
"Touta!" Shinobu shocked and relief to see him.
"Crescent Moon" Touta slashed at all the demon lizards slicing them in two with a wide flying red slash attack.
"Wow, that was amazing!" Shinobu amazed.
"It was no big deal." Touta chuckled.
"Well, I see you did a job well done." Yukihime smiled walking up to him.
"Hey Yukihime, I take it those were the demons under the place." Touta guessed.
"Yes, they must've escaped by accident." Yukihime said, confusing Touta a little.
"By the way, how did your test go." Yukihime asked.
"Oh right, the test! I got to get back to Karin!" Touta panicked.
"There's no need, you pass." Karin said walking up to them with a middle slash cut on her shirt revealing her belly and some cleavage.
"Whoa, Karin, what happened to your shirt?" Touta asked.
"You did." Karin answered, confusing Touta.
"It would seem you continued your attack without realizing it landing one strike on me before you ran off to save Shinobu." Karin explained.
"Then that means I pass!" Touta cheered.
Touta and Kuroumaru are proud to have pass their test, though their celebration was short lived when Yukihime reveal the more demon lizards are out because of their training and were sent down there to deal with them. Jinbei joins them as well when Yukihime reveals she figured out it was him who stole her saki.
KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!
Touta gained a new demon sword and was able to pass his test along with Kuroumaru as they are now UQ Holders, they're adventures with fellow immortals has begun and where Touta's Devilish Legend will start.
KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!