AN: I'm sorry... I just haven't had the energy to post... I've got a few chapters written, and I don't see an end in sight at the moment, but I am kind of trying to wrap the story up... sorry for the wait, I hope you're still enjoying the fic!
~Seven Months Pregnant~
Today was the day.
I sighed, pulling a sweater on over my head. One of Jade's. It still faintly smelled like her.
It reminded me that I needed to swap it for another one, soon.
My stomach was more visible now, I looked closer to five months than the seven I actually was. Neither my parents, Trina, or my friends knew yet. But, today, I was telling my family.
The doorbell chimed through the house and I gave myself another glance in the mirror, adjusting my boobs within my bra before making my way downstairs with my stomach in knots. Or just the baby moving. I wasn't sure, but something felt weird.
"Good morning, Jade," I heard my father say as I rounded the last step.
"Morning," Jade said, holding out a cup towards him. "Two pumps caramel, right?"
My dad grinned, accepting the iced coffee as he gestured her into the house further.
"Hey, babe," Jade said once she noticed me, making her way towards me. She pressed a kiss to my cheek and handed me a decaf coffee.
"Thanks," I said softly, smiling despite the nerves taking over my body.
"When do you get your dog back from training?" Dad asked Jade, the three of us moving to sit on the couch.
"I got her back an hour ago, she's tied outside in the shade."
"Oh, no. Bring her in, it's way too hot," my dad said and Jade gave me a look.
I just shrugged and nodded, letting her know to just do it.
Jade stood, setting the tray with two other coffees down on the small table at our feet before making her way outside to get her dog.
"What's her name again?" My dad asked.
"Aoife," I said. "She chose an Irish name cause it's an Irish Wolfhound."
Dad nodded, smiling brightly as Jade guided the dog inside and shut the door. She unclipped the leash from Aoife's collar and the dog ran straight to me, excitedly wagging her tail and licking my hands.
"Hi, cutie," I cooed, scratching behind her ears as Jade sat beside me.
"Where's Holly and Trina?" Jade asked, looking towards my dad. Mostly cause I was too captivated by how big Aoife had gotten in the last two months since Jade got her.
"On their way back from the store, I thought that a barbecue would be a good lunch. Sound good?"
Jade and I nodded.
"Maybe I should tell him before they get here," I whispered to Jade.
Jade looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were gonna do it after lunch?"
I shrugged and sighed, looking towards my father who'd turned his attention to Aoife as she moved to get pets from him.
"Dad," I said, swallowing nervously. "I need to talk to you about something."
"What's up, kiddo? You need money?"
I shook my head.
"Is it drugs?"
Again, I shook my head. He didn't need that news right now.
"Well, what?" He asked, frowning a little.
"We're home," my mum said, carrying in bags, making Jade jump up quickly to assist.
"Tori?" My dad asked.
I shook my head again. "After lunch," I said, mostly to myself, but he nodded.
"Aoife, drop," Jade said as the dog ran over to investigate. I watched as the dog quickly dropped to lay down, watching her owner expectantly.
"That's how you pronounce it?" My mum asked. "When Tori text me her name, I had no idea. Ay-Oi-fe is what I thought."
I snorted a laugh. "EE-fa," I said, correcting her, causing the dog to look up at me with a happily thumping tail.
"Well, I'm glad I found that out before I tried calling her," my mum said, crouching down to pet the dog.
"Tori, open the back door so she can go in and out as she pleases."
I nodded, standing and half waddled towards the back door. My back really was starting to hurt due to the pregnancy, and my breasts. They'd grown two sizes in the last month. Jade decided a shopping spree was needed and I came home with so many maternity bras, pants, shirts. And a few sweaters to keep myself covered.
But, with approximately two or less months to go, I needed to tell my family. I couldn't exactly just come home with a random baby.
"So, what's the hot goss?" Trina asked as she sat on the edge of the bench.
"I'll tell you all after lunch," I said, and Trina groaned.
"You're not leaving Jade for a boy, are you?" My mum asked.
"Oh please, like I didn't know." She smiled.
"No, I'm not leaving Jade for a boy."
"Is Beck really available?" Trina asked.
"No, he's dating Alyssa Vaughn," Jade said, scrunching her face in disgust.
"Say, why didn't you bring Riley? I miss that little guy," my dad said.
"He's with his dad, probably getting the poop scared out of him at the haunted house."
"He's going to that? That's so not appropriate," I squawked.
"Weren't you just saying last night we should take him for his birthday?" Jade challenged, smirking as she folded her arms across her chest, her pierced brow raising.
I swallowed. I hate when she does that while wearing a tank top. It's like her tits are gonna burst out of it.
I mean, I don't HATE it, but… y'know? Those are for my eyes only.
"Shuddup," I murmured, moving to my small set of cupboards in the far side of the kitchen to grab a large bowl out, filling it with water at the sink before taking it over to the door, setting it just outside in case of spills.
Aoife seemed pleased at the gesture and licked my cheek before I could stand straight again, then she started lapping up the water greedily.
Sitting around the outdoor table, I passed the salad bowl to Jade, moving it out of my way so I could set my plate aside and have everyone else stack their plates on top of mine before I reached for my drink.
"So, we've mostly all eaten," my mother pointed out as she finished her meal.
I glanced around and saw waiting looks staring back at me, and with an encouraging small smile from Jade as she rested a hand on mine after she'd put the salad bowl at the other end of the table out of everyone's way.
"So, as you all know, a few months to be exact…"
"Spit it out, Tori. I've got places to be," Trina said.
I sighed and chewed the inside of my lip.
"She's only telling you this because she literally has to," Jade said. "You can leave, Trina. This is more of something she technically only needs to tell your parents."
"Kay, bye!" Trina said, quickly standing and leaving.
I looked at Jade, eyes wide.
"You're not dropping out, are you?" My mother asked, and I shook my head.
"No, mum… I think… I don't know. This could possibly be worse news?"
I looked to my father, who seemed to be thinking about something before his eyes widened. "Seven months?" He asked.
I nodded, tears welling in my eyes.
"I'm … I'm pregnant."
My mother's glass slipped from her hand and landed on her plate with a loud clatter, but thankfully it didn't break.
"Excuse me?" She asked.
"I'm .."
"No, how?"
"When I was kidnapped."
"You were raped?"
I nodded.
Mum turned to dad, fury on her face. "Did you know? Did you know she was raped and decided to keep this from me?"
"No, I'm just as shocked as you, Holly," he said, hands up in surrender, mostly to hopefully stop her lashing out at him.
She looked back at me, cheeks red with anger.
Oh god. This is it. She's gonna kick me out, isn't she?
Jade gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
"I'm going to kill whoever did this, they're going to pay. Knocking up my baby girl. What sick animal could do this?"
"Animals," I whispered.
"There was more than one," I said, louder.
My mother stood, fury all over her face.
"David, take me to see them. I'm going to personally rip every one of their di-"
My dad and I exclaimed at the same time.
"I'll sort it out," my dad said. "I'll make sure they never taste freedom."
I looked at Jade, who was just grinning, probably at how dark my mum started to be knowing her.
"Do… um… I have scans?"
"You do?" My mother asked, almost instantly calming down, sitting back down slowly.
I nodded, reaching into the pocket of the hoodie I was wearing and pulled an envelope out, handing it over to my mum.
"You don't need to wear baggy clothing at home now," Jade pointed out.
I let out a relieved sigh, pulling the hoodie off over my head and dropped it onto Trina's vacated chair, leaning against Jade's side.
My father noticed the move and looked at us, then at my stomach, that was the size of an early four month bump instead of the seven I was.
"So, you're keeping it?"
"I have no idea, but I couldn't murder it."
He nodded, seemingly accepting my answer.
"Boy? Girl?" My mum asked.
I shrugged. "I don't want to know."
Jade and I laid on my bed, Aoife at our feet as we watched reruns Family Guy and I played with her hair as she rested her head on my shoulder.
"I love you, Jade."
"I love you too, you okay?"
"I guess… I'm just relieved that they know now. I don't know about telling everyone else though."
"You don't really have to, Tor. I mean, sure, they're gonna find out eventually. But also, who cares? I'll be here by your side through everything."
I smiled and tilted her chin up slightly, pressing a kiss to her lips.
A knock on my open door had us pulling apart and Aoife letting out a very low bark before getting up and making her way over to my mother who had interrupted us.
My mum crouched down and gave Aoife a kiss on the forehead as she scratched her ears before she stood and made her way over to my side of the bed, sitting on the edge of it to face me and Jade.
"Jade, can I talk to Tori for a moment?"
Jade looked at me, I nodded, letting her know it was okay before she nodded and stood, sliding off the bed.
"I'll take Aoife out for a bathroom break," Jade said and clicked her tongue a few times to get the dogs attention before making her way out of my room.
"So?" I asked, pushing myself to sit up, leaning back against the headboard as I adjusted a pillow behind my back to get comfortable.
"Your father and I've been talking," my mum said, making me raise an eyebrow.
"Am I getting kicked out?"
"What? No, Tori, never. This isn't something you could control. This isn't your fault. We were just talking about the baby. If you didn't want to keep it, we'd take it. We'd raise it."
Chewing the inside of my lip, I nodded, wondering why they'd take it.
"We've wanted another child for years, Tori. I know you'll be off to college soon, and Trina too. We've talked long and hard about this, and we've tried many times, but we just couldn't get pregnant."
My mother nodded, looking at my stomach and hesitantly reached out. "May I?"
I nodded, lifting my shirt up and tucked it under my breasts, letting her rest a hand on my stomach.
"I was small too, for you and Trina. I think I kept it from my own parents until I went to the hospital to have your sister."
Smiling softly, I felt the baby kick up against her hand and watched with amazement as she moved her hand, the foot protruding out above my belly button.
I looked up and smiled as I saw Jade in my doorway, Aoife at her feet waiting to enter.
I patted the bed and both moved forward, Aoife stepping up to lay beside me making Jade stare at her dog with a raised brow.
"Jerk," Jade murmured and sat on the other side of the dog, her hand on mine as I reached out to rest my hand on Aoife's back, lightly stroking my fingers through her fur.
"She's not a jerk, you're just slow," I said, smirking as Jade playfully glared at me.
"Tori, just think about what I said, okay?"
I nodded at my mother, smiling softly at her. "Sure. I'll think it over."
My mother nodded and kissed my forehead before petting Aoife and leaving, pulling the door half shut behind her.
It wasn't shut before she entered, but I guess that was her way of accepting Jade and I.
Jade shifted a little and climbed over Aoife, straddling my lap.
I looked up at her as she adjusted my shirt, pulling it back over my stomach before looking me in the eyes, her fingers daring light patterns across my forearms.
"What'd your mum want?"
"The kid."
"She wants to know if I'll give the baby to her and dad if I don't want it."
I nodded, playing with her hands.
"What do you think about that?" she asked.
"I'm not sure. I have a little time to think about it though. I mean, I think I'm too young to have a child and raise it alone, but-"
"You're not alone, Tori."
"Oh, honey.. I know.. I didn't mean alone alone. I just meant… I don't know what I meant, but I didn't mean that."
"It's okay, Vega. I just wanted you to know… You're never alone, not with me here. I'll always be by your side."
I smiled and leaned forward, kissing her gently. "I love you."
Reviews keep me interested in updating and writing, so please, comment? Let me know how you're enjoying this fic? I've gone over this chapter a few times, but I'm sure there's stuff I've missed. No body is perfect, sorry.